
  • Okay, this potentially could be the most bizarre thing you hear between your ears ALL DAY. Or even this week, month, maybe year... I'm really letting my flag fly from now in and want to share my full authenticity or what I think to be the most authentic version of me at this very moment/ time period in my life..

    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve deep into the essence of femininity, exploring the incredible power women possess to not only create human life but to bring forth life in every aspect imaginable. In a call Kat was in during the Florescense Sisterhood program, Zach Bush sheds light on the notion that women are catalysts for change, igniting their passions, dreams, and projects to transform them into tangible realities. But it doesn't stop there—Zach also shares a profound insight into the process of self-rebirth, offering a nine-month journey to emerge as the new, empowered you. Kat is currently working with this notion as she feels she is currently in a rebirthing cycle, as Scorpio queens do you know.

    Imagine looking back on these nine months and feeling a profound sense of preparation for the leap that awaits you. In a world full of cliché sayings like "life happens when you're making plans," we dare to challenge the norm. We invite life to happen and flow through us. Our host explores the idea of surrendering to the natural rhythm of life, allowing it to guide and shape us into the best versions of ourselves.

    But wait, there's more! Our episode delves even deeper into a topic that resonates with many—conforming to please others. Discover how our host openly discusses her own shadows and the journey of self-discovery, exposing the illusion of thinking that everyone must like you. As you listen, you'll realize that true humility lies not in seeking validation from others but in embracing your authentic self unapologetically.

    If this resonates with you, if you can feel the call to embark on your own transformational journey, we have exciting news. Our host is offering coaching spots to guide and support you along the way. Don't hesitate to reach out and seize this opportunity to embrace your power and create a life that fulfills your deepest desires.

    Join us on this soul-stirring episode! Get ready to unlock your creative potential, embrace the beauty of rebirth, and flow effortlessly with the currents of life. Tune in now and let this episode support you on your own unique and beautiful journey begin! 🌺💫

  • In this powerful podcast episode, we explore the journey from victim consciousness to creator consciousness, and how this shift in mindset can transform your life. We discuss the importance of taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions, and the role of self-awareness and self-love in creating a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    We also explore the common patterns and beliefs that keep us stuck in victim consciousness, and provide practical tools and techniques to help you shift into a mindset of empowerment and abundance. By embracing your inner creator and stepping into your power, you can unlock your full potential and create the life you truly desire.

    Join us as we dive deep into this transformative journey, and discover the keys to unlocking your inner strength and wisdom. Tune in now to this inspiring episode and start your journey towards creator consciousness today! 🙏💜

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Eileen Joy bio below :

    My name is Eileen Joy and I’m a divorced single mom who went from rock bottom, bankrupt and broke to now totally debt free, a fully funded emergency fund, a paid off car three years early, and on track to retire early! Basically, I got my shit together and created an easy system that any busy and overwhelmed mom can follow. I specialize in working one on one with independent moms like you who have no idea where to start. I take you by the hand into a safe and comfortable environment to talk about one of the most avoided subjects, your money. No Shame, No Guilt, No Embarrassment.I’ve been there, I hit rock bottom. After a bankruptcy and divorce I was left with $347 to my name. I had to get a new house, a new car and a new job all at the same time! I was in debt, had a 6-year car loan and could hardly afford to buy a new washer and dryer. I had to sell most of my possessions just to get a fresh start. After dealing with depression and anxiety during and after my divorce I was able to turn my life around. I was so confused because no one ever taught me what to do with my money. Then I decided to do everything I could to learn about money. My friends started asking me what I did in such a short timeframe to turn my financial life around. I showed them the simple steps I created for myself and voila! They were getting the same results as me. Now, I coach busy and overwhelmed moms like you, how to manage money and get their shit together. I also teach my 10-year-old son everything he needs to know about money. We make money conversations a normal part of life. He knows more about money than most adults! Private 1:1 Coaching with Eileen - You’re ready to invest in yourself and stop living paycheck to paycheck. It’s time to say goodbye to debt for good. You want to set a good example for your kids and their financial future. You’re ready for money to feel easy! It’s time for you to rewrite your money story. The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Take-action today - see the link in my featured section to schedule your free consultation call.


