
  • Get ready for an eye-opening episode of Halfass to Badass! Our guest today is Magnus Häggbom, a Swedish Doctor of Naprapathy and founder of MH alive. He's here to share the secrets to achieving UNSHAKEABLE health and slowing down the vascular aging process by YEARS.

    Magnus will be revealing his seven keys to optimal health, so get ready to take notes! In this episode, you'll discover:

    How to reverse the vascular aging process The biggest health mistakes people make due to a lack of knowledge How to influence your family to make healthier choices The importance of authentic love in our lives Why movement can be harmful without the right fundamentals What inspired Magnus to dedicate his life to health and wellness

    If you're ready to take control of your health and well-being, this episode is a must-listen. Don't miss out on Magnus's invaluable insights and advice!

  • Dr. John Demartini, the secrets to relationships that you were NEVER taught

    It’s time for a brand-new episode of Halfass to Badass. Today's topic is geared and focused on intimate relationships. Dr. John Demartini will give you amazing perspectives, some you never heard before, that will open up your world.

    Dr. John Demartini is a world-renowned human behavior expert, bestselling author of multiple books with over 4 decades of research across multiple disciplines, and voted top human behavior specialist of the year by the international association of top professionals and also a good friend I trust.

    We welcome Doctor John Demartini to the show once again.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    What separates a GREAT relationship from an average? What happens when we exaggerate ourselves and minimize our partners? The difference between a careless, careful, and caring relationship. How to be loved and appreciated for who we are in a relationship. What is an authentic relationship? Why do affairs happen in relationships? 

    and much more.

    Let's jump into the episode!

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    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • In today’s economy, we must think differently! Join me while we talk to Jefferey Hill about how to conquer our finances in turbulent times.

    In todays episode

    You will learn the secrets that the 1% knows that the poor and middle class don’t.

    Discover how to think creatively to generate wealth

    How use the bank and credit cards to generate income

    Travel hacks to use even when money seems to be tight

    Key principles to move from money problems to prosperity

    Promo: if you want to escape the middle class, stop thinking and acting like money is the problem, become Unshakeable and think like a billionaire, create billionaire habits and evolve your mind into the rich and ultra-wealthy, then I want to invite you to learn how to earn, multiply, and invest so you can cash flow and have your passive income earn you income when you’re not earning income, join our Elite Financial Tour… go to satoriclass.com/elite

  • Today we are going to talk about a topic that is super important and super confusing for many people. I’m going to take on the conversation like a complete beginner as if I know nothing and then we’ll build on it. This way there will be something for everyone. I want the listeners to walk away with new knowledge and understanding when it comes to building wealth and how people are doing it today…

    In Today's episode you will learn:

    What is the most efficient way to learn about cryptocurrencies? How to be in control of your finances.

    What is the best and fastest way to build wealth today, without scamming people, if you want to build wealth in an ethical way?

    What are the top currencies to invest in today?

    What will happen to our monetary system of today? Will it disappear?
  • Dr. John Demartini, Is the world in perfect balance or not?

    It’s time for a brand-new episode of Halfass to Badass. This topic will be very different from past episodes and will answer questions that are top of mind for millions of people around the world.

    John F. Demartini will give you amazing perspectives, some you never heard before, that will open up your world. Doctor John Demartini is a world-renowned human behavior expert, bestselling author of multiple books with over 4 decades of research across multiple disciplines and voted top human behavior specialist of the year by the international association of top professionals and also a good friend I trust. We welcome doctor John Demartini to the show.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Why the world today seems so polarized. Masks, no masks etc. Have we always been this polarized or is it just a perception?

    Despite everything happening around in the world right now, is the world in perfect balance or not?

    What is a wise way of dealing or navigating through this pandemic? Is this just a time in history that will pass?

    How do we change our perspectives around the problems the pandemic has caused? How do we move forward?

    Let's dive into the episode!

  • Corinna Bellizzi, Have you ever had someone believe in you and see something in you that others maybe didn’t?

    Have you ever had someone do something special for you, and it made you want to contribute and do something for someone else?

    Today's guest will share with you some real-life obstacles and struggles and how she overcame them.

    Corinna Bellizzi is the host of the Care more. Be better. The podcast and focuses on social impact and sustainability.

    Corinna has also been a very successful executive in the natural products industry for years.

    Let’s dive into the episode!

    In this episode you will learn:

    What can YOU do to contribute? How you can use your past experiences to move forward and make an impact in other people’s lives. How to discover what your dream client is looking for What happens when you live in alignment with your values and take a stand against what’s not... How to deal with insomnia.

    Corinna has a mission to reach a global audience and inspire them to act and engage. Inspire them to be more complete and whole. If you want to be a part of that visit: https://www.caremorebebetter.com/ or listen to her show https://podcasts.apple.com/tr/podcast/care-more-be-better-social-impact-sustainability-regeneration/id1548757282

  • How do you evaluate what to focus on? How do you decide what is important? What to give your attention? Know someone who needs a shift in focus…? Share this and be part of inspiring NEW habits or reengage existing habits that work. Transcription: We live in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with noise. Distraction, disruption and other people’s demands are flooding our minds on the daily. It’s on an all time high. And it’s not getting better, it’s getting worse.

    Whatever social media or news outlet you consume, the friends, family or community you listen to will strongly influence the narrative you choose to believe...

    How do you evaluate what to focus on? How do you decide what is important? What to give your attention?

    Today if we want to accomplish something meaningful, if we want to sustain our energy and be inspired and stay inspired we want to be in charge of our focus and be very selective of where we put our attention.

    We cannot let the environment, or our government, or small minded people living in fear dictate or control our future.

    You and I are here to fulfil on our mission, our purpose, whatever that may be, and we only have the time we’re given. And the clock is ticking.

    Take control of your time and focus or someone else will.

    Focus is a finite resource. It requires precision.

    Everything does not have equal value. Which is WHY you want to be selective.

    Go too wide, focus on too much and you’re slow. And slow is dead.

    Building a successful business and designing a fulfilling life requires that you know what you want, that you have clarity on what matters and equally important, on what doesn’t matter.

    What things do you say, “yes” to… and what do you say, “no” to? With some careful and dedicated thoughtfulness you will be able to predict your future because your yes’s and no’s will take you down a certain path.

    The one you want or the one you don’t.

    As a designer of your future where you can create more wealth, have a bigger impact on the people around you and create a deeper meaning for your life you want to become a master of removing unnecessary friction.

  • The shift in thinking I had in my early 20’s is more relevant now than ever... The mistake the average person makes that separates many entrepreneurs is that they are not looking to avoid problems. They understand that problems are a part of life. And problems are there to be solved. Share this with those who could use a NEW perspective or a reminder of what is truly normal...

    Transcription: In my early twenties I made a very important decision. It was a pivotal moment. It’s one of those moments that changes your life.

    I decided to not end my life. I decided to live.

    Maybe your life didn’t make such drastic turns or maybe it’s been worse. Either way, I decided I wanted to be in charge of my life and I didn’t want to be confined to a boxed life and live according to other people’s norms.

    I wanted to pave my own path. I wanted to create a life on my terms, not a life that was dictated to me by the limitations of others.

    I wanted to earn as much as I wanted and not be limited by the value someone else put on me. I wanted to use my energy, my skills and my expertise based on my values and what inspired me. I wanted to help people my way.

    I chose the entrepreneurial life. Being an entrepreneur has not been an easy life, but easy is also not the goal. In fact when you search for an easy life you will be faced with a life full of challenges. Not any kind of challenge but painful challenges… (also known as problems)

    On the other hand, when you seek out challenges that inspire you will be supported and life takes on a whole new meaning. This is how you grow a meaningful and inspiring life.

