
  • 1 Peter 2:24 (KJV)

    Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

    In the world, you are taught that sickness, pestilence and disease are nothing out of the ordinary in the average human experience. Whereas these circumstances should be abnormalities in your walk with Christ! The Bible teaches us that the moment you accepted Jesus Christ into your life, you simultaneously rejected the ordinary! The Bible says that all things that pertain to life and godliness have been given to YOU! Therefore, sickness and disease have no place in your life as a child of God!

    All throughout the Old Testament, we see people’s barrenness being eradicated, people being raised from the dead, and many more miraculous healings. In the New Testament, the same Spirit who orchestrated those miracles is operating in you! The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is living and breathing in you! As soon as the Holy Spirit entered you, you were given power to vanquish sickness simply by your words. God has made healing as easy as breathing; begin to speak healing into every area of your life today!


    I receive my healing today! God has made healing easy as breathing! Nothing is capable of harming or destroying me, in Jesus' mighty Name!


    Matthew 10:1

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  • Colossians 3:16 (KJV)

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

    In the biblical account concerning the famous flood, the Lord commanded Noah to construct an ark to withstand the impending worldwide rainstorm. Despite the catastrophic flood that submerged entire cities and claimed countless lives, Noah's ark resiliently bore up the righteous. That was the means God used to save those who were for Him. We have something better than the ark!

    As storms of inflation, disaster, and violence surge in these latter days, it is essential that you resist anxiety and fear. To achieve victory over the storm, we have the Word, hallelujah! It is essential to cultivate a deep reservoir of God's Word within your spirit. Fostering a rich connection with the Word ensures your good success, irrespective of global catastrophes. Don't be submerged by the day's troubles; just consume the Word, and you will float above it all!


    I declare that the Word of Christ dwells richly in me in all wisdom. I immerse my spirit in the Word, buoyant like Noah's ark. The circumstances that have been sinking businesses, careers, and finances for others will serve as a catalyst for my promotion in the Name of Jesus!


    Hebrews 4:12

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  • 2 Chronicles 29:6-11 (KJV)

    For our fathers have trespassed and done that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord our God, and have forsaken him, and have turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord and turned their backs… My sons, be not now negligent: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister unto him, and burn incense.

    The devil's only advantage is his age! He’s seen the rising and falling of many and has a plethora of knowledge regarding your family tree. It may appear like no one ever gets married in your family, or everybody’s businesses seem to fail. This is because the world’s systems are rigged to cause you to repeat the mistakes of your ancestors! However, according to today’s verse, you were chosen to break such patterns!

    God has offered every person the opportunity to join His family tree! You have the option of belonging to His bloodline, a bloodline over which the devil has no hold. As you go about your day, walk in the continuous mentality that the mistakes of those who came before you shall end with you and never be repeated!


    I am a pattern breaker! I belong to God's heavenly lineage; the devil has absolutely no hold on me or my family's lives in Jesus' mighty Name!


    John 1:12-13

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  • John 16:33 (KJV)

    These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    How comforting it is to read such words from our Lord Jesus! In a world that is so corrupt and full of sickness, economic hardships, disasters, wars and negativity everywhere, right here, in this verse, we have an escape! The words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Himself, and He, too, at the time of this writing, was living in a world that was dark. Yet He was so disconnected from the problems and corrupting influences of His day because He had the mindset of a victor! He did this to show us how to do 2024, praise God!

    Before you leave the house, look in the mirror today and tell yourself, “I am a victor!” Nothing in this world shall move you. Remember 1 John 4:4 says, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." You have already overcome them – PAST TENSE! You're not going to overcome later; it is done already! You have the greatest One living in you; therefore, you’re not a victim. You’re a victor!

    Act and live like it!


    No predicament in this world shall affect me. I have the greater One living in me, and my victory is set in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    1 John 5:4-5

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  • John 3:16 (KJV)

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    In this verse are some of the most beautiful words put together in scripture! Our Father in Heaven is Love personified. I tell you this: you don’t love yourself as much as “Love” loves you! Today, someone needs to hear just this. God is so in love with you that He’s more ambitious for your success than you could ever be for yourself. This is a love that you could never fully comprehend. He’s more willing and concerned for your happiness, peace, and joy, than you could ever be for yourself. He knows every good thing you want for yourself, and He desires it even more for you.

    The problem is many have had a bad experience with human love. They’ve been let down, frustrated, and betrayed by those who once "loved" them. Now the image of love is tainted in their consciousness. It is not so with the love of God. This one is love in its purest form. He is Love itself! Sink in His guiding arms and let Him lead you. Submit to the supremacy of His will, counsel and wisdom, for He desires only the best for you. Serve Him with all your heart. Trust Him with your life. When this becomes your consciousness, all your struggles will be over.


