

    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    You can…but you won’t.Why won’t you, God?

    You are able to heal my friend.But so far, You have not.Why not?

    You are able to change my financial circumstances.But You are choosing not to – at least, so far.What’s up with that?

    You are able to heal the marriage.Keep the baby from miscarrying.Cure the cancer.Provide the money.Send that godly husband to the lonely, godly girl.

    I know You are able because You have done it before.It’s recorded in the pages of Your Word.Miracles.Lots of them.

    And I know because You have done it in the 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth.I have read the testimonies.Heard them with my own ears.Seen them with my own eyes.

    So where are you now, God?Because You can.I know You can.But You aren’t.You haven’t.And it feels like You won’t.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the struggle is not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home

  • SHOW NOTES (part 2)

    On Sunday, Zach Lloyd was here and shared his inspiring journey with God and how he became a lifestyle – anti-diet – coach.

    He told us about struggling with addiction and depression and how his aunt played a role in leading him to God. If you did not hear that episode, please go back and listen to it.

    Today, Zach will share his expertise on becoming healthy and it might surprise you since it’s not what you are used to hearing. What you are walking through is incredibly hard and Zach understands how life can be debilitating!

    What you are walking toward (navigating this unfamiliar world without your loved one and creating your new identity in it) will absolutely be made better if you’ll take care of your physical body in the best way you are able.

    If you have any questions for Zach, join the private FB group and I’ll make sure they get to Zach to be answered. If any question is important to you, then it’s important to Zach!

    Listen today to see how great changes come from small steps in health and in grief.

    WORD of the Week (chosen by Zach Lloyd) "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1

    Songs of the Week (chosen by Zach Lloyd)

    UP! Forrest Frank & Connor Price

    Good to Know by Zach Williams

    All things Zach Lloyd:

    Free Gift! Zach's End Calorie CountingToolkit: https://bit.ly/EndCalCounting

    Website: https://zachlloydcoaching.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rYOAoCGonrZpdWxSl6oUQ

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zachlloydcoaching/

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.


    So today, you get to hear from our first ‘guy’ on the podcast. :-)

    We’re gonna talk with Zach Lloyd. He is a Lifestyle – anti-diet – coach. He emailed me after listening to an episode of Grief 2 Great Day, so he had my attention with that fact. But as we emailed and then met via Zoom, I was excited to share not only WHAT he does with you but WHO he is.

    I’ve said many times that after going through grief, I can also tell if someone has been through something in their life because, if they allow it, God will bring growth, maturity and most importantly a higher perspective. Well, that’s what I see in Zach.

    You might be thinking - who cares about health right now? I want you to because it will help you! See, even though I knew what to do, I wish I had met someone like Zach back then.

    Someone to help support the small steps, to encourage with an understanding of how hard it can be to get out of bed and to keep me accountable. He’s been through hard times which have shaped who he is.

    Listen today to see how great changes come from small steps in health and in grief.

    WORD of the Week (chosen by Zach Lloyd) "In the beginning was the word, the word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1

    Songs of the Week (chosen by Zach Lloyd)

    UP! Forrest Frank & Connor Price

    Good to Know by Zach Williams

    All things Zach Lloyd:

    Free Gift! Zach's End Calorie CountingToolkit: https://bit.ly/EndCalCounting

    Website: https://zachlloydcoaching.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9rYOAoCGonrZpdWxSl6oUQ

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zachlloydcoaching/

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    Because a tiny baby was born to a virgin in a stable in Bethlehem, one day I can get all my questions answered.I can chat with Joseph about how he felt.I can talk to the wise men about their journeys – the exciting one to Bethlehem via Jerusalem and the covert one as they returned home another way to escape King Herod.

    I can meet Jesus’ brothers and sisters.I can ask Mary to share her side of the story.Beginning at the stable – but continuing to the cross.I can ask her what it felt like to watch her firstborn son be slaughtered 33 years after that night in Bethlehem.And how she felt when she came upon the empty tomb three days later.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Candy Chang on creating Before I Die in New Orleans:

    I lived a block away from an abandoned house that had been collecting dust and graffiti for years. I wondered if I could make it a nicer space for my neighborhood and make a tribute to Joan by creating a space to restore perspective. I made a homemade stencil that said, “Before I die, I want to _____.”

    With help from old and new friends, I painted the side of this crumbling house with chalkboard paint and stenciled it with this prompt so that anyone walking by could pick up a piece of chalk, reflect on death and life, and share their personal aspirations in public.