    The mistake the average person makes that separates many entrepreneurs is that they are not looking to avoid problems. They understand that problems are a part of life. And problems are there to be solved.

    Every problem carries with it it’s counterpart solution. There’s no problem without a solution, just like there is no solution without a problem. Every problem births a new solution and every solution births a new problem.

    That is what real business and entrepreneurship is all about… solving truly difficult problems that add real value to customers.

    When you learn to love this natural evolution of life, nothing beats owning your own successful business and being in charge of your life.

    Why did you choose the career path or business you’re in today?

  • Maybe you’ve felt the changes in the world impacting your life in more ways than one... Maybe you’ve stopped to think about WHO is important to you... Maybe you’ve reevaluated what really matters in your life...

    This is our way of inspiring ALL of us to live more, to unite and be in charge of our lives. Share this with those who are important to you and remind them you care about them.


    What you focus on and where you spend your time, what you accomplish or fail to accomplish will be determined by the peers you choose.

    I often say, “You’re either influencing or being influenced.” There is no in between. In other words, every moment you’re interacting with the world, you’re either influencing the thoughts, emotions and behaviors of others or they are influencing you.

    Which is WHY you want to select and pick a peer group, be part of a community that both supports and challenges you. Supports you to live in alignment with your values so you can express who you are more fully, and challenge you, inspire you to grow and expand to your next level of living.

    It’s a natural part of evolution to want to grow and become more. Nobody wants to shrink, minimize or devalue who they are.

    Unless we’ve been living under a rock, we can all agree that the world has changed. I’m sure you have felt it, right? I know I have.

    Just a few minutes of conversation between us will reveal to me the narrative you’ve been consuming. If you have let fear or inspiration dictate your world. If you’re reactive or proactively creating your future.

    What are you watching? Who are you listening to?

    Fear will cripple you. Fear will compromise your immune system. Fear will have you abandon your dreams if you let it.

    Sometimes life and business can be a very lonely road. And if you’re trying to grow a business, create financial stability or build a healthy mind and body you want to be able to share those thoughts, struggles and opportunities with people who care. The right people who want to listen and give you NEW perspectives that make you grow and move you closer to your vision.

  • Sarah Schwab, Content Creator Expert, mom, wife and entrepreneur, shares her inspiring journey and about balancing her business and private life. How does she fit in hobbies, traveling and running her business while taking care of her family? This episode will explore it.

    In this episode you’ll learn…

    How do we find the juice and energy to our work and what robs us of fulfillment? The KEY to creating content with your expertise. How to discover what your dream client is looking for How do you share your value with your audience? ONE sure way to stay productive and inspired.

    If you want to explore and learn more from Sarah Schwab visit her on www.contentcreationcoach.com or listen to her show “The Content Creation Coach Podcast.”

  • Have you ever read a book on personal development, maybe been through some course or been to a seminar that promised to change your life?

    ...And it didn’t really work out the way you thought it would? Maybe you were super pumped right after, but then the high wore off? Ever had that feeling? I know I have many times. It was so disappointing.

    ...It was not until I heard a different perspective that life took on a whole new meaning.

    The man you’re about to hear today inspired me to start looking at things through a different lens.

    Sometimes a small shift in perspective can make a huge difference. The man you’re about to meet today will share some of his wisdom that he’s synthesized from 1000’s of years of great minds from theologians, nobel prize winners to the best in science, business, finance and health.

    In this episode Dr. John Demartini shares his discoveries after studying human behavior for over 48 years. He will share his backstory and what inspires him to share his mission.

    In this episode you’ll learn…

    Demartini’s research that changed EVERYTHING (you’ve NEVER heard anyone do this) The difference between setting fantasy targets and real targets you can achieve. How do you learn? Why do you learn fast or slow? What does the intelligent person versus the gullible do to navigate life? What is the ONE key difference between a fulfilling life and a life of desperation?
  • What do you do when your energy is low? What do you do when you lose focus? Well, most people just push harder and deplete themselves.

    There's a smarter way. In today's episode Satori will share his secrets to boost energy and get you aligned with your values.

    Let's get into the episode...

    Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are in the world and whenever you’re listening. It’s time for a brand NEW episode of halfass to badass.

    As an entrepreneur with a lot of moving parts, it’s easy to lose focus on what is important (there are tons of distractions looking for your attention) and sometimes it could be tough to maintain energy throughout the day.

    A lot of our clients that come to us, they want to be productive, they want to make more money and achieve more but struggle to keep the energy alive, they lose focus and build up a lot of stress and frustration. Many times they are very overwhelmed.

    Obviously this is very draining and taxing on their bodies and their minds.

    So in today’s episode I want to give you some simple, but effective and doable activities or actions you can do daily to boost energy and focus and watch your productivity and efficiency Sky rocket.

    Here are my 5 hacks to boost your energy and sharpen your focus.

    WATER Water is the best solvent to eliminate toxins, alkalize and remove inflammation from your body. I nourish my body and my brain. Anytime I feel my brain being tired or I experience some kind of brain fog, I drink water. How much water should you drink? Lots of people have different ideas around this and some even think you can overhydrate. For most people that will never happen. Of course it may differ depending on body weight, if you move a lot and which climate you’re in. But I have two simple rules you can adopt if you want. I drink half a liter (16 ounces) first thing in the morning. No matter what. That’s how I start my day. After that I do one of two things or a combo. Anytime I pee I drink a glass of water. Empty one way fill up another way. Or I drink water in combo with my time blocks. I’ll tell you more about that in a moment. If I sit and work for 50 minutes, then after that I get up drink some water. I don’t drink water after 7 or 8 pm depending of when I go to bed so that I don’t disturb my sleep I use my breath for relaxation But I also use it as a way to balance my nervous system. When we feel stressed or worried or overwhelmed we tense up, so by actively and intentionally breathing we start to balance our nervous system. Think about about it, you body gets tense automatically (unconsciously) you don’t have to think about it. But to relax you have to be intentional. BREATHING I do some stretching in the morning. I take walks in the morning and stack the breathing to it so I multiply the effect. Meaning intentional breath and walk together. MOVEMENT I was never a coffee drinker. Actually I was very against it for years because it is very acidic. I still believe coffee isn’t good for you. I used to work hard to get people to stop drinking coffee. But then I discovered a new way to drink it that has brain performance benefits and I made a new decision. I still believe you need to get quality coffee because a lot of coffee has mold. So here’s what I do differently. I brew coffee in a french press, I pour the coffee in a blender, add some organic grass fed butter, I add some kardemumma (for taste and because it is an anti-inflammatory spice) and mix it for 20 seconds. Then it’s ready. I do add cinnamon on top. Then it’s ready to drink. Why butter? Because the fat fuels your brain. So instead of having my brain get energy from sugar my brain is turned on by fat. Much more effective and keeps me balanced throughout the day. BUTTER COFFEE I connect to things that matter that inspire me. We all have things we value more and things we value less. I focus on filling my day with things that inspire me, fill me with energy and aligned with my values because that will make me not only productive but it will keep me fully charged throughout the day. This is also where the time blocking comes in which I mentioned earlier. I block 50 min for my most important activities. I have a timer on so I can focus on the task and not have to think about anything else at that time. Then when the timer goes off I do all of what I shared with you. I drink water, I breathe, I stretch, walk or do something to move and connect to the next inspiring thing I want to accomplish. CONNECTING TO WHAT INSPIRES ME

    Take what you’ve learned today and implement it in your day, your week, your month and watch your energy, productivity and inspiration grow massively.