    Thank you, Dear Father! I surrender and submerge myself in Your love today! Glory.


    John 16:27

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  • 1 John 1:7 (KJV)

    But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

    There are some Christians who are fluent in counting sins. As one surnamed with Christ, you should never be on the lookout for your sins. If you do this, you become so conscious of not wanting to sin that you end up in sin. The verse says if we walk in the light (the Word) as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus automatically cleanses us from all sin. If, for example, you do something wrong, just say, “Lord, I’m sorry for what I did; I RECEIVE forgiveness in Jesus' Name," and that's it.

    God never told you to ASK Him for forgiveness. When you were saved, you received salvation; you didn’t ask for it. It’s the same thing with forgiveness; you receive forgiveness; you don't ask for it because the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the remission of your sins. Some Christians are always asking God for forgiveness, and because they're asking for something that's been provided for them, they don't apply faith in their lives. You’re to receive forgiveness as an act of your faith. You’ve been washed and purged of your sins. You’re free!


    I refuse to be sin-conscious. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am righteousness-conscious from today, in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    Romans 8:1

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  • Colossians 2:9-10 (KJV)

    For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.

    Someone reading this today is feeling "incomplete." You might be feeling this way because you haven’t found the best man or woman to marry. Perhaps it’s a dream job you haven’t found, or it's your bank account that's bringing on these feelings of "incompleteness."

    Here’s a newsflash: when God looks at you, He sees completeness. He told you in the verse above that you are COMPLETE IN HIM! Everything you need in your life is all found in Him. The business is in Him, the peace you’re after is in Him – there is nothing good you desire that you won’t find in Him!

    If you’re thinking, “If only my uncle could help me; if only the government could give me this or give me that, I’d be able to make it in life,” you’re confessing incompleteness, and that’s wrong. You’re capable in Christ’s capability. Become totally inundated with this consciousness. Tell yourself there's no shortage in my life. I am complete!


    I am complete in Christ. Everything I need is on the inside of me. Peace is mine, joy is mine, divine health is mine in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    2 Peter 1:3

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  • Psalm 1:3 (KJV)

    And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    Today marks the end of yet another working week. While some are excited and giving God thanks for a productive week, some are looking back with a heart full of the regrets of a wasted week. God brought you into a life of abundance. A life of fruitfulness, power and productivity. Remember He's alive and well, living on the inside of you. There is no way He relishes living and experiencing downfall after downfall right alongside you, no! He desires only the best for you.

    The verse above says you will always produce fruits – that means results. You don’t start a business and it fails – never. That business has no choice but to produce fruits. It says whatsoever you do shall prosper! Go out today knowing you can do anything; you can be anything; you can get anything; you can go anywhere; you can be exactly what you want to be.


    I decree and declare that my life shall be a life of results. Whatsoever I do shall not fail but prosper in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    Psalm 92:12-15

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  • Colossians 3:17 (KJV)

    And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    Many people pray in the Name of Jesus; but for some, it’s just a religious observation or password. Some don’t even believe what they’re saying, but they pray in His Name anyway and hope for the best. Brothers and sisters, if only you fully understood just how powerful that Name is! It is so powerful that when it’s called, everyone submits to it in Heaven, in the Earth and under the Earth. Nothing and no one can resist the power in that name and God graciously gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. What amazing grace!

    When you’re told to do everything in the Name of Jesus, you’re being reminded that you possess a demon-busting, sickness-destroying, and life-giving Name! Nothing can enter your system or stay because of this name. You have been given so much authority that can cause you to dominate not only in your life but to influence and dominate nations with the GoodNews of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    So whatever you do today, do all in the very able Name of the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!


    Every request I make today in the Name of Jesus shall be granted. I shall be as successful as my mouth says I am. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!


    Philippians 2:9-11

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  • Colossians 3:17 (KJV)

    And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

    Many people pray in the Name of Jesus; but for some, it’s just a religious observation or password. Some don’t even believe what they’re saying, but they pray in His Name anyway and hope for the best. Brothers and sisters, if only you fully understood just how powerful that Name is! It is so powerful that when it’s called, everyone submits to it in Heaven, in the Earth and under the Earth. Nothing and no one can resist the power in that name and God graciously gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. What amazing grace!

    When you’re told to do everything in the Name of Jesus, you’re being reminded that you possess a demon-busting, sickness-destroying, and life-giving Name! Nothing can enter your system or stay because of this name. You have been given so much authority that can cause you to dominate not only in your life but to influence and dominate nations with the GoodNews of our Lord Jesus Christ!

