When Dr. Michael Goran started researching children’s nutrition almost 40 years ago, he wasn’t looking at obesity, type 2 diabetes, or fatty liver disease. That wasn’t because his head was in the sand - those things didn’t exist in kids but now all 3 are becoming prevalent.
What is going on???
Time and time again, the research pointed to a surprising cause - excess sugar.
In this professorial interview, you’ll learn:
what excess sugar does in the body, including before someone is even bornwhy “excess sugar” is a tricky term to usethe changes in how we consume sugar since the 80s (it might not be what you think)the dangers of liquid sugar and the massive red flags with the current alternative option!very practical ideas to take control of the situation in the only place you canencouragement that you can take small steps to make a big difference!how to empower kids to make their own good choicesDoes Sugarproofing your kids mean withholding all sugar? Find out in this interview!
Resources We Mention About Sugar and Kids
Get Dr. Goran's book: Sugarproof: Protect Your Family From the Hidden Dangers of Excess Sugar with Simple Everyday Fixes (Amazon, Bookshop)There are some benefits to using honey or maple syrupMore about how we deal with desserts and sweets in our family cultureReduce sugar intake with these muffins sweetened with bananas and applesauce and this date-sweetened frostingSugar and inflammation Find Dr. Goran online: Dr. Michael Goran, Sugarproof KidsFollow him on InstagramGet a free chapter and sugarproof breakfast guide hereThank you to today's sponsor, Happsy! Shop at kidscookrealfood.com/Happsy for an earth-friendly, affordable mattress today.
Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Imagine with me…your kids can take over a whole dinner meal and cook it themselves while you get something else done!
It’s a dream that has become reality times three for me here at the Kids Cook Real Food™ household.
I realized I’ve shared the process we used to gradually release cooking responsibility and teach our kids to cook a whole dinner by themselves many times on other podcasts when I’m the guest. It’s about time I share it with you as well!
It’s a multi-step process:
Let the kids watch you make a recipe.Watch them make the recipe while you’re there with reminders.Let them make the same recipe while you’re available in the house for questions.Then they can make that recipe with zero help from you.For 3-9 months, the kids should make the same recipe weekly to learn it to a mastery level.Then in the second year of kid's cooking night (or second phase), you can let them make their old favorite every other week. In the interim weeks, they need to try other recipes.This allows them to take on the physical labor of cooking first, then gradually ease into the mental load portion as you help them meal plan side-by-side.
We’ve used this process with three kids so far, and the fourth won’t be far behind!
You can watch Paul and Leah’s “old favorite recipe” for pizza right here. This is a great one to watch with your kids as it has Paul’s early teenage creativity stamped all over it.
Resources We Mention for Kids Cooking Dinner
Get started teaching your kids to cookSome of Paul's favorite recipes to make: cheeseburger soup or pinto galloYou can see Paul and Leah's pizza recipe here along with their entire process. (They filmed and edited the entire video themselves!)Teach kids skills in the kitchen instead of just teaching recipes Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Did you know the pre-frontal cortex where executive functioning lives doesn’t fully develop until our early 30s???
I still struggle with some executive functioning skills like time management and following a plan, but if I learned anything from this interview, it’s that we ALL can continue to grow, change, and improve. You are not married to your weaknesses!
If we can help our kids BEST develop their executive function, they will be more independent, better at their jobs, find deeper relationships, and be better parents themselves. It’s THAT important!
My guest today, Noel Foy, helps us understand what executive functioning is, how it develops over time, and some really practical ways to build it best in our kids.
Her question, “What is your plan for that?” is pure gold, and I know you’ll love all the little strategies she shares to reduce anxiety in our kids while improving their executive function. As we teach life skills and independence, we are also teaching executive functioning skills! Score! 🙂
Noel just released a new book 1/30/25--15-Minute Focus: Executive Function: Strategies to Build Underdeveloped Skills, Maximize Learning, and Unlock Potential. You can grab it here on Amazon or at Bookshop.org.
Want to join the podcast birthday party? Find out more HERE!