    We can all have excuses or reasons why not to do something, but this isn’t one of those. You may have your habits in place, but if you add this into your routine you’ll be happy you did.

    If you’re focused this won’t take more than 2-3 minutes inside of your time blocks.

    I’ve got a lot of NEW and exciting episodes coming up so make sure you subscribe if you haven’t that yet, and share this podcast with people you care about.

  • Being stuck in a life situation you dislike or even hate, can leave you unhappy, dissatisfied and drain your energy. Dissatisfaction, boredom, lack of direction, can make anyone look for quick fixes.

    Ever felt that dissatisfying feeling but not being able to put your finger on what it is? That gnawing feeling like something is missing and you just wish you could do something about it? If you have, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world are feeling exactly just that. And for a while I was feeling the same.

    In this episode you will learn…

    3 easy steps to clarify what matters to you Listen to Linnea as she clarifies a common pain, we can solve Why we feel dissatisfied and one simple thing to turn it around

    · Satori shares his story of what happens when we make wrong career choices.

  • Satori reveals the big obstacle to reaching our dreams and the ONE thing we can do starting today to be in charge and take command of our lives so we can stack the odds in our favor. In this episode Satori will give you real tangible strategies and tools to win.

    In today’s episode you will learn:

    The one mindset shift that controls if you accelerate or feel stuck How to achieve more with less. What NEVER to do if you’re serious about your dreams One simple strategy to WIN the morning. How to get people around you to support your dreams
  • How do you navigate being an entrepreneur, owning a business and being a family man? How do you keep your sanity? How do we keep ourselves focused and out of overwhelm? Follow as Steve J Larsen shares it all, and how to create and design irresistible offers that inspire people to want to buy from you.

    Follow along and learn…

    How to get more done with less Create and design offers that sell 3 Secrets to building a thriving business And much much more…
  • HTB 026: What has happened to the world since our last time together. Has it gone mad? What has happened to you? And WHY did I leave the United States? What happened?

    Welcome back to a brand NEW episode of Halfass to Badass.

    In today's episode you will learn the secret to REAL gratitude and how we can SHIFT our lives completely by applying this ONE simple but crucial principle.


  • Wasting time trying to be “good” to bring you more success? Check out this one SuperPower to grow your success without settling for mediocrity or being apologetic…

    In today’s episode you will hear Satori share your one natural SuperPower. You’ll understand how to dominate your life and business and not let it dominate you.

    Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode:

    Find out what’s costing American companies alone $450-$500 Billion. Find out how to take command of this one SuperPower that’s at your fingertips. Learn how to own the traits of the best to leverage your natural born leadership skills.

    So listen here to find out how Satori coaches the best and how you can have an opportunity to apply and talk directly to Satori about creating badass results in your life and business.


    If you want to know the difference between the best and someone who’s name you’ve never even heard of, you better put away all the distractions and focus your attention right here, right now.

    What’s up my friends, this is Satori Mateu with a brand new episode of Halfass to Badas.

    Today we are going to tap into and understand one of your superpowers. The superpower I’m talking about controls everything around you, your results, or lack of results, what you do or don’t do. What you’re even willing to try.

    Before we get into the actual superpower, let's clarify a little bit of a current dilemma. We live in a world of mediocrity. We live in a world of low expectations, and victimhood.

    Today, that’s the norm. It's the norm we live in. The estimated annual cost of employee disengagement in the United States alone is $450-$500 Billion dollars. And of course, this impacts company growth, profits, productivity and the difference being made in customers and clients.

    If we want to engage ourselves, our teams and inspire customers and clients to make us the logical choice when they make a purchasing decision, and if we want to change how we live, what we stand for,we need to deliberately engage this Supowerpower and stop halfassing things. If we want to truly share our expertise and our knowledge, our wisdom, to be real authentic leaders in this world, we've got to step out of the mediocrity of the world. We've got to divorce ourselves of the low expectations and the victimhood we live in. Which means we can’t be the best in our field, to stand out, be badasses and victims at the same time. The truth is, we can't afford to be victims. Period.

    What is this thing we're going to talk about today? Own your best. This Supowerpower comes from understanding that you are born the best. You are born a Badass. That’s something to remember. This Superpower is an undeniable truth. Just remember it. No need to question it. Meaning you wouldn't even be here unless you had won the sperm race. We’ve talked about this in previous episodes. You wouldn't be here. It’s just as simple as that. Let's just own that. You were designed and born to compete, to win, to dominate, to be the best. It's in your DNA. Just own it. No need to apologize for it, anymore.

    But, it doesn’t guarantee your position. Just because you have everything, and you’re perfectly designed to win and you won once before doesn’t mean you can disengage and expect victory.

    Let me ask you, what happens when what is given to you goes unappreciated, unused, or even misused? It’s worthless, isn’t it?

    I know so many people who have lost important relationships because they didn’t nurture or appreciate them when they were in their life. No until when the person got tired of not being being seen and left did the person all of a sudden start paying attention.

    To own your best, to embrace all of you, means appreciating the miracle that you are.

    What else does it mean to own the best? It's to understand that all the human traits, every single one of the human traits, the characteristics, the qualities you have, everybody has. There's no trait lacking in you. Nothing is missing.

    With that said, it's interesting, if you look at the word, the definition of a trait; a distinguishing quality or characteristic. Here's the problem with that. We judge and minimize ourselves. We compare ourselves to others as a way to separate ourselves to be distinct. We look to create a unique identity for ourselves, we want to be different.

    This can go two ways, we either minimize and crush our worth that way, or

    we make ourselves bigger, we put ourselves on a pedestal, as a way to feel more important, more significant, more special.

    But in humanity, every trait in existence, you and I have. Nothing is missing. We have the trait and the anti-trait. Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. Sometimes you feel strong and sometimes weak. Inspired and uninspired, authentic and inauthentic. We got it all or you wouldn't even be able to recognize it. Whether we define it as good or bad, it's really more about our own judgment and perceptions, meaning every trait has its value in the right context.

    The problem is, we falsely believe we lack some traits. We often believe others have things we don't and that we're just born that way. More accurately, our traits come into optimal use when they’re in alignment with our highest values.

    I’ll show you persistence, creativity, resilience and dedication when it comes to fighting for our clients well-being and success and our family, but you put me in front of something I don’t like and you will see, lack of engagement, lack of focus, lack of dedication, low energy because it’s not important to me. But I have all traits. Is this making sense?

    We falsely believe we're lacking. The reality is, you have them all. To own the best is to own your traits, all of them, because they're all useful in different contexts.

    When it comes to eating crappy food, not getting sufficient sleep or taking care of my clients, with those kind of habits or behaviors I want to be inconsistent, lazy or procrastinate, you know what I mean? Because I want the opposite. I want to eat healthy food. I want to take care of my sleep and I want to take care of and nurture our clients. Are you following?

    You want to know how you can use your natural design, your best, in order to accelerate your wealth (which really means well-being), accelerate the results you create for yourself, your clients, your family, be able to love and connect and deepening your understanding of the world within you and around you.

    There's a problem. The problem is that you came out a winner, and as baby people were impressed just by you passing gas, mistaking it for a smile, right? "Oh, look at that cute little smile!" You were even celebrated for pooping. Believe me, that didn't last long. Think about it. Right?