    So whatever you do today, do all in the very able Name of the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!


    Every request I make today in the Name of Jesus shall be granted. I shall be as successful as my mouth says I am. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!


    Philippians 2:9-11

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  • Ephesians 3:8 (AMPC)

    To me, though I am the very least of all the saints (God’s consecrated people), this grace (favour, privilege) was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending (boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless) riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out.

    If there’s one scripture that proves God doesn’t always use qualified people, it’s this one. Paul was trusted to do so much in the Kingdom yet declared himself the least qualified. Many reading this are convinced God will never use them because they don’t “fit” a certain criterion. See what Paul says: “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

    God called you and endued you with supernatural ability to carry out His work. So, never look down on yourself or think there’s nothing special about you. He’s made you competent, not because of your societal standing or how well you did in college; it’s all by His grace. Learn to look beyond your physical ability. Always remember that you’re special to Him, and He has divinely enabled you to fulfil your assignment.


    I am set apart for such a time as this. I shall go above and beyond what I expected to achieve in life, in Jesus' name! Amen.


    2 Corinthians 3:5

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  • John 6:63 (KJV)

    It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    I once saw the headline of an article that read, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT." It is true that what you eat affects your body. Good or bad, your body responds one way or the other. So it is with your spirit. When you consume the Word, it becomes one with your spirit and gets to work as and where needed.

    The scripture talks about words that are spirit, words that give life. The opposite of this is also true. There are negative words that are also spirit but they don’t give life. Just like not all food is good for your body, not all words are good for your spirit. Strive to study and meditate on the Word of God more than ever this year. Put down the novel or the newspaper and prioritise the life-giving Word. Let it be your daily bread. Tell yourself I will not consume food if I haven’t consumed the Word or prayed. As it gets into you as the Word, it then lives in you as God. Hallelujah!


    I speak the words only my Father has said about me. My life is a life of success, prosperity, good health and peace, in Jesus' name!


    Joshua 1:8

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  • Psalm 82:6 (KJV)

    I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

    You sometimes hear Christians say things like; “I’m only human," or “I’m just an ordinary person." They actually believe by saying such statements they immediately exude humility. That’s not so. This kind of talk only shows ignorance at the highest level.

    Understand that you were very ordinary up until you were born again. After that, you became a powerhouse, a living temple of the Lord God Almighty. By the backing of today’s verse, allow this reality to come into your consciousness. Until you become conscious of it, the power therein won’t work for you. Never again say, “I’m just an ordinary human being.” When you received the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you became a god. You were literally born of God and a partaker of His divine nature. Remember John 4:17 says, “… as he is, so are we in this world." You’re just like your Father, hallelujah!

    Next time you’re tempted to say I’m only human, say instead, “I’m supernatural!”


    I have a priceless treasure, God in me, making me a god too. Today I awaken to this reality more than ever, Christ in me the hope of Glory. In what am I failing? ZERO, NOTHING AT ALL, in Jesus' name! Amen.


    John 10:34-35

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  • Psalm 82:3-4 (KJV)

    Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

    Your blessing is never for yourself. The moment you focus solely on your own comforts and never regard anyone else, you are lost. Some people’s life mission is making sure their rent is paid, their children are fed and in school, refrigerator is stocked, and their car is running – that’s it! They’re content with only meeting their personal needs and chasing their own dreams. Today’s scripture tells you that you are more than that. You can change the course of strangers’ lives.

    As a generational captain, a defender of the poor and fatherless, never fold your hands and watch the devil wreak havoc in nations and in the lives of men. God expects us to do something about it. Look around your community today. Who their needs tuition fees? What evil policies need changing in your local schools or universities? Is there a senior citizen who needs your love and care? You have what it takes to change the course of your world and others. You can deliver someone from poverty and defend the voiceless in society, too. Put this into practise as you go out today.


    My whole being is at the Lord’s service. I shall use my resources, voice, and abilities to defend those in need. Amen.


    Jeremiah 22:3

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  • 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    In order to be an effective Christian, it’s of paramount importance that you study, understand and live by God’s Word. Today’s scripture implies that every Christian must know how to dissect the Word and share it with others. The problem in the Church is we have people who will not miss a service; they will take notes of everything ministered, underline scriptures and never study what they just heard or wrote down themselves.

    The Word ought to be studied. Read your Bible at home, and read it to your children too. Some people only open their Bibles on Sundays at church. The problem with this is you become starved spiritually. You don’t have enough firepower to face any challenges that come your way, and you end up a frustrated Christian. God says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." See that? Not reading your Bible on your own destroys you; that’s how serious it gets.

    Make Bible reading a daily habit and you will see your life transform.


