Here are the shownotes for episode #96 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
Ballmer says 500 MILLION 'users' to 'have' Windows 8 in 2013
Microsoft Office for iOS and Android Arriving in November?
BSA claims half of PC users are pirates
Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom Refuses to Give Up Passwords
File-Sharing Prospers Despite Tougher Laws
New York Legislation Would Ban Anonymous Online Speech
Sprint raises data pricing for mobile hotspot tethering
Comcast ditches 250GB data cap, tests tiered pricing
Amazon Partners With Paramount, Brings Hundreds More Movies To Prime Instant Video Service
Diablo 3 Is the Fastest-Selling PC Game in History
Facebook Tests New Timeline Design
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #95 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
Girls are not into the Pirate Bay or Bittorrent
New PS3 Terms of Service ban class action suits
Lawyer wants to wipe out anonymous speech online if it is critical of someone
Netflix's DVD spin-off plan further infuriates customers
Apple stock up 7.2% since Steve Jobs resigned
Study: Students with iPads score 25% higher on retention tests
31% of U.S. Adults prefer to be reached by text message
Science, engineering PhDs to drop by a third
Scientists to create inorganic life
Microsoft shows off Windows 8
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
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Here are the shownotes for episode #94 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Larry Page to replace Eric Schmidt as Google CEO
* Study confirms imminent death of the paper phone book
* Facebook and Twitter 'make us less human and isolate us from the rest of the world'
* Survey: Only 25% want to share tv habits with friends
* Japanese court rules placeshifting tv overseas is infringing
* Yahoo IPv6 upgrade could shut out 1 million users
* RIAA threatening ICANN about .music, claiming it will be used to infringe
* Upload 18 songs in Russia, face 6 years in prison
* Recording a police officer could get you 15 years in jail
* Apple switches to tamper resistant screws
* iPad 87.4% of tablets last summer, Kindle 41.5% of e-readers
* Apple App Store hits 10 billion downloads
* Nintendo 3DS to hit the US on March 27th for $250
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #93 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
Study: As more people talk while driving, accidents are dropping
16% of AT&T customers ready to jump ship to Verizon after Verizon iPhone announcement
Steve Jobs takes leave of absence for medical reasons, stock suffers
Gamers raid medical servers to host Call of Duty
IBM's Watson ready to take on humans in Jeopardy!
Study: 9% of gamer kids are addicted
New privacy concerns for Facebook users over addresses and phone numbers
Dating site creates profiles from public records
Sony closing CD plant due to digital music
Study: Windows 98 web traffic still nearly double Windows Phone 7 web traffic
Stats for the internet in 2010
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #92 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Borders struggles to pay its bills, will it be the first casualty of the e-book wars?
* Study: 40% of iPad owners have a Kindle too
* Apps don't generate profit for developers
* Windows Phone 7 bug uses 3G data unnecessarily
* 7 Trillion SMS messages to be sent in 2011
* 20% of users are now on Windows 7
* 65% of internet users have paid for online content
* Should colleges ban classroom laptop use?
* China kills 60,000 porn sites, arrests 5000 people
* RIP Kodachrome film
* Court refutes claim that photos on Twitter are free for the taking
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #91 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Anonymous aims cyberattacks at PayPal for cutting off Wikileaks
* Fed up with ICANN, Pirate Bay co-founder floats P2P DNS system
* Congress passes CALM Act, loud commercials to die
* Netflix willing to pay $100,000 per episode for new TV episodes
* DOJ ramping up crackdown on copyright infringing sites
* MPAA to target college students and rogue universities
* Students warned told to stay away from Wikileaks cable leaks
* Study: Video games are good for you, especially at work
* Bill calls for wifi base stations in all federal buildings
* Feds warrantless tracking American's real time credit card activity
* Global pool of IP addresses set to run dry within weeks
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #90 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* EU Parliament rubber stamps ACTA approval
* Who needs COICA when Homeland Security can seize any domain names it wants?