    Later in life, after being praised for your mere existence, now people are fast to judge, true? People are inconvenienced by your ruthlessness, your persistence. I mean, this is how you came here. Unapologetically. People started judging it, being inconvenienced by it. They start rolling their eyes, sighing, trying to remove your unapologetic existence. "Oh, don't be so energetic! Don't be so loud! Don't be this! Don't be that!" Right? They try to have you apologize for everything. What happens? You slowly start accepting it and you dim your light.

    That's the problem and we've got to shatter that problem once and for all. Because if you don't, if we don't, we'll stay mediocre, and there's no growth in that my friend. There's no development. The world will stand still. Think about it, if there were no Steve Jobs, no Elon Musk, no Bill Gates, no Oprah Winfrey, no Richard Branson, and if there wasn't a you.

    Can you think about these people? They have the same traits as you. They're just using them differently. According to their values. According to matters to them. They're using maybe their persistence to innovate, being creative in their form. You have yours. They still have the same traits. Maybe they're using their focus differently. They're using their time differently. They are no different than you or I.

    How do we take this piece of owning the best and apply it daily? How do we engage this superpower, because it really is a superpower.

    What’s the kryptonite? Disowning your traits. When you disown your traits, you disown you. When you disown your traits, you disown your expertise, your wisdom, your knowledge, your experience, you disown your clients because you can't make your unique difference in their lives when you're minimizing yourself, when you are dimming the light of your SuperPower. When you're disowning you.

    Think about that, because if you get this, if you really understand this at the core, you'll stop minimizing, you'll stop apologizing. You'll stop procrastinating in sharing your gifts, your knowledge, and your expertise. This is how you change the world. This is how you leave a legacy. Changing the standards for those who come after you, this is how we play a bigger, more meaningful game. This is how you apply yourself. The best. How do we do it? How do we engage our superpower? How do we engage you, the born you? The one that is here right now? First of all, I want you to understand, we all have a tendency to dismiss or hide traits. So here is a simple yet powerful way to get going.

    Let’s identify and clarify a trait you admire in someone else. Why do I choose a trait you admire in someone else? Because if you admire it in someone else chances are you’re minimizing it in you. It's a simple way of doing it, a simple way of getting clear on it, so we can understand what a trait is. That's how we can distinguish it. We look at something someone else has, someone you admire or respect, a trait you admire, a trait you wish you had or had more of. Think about it right now. What’s the trait? Who has it? You see the trait? What is it? Who is it? You look for when and where and with whom you've demonstrated this trait. Go to a specific moment? Where are you demonstrating this trait right now? We'll talk about this and look through some examples. Thirdly, ask yourself, “Where do I want to demonstrate this trait even more? What would be one area, one context, where this trait could have the biggest impact and meaning for myself and others?”

    Identify a trait. Let's say you're looking for consistency, or you're looking for persistence, or you're looking to be less apologetic, maybe more ruthless. Maybe you're looking to be more relentless.

    If you think about it, when you are being playful and free and being creative, it allows you to be unshakeable. It allows you to be relentless.

    If you think about it, when you say something like, "I don't have enough time," you're using that story, that excuse, that you don't have enough time, which we all have used that language. It's a good reason not to apply you, to not apply the best. It's a way to apologize and dismiss yourself but it's also a way of minimizing yourself. When you do are you owning your best or are you back to being mediocre?

    We've identified a trait, number one. We look for where and when and with whom you've demonstrated it.

    I remember when I wrote the acknowledgments of my bestselling book, Unshakeable Wealth. First I thought, "Why am I writing an acknowledgement? Who cares? Who would even read the acknowledgement anyway?" I thought it was kind of a waste of time. Then I sat down and I started thinking about it and I realized that the acknowledgement was really like writing a love letter, like writing an appreciation and gratitude for the people who provided a path for me, that created the opportunity to have this moment.

    All of a sudden, I'm sitting there, with tears running down my eyes. When I was done, I'm like, "Wow, this is like a really cool experience." Then I was going to read it to my wife and I couldn't read it without crying because I was so filled with gratitude. It was something I thought was meaningless until I connected to the truth.

    If you think about vulnerability as a trait that you avoid, maybe consider the drawbacks of avoiding it. And look at what are the benefits? Where have you been vulnerable?

    I was connecting to being vulnerable, practicing that, which allowed me and my wife to be seen.

    Either way, the trait is there. I decide how much or how little I apply that trait. What traits do you want to expand or want more?

    It's always existent. You either use it, or you're not. But it's still there. It's not lost. It's not disappearing. It's there. Just because you don't walk around thinking about your heart, your heart is still there. Just because you don't walk around thinking about the blood pumping in your body right now, or the oxygen going through your body or you veins, it's still doing it. You don't walk around thinking about that all day long, but it's still happening.

    Lastly, it's to create habits, daily habits, to strengthen the traits.

    Strengthen the trait by creating daily habits that allows you to apply the trait on a daily basis, consistently, deliberately, intentionally, purposefully. There's no mindlessness about this.

    What are the specific situations where you can apply your traits? If you want to make a significant increase to your income, if you want consistency in your revenue every month, what’s a trait that is not only useful, but a must? A must-have trait? If you could only pick one trait, what would be one trait that, if applied, would generate significant amounts of consistent monthly revenue for you? What would be the one trait?

    Tell me, how important do you think that is to understand? How important do you think it is to own the best? In other words, own the traits that are yours?

    If you believe being nice, or being a good girl or a good boy is a good trait, maybe that's one of the reasons you're not achieving the financial results you want, because you're apologizing for your existence.

    You're apologizing for your gift, your knowledge, expertise and wisdom that others can enjoy.

    Apologizing and minimizing who you are, is not how you got here. You were unapologetic, and relentless. That’s how you won the race.

    Hope this has been a powerful listening session for you, and I hope you will share this with someone you love. Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, OWN. YOUR. BEST. Bye for now.


    In today’s episode you will hear the key to life and business optimization. You’ll understand what you need to do first before you do anything.

    Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode:

    Find out how all the other tools or strategies for optimization won’t work without implementing this one step first. Find out how to raise your income level and understand why so many entrepreneurs hit an income ceiling. Learn how to take part in community to help you stay on track and continue to make progress.


    What’s up my friends, Satori Mateu here and welcome to a brand new episode of Halfass to Badass. Today, we are going to talk about one of the most challenging, most questioned, and most provocative topics I see clients and their families, and business owners struggle with and I believe it's the one thing that runs everything you do.

    Today’s topic controls your beliefs, your perspectives, your focus and therefore, how you run your business, how you care for your family and whether you’re rich or broke. It literally filters everything you do and controls the impact you have. Your health, and your fulfillment hinges of you of you taking command of this area. Have I kept you in enough suspense? Good

    What we’re talking about today is to own, truly own, your dark side. The question then becomes, of course, what is the dark side? So let's talk about first, what it's not.

    It's not bad. It's not ugly. It's not wrong. It's not all those things you've been taught it may be. It's not something to move away from, but rather, something you want to move towards. Something you want to embrace.

    Because, this is where your true desires, your true dreams, your wants... live.

    Your secrets live here and so does your inspiration. More about that in a moment. Your instincts live here. Your imagination lives on the dark side. Your nature lives on your dark side. Your wildness, your spontaneity, your boldness, your loudness, your life force, your ruthlessness, your relentlessness, your persistence, your power, and your love lives in your dark side. Let me clarify what I mean when I say your love lives there.

    Your genuine care for other human beings live there. This is not the manipulative you trying to get attention. This is not the pretend stuff. Not the fake friendliness. Not that politeness, and fakeness which is not you, anyway.

