Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD, is an author and psychologist who has been a psychotherapist for more than thirty years, working in both public and private practice.
In this episode M.O.N.K. breaks down the main concepts of her book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.
Topics Covered:
Emotional immaturity Effects of emotional immaturity in parenting and leadership Stress innoculation Defense mechanisms Survival mode Fear of connection Fragility Characteristics of emotional immaturity Characteristics of emotional maturity Emotional mirroring***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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The trappings of modern culture can have us very confused. We can have all of our ducks in a row--good job, nice house, kids, family, etc...yet...many are dying internally. Evidenced by increased rates of anxiety, depression and suicide, might society have thrown the baby out with bath water? In this episode M.O.N.K. details the difference between taking responsibility and being responsible and gives practical steps to getting back on the boat, even if you've seemed to have missed it.
Topics Covered:
Response-ability The mask of "being responsible" Those who say "Lord, Lord..." Criticisms of Modern Christianity The true self CULT(ure) M.O.N.K.'s journey of healing his emotions Practical/actionable daily stepsPick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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This episode takes a deep dive into Jay Bilas' book, Toughness. Part meditation on basketball, part philosophy of life, Bilas' book takes a hard look at the nuances of what comprises truly "tough" people. Ultimately, he believes toughness is a skill anyone can learn to practice. Listen further to find out how.
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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The idea of The Warrior-Poet is as old a humanity. In this episode, M.O.N.K. digs into the origins of this concepts, what it means in today's context, and provides some examples from his own life on how he's learned to navigate the ebbs and flows of becoming both a Warrior and a Poet.
Topics Covered:
Archetypes King, Magician, Warrior, Lover The Warrior archetype What being a warrior looks like What The Poet looks like Toxic masculinity When to fight, when to walk away Examples from M.O.N.K.'s life How to become a warrior poet.*******
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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M.O.N.K. tackles listener-generated questions regarding fitness training plans, nutrition, and the roots of addictions.
Topics Covered:
Fitness metrics Establishing fitness goals How fitness goals establish different frameworks for training Protein consumption Effects of diet, versus effects of training Output versus aesthetic M.O.N.K.'s training plan and how he cycles different protocols throughout a year. Addiction as pain management. When to seek professional help. Dr. Gabor Mate***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Instant gratification is the name of the game in today's Push-Button Culture. We can get groceries without stepping out of our cars, we can communicate and form "relationships" with others across the globe from the comfort of our couches. As a result, we have lost the mystery of process, adventure, and the benefits of "fighting" for something we want or desire.
Topics Covered:
Delaying gratification The power of now, the power of process Self-control as a fruit of the Spirit Delayed gratification and its effects on porn addiction Addiction as pain managment Biological effects instant access to everythingPick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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M.O.N.K delves into the finding the sweet spot between accountability and relationship. How do we as humans in our communities and other spaces hold each other accountable with grace and understanding while addressing the messy problems and struggles we all have?
Topics Covered:
Lack of accountability on the big stages. Desire for access but not responsibility. Accountability and the relationship with responsibility. Matthew 18:15 Deuteronomy 19:15 Looking for repetition in Biblical passages. How grudges and unforgiveness affect our perception of God and each other.****
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
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Mind, Body, Spirit. Emotions. Feelings. As more and more research and practical experience is demonstrating the mind/body connections and how emotions effect every aspect of our personal health and well-being, the ancients, for thousands of years, have written about the how intimately woven together the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life are. M.O.N.K. explores these connections in this episode and arrives at one jaw-dropping conclusion: You are much bigger than you body!
Topics Covered:
The West and the disconnection from the body. The irony of Western materialism. Accumulation as status symbols. The body as a vehicle. Getting into the body as a means of mentally checking in. How thoughts are cues to deeper emotions. How emotions can lead you into your spirit. Spirit as the driver of all things.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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It is often taught that "The Curse of Adam" cursed humanity. In this episode M.O.N.K. takes a look at Genesis 3, and offers a different perspective. Was humanity cursed? Or did something else happen entirely, that could change our outlook and experience of the world?