    It was all an experiment, and I didn’t know what to expect. Because it was cheap to make, I thought it would be no big deal if it didn’t work out.

    By the next day, the wall was entirely filled and it kept growing: Before I die I want to… sing for millions, abandon all insecurities, get my wife back, eat all the carbs I want, hold her one more time, be completely myself. The gamut of humanity was on full display, and the wall became an honest mess of the longing, fear, insecurity, gratitude, humor, pain, and grace you find in every community. I saw how much I was not alone as I tried to make sense of my life, and the wall became in icebreaker for meaningful conversations on death and emotional health. Seeing some private corner of your psyche reflected in someone else’s handwriting on a public wall can be incredibly reassuring on an individual level, and it’s a step towards seeing ourselves in one another.

    WORD of the Week This certain hope of being saved is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, connecting us with God himself behind the sacred curtains of heaven. Hebrews 6:19

    Song of the Week I Have to Believe by Karen Wheaton

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    God will still be Sovereign. Seated on His throne. In charge. At work. No matter who is elected.God will not be surprised by who is elected. Daniel, who worked diligently for the government who had overthrown his homeland and destroyed it, wrote these words about God: He said, “Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he has all wisdom and power. He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings.” (Daniel 2)…..

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Today is a short but practical way to feel better and who doesn’t want to feel better in grief?

    I’m gonna talk a little more about the “RISE” part of pray, read and rise. I’ve shared with you that the greatest actions you can take in grief are praying (no matter what that sounds like); reading the Bible (no matter how little you are able to) and Rising.

    The Rise portion is of great value to your journey – not only for the future – but for right now. See, exercise has been shown to be as effective as Prozac for depression. And exercise comes with only good side effects such as better (or deeper sleep)……

    WORD of the Week A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

    Song of the Week Alabaster Box by CeCe Winans

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    ……In prayer, I want it to be that I ask and God instantly answers.In a way I understand.Clearly.In a way I like.To my satisfaction.

    In learning, I want it to be that I read the Bible briefly, casually, in a few spare moments and become a spiritual giant.Understanding it all clearly.Applying it all perfectly.Completely transformed in an instant.

    In relationships, I want it to be that I do things God’s way and instantly have no conflict.

    I forgive or am forgiven, and everything is instantly restored.I have a tough conversation, and everyone ends up on the same page after a few moments.

    I choose love and they choose love, and we all live happily ever after.

    In spiritual growth, I want it to be that I pop in a few great quotes from other godly people – or even a great book on the Christian life – and I am suddenly transformed.

    Encouraged.Uplifted.Changed completely.All better now.

    Beep! The stew is done!Without an extended period of heat.

    Without it taking half of forever…..

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Cuss words – the definition is to say words that aren’t polite because you’re angry. That’s the definition.

    In grief, there are words we do not want to say or hear because when we do hear them, it creates all kinds of emotions – anger, offense and did I mention anger? On a good day in grief, the biggest of these cuss words can cause you to shut down. Well, that was my experience, but maybe it’s different for you.

    Let’s see. When I tell you that at some point, you’re gonna have to accept what has happened, how does that hit your heart? My reaction was pure rebellion because in my mind, the word acceptance meant ‘agreeing with’ or ‘approving of’ and I had no intention of doing either of those things.

    This is where I thought my faith was lacking – that if I had more faith (at that point, I felt I had none), so if I had any faith, then I could accept what God allowed. But coming to a place of acceptance is the crazy ride of grief. There’s so much rolled up in that word and that’s what I want to talk about today: What is included in ‘acceptance’ what, it really means, and 3 reasons grief cuss words such as acceptance will help you rebuild a life.

    WORD of the Week Through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And weboast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but wealso glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:2-4

    Song of the Week Trust in God

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    But here is what I love:I know that God loves me.I am His beloved daughter. And He delights in showing me the path I should take – if and when I let Him.

    So my job is to incline the ear of my heart to Him.To take the time to read His Word so I recognize His Voice.To spend time in prayer so that I know what His presence and His peace are like.

    To hold up my thoughts, urgings or promptings against the background of those things to “test the spirits”.And then to wait on Him for clarity of thought, for that “peace that passes understanding” before I act.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, this isn’t the episode that was scheduled for today because I wanted to share something I thought was incredibly important and something I touched on last week.

    Lately several of you have shared being ‘unencouraged’ by others in daily life - some of those people being Christians. I know if I’m hearing from more than 4 or 5 people, that many others are experiencing the same thing. I find that I’m real sensitive when it comes to this subject because I’ve experienced both the helpful and the hurtful comments people make.