    Think about that. When you're being polite, you're not being you. You’re trying to be something other than yourself. You’re trying to be something others want you to be. You're trying to placate and appease others. You're trying to do something so people will like you, respect you, appreciate you. It's a buying of love and affection, of respect or whatever you want to call it, but it's not you when you're being polite. That’s a mask. It’s prostitution. And we’ve all done it. Do you know what I’m saying? Hope you do because this is a critical understanding if you want to build a successful and fulfilling life, business, marriage or be an influential leader of any kind.

    I remember being a kid tippy-toeing. I remember being an adult tippy-toeing. I remember that feeling of talking to a client and being care-ful, rather than care-ing, working really hard to not say the wrong thing, to not make them annoyed, or disappointed.

    Listen, everything that’s part of your dark side, you’re hiding, you were taught to hide. You were taught it was bad, which is why you’re hiding it to begin with. Are you following?

    I think if you stop for a moment and become aware you can feel when you’ve said yes to something just to appease someone. It’s so nauseating and crippling because it’s not you. Are you with me? It’s some contrived version of you. It’s just inauthentic. And you’ll never feel in alignment with yourself and your highest values when you do. Again, I’m not talking about genuinely wanting to do something for someone. Wanting to care. That’s different.

    Your genuine love, your genuine caring, your authentic love lives in the dark side. The real you, not what you've been taught and conditioned by society or maybe your parents, lives there. The unpostured and unmasked you. Yeah, is this cool stuff?

    Now, the problem here is you've learned to shut that down, to minimize your nature. You've learned to tippy-toe, to apologize, so that people will like you, approve of you and feel comfortable around you. It’s been indoctrinated and conditioned into your very core since you were a kid.

    “Be nice. Be good. Say thank you. Be polite. Be respectful. Smile. Be happy. You’re such a good boy. You’re such a good girl. You make mommy and daddy so happy.” Or just reverse it…

    “Don’t say that. Don’t do that. Don’t ask so many questions. Just do what I tell you to do boy. Don’t question mommy or daddy because they always know best.” Don’t question authority. That’s how we are trained.

    You and I were trained to fit in. We were trained to please others and to live into their values and not make them uncomfortable. So I know it could be hard to strip away the mask and be you. How do you be you without it?

    I will have to dedicate an episode just for that. Today we’ll open up the eyes for it and give you something actionable to start making the shift.

    How do you do fit in? You do that by playing small, by not standing out, by trying to fit in. This is what you've learned your whole life. It's been like a requirement in order to receive love, to receive appreciation, and to receive the respect of your peers; of your family, your friends, and your clients. It's the place where you've been going for your survival. That's not the place to live or thrive. If you’re thinking, “I don’t do that.” Stop and ask yourself, “Where do I do that?” Because we all do to some degree, and I just want you to notice where and when you do so can free yourself from it.

    If you feel uncomfortable even hearing me talk about this, I get it. If you feel any resistance to what I’m saying I get it. Because your whole life you’ve been trained to not go against the grain. It’s natural. It’s normal. It’s what you know. But it’s also what makes you empty, unfulfilled, stressed out, overwhelmed and stuck. It’s what fuels perfectionism. I’m not talking about growth. I’m talking about the addiction of perfectionism. The constant futile chase for praise and acceptance, which just makes the gap bigger and bigger the more you try to fill the emptiness.

    I remember doing that with the people I admired. I did it most of my life; I would put them on a pedestal. Teachers, coaches, business icons, certain clients. I did it with my wife when I first met her. Most of us have done it so repeatedly, that it’s automatic and we pay no attention to it.

    This is not the place where we’re sharing and expressing our true gifts. Now of course, we’re smart, we don’t do things that doesn’t bring us some sort of benefit, some kind of pleasure, right? So happens when you don't own your dark side? You get the illusion of people liking you. At least, it looks like it on the surface. They're not liking you. They don’t even know you. All they know is your facade, your mask! You know what else? They're liking that you're doing and fulfilling their wants and desires, but for many people, if you didn't do that, they may not like you and they may not be so nice to you.

    Disowning your dark side, is actually not a service to them. It's a disservice, because they don't even get to know you, and they’re stuck living in their fake little bubble. Not good. Not good at all.

    So you'll have less enemies. You'll push less buttons. You're keeping homeostasis, so to speak, but nothing changes. You have no real impact on the world. You won't make any real money by doing that, because you won't stand out. You'll be part of the mediocre, the average person, so you won't be remembered. And if we’re talking about having an intimate relationship, it will be shallow at best, and parenting? Hmm fueled by disappointments on both sides. This is the consequence of not embracing all of you.

    People will guilt and shame you for not behaving the way you should behave. This is what humans have learned to do to control and manipulate other humans since the beginning of time. And it’s still happening. Why does this matter? Because you want to be a free human being. You want to be able to be fully and boldly you and never try to be anything else or anyone else. And not have to apologize for it.

    Just recently at the Golden Globes Award in Beverly Hills they were promoting flu shots. So they walked around all the celebrities and campaigning for people to get their flu shot. It was a very awkward moment and many celebrities looked very uncomfortable.

    Why am I sharing this? Because this is an example of shaming and pointing people out who are different or acting different than what is being promoted. They said, “Hey if you’re anti vaccines just put a yellow napkin on your head and we’ll know who you are.

    Companies, Government, society, the news use it all the time to control our behavior, control our focus.

    It’s time you own you. All of you. If you don’t you’ll just minimize your true nature which means you will never get paid your worth. Your business won’t grow at the level you want and how are you ever going to have an edge? People are not going to pay you for something that is not special, that doesn’t stand out. And the people who care about you, like I do, we want to experience your real genius.

    Even when I say that, you probably thinking, “Well, I'm not a genius”. Well, how do you know that? Who told you that? You can't really help and serve your clients or your family, if you don't own your work, if you don't own your dark side, because they won't get to the real you, the best of you.

    All they get is a muted version of you, a crippled version of you. Which means, they're not being served at a level they could be served. Which also means, you're not going to be known as the authority in your industry, because you'll keep minimizing your worth. You'll keep minimizing yourself, because you're disowning your dark side. You're disowning you.

    I don't really have a name for the other side. Of course, we could call it the light side, but it sounds almost like something to aspire. It’s not. You’ve been taught that, but you were taught wrong.

    I know I may be pushing some buttons when I say this, but hey I want you to be free to be you and awaken from your good boy, good girl trance.

    I would call it the fake side, the apologetic side, the side that is inauthentic. It's not you.

    So the question is, how do we own our dark side? How do we break free from the hypnosis of the masses? I hope I painted the picture clear enough for you to start seeing the danger and the drawbacks of not owning your dark side.

    We can go deeper with that, for sure, but just for the sake of keeping this focused right now and keeping this to an understanding that your dark side is the real you. There's nothing to be ashamed of here. There's nothing to hide, really. But it is a thing that you are hiding. It is a thing that you are minimizing. It is the thing that you are apologizing for. It's the one thing that is controlling and dominating your pulse, every single day of your life. It's controlling your income right now. Your key relationships. It's controlling everything. It's actually controlling the level of energy you have right this very moment. Because the more you're suppressing, the less you're being you, and that’s draining. It’s controlling your emotions, your mental capacity, It's controlling your immune system. It's controlling everything. It’s controlling your marriage, it’s controlling your parenting, it’s controlling the efficiency in your business, your stress levels, how well you manage your team.

    So if you want to be free, truly free as a human being, this is worth owning. This is worth mastering, for sure.

    So how do we do it? Let's start by understanding a few simple things. I'm going to give you some practical things you can do right away.

    There's only one way to not have it be your dark side anymore and that’s to bring it into the light. And by the way if you didn’t know the definition of Satori it means enlightenment. It’s a moment of clarity. So let’s illuminate your dark side shall we? Let’s make you unshakeable.