Topics Covered:
Genesis 3 God curses the ground and the serpent. Alternate/original meanings of "Increasing pain in childbirth" Genesis 4 The importance of patterns and repetition in ancient literature Ancient cosmology and understanding of serpent imagery Patterns and connections between Adam and Eve's exile and Cain's exile. Leviticus 10 Why it's no good to drink on the job. Gen 2:15--command given to Adam and connection as to why the ground is cursed in Genesis 3. Hebrew words: 'adad and shamar--and connections to worship. John 3:16 and and Old Testament, Torah, Nevi'im, and Kethuvi'm connections.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Bible Study teaching from II Thes. 1:11-12 as the source text. See notes below and link to google doc. Google doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a1R8sn7bpSuyh9pfHMPvolLJUMxt1kCKsmP7_fqo6iw/edit?usp=sharing
Notes: June 11, 2023 by: Matt Monk-”The World is Redeemed, Don’t We Experience It?”
Source Text: II Thes. 1:11-12 (from the English Standard Version).
11 To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ
Two Big Ideas:
We live in a redeemed world, but people (us) fail to see/believe it is so.
Christ is in us, giving us the power and authority to take care of #1.
Questions for Application to Consider and to Pray About:
How can I?
-Walk in a manner worthy of my calling and Christ’s calling?
-Better see Christ in me and me in Him?
** “It’s not about what you can do for God, but what God has done for you.”
Big Idea #1: We live in a redeemed world, but people (us) fail to see or believe it is so.
-Genesis 3: What/Who does God curse after the fall?
-II Thes. 1:10:
when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed (ESV)
-According to v. 10, where is Christ and what is His plan to redeem the world?
-Romans 5:12, 18-19:
12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—18 Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. 19 For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous.
-If Christ dealt with sin once and for all on the cross…why do we still struggle?
**II Thes. 1:11: What gives us the power for good works and faith? What happens if we attempt to redeem things but do it from the wrong source?
Rom. 1:20-21-20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Big Idea #2: Christ is in us, giving us the power and authority to take care of #1.
**II Thes. 1:12, Where/How is Christ glorified?...
John 17:4-5, 21-23:
4 I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed. 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
John 14:20: 20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.
In this episode, M.O.N.K. addresses listener and reader questions regarding professional coach and teaching, and other types of public service work.
Topics Covered:
How to grow in your craft as a coach. Balancing family life and coaching. Coaching as a hobby v. coaching as a profession. The 5,832 things that happen behind the scenes in sport. Best practices for 1st year teachers. To teach or not to teach? The myth of the 3 month vacation for teachers. The myth of the 8 hour workday for teachers.****
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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M.O.N.K. is joined by former Tavern Geek Podcast Host, Micah Bowers. Micah is also the biggest Phoenix Suns fan in history. They discuss the recent NBA playoffs and their all-time best players at every position in basketball.
Topics Covered:
Hot takes on the Heat vs. Nuggets Finals Series. All time top 5 PGs All time top 5 SGs All time top 5 SFs How good Tracy McGrady really was All time top 5 PFs All time top 5 Cs***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Twitter: @_glawry_
Question: M.O.N.K., what is the #1 my athlete can do to develop as a basketball player.
Answer: Play pickup basketball.
But, as many who occupy the basketball space have noted, pickup basketball is dying. M.O.N.K. uses this favorite youthful pastime, and angle from his day-job as a high school basketball coach, as a symptom to a much bigger problem--the death of unstructured free play among the youth. This conversation spans many topics, and your host also details his own struggles in learning how to operate from a place of wholeness.
Topics Covered:
-Why pickup basketball is king.
-Growing up in the 90s.
-Parenting after 9/11.
-The Coddling of the American Mind
-The need for a spiritual element, knowing your divine origin.