Resources We Mention for Executive Function
Find Noel online hereNoel’s books: ABC Worry Free, Are You a Bird Like Me?, 15-Minute FocusYou can see my first interview with Noel about helping kids with ADHD hereWatch my TEDx talk on the importance of teaching kids critical thinking skillsGet anxiety coping skills in this interview and this postHere’s Ned Johnson’s book The Self-Driven Child that Noel mentioned Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
I’ve always said that parenting is “an 18-year-long game,” fully expecting that parenting would markedly diminish after my kids turned 18. Now that I’m parenting a 19-year-old…it turns out parenting DOES change and it ought to diminish, but it’s still a thing!
Kim Muench coaches parents of “emerging adults,” a new term needed to describe 18-30-year-olds who aren’t quite ready to be real adults, apparently.
In this interview, we talk about WHY we need both this term and parenting strategies to continue our conscious, intentional parenting beyond age 18.
But this podcast isn’t just for parents of emerging adults!
If you want to set your teens up for adulthood – and since you’re here, I’m assuming you do – it starts at least in high school and most likely long before that.
Kim and I dig into the pitfalls of becoming your child or teen’s friend, screen use at various ages, life skills, problem-solving, and soooo much more. Believe me, you’ll need all of it well before your kiddo hits 18.
If you want to prepare yourself for the next phase of parenting, and more importantly, prepare your kids to enter adulthood more smoothly, this interview is for you!
Thank you to our sponsor Paleovalley! Check them out at kidscookrealfood.com/meatsticks.
Resources We Mention for Parenting Adult Children
Kim’s book: Becoming Me While Raising You: A Mother’s Journey to Her Self (Amazon, Bookshop)Find Kim online hereFollow her on social media: TikTok, InstagramWe teach life skills to kids, teens, and even adults! Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
I’ve known about proper breathing technique and oral posture for over five years now and I’m STILL doing it wrong if I don’t focus on it!
Seriously. Breathing.
If you’ve ever thought about your breathing - and most of us don’t because it’s so automatic - you might notice that you feel differently when you breathe differently. Breath drives a LOT of functions, from our mental health (think fast breathing when you’re anxious) to our behavior, sleep, cardiovascular and digestive health, and more.
Shirley Gutkowski thought she wanted to be an orthodontist, but a few careers in oral health later, she’s found something she’s really passionate about.
She says people simply don’t talk about breathing enough, and she’s on a mission to change that through education.
I’m so grateful for the time she spent with me on this interview, and my brain is bursting with ramifications in my own family after what I learned!
If you’re breathing…and you have children who breathe…this podcast is for you.
More than a Kissing Spot: Your New Baby's FaceThe Purple Guide: Developing Your Clinical Dental Hygiene CareerFind Shirley onlineFollow her on social media: Facebook, X, YouTube, InstagramMore about mouthtaping here. We really like Xlear for xylitol nasal sparay. Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Get the free knife skills class at kidscookrealfood.com/HPHknife!
Resources We Mention for Proper Breathing TechniqueAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
How about some stats to make you sad? Kids are on screens an average of 7 hours a day…and we spend 85% of our parenting energy on what our kids are doing wrong.
Aw, man!
It stinks to start with the negative.
In fact, that will train our brains to see more negative things, which is why I did it.
Do you feel more down after reading that? More worried? More hopeless about our kids' generation?
The GOOD news is that there’s another way.
I’m beyond honored to host Ralphie Jacobs of Simply on Purpose today to remind us that not only CAN we look for the positive, but we must - because it works, and it’s actually easier than yelling angrily at our kids!
You’ll come away from this interview feeling so encouraged and ready to parent differently, with 85% of your energy (or more!) focused on the positive!
Get ready to learn:
how to create positive momentum in your child’s daywhy asking a kid or teen, “Why did you do that?” becomes a parenting trap (that you DON’T want to fall into!)what comes first in parenting - the words or the feelingsa much better way to say, “If you don’t clean your room, you don’t get to come to the movie,” that’s actually EASIER to enforce!why fear-based behavior is bad for everyone in the long runan incredibly powerful way to guard your connection with your child - and raise kids who, like Ralphie’s, want to call home and come home to be with parents <3what is MORE important than your child’s good behaviorwhy holding to your boundaries IS showing love, and how to do that without yelling or threateningthe only way to help kids make better choices is to…fascinating (and simple) ideas to get kids on board with chores (yes, chores!!!)allllll about “looking for the good” – the why and how and benefitsThis is as uplifting as it is practical, mamas and papas out there!