  • In this episode Kat (@katkatopes) , Tara (@taramorelove) , Rachel (@rachelkadara) , TamRa (house.of.tam) , & Francesca (@seven_seers) discuss their unique connection to the divine. We discuss what exactly this connection feels like for them, how they nurture the connection, how the connection supports them in their day to-day, and they let their inner mystics shine through in this wonderful topic in this safe space they created together via Zencastr.

    Please keep in mind this episode was recorded in November of 2022, and it is May in 2023 so with that being said we all have had a lot of growth processes since recording. So would this topic be recorded exactly the same now as it was then, no, probably not. Maybe some pieces here and there based of history of our connection with the Divine but that's the beauty. Things will always be changing especially when we are on a path or growth and liberation and this conversation just shows how the Divine connection we have to Source is what keeps that growth and change exciting, mysterious, and breath-taking.

  • This episode Kat interviews Danielle Fisser. Kat and Danielle share a similar path of modeling and having a shift that opened them up to their spiritual nature and divinty within. As Danielle mentioned though, "life has always been spiritual even before the practices landed." This episode is filled with tons of wisdom codes and breathwork tools we can use in our day to day life. Danielle makes coming into the breath pratical and tangible each and every day.

    Let us know what you think about this episode. Leave a review and receive a free session with me!!

  • Rachel Kadara is a vocal alchemist and activation guide, embodiment facilitator and coach for sensual souls and modern mystics. Through her 1:1 coaching, in-person retreats/experiences and her music, she aims to help people expand their awareness and transform their relationship to themselves, their creativity, their expression and the divine.

    In this episode with Rachel we dive deep into voice work, how music heals & inspires us, and how to honor the sensual goddess inside us all.

    Connect with Rachel and her work here!

    Let us know what you think about the episode - leave a review, send a DM on IG, and we will schedule a session with me as a gift to you for supporting this podcast! Share the podcast on your stories and I will send you a complimentary personalized guided/sound healing meditation!!

  • Tara Moraleda is a spiritual business mentor. Her work is based around opening the mind, moving from the soul, and embodying abundance. She supports feminine based business owners in this process via group work, retreats, and one on one mentorship.

    Tara shares her wisdom and insight on just how awesome social media can really be, that is - if you want your truth to be that. Tara is living proof on the magic around social media and how it can open doors to prosperity, connections, self-actualization, and more.

    Let us know what you think - if you leave a review you get a FREE healing/coaching session with meeee!!!!!

    To connect with Tara more & her work click here!!!!

  • Lindsey is a conscious relationship coach who was initiated into her spiritual journey through a chronic illness that left her bedridden as a teenager.

    Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping others heal in the physical, mental, emotional and energetic realms through the lens of relationship and somatic processing.

    She believes that the relationship with self, a beloved, family members and friends are what infuse life with the deepest joy and aliveness, which is why she approaches healing work from a relational perspective.

    She specializes in helping her clients heal from breakups, thrive in the fertile void, which is the period between your last breakup and your next relationship, and also conscious dating to call in your soulmate.

    Lindsey has immersed herself in thousands of hours of training with masters of varied lineages. She is a certified, trauma informed, somatic facilitator who creates a unique experience of mentorship through somatic-processing, meditations, relationship programs, and retreats.

    Lindsey is offering a FREE Session with her! To Enter like and comment a takeway on our IG post promoting this episode!!!

    Follow her IG here!! Remeber to enter to win a session with her!!!

  • TamRa Wich'Ma is an oracle & orator and is here to share her potent wisdom with us on substance USE. This episode I know people will receive healing beacause having this conversation was healing for me. Next level high vibe convo that is realllll. "I have been thinking about love, talking about love, and interviewing experts about love as the host of Love in the 21st Century, a radio show I started in Chico, California for nearly the last 4 years; a weekly talk show. I like to say it’s ⅓ self love guide, ⅓ compassion training, ⅓ dating advice. I have studied with Council Facilitators, Spiritual teachers, Nonviolent Communication Trainers, Restorative Justice Proponents, Counselors, Elders, Children. Marginalized Populations and everybody in-between. I have studied child development, human psychology, and sociology."

    She knows what she is talking about- okayyy!!!!!