    How do we shed some light here? Right now. Not years from now.

    First, the moment you see where and when and with whom you’re being inauthentic, just by observing it (with no judgement) things start shifting. You’re literally starting the pruning, and cutting away process of your inefficient neuro connection. You’re literally re-molding your brain. You can just start by acknowledging it. You can see, you can have clarity of where and when and with whom you're apologizing, where you're being fake, where you're not being bold, expressive, where you're minimizing yourself, where you're tippy-toeing, where you're trying to have people like you.

    Let's just make it clear, this is not about being offensive. It's not about being disrespectful. It's not about attacking people. Attacking and judging comes from a place of protection. Attacking is a protecting mechanism. I don't need to get my point across by attacking.

    A lot of times, when people feel a need to defend themselves, to protect themselves, (when they perceive a threat) they feel like they need to attack. I was having a conversation with a new client a few years back. I started working with. She's a doctor, and she works with all these famous people. I said something to her, and I said, "Really?" I just used the word, "Really?" Immediately, she jumped into, "You don't have to shame me." I'm like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, relax. I'm not even in the slightest bit trying to shame you."

    I said, "If you feel triggered and you feel shamed, it has nothing to do with this moment. I have zero desire or intention to shame you. Shame lives in the past. You’re being triggered from the past, because nothing that I ever say or ever do is designed to shame anybody."

    I don't have any judgment if what you’re doing is good, bad, right, or wrong. I'm looking at how is it working for you? How is it serving you? Is it expanding you, or is it minimizing you? That's what I'm attacking, if I'm attacking anything.

    It's easy to get, hooked into something. Directness can have that impact on people, because they feel, “Ooh, I'm going to be exposed”. The first step to owning your dark side is to have the clarity and awareness of where and with whom and specifically when you're doing it.

    When you're apologizing. When you're being fake. When you're protecting yourself. When you're doing all those things, that's number one.

    Number two: We must tell the truth about it to someone who can (who actually has the ability) and wants to see and understand you. Someone who cares about you. Meaning, someone who’s able to see you with all those things that you've been trying to hide, all the things you've been trying to change about yourself, to not lose respect, love, and appreciation.

    I actually had a conversation with one of our podcast listeners this week where this became very apparent. She is an entrepreneur and mom and her mother in law was shaming her for being enthusiastic about building her company. She didn’t think that’s how a mom should be.

    Not a very uncommon scenario. This listener of course felt frustrated and judged because she was sure she wouldn’t blame her son for working and building his business.

    So she had a choice to be apologetic and tippy-toeing, shrink herself to appease her mother in law, or to continue to be inspired and know she could build and amazing business and be an amazing mom. And actually an even more present mom because she was fulfilling her highest values; being a mompreneur.

    So we've got to first acknowledge and see, be aware of, when and where and with whom I am minimizing, apologizing, being fake in any way, shape, or form, trying to change who I am. Tippy-toeing. Number one.

    Number two, acknowledge it. Own it. Tell the truth about it to someone who can see you. This is the place of courage, being vulnerable enough to share your flaws.

    I don't see them as flaws, but to be able to communicate it here, the things that you've been trying to hide, the secrets that you’ve been taught are flaws is key here.

    A great way to know what those things are is to ask yourself, "What are the things I don't want anyone to know, Don’t want to tell anybody? What are the secrets I don't want anybody to know about me?"

    Those will be the things to talk about with the people who can see you.

    I was talking to a guy the other day that wanted some help with his thinking around his business, and he was not getting enough traction and making the money he wanted. He had spent a lot of money to be in this entrepreneurial mastermind but felt stuck because he wasn’t getting the help he needed. So I asked him, what’s something you’ve been hiding or trying to keep a secret? I said it’s dominating you right now, and it’s controlling your income because it’s lowering your worth. Anything in your nervous system that is minimizing you will control how much money you’re making”. He’s like, “It’s weird, the moment you asked me, this feeling popped up and and I know exactly what it is. My sister has a severe handicap, I’ve judged her for it. I haven’t felt I could love her fully because of it, and I’ve felt ashamed and ashamed of her”.

    The moment you're exposing the guilt and shame, they're no longer in the dark, meaning we are seeing it, and you're able to own it. When someone can see you, and appreciate your vulnerability you’re making it possible to dissolve things you’ve been carrying around for decades.

    It's easy to identify it and be honest with yourself about it, which is obviously the first step when you're seeing it, right? But to dissolve the guilt or shame, what’s powerful and what you want to do is share it with someone who can see you with it. This is your practice.

    I’m talking about this because most people are not getting how these things (thoughts and emotional charges) are weighing them down and holding them back from the business growth they want, the family they want, and fulfillment they want. Most are not deliberately stepping forward and practicing this. Mostly because they didn’t know, but also because it’s scary and counterintuitive. It’s the complete opposite of what most people have been taught.

    Most entrepreneurs I know pretend to be better than they are. Further along than they are; more successful, making more income, more everything. When I say pretending to be better than you are, I'm not saying that you're not amazing. You are. You've been pretending because you've been hiding the other side, thinking that is a “bad” side, a wrong side, a flawed side, a weak side.

    So you want to come across better than. It’s completely normal based on the conditioning you’ve had.

    That's not owning your dark side. That's apologizing for it by pretending, disowning it and putting up a facade, right?

    An example of that would be. “Hey, how are you doing?” “Oh, everything is great. I'm doing this, and I'm doing that, and life is amazing. That's being polite, because you're not being real.

    It's not that something can't be going great in your life. Of course, things can be amazing in your life. That's not the point. This is when the truth has to be there, it’s a different level of truth. I’m not talking about being a victim and always complaining and bitching about your life.

    I want you to understand. I’ve been apart of so many groups; masterminds where people pay a lot of money to be in them, and so many of them hang in the Facebook groups fishing for praise, they share their wins but still feel empty because it’s empty calories. I’m not interested in building more fakeness or inauthenticity in people. Or supporting the growing addiction.

    Hey I want you to be focused. I don’t want you to get distracted.

    You need to have space; mental space, emotional space a community space where you can be fully, brutally honest and real. That does not mean that everything is going to be super cool and everything's going to be great all the time.

    You need to be able to own those things, without coming from a victim mentality but from curiosity, from exploration and desire to grow. Not from complaining. Not from a feeling sorry for yourself place. And I know you don’t like that place anyway so I don’t need to explain that. So I'm not after that. I'm after a place where you can be seen, fully seen. To be understood It's hard for people to do that on social media. Which is why we’ve built our community. By the way if you want to know more about our community you can go to halfass to badass.com and join our VIP list for when we open the doors. Cool?

    I’ve got to tell you it frustrates me when I see so many entrepreneurs not having the tools, or the community to deal with this. Of course, we want to encourage people, but we also want to understand on a deep level that when you’re aligned with you core values, you’re inspired from within, you don’t need some outside motivation to take action. You may need to remove friction and overwhelm and have efficient strategies for optimization. But when you’re aligned with your highest values, your core, you don’t need me to motivate you. You’re getting that, right?

    I don’t need to remind my boys to play Minecraft or push them to draw the things they love to create. They are compelled and inspired. They come to me and share their latest creations. “Look dad, look what I did. Hey dad, I created this new cool character today”.

    Believe me I know people want to be nice, but we need to start recognizing our own inner drive of why and how we do it. Because if we don’t it’s like we’re walking around literally with a fake mask of a smile and nobody gets to know anybody. There’s a separation and lonely feeling, rather than connection and intimacy. That’s the price of being inauthentic. And it’s not your fault when you are because we can all be a bit inauthentic, if we’re honest.