    Today and the reason for this episode – in the last week I was reading some of the posts in the FB group – and they made me emotional because of the love and care that is shown.

    I want to share some of the comments because you may not be a part of the group, but you may need to hear these!

    WORD of the Week Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose. Proverbs 18:21

    Song of the Week Speak Life by TobyMac

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    I am out of alignment.And it causes pain throughout the Body.When I do not align my feet properly, I feel in it my arches, knees, hips and back.

    And when I do not align my life with God’s Word, I feel it all over.

    When I pick and choose what the Bible says – or rather, what I want it to say – by taking verses out of context, I am out of alignment.

    When I know what the Bible plainly says – like “Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Colossians 3) – but choose to live like I am the only one who actually matters, I am out of alignment.

    When I don’t really read or study my Bible for myself but instead live on the words of humans without checking them against the Truth of scripture, I am out of alignment.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    … The second month was different…no longer exhausted from caretaking but exhausted emotionally. I was surrounded by my peeps but less so (because after all, people had to return to their lives). I thought (quite literally I was going to die). I really did – but I kept breathing and even that was hard.

    I didn’t understand how I kept waking up in the morning. What kind of purpose did my life have now? My fights began in earnest: the fight to get out of bed, to take a shower, and to care about any of those things. My fight with God also began…why, why, why? How could you let that happen, God? Why would you let that happen?

    I understood and was drawn to Psalms more than ever in my life. Before I was all about Proverbs because that book told me how to live a godly life. It fit my religious life. But now Psalms and Job and all the anguish and lamenting. I understood it but I saw my situation differently. David lamented but praised while I lamented, blamed, accused and asked for understanding. I told God that 43 years was enough, and I had no purpose, so I was fine if my time was up too…

    But God….

    WORD of the Week “I came naked from my mother’s womb,” he said, “and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord gave me everything I had, and they were his to take away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21 Living Translation

    Song of the Week The Story I'll Tell (feat. Naomi Raine) | Maverick City Music

    Part of the lyrics: I’ll testify of the battles you have won! My God did not fail – it’s the story I’ll tell! I’ll look back over the years and see your hands on it!!

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    But one day I will see Jesus face to face.

    And one day I will understand.Because I will see the big picture.And I will fall at His feet and worship Him because I will see how He, indeed, worked “all things together” for my good and His glory – because I am His.

    A hymn writer put it this way:“Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’erJesus, Jesus, precious Jesus,Oh, for grace to trust Him more!”

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    If this is your first time listening, Monica is the reason you are listening – she was my best friend but much more like a sister, mentor, mom and encourager for almost 20 years.

    She was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and in the 6 months that she lived, walked out a faith that most (including me called crazy). I was honored to be her caretaker and lived out the most awful and awesome 6 months with her.

    This week I share the chapter on ‘Going After God’ in the Dying to Be Healed Book. This will describe my ugly faith journey because of Monica’s crazy faith. Last week, I shared the chapter on ‘What is Faith Then?’ I want to show you what I saw as I reflected on her journey that helped me on mine.

    Your faith is being tested and there is no right or wrong to feel…you feel what you feel, so don’t worry if you question God more than you praise him. Grief will flip life and everything you believe on its head. What’s important now is that you take action in the right direction…

    If you want to read more about Monica or her journey, go to the website, grief-the number2-great day.com and click on the book tab. This is not a book on grief, it is a book about faith in the hardest of circumstances and may be helpful to you!

    WORD of the Week “God has a plan for each and every one of us if we are willing to listen and give Him control of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11).”

    Song of the Week Rescue by Lauren Daigle

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    If this is your first time listening, Monica is the reason you are listening – she was my best friend but much more like a sister, mentor, mom and encourager for almost 20 years.

    She was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and in the 6 months that she lived, walked out a faith that most (including me called crazy). I was honored to be her caretaker and lived out the most awful and awesome 6 months with her.

    This week I want to share the chapter on What is Faith Then? In the Dying to Be Healed book. I want to show you what I saw as I reflected on her journey that helped me on mine. Next week, I’ll share the chapter on Going After God. This will describe my ugly faith journey because of Monica’s crazy faith.

    Your faith is being tested now and there is no right or wrong to feel…you feel what you feel, so don’t worry if you question God more than you praise him. Grief will flip life and everything you believe on its head. What’s important now is that you take action in the right direction…

    If you want to read more about Monica or her journey, go to the website, grief-the number2-great day.com and click on the book tab. This is not a book on grief, it is a book about faith in the hardest of circumstances and may be helpful to you!