    Ways to work with her here!!!:

    https://www.theloveacademy.life IG: @house.of.tam Let us know what you think about this episode on our IG post or leave a review!!!!!
  • One today's episode of Grow&Glow, Kat interviews Francesca Rae Chandi Devi. (They/Them) is an intuitive and a healer— their main vigilance is creating safe, sacred space for clients to contact the true nature of their own soul’s insignia, divinity, personal power and path of quantum healing. They were born deeply empathic and raised in Denver, Colorado. After receiving their Bachelor in Fine Arts, they retreated to the mountains where they began deeper work on their spiritual path, continued to make art and made their introduction to esoteric practices. They began getting to know the archetypes of the major arcana, gaining deeper understanding of the cosmos and astral realms through dream work, connecting with the earth by learning about herbalism, crystals and their properties, and began to study Vedic Astrology as their gateway modality. They then relocated to the belly of Los Angeles, unaware that this shift would bring them right on to their career path— an understanding of their earth mission. They were introduced to Psychic Development and the Akashic Records, and became certified through the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies. Over the years, they continued to receive attunement to several different energy work modalities, including Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Quantum Resonance Healing. They have personally expanded exponentially by way of working with the subtle energy fields and opening the records on behalf of their fellow earth-goers, gaining insights they otherwise would not have. They continue on their mission in service with deep love and gratitude.

    Come to Francesca's LionsGate Activation here

  • soooooo I went to Maui with an epic group of humans because of the internet......... yup that's right! and it was an unforgettable expereince with connections I know will last a lifetime....... and it all happened because of the world wide web, better yet Instagram.....

    I break down what happened for me to finally leap into experiences my soul was longing for in this episode

    If you are feeling my vibeeeeee and want to book a session with me do so here!!!!!

    Want to work one on one together! Apply for coaching here to see if its in alignment!

    Listeners get a huge discount using GG2022 !!

  • In this episode, Kat sits down with Lindsay Schroeder, she is a Spiritual Wellness, Intuitive Business, and Mindset Coach with the company she founded Our & Are. She is a Priestess and sacred alchemist. She supports soulpreneurs and spiritually curious beings in developing their intuition, reprograming their paradigm, accessing their alignment, and up-leveling their lives & businesses. Embodiment, the true becoming one with your sacredness is one of Lindsay's many gifts. Clients who work with her express that they find their own fullness, their own radiance, and see that they are the true magic they have been searching for. Lindsay has the ability to illuminate within each of that which we are searching, desiring, and craving. You are the medicine, you are the magic and Lindsay would love to support you in BECOMING one with that truth.

    We dive into honoring our individual Divine Feminine, and what it looks like to discover what true embodiment looks like. We also chat about our own individual experiences with spirituality and how Lindsay's life has been so adundant following this magic path she has co-created for herself!

    Lindsay's Freebie Embodiment Excersise (That's Right!!! FREE)

    Lindsay's Our&Are Instagram

    More ways to connect with Our&Are!

    If you are interested in working with Kat:

    Kat's Instagram!

    Book a Healing Session Here! Use code "FIRSTTIME" to book at $75 instead of $111!

    Apply for Confidence Coaching Here!

  • As an avid meditator myself I really wanted to kick it up a notch. After researching Buddist Temples in ATL for months I landed on Kadampa Meditation Center in the Krog area of ATL, right by Bocco Lupo, you know I ate my carbs here after hours of meditation - the chicken parm- wowow belissimaaaa!!!

    On a Saturday when tons of social events were going on I knew I needed to return back to myself- it was eclipse season babyyyy

    I talk about my expereince, key take aways, and lessons I learned

    Here is link to the meditation center : https://meditationingeorgia.org

    If you are feeling my vibeeeeee and want to book a session with me do so here!!!!!

    Want to work one on one together! Apply for coaching here to see if its in alignment!

    Listeners get a huge discount using GG2022 !!

  • Hi! think of this podcast as a trailer to what is to come!! Get to know a little bit about me and see what I am all about! I love to keep things light hearted but also love to get deep and somehow find a way to blend the two together.

    I hope you enjoy listening !!!!

    If you are feeling my vibes schedule a session with me here !