-Rehashing conversations with Bill Vanderbush: link to podcast here.
-Creating a Sabbath, making space for unstructured time as an adult.
-M.O.N.K.'s mental health struggles.
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Twitter: @_glawry_
The fitness industry is booming, especially among online influencers. If you're new to the fitness game, or just trying to live a healthier lifestyle, a short look online leaves many confused, mad, or unmotivated. In this episode M.O.N.K. answers some common fitness questions he has received over the past few months, and gives some advice to get you started down the path.
Topics Covered:
Best equipment if you're ballin' on a budget. The benefits of jumping rope. Cross ropes, The Jump ropes M.O.N.K. uses here and here. Bands and band training. Gymnastic rings...and training with gymnastic rings. Sprinting=the ultimate exercise. Strength training for metabolism. Correcting imbalances. Training one side of the body at a time.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
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Twitter: @_glawry_
A partial Q and A episode. M.O.N.K. reflects upon aspects of his life per listener request--the wins, the losses and what he has learned in the midst.
Topics Covered:
Perceived opportunities vs. Real Opportunities More bang for your buck...Emotional Safety and Connection or Financial Security? Childhood wounds and overcoming them. Turning losses into wins--how God can use a failure for a victory. The dangers of not setting boundaries. The dangers of setting too many boundaries. Knowing one's darkness inspires humility.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
Things don't always go the way we plan. The hard emotions come up. And it is natural for us to want to push back and operate out of offense. In this episode, M.O.N.K. gets vulnerable about navigating a situation that did not work out for him, and gives us steps to help go through this process in a health way.
Topics Covered:
Jocko Willink's "Good" Mentality How to not act out of offense. Acting out of confidence Knowing your identity and where your identity comes from Finding your next mission Being open God's protection can look strange Spiritual blindness and spiritual sight.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
Masculinity is bestowed. And contrary to popular belief, a boy cannot learn how to be a man from a woman. This episode is Part II, of a deep dive into John Eldredge's Wild at Heart.
Topics Covered:
How women can emasculate men, and why men are threatened in the presence of a real woman. Father wounds. Emotional incest. How to heal father wounds. The essential question a boy must have answered. Why men need challenge. Danger and wildness as part of the essential spark of romance. The myth of the "lone wolf".***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
An excerpt from a live teaching M.O.N.K. gave at another venue. The teaching focuses on certain biblical meta-themes, archetypes, and how recognizing these patterns can empower you and those around you.
Topics Covered:
Water and it's representations in The Bible Water and it's representations in Ancient Cosmology Creative substance The art of speaking to create Ancient thought on the power of the word The difference between streams and seas God as the master of chaos***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
Do you have what it takes? Am I good enough? These are the two essential questions a man (or anyone, for that matter), ask deep within their heart of hearts. In this episode, M.O.N.K. takes a deep dive into John Eldredge's wildly successful book: Wild at Heart.
Topics Covered:
Why/How men have been feminized from an early age. Men desire danger and to be dangerous. The dichotomy of aggression and tenderness. Why women lose interest and trust in men. Why little boys play with toy guns. What does it take? A man offers his strength to others.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
In the world of public school teaching, more and more high quality veterans are leaving the game for other opportunities. In the same vein, many corporate leaders are dropping their leadership positions for simpler roles. At the end of the day, teaching and leadership have many common denominators. In this episode, M.O.N.K. explores the ins and outs of leadership and teaching, how to increase effectiveness and create sustainability in these roles.
Topics Covered:
The importance of meeting people where they are at. Realizing that coworkers/students/clients have lives outside of the the classroom and job. Knowing the subject or task may not be as important to your audience as it is to you. Understanding the legal requirements and norms of the job, organizations and other authorities. Building relationships with students/coworkers/your audience.***
Pick up the Book: Reclaiming the Man.
You can connect with everything going on in the Glawry Universe by clicking here!
Instagram: @_glawry_ or @xxmonkxx
Twitter: @_glawry_
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