* The Pirate Bay appeal verdict: Guilty again
* Dutch Court: Copyright owners are better off when people download from unauthorized sources
* RIAA at odds with PCMag.com for encouraging people to steal music
* Analyst cuts PC sales forcasts, blaming iPad
* Analyst: Mac growth outpaces industry 3:1
* Xbox 360 may get cable-like online subscription service
* Facebook code renews skype video chat integration rumors
* Deep packet inspection set to return
* Next generation 9-1-1 service will allow text messaging and video streaming
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #89 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Verizon bringing 150/35 mbps speeds to Fios customers
* Wfi making trees sick
* Netflix introduces stream only plan while hiking DVD rates
* UK court says making available online only happens where the server lives
* Put up or shut up time for US Copyright Group
* P2P lawyers face discipline for demanding cash from innocent victims
* Apple confirms the Beatles are now on iTunes
* Carriers object to Apple's plans for a built-in iPhone SIM card
* US may disable all car phones says Transportation Secretary
* Study: Americans and the Japanese watch the most TV
* Debt collectors using Facebook to embarrass people who owe
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #87 for the Global Geek News Podcast.
#IAmSpartacus: Thousands tweet in support of airport joker
TSA full body scanners: protecting passengers or padding pockets?
Tumblr and 4Chan knock each other out
FBI apparently investigating Anonymous' 'Operation Payback' denial of service attacks
New speed cameras spot multiple offenses at once and send the ticket off immediately
UK high court announces judicial review of the Digital Economy Act
Facebook announces Facebook Mesaging
Facebook increases face-to-face socializing
Is Facebook worth $41 billion?
Streaming surpasses DVDs on Netflix
Major retailers threaten to blow off Steam supported games
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #87 for the Global Geek News Podcast.
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Google sponsors free in-flight wifi for the holidays
Lawsuit: Apple turned the iPhone 3Gs into bricks to help sell the iPhone 4
Windows Phone 7 goes on sale in the US
Microsoft: We expect to sell 5 million Kinect accessories this year
Trend Micro cries "antitrust" over Microsoft Security Essentials
EU proposes right to be forgotten online
Student gets 30 months in prison for political DDoS attacks
News Corp. may shut Myspace if things don't turn around soon
Facebook is having a strange effect on relationships
4% of Americans use Location Services
James Cameron: Glasses-less 3DTV is 8-10 years from taking off
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Sorry for this show being released a couple weeks later than it should have been. Better late than never! Enjoy!
Here are the shownotes for episode #85 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* IPv4 space shrinks to 5%, final addresses to be issued in early 2011
* Microsoft expands anti-crackdown licenses to 12 countries
* Facebook apps leaking user info to third parties
* Government relies on Facebook "narcissism" to spot fake marriages and fraud
* New study: The average teen sends 3,339 texts per month
* One fifth of U.S. adults have engaged in video chats
* Patent troll suing sites for rollover web images
* E-book sales up 193% so far this year
* Home wifi networks 'could be hacked in 5 seconds'
* Insanity defense for hacking e-mail doesn't work
* Windows to Linux defections to outpace Unix shifts in 2011
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #86 for the Global Geek News Podcast.
* 1 in 7 people no longer wear a watch
* Sprint plans to phase out iDEN
* Android is now the top mobile OS, Apple is far behind
* Microsoft posts record earnings but still losing billions on the web
* Nintendo posts first six month loss in seven years
* Supreme Court set to rule on banning violent video games
* Law Profs: Senate will need to ratify the ACTA treaty
* Court slams music pirate with HUGE fine... of $41
* Bittorrent still dominates global internet traffic
* Judge realizes: On the internet, nobody can tell you are a kid
* Amazon customer purchases protected by the Constitution
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #84 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* US intelligence agencies angry at France over 3 strikes law, worried it will drive encryption usage
* French ISP 'Free' refusing to send out Hadopi notices to internet users
* ACTA anti-piracy treaty not as horrible as feared
* Senator Wyden asks Congressional Research Service to determine if ACTA impacts US law
* Warner Bros. claiming that annoying customers with 28-day rental delay is working
* Google patent proposes $2 fee to skip commercials
* Internet traffic up 62% in 2010
* Microsoft accused of Angry Birds mixup on Windows Phone 7
* How many Windows Phone 7 apps will there be at launch?