    We’re trained to be this way, and most often it has the opposite effect of what we want.

    We just need to recognize when it happens so we can let it go. The moment you own you dark side you’re free my friend. And I want that for you.

    In this conversation, well me talking to you, I can’t interact with you as much as I like to, which is another reason why we created our community so I can get to know you and support your entrepreneurial journey.

    So until you join us you've got to practice to be brutally honest and own your dark side. Stop trying to look good, stop trying to impress others for the sake of gaining love, respect or appreciation. It’s exhausting and won’t get you very far. It will just leave you empty. It’s an addiction you want to break. And I know a lot of people have a hard time admitting when they have an addiction. But let’s be clear, anything you and I do that we keep doing and seem to have a hard time stopping, is an addiction. Let’s just tell the truth about it. No more hiding. No more pretending things are “so amazing” when they’re not. Are you with me?

    Yes, you want to deliberately grow and uplevel your business, uplevel your relationships, right? You want to deliberately grow your well-being. Be intentional, right? I’m all for it. That’s how we Badasses do things. We don’t want to halfass anything. But you’ve got to recognize what’s driving it.

    If you want life optimization, business optimization, this is not the place to look good my friend. I need to have that level of brutal honesty with you, because otherwise, I can't help you. And I know if you’re still listening to my rant today, you have some skin on your nose and you have the courage to be honest with yourself, right?

    So number one, we have to know and see when we're doing these things. And two, tell the truth to someone who truly cares about you.

    I promise you one thing, it's amazing what happens when you liberate yourself. When you free yourself from the chains of your past. You have access to parts of you that has been shut down for years.

    I was speaking to one of my pro athlete clients. She’s a Tennis pro.

    When we integrated her dark side. She became unapologetic and completely dominated the court. She stopped tippy-toeing. Stopped minimizing herself. And stopped putting her competitors on a pedestal.

    And as a result she made it to the finals in one of her tournaments which was the first time in over a year.

    Listen, my friend, owning your dark side means owning you. All of you. If you're going to own what you think is positive, you need to also own the things you believe are not so great. But remember the so called “bad” stuff that others may have shamed you into believing was just negative, has its equal polar opposite positive. It has just as many benefits as drawbacks, and that’s the truth.

    But you have to make a shift in perspective. You can’t hold on to old lies about yourself. This is where the power lives. This is where you freedom lives.

    Hope this has been a powerful listening session for you, and I hope you will share this with someone you love. Thanks so much for listening, and until next time, OWN. YOUR. DARK. SIDE. Bye for now.

  • How do you become a Badass Entrepreneur, Spouse, and Parent? Is it something you’re born with and can anybody acquire the skills?

    In today’s episode of Halfass to Badass the tables are turned and you will hear Satori be interviewed by entrepreneur, psychoanalyst, wife and homeschooling mom of five C.C. Evans Puglise. She’s also a fellow Badass listener of our podcast and you will hear her ask Satori some challenging and interesting questions.

    Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode:

    Find out Satori’s perspective on being a Badass and why so many stay mediocre. Listen to C.C. Evans Puglise as she asks Satori personal and challenging questions. Learn how Satori takes on victimhood and how it affects your business, your marriage and your parenting.

    So listen here to find out how Satori coaches the best and how you can have an opportunity to apply and talk directly to Satori about creating badass results in your life and business.

  • Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode:

    Find out how to break the fantasy of living someone else’s life. Find out how to remove friction, stress and overwhelm. Learn how Satori sees work-life balance and how it looks in his life.


    What is balance? So many entrepreneurs talk about work life balance and how important it is. But according to who’s definition?

    In today’s episode we’re going to talk about why a balanced life is a lie and why you don’t want to be seeking it

    If you ever find yourself struggling with how to organize your thoughts, maybe you’re overwhelmed with how to prioritize or feeling stressed about what to focus on I want you to know, first, you’re not alone. Second, if you want a more effective, more meaningful structure to your day, today’s little chat will give you clarity and give you a new perspective on the idea of work-life balance.

    I did a google search on work-life balance and I received 1,690,000 results in a heartbeat.

    Most entrepreneurs before they start working with us have a million plates spinning at all times, and they have a hard time structuring their thoughts, and don’t know how to remove the growing stress in their life.

    They work so hard to have a functional family. They want a thriving business, but there’s a constant battle between dropping and picking kids up from school, driving them to after school programs, keeping a clean home, cooking, having date nights, fitting in their meditation or yoga, making sure everyone in the family feels seen, keeping up with their social life, while not dropping the ball on their finances, making sure bills are being paid. You know what I’m talking about, right?

    So if we think about it, we can conclude that we’re all striving to keep the plates spinning without dropping or breaking any of them. True?

    It’s an aim to have a balanced life, fair to say?

    What’s killing entrepreneurs and families today is the fantasy and illusion of this perfectly balanced life with no stress and no complexities. Instead it creates complexities. Here’s what I mean.

    Why would we want to create a work-life balance based on some fantasy society, or social media put in front of us? Doesn‘t make any sense. It just creates unnecessary friction. Yeah, let’s overload our kids with activities and playdates so we can be good parents that give our kids opportunities, and let’s post on social media every three hours so we can stand out and won’t get left in the dust by our competitors. And let’s buy every course, attend every conference, and oh by the way, make sure you get those washboard abs and sign up for the next triathlon. That sounds intelligent. No. It makes no sense.

    So instead of overwhelming and stressing yourself out, judging yourself that you have to be or fit in to some kinda fantasy criteria, wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to strip away the friction, remove all the stuff that in the end just makes you mediocre because you’re not focused and you’re spread too thin. What if instead you were super clear on what really matters to you to your business, to your family and found those core critical areas that really moved the needle for you.

    The name of the game is called Precision Based Growth. We also call it Deliberate Growth.

    Here’s the big picture. We know if we can agree that the money you want, the family you want and energy you want to build a life that is sustainable doesn’t come from doing a million things and doing everything half-ass, but rather doing a few critical things right outside your comfort zone, with focus and intention and being very deliberate. Because this is where the real growth happens. It’s a scientific fact, well known in neuroscience. You with me?

    Knowing that, then we can also agree that it doesn’t make any sense to give everything equal importance. When you make everything important nothing becomes important. Nothing gets the necessary attention and focus to create momentum.

    So in the precision based growth approach, you ask yourself, what do I want? What do I really want? Not based on the all familiar past, not what everyone else thinks I should want or create? But based on an unknown, unpredictable future. You’re creating from a clean slate.

    Then you ask, in order for me to achieve this what are the core key activities that will help me get there most predictably?In other words, not all actions are equally effective. And what do I need to remove from my life to eliminate friction, to remove stress and overwhelm and accelerate growth? We’re talking thoughts, emotions, habits (internal and external) You may say, “Hey I want to make more sales, I want to bring in more business, have a bigger impact.” And you notice that the first thing you do in the morning is check your inbox because you “think” you have to and you feel bad if you don’t. So it becomes an addiction. But then you realize that you’re no longer going to be a slave and living in reaction to everyone else’s demand, right? So you’re like, “I’m in command of my business. I’m in charge of how I live my life, of my time and how I take care of my family.”

    So what do you do? After your morning routine (focusing on your well being, first, of course) your first timeblock for work is now dedicated to building key relationships and closing new business.

    This means, you’re now consciously focusing and giving attention to activities that will maximize growth and meaning. It creates a ripple effect. You’re helping more people. Bringing in more revenue. Growing your company. Removing stress. Sleeping better. You’re being more present with your family and more fulfilled. Got it?