    WORD of the Week “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1)

    Song of the Week This I Know by Monica King (posted on FB)

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    I forget Whose I am.That my Daddy is Sovereign, Lord over all, in charge at all times and never, ever unaware of my circumstances.

    I forget the equipment He has given me to navigate my life.A full tank of gas that is continuously replenished from His own supply. Or, as Paul put it in Ephesians 1, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in me.

    A fully-functioning, never-wrong, always-connected GPS also known as the Holy Spirit of the Living God dwelling inside of me. He will always guide, always comfort, always correct. I just have to ask.

    A full supply of food and drink, always available from the Bread of Life Himself, the Living Water that always satisfies.

    And even a paper road map, the Word of God. Always there to give direction. Always there to confirm the GPS, even as the GPS confirms it.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    But then there is the God of the Bible.

    The One Who has revealed Himself in the pages of Scripture.The God Who IS – not the One I think He is.Or even the One I want Him to be.

    God the Father, seated on His throne.Sovereign over all things.

    With ultimate control of every circumstance.ALL powerful.ALL knowing.Completely pure.Holy.Perfect in all His ways.

    The One who “…who changes the times and the seasons” and “…removes kings and establishes kings.” (Daniel 2:21)The One who makes “the king’s heart like channels of water” in His hand, turning it “whichever way He wishes.” (Proverbs 21:1, AMP)The One Who “delights in every detail of our lives”. (Psalm 37:23, NLT)The One Who “daily carries us in His arms” (Psalm 68:19, NLT)The One Who showed us His holiness in the giving of the Law, knowing we would break it.

    And then also gave us His One and Only Son as the substitute for our punishment, knowing He did not want to live without us.

    And that is just the beginning of Who the Bible says He is.

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    I don’t like all the changes it will take to become healthy. Living daily life holds its own challenges before undertaking real change and to try to live daily life and change reminds me of when I went through grief. And it is what I hear from a lot of you as well.

    How are you expected to walk through grief and continue to carry on normal life? My health changes are time consuming and a mental challenge at times, but going through grief is a complete upheaval of what was – it is coming to terms with what is - and then walking into the unchartered territory of what will be.

    Because of continuous injuries (that I’m not at all salty about), we’ve started stretching too! How much more do I have to do to not hurt? If that statement doesn’t describe going through grief, I don’t know what does.

    Now, if you take away nothing else in this episode listen to these 3 statements to help you persevere in what seems like the endless days of grief.

    WORD of the Week "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving" (Colossians 2:6–7).

    Song of the Week Walk with Jesus by Consumed by Fire

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The holidays are over, but the struggle is NOT! Hear from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home


    Well, Hey Framily! Welcome to Coffee & Kathy, this is Stef from the Grief 2 Great Day Podcast. You are listening to our weekly devotional episode.

    Grief is the hardest thing you’ll ever face, don’t ever let anyone diminish that – but let’s also not diminish the power of God’s Word and the transformational healing He will do in your life. I am a living testimony of going from pitiful (heartbroken, years of tears, angry at God & the world, overwhelmed and confused) to powerful (at peace, joyful and strong in my trust, hope and faith in God).

    You are not alone and your today does not have to be your forever! Oh, I’m so glad you’re here today! What you need to do now is be still and just listen.

    Memorable Quote:

    Jeremiah put it this way: “God’s mercies are new every morning.”God created us to love fresh starts.And so He created the rhythm of our days to give us a new beginning each morning. To begin anew each day.

    Was yesterday a bad day?

    Perhaps my circumstances were not what I would have liked.Perhaps I failed to conquer that one sin, that ongoing temptation.Perhaps I spent the day nursing a bad attitude.

    Or operating strictly in my own strength.Perhaps I snapped at someone I loved.Or perhaps I chose to give them the cold shoulder.

    Yesterday is gone.And today is a fresh start.Because His mercies are new every morning.Because great is His faithfulness.Because “weeping may last for the night but joy comes in the morning”.Because today I can choose to “set my mind on things above” rather than on the things of earth.Because “this is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

    Grief 2 Great Day Website - Connect with Me

    Click Here to take Action Now - “The First Year of Grief. How to Survive with Hope and Heal.”

    Join The Grief Group for Christian Women on Facebook

    Read about Monica’s entire Journey, Dying to Be Healed - Book - Grief2GreatDay

    The Holidays are Over, but the Struggle is Not! Hear healing testimonies from Those Who Have Walked Your Journey! Holiday Grief Relief Summit (replay recording)

    Visit my Church –Opendoor Church | Home