* Profs bring free "Super Wi-fi" to working class Houston
* Of 1.2 Billion Twitter posts, 71% are ignored
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #83 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Plane finder phone app called an 'aid to terrorism' even though its using public data
* NPD: 13% of iPads are cannibalizing PC sales
* Adidas dumped $10 million iAds campaign because Steve Jobs is a "control freak"
* Cover Flow may cost Apple $208.5 million in damages
* Microsoft insists on patent payments for all Android phones
* Microsoft kills its blogging platform, moves users to Wordpress
* Super-loud TV commercials are one step closer to extinction
* California outlaws maliciously impersonating somebody online
* Texting while driving bans don't work, may actually hurt, study finds
* FBI wants backdoors to all encrypted data transmissions
* EA chickens out, pulls Taliban from Medal of Honor multiplayer
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #82 for the Global Geek News Podcast:Stories: * Studios prepping $30 movie rental service? * Blockbuster finally files for bankruptcy * EU ends investigation into Apple after iOS policy changes * US busts Google, Apple, Intel over secret employee poaching pact * Men sentenced to prison for Comcast hijack * Pirate Bay appeal finally drops anchor in court * Supreme Court apparently interested in "innocent infringer" RIAA case * In France, Hadopi reporting begins with only 10,000 IP addresses per day * Canadian recording industry demands 45% of revenue; then blames "pirates" for no streaming music services * US lawmakers want to quash pirate websites * Austrian collection societies want a "you must be a criminal" tax on hard drivesCheck out the new Global Geek News Online Store!Like Global Geek News on Facebook and follow it on Twitter!Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #81 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Study: In-game ads may actually work
* 72% of adults support gaming laws? Well, kinda...
* Appeals court guts landmark computer privacy ruling
* School agrees to pay student $33,000 after teacher dug through her phone to find private nude photos
* Cuil fails to be acquired
* Google Apps adopts 2-factor authentication
* Swedish Pirate Party fails to enter parliament
* Barnes & Nobel projects $1B in digital revenue, 25% market share by 2013
* US school replaces textbooks with Kindles, students go crazy
* Intel wants to charge $50 to unlock stuff your CPU can already do
* First generation Windows Phone 7s won't be on Verizon or Sprint
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #80 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Apple is losing 20% of US iPhone 4 sales to Antennagate
* Apple looks to officially close Antennagate on September 30th
* Google Instant will save 350 million hours of user time per year
* Google: mobile queries up 4x in the past year
* Study: Users less interested in 3D TVs after trying them
* GoDaddy up for sale, expected to fetch over $1 Billion
* Court: First sale doctrine doesn't apply to licensed software
* P2P investigations now illegal in Switzerland
* Australian court says headlines aren't copyrightable
* EU Parliament passes anti-ACTA declaration
* "Here you have" e-mail virus spreading fast and wreaking havoc
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Host: Jeremy Bray
Here are the shownotes for episode #79 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Pirate Bay receives a notice to keep a torrent
* Blockbuster ready to die, plans bankruptcy for mid-September
* Google in talks with major studios to rent movies on YouTube
* Bing now powers Yahoo! search
* Xbox Live price increase coming November 1st
* Sony bans PS3 mod chip users from PSN
* AMD kills ATI brand
* Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license
* Court: 4th amendment rights not violated if the police install a GPS device on your vehicle if it isn't in your garage
* FTC upset over fake iPhone app reviews
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
Here are the shownotes for episode #78 for the Global Geek News Podcast:
* Geek Squad sends cease & desist to God Squad
* Hulu considering an IPO
* George Lucas announces Star Wars on Blu-ray in 2011
* Justin Bieber tweets enemies phone number to 4.5 million people.
* Facebook launches live streaming channel
* Drunk driver mugshots featured on Facebook
* Study has 34% of iPhone users ready to jump to Verizon
* Researchers claim hackers could figure out your smartphone password with screen smudges
* Developer creates online Windows Phone 7 app generator
* 1 in 5 Americans still don't use the internet
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Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner
On this special, I interview former 1 vs 100 Live (Xbox Live) host, Chris Cashman. We talk about everything from the demise of 1 vs 100 Live to the future of media consumption.
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