    Today I make the decision to study and equip myself in the Word like never before. I am unstoppable and well-nourished in all areas, in Jesus' name! Amen.


    John 8:31

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  • Galatians 5:16 (KJV)

    This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    When the Bible talks about your flesh, it’s talking about the things you desire to do, your senses and your appetites. I’ve seen and heard many cry as they pray to crucify their flesh. That prayer is wrong. You don’t have to struggle for your flesh to align with the Word of God; just fill your thoughts with the words of Christ. Simply walking in the Spirit in constant fellowship with God helps you overcome the flesh and its appetites.

    When the Lord Jesus is the Lord of your body, you do what Paul explained in Romans 12:1, you present your body to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God because your body is His body. The body in which you live is God's property. You're living inside as a tenant and custodian; you’re taking care of it for God. So, be Christ-minded; that way, you become master over your flesh and mortify the deeds of the body.


    My mind is completely yielded to the Word of God as I walk in the Spirit. I shall never struggle with the lust of the flesh in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    Romans 8:5

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  • Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)

    Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

    Do you know that you have the extraordinary ability of God in you? Someone needs to ponder this question seriously before proceeding. Too many of God’s precious people are suffering because they don’t really believe this. Listen, when you received the Holy Spirit in you, that power started working in you. It’s gushing through your veins, it’s in your bones, in your muscles, it’s all over you, hallelujah!

    Now, see this. In Matthew 10:8, the Lord Jesus said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”

    Now tell me, my brother, my sister, if you didn't have power, why are you being asked to do something that requires the power of God? You were told to use power to do all these exploits because YOU HAVE IT; THEREFORE, YOU CAN GIVE IT! Glory be to God!

    Go ahead and use what you have today.


    The power of God is made manifest through me. I am so full of this power; I shall heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils and do mighty works in Jesus' name! Amen.


    Acts 3:6

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  • John 16:23-24 (KJV)

    And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

    God would never have asked us to pray if He didn’t plan on responding to those prayers. He specifically said, "... ask the Father in my name," because he planned to answer. Understand that prayer is our way of bringing the power of the Holy Spirit to effect changes in this world. You can expect definite results when you pray, brothers and sisters.

    God delights in seeing you being fruitful and productive. In today's scripture, He says, “…Ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” See that? He wants your life to be full of joy! Some people don’t know this, so they tire easily and stop praying altogether if one thing they prayed for did not materialise. If only you knew that God’s glory is seen in answered prayer! Dare to believe, and expect answers when you pray!


    The Lord delights in answering my prayers. So today I proclaim that every word I speak in prayer is fulfilled in Jesus’ name! Amen.


    1 Peter 3:12

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  • Colossians 1:12-13 (KJV)

    Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

    Notice that this scripture is in the past tense. It says God has delivered us from the power of darkness, not He’s about to, or He’s going to when you get to church on Sunday – it has been done already. The devil is a defeated enemy! He tries to plant thoughts of suicide, thoughts of an early death, thoughts of debilitating sickness, etc. Then you find Christians running from church to church seeking "deliverance" from these fears or "attacks." Well, based on the scripture above, don’t lose sleep over Satan. He knows he's defeated and has no power but preys on people's ignorance and fears. You’re superior to him, even if you only gave your life to Christ a few minutes ago.

    The Lord Jesus says in Mark 16:17 "... In my name shall they cast out devils." He’s talking about you! He gave you power to CAST OUT devils, not power that is so little that the devil has to be cast out of you every week during a deliverance service. Don’t give the devil a chance. If he tries to manifest anywhere around you, know you’re the one in charge!


    The devil is defeated and will always be defeated. I carry the Spirit of God in me; failure shall never be in my vocabulary, in Jesus' name! Amen.


    1 John 4:4

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  • Romans 12:2 (KJV)

    And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    Ever seen people’s behaviour at the turn of a new year? It’s all about starting over. They make decisions about moving house, changing appearance, wardrobe, changing cars, the list is endless. All this is done as a way of "turning over a new leaf." By changing their appearance, they feel permanent changes will be created on the inside. What a deception!

    The Bible is clear when it comes to the complete transformation of a Christian. It says to renew your mind, simple! Who you are today is a product of the state of your mind. Proverbs 23:7 gives us an exposé on this. It says, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he..." You can only be as good as who you see yourself to be. You’re not transformed because you finally lost weight and wear better suits now, no! God’s transformation is the real one. It starts from the inside out. Stay in the Word and work on being the real transformer.


    I speak the beginning of a complete transformation in my life. As I fellowship with the Lord, my mind shall be renewed daily in Jesus' Name! Amen.


    Philippians 4:8

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