In a stunning display of journalistic improvisation, Brad and Billy provide our dear listeners with the hard-hitting content they've come to expect from an institution as august and lauded as Duress Crew. In this case, we have a good 0ld fashioned shoot the shit about ban philosophy, listener comments, context on the current state of the PDAP, and speculator bullshit. After a mouth-watering duressipe, Brad yanks Billy away from the Edenic temptation of a survival terrageddon deck tech.
Talk shit in our voice mailbox: https://www.speakpipe.com/duresscrew
our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
Take a seat, gang, this one's a doozy.
Part 1 of this episode features DxC's B-Team of Ben, Brad, and Billy going through every Terrageddon list we can find and doing a mini deck tech on every persuasion available.
Part 2 is a symphony of diplomacy, where the three of us build and agree upon a list to take to Rochester Winter Ball. All three of us play the same 75 to varying success.
Part 3 is a carcast with our two top finishers, Brad (T4) and Nick Pynn (T8 on UNought) chatting with Billy the Undeserving.
4c TG List: https://moxfield.com/decks/MAwax2Pmk0uJ2QW7HUzlGw
Our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Have you ever wondered how stunningly right DxC has been about everything? And so often? We'll let you in on a little secret: in addition to measuring dicks, we also measure metagames. We're proud to announce that DxC has been busy curating the Premodern Data Analysis Project, a new data publication for the community to complain to each other about. Join Nick, Jay, and Brendan the New Guy while they explain computers to Billy and how they count such big numbers so quickly. Check it out at data.duresscrew.com!
A continuation of Episode 7, we complete the cliffhanger and suss out a potential list for a hypothetical NEPM T32. We also chat about meta shares of the top decks and do props and slops for the year.
Well, glad that's finally over. Brad, Ben, Jay, and Billy finally ran out of things to talk about, so we scraped the bottom of the barrel and asked Nick onto the show. We go over the various things we ruined over the course of the year, the birth of the DxC seasonals, the perverse origins of Hardcast, and our campaign to get Red Elemental Blast banned.
our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
Sleeper hit Dan Hall shows up for his first episode! With Billy, we pull Leaving a Legacy host Jerry Mee out of retirement. We chat about Premodern first impressions, building a local scene outside of WotC support, consumer fatigue, and his gramps destroying target artifact or land. It can't be regenerated.
our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
Finally! Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Nick Balzano recently won the DxC Fall event, rocking the socks off of 70 other players to win the damn thing with a deck that'll remind you to pack your crypts next time. Brad and Billy join him to talk about the Dredge Meta Effect, some bullshit LDV math that nobody understands, New England hardcore bands, and turn zero-ing PM final boss Rich Shay.
Nick's Deck: https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=61454&f=PREM
our shit: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
(probably) Our final mini update from Pittsburgh, Jay drives the ship while a bunch of us are cuddled up on the no-pull-out couch. Brad gets his dev dreams countered, a bad man steals Billy's figure skating trading cards, and the gang drills darts in a punk bar that Mike found.
Another live(ish) bonus episode from Eternal Weekend. It turns out that recording an episode a day is hard to maintain when you're exhausted from so much winning. Billy commits vampirism for breakfast, Mike finds God in his breakfast burrito, and Jay qualifies for an RC.
Publishers note: We acknowledge an error in our use of outdated vocabulary. Learn more about modern journalistic standards at https://adata.org/factsheet/ADANN-writing.
Bonus #3: In yet another LIVE FROM EW bonus episode, Brad, Mike, and Billy welcome friend-of-the-crew Brett on for a chat about the Rochester Royals side event. Spoiler: DxC swept 1st through 3rd.
Bonus #2, Nick, Brad, and Billy decide Pittsburgh rules and liken it to what Worcester could (and should) be. A brief jaunt into gameplay doesn't distract from a review of EW.
Our first bonus episode is (almost) live on the way to Eternal Weekend! Hop in the car with Jay, Nick, Brad, and Billy and listen to us struggle to make listenable content without shownotes, a script, compression, or any fucks to give. We chat about Billy's stunning victory at the latest NEPM Monthly, a new semiweekly in New Hampshire, and speculate about what happened to Jay's last inch.
After a good cry from last episode, Hardcast returns to pick Premodern Phil's brain about Survival Roc, but end up learning how to actually assess card choices in toolbox decks. Billy's puny intellect is bested, while Brad has the good sense to soak it all in.
Phil's YT: https://www.youtube.com/@PremodernPhil
Phil's decklist: https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=61406&d=662015&f=PREM
Our garbage: https://linktr.ee/duresscrew
Episode 3 features real-life good guy Tom Hagen aka Hero. You might know him as Susan Van Camp's agent, but we know him as a fucking boss. Join Tony and Brad for a riveting tale of how he came upon a time capsule from early MTG history.
S1E2: Hardcast's first interview ditches Ben so that Billy and Brad can have a pleasant evening's chitchat with ronin Arty Garcia, LC#21, about Queensrÿche, skateboarding, breakfast, his path into Premodern, and his latest pet build: Cephalid Breakfast. Recorded 13 Oct, so there were a few Tings not Considered.
decklists: https://www.tcdecks.net/results.php?nombre=Arty%20Garcia
Our inaugural episode treads a well-worn path: the post-LC inaugural podcast.