    Here’s what happens when you do this. First, you get tremendous clarity, and we’re cutting out all the unnecessary, unwanted stuff; the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and habits that got you stuck to begin with and you’re simplifying your life, your business and growing like crazy. You’re removing internal and external obstacles that in the past would’ve slowed you down and even making what would’ve been impossible to achieve, possible. How cool is that?

    You’re literally changing timelines because when you remove friction, and focus on what matters, everything accelerates. Are you getting this? I hope you do because this is so key to the entrepreneurial life and if you want life optimization. And we create and design this for our clients all the time. Because we know the other road leads to burnout, disease, divorce and disengagement. Not very inspiring. Do you agree?

    We could of course go much deeper on this, but I just wanted to give you something to spark some inspiration as you think about your life and how you design your work-life balancing act. Because that’s what it is, but it’s not what you’ve been indoctrinated to believe. It’s more like a counterbalancing act.

    To give you a peek into how this counterbalancing act looks for me. My office and my work life is mainly from home… and it’s intentional, that’s how I want it.

    I don’t have to spend two hours a day in L.A traffic, no need to plan when to best leave or come home.

    And since my 3 boys are world schooled, every morning instead of fighting traffic we take a family morning walk together. We have home cooked family lunches and dinners most days of the week. And very often I can take a break in the afternoon and play with my family in the pool. Have some fresh cut watermelon and enjoy their company.

    Does that mean I don’t have to focus and take command of my time? Of course not. I’m just very intentional about it. Does it mean, I never get interrupted? Don’t get asked questions, “Dad can you draw for me, dad can you find my backpack, dad can you wrestle with us? Can we watch a movie?” Are there moments when my boys are playing in the shower, being loud and splashing water all over the bathroom floor and need my help? Yes.

    But you see, it’s by design. It’s by choice.

    I have my blocked morning routine. I have my morning team meetings. My blocked key activities before lunch. My timeblocks for when I serve my client. I have my 20 min research time when I might read a book. I do that in the sun in my shorts so I can get healthy light on my body, feed my brain, get some vitamin D and be away from the junk light from my computer.

    If you’re wondering if I ever wish to get more done at the end of the day or if there are days when I wish I had more energy or didn’t have to be stuck on the phone with the bank for an hour. The answer is yes, or course.

    But I look at where do I invest 90% of my energy and focus? And honestly, because my life is by design because I have determined what truly matters to me, where I’m most productive. Where I make the biggest difference. And how I can serve my mission of creating millions of focused and deliberate entrepreneurs that produce more with less - where they have more meaning, productivity and more growth; a deliberate, simplified and fulfilling life and business, I am so grateful. I can’t even imagine doing it any other way.

    So many people leave for work early in the morning. Come home late at night when their kids are sleeping, see their spouse maybe for an hour if they’re lucky before it’s time to go to sleep. They only get a few hours to connect on the weekend. Not how I want to live. But nobody gave me this lifestyle or way of working. It was created. Sometimes people make themselves so busy because it makes them feel important. I rather let my mission be important and find the most efficient way to make it happen.

    You see, only when I have the illusion or fantasy that I won’t have any friction, or when I have imbalanced perceptions do I feel stressed and out of balance.

    The dream you want, the body you want, the business, the marriage may never happen if you don’t take command, or wait for the perfect time. What do I mean? When you think “some-day we’ll do that.” “When the kids grow up we’ll take that vacation.” “When we make enough money, then we’ll spend more time together…”.

    Don’t wait. Don’t wait for that fantasy life that is designed by someone else. It won’t work. It’s has to be your design.

    A Balanced life is determined by your values. Not dictated by the painted fantasy of the culture.

    Never let it get so far that there’s no way back…

    The core definition of Balance is stability, equilibrium, to create the correct proportions (which means we may need to add or remove the things that are not in alignment with what is really important to you, not what others think you should prioritize…

    Let me tell you what balance is NOT...

    Balance is NOT putting equal focus of your time with your kids, spouse, friends, or work because everything is not equally important to you at this moment in time. That’s just creating an unrealistic expectation on yourself that is not achievable. It will just create unnecessary stress. Are you with me?

    Balance is not something static. It’s constantly moving. To create equilibrium you’re actually constantly looking for a way to counterbalance. A great example of that is ballerina, right? When you see her on stage and she’s on her toes, she looks so graceful and balanced, right? But if we were to zoom in and have a close-up on her toes we can see a back and forth counterbalancing action going on which gives us the experience of balance.

    Balance is also about understanding and evaluating benefits versus drawbacks, advantages versus disadvantages. Is this making sense? You’re assessing, and making estimations. This is what makes you adaptable and flexible. But remember, it’s moving. It’s not static.

    Balance is a constant balancing act of navigating your life and business so that you’re constantly growing (you’re deliberately pushing in one area and not in another to achieve maximum growth). That means that sometimes you will give something disproportionate energy, time and focus. It’s not equal. Or you won’t get momentum. But it’s deliberate, intentional and done with precision.

    When you hear, “I need to find more balance”. They are saying, I’m not aligned with my values. They are living according to someone else’s agenda. Think more in terms of an act of balancing which means different things to different people depending on what they value.

    When you’re balanced (or balancing in alignment with your values) you’re poised, you’re equilibrated, moving and growing toward what matters to you most.

    When you’re balanced you’re in harmony with yourself and your environment (environment includes the people and things in your life.) Think of a group singing together in harmony… they are harmonizing together, and it sounds beautiful. And when it’s off pitch, what is it like? Out of harmony, right? It’s painful.

    So when you start recognizing and becoming aware of where you’re out of tune; where your work, family and self is not harmonizing you can start to get clear of how you’re out of balance so you can navigate yourself back into the counterbalancing act. It’s your internal and external tuning system when you pay attention.

    Think of it like the Teeter totter approach to life and business.There are big oscillations from one side to the other (and it’s needed, this is where the growth happens). And other times you’re in the middle doing the balancing act.

    Another way of saying that is Counterpoise. Is a counterbalancing force or weight that pulls you back into equilibrium, into balance. Remember, if we look closer, it’s still moving. But you don’t want to be there all the time, do you? And how much fun would that be anyway. It kind of takes away the pushing and the bouncing of the Teeter totter, right? You want both. And it’s in your control. But you’ve got to start by making the evaluation of what is right for you.

    I want you to explore and evaluate what creates that for you…

    Before we finish our episode today let me ask you and just answer for yourself as honest as you can… it’s not about giving a “good” answer. It’s about what’s right for you...

    Are you working too long without any breaks? Not taking time to recharge?

    Are you not working enough so you’re not feeling productive, like you’re not growing or making progress in your business?

    What about home? Does your intimate relationship or your relationship with your kids, or friends feel stagnant, like you’ve lost connection? Or do you feel it’s just the way you want it to be?

    Is your sleeping out of balance? I’m talking both quantitatively and qualitatively. Are the amount of hours and the quality of sleep in place so you feel rested and wake up with energy? Or are you tired?

    Are your daily activities meaningful, productive, profitable and energy producing?

    Whatever you answered, is fine. This is not to judge yourself but rather to observe and tell yourself the truth so you can make the adjustments that you and your family, and your team deserves (and when I say your team, I’m talking about anybody whose life is impacted by your choices) Cool?

    Hope this has been a valuable episode for you and if you know someone who could use a little different perspective and make some counterbalancing adjustments in their life and business, please feel free to share it with them. Thank you for listening and take it easy.