Be sure to grab Ralphie’s free email course here!
Ralphie's Positive Consequences webinar Looking for more positive parenting tips? Check out this interview with Amy McCready as wellWhy should kids do chores anyway?Ralphie's reward system is called the family economyWhy you should make your own salad dressingHelp your kids Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Thanks to today's sponsor, Paleovalley. Go to kidscookrealfood.com/meatsticks to check out their delicious protein snacks!
Resources We Mention for Looking for GoodAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Depression and anxiety are plaguing our children, and stress is often a root cause...what can we do about it?
Whether we actually live stressful lives or simply stress ourselves out (or social media plays a role in over-stimulating our amygdala and fight or flight response), there's no doubt in my mind that Americans are experiencing stress, and are not all that great at dealing with it.
And it's showing in our children!
Past guest, Dr. Kelly Brogan, said, "Children are our sentinels," when something is wrong. With 1/3 of teens reporting anxiety and 9-13% clinically depressed, it's time to listen up. But what can we do to help our kids be more resistant to depression and anxiety?
This week's guest, nutritionist Jess Sherman, has a great answer, and it's all about increasing their RESILIENCY.
In this interview, we'll talk about:
Why even great schools aren't able to fully tap into kids' brilliance and potentialRemoving roadblocks to resilience (including food!)Why self-regulation is critical to resilience, and some factors that interfere with kids being able to self-regulateFoods that parents need to be aware of for best school performanceHow to get kids on board with healthy foodIf you love what Jess has to say join the workshop we're doing together about picky eating and stress!
Join our workshop on picky eating and stressJess's book: Raising ResilienceCheck out all of Jess's courses hereFind Jess onlineFollow her on Facebook or Instagram @askjesssherman Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Thanks to today's sponsor, Chef Junior, the only real food cookbook written by kids, for kids! Find it at kidscookrealfood.com/chefjr.
Resources for Reducing Stress in KidsAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Imagine if your child was kicked out of daycare for behavior issues, in spite of the fact that you’re making intentional choices as parents.
But what if the problem wasn’t caused by your child OR your parenting choices?
Brandon and Whitney Cawood’s story will break your heart and then give you hope because they found what was hurting their son and were able to remove it from his life - and he’s a different kid now.
They wanted to share what they learned with the world and poured their talents into a 2.5-year project going live on January 14, 2025.
Look up their film To Dye For: The Documentary immediately on Amazon or Apple TV (and other streaming service, we hope)!
You’ll love this interview with such humble, curious parents, and I can’t wait to watch the documentary. They share some juicy behind-the-scenes stories and a lot of information about synthetic food dyes, the central focus of their family’s story and their film.
What started as a tiny ray of hope in the Cawood’s lives has become a beacon for hundreds of thousands of families, and their impact is soon to get even bigger!
If you’ve ever wondered if you should pay attention to ingredients like Red 40 and Blue 1, this is the interview for you!
Find To Dye For: The DocumentaryFollow them on InstagramThe ToDye For resource pageThe OEHHA report mentionedSign up for the Cawood's email list to get the list of food dyes to look out forHere's an older post I wrote about avoiding artificial food dyesDr. Elisa Song and I also talked about artificial colors and flavors Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Resources We Mention for Avoiding Food DyesAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Want to hear from a naturopath from down under?
Jess Donovan, with her lovely Aussie accent, shares all sorts of goodness with us today on the Healthy Parenting Handbook, like:
favorite immunity-boosting foods to recommend to busy familiesthe best way to get probiotics integrated into your familycommon nutrient deficiencies in kids (and what you can do to seek the best balance)food allergy management, whether the allergy is IN your family or just around youhow mom’s health may be related to her kids’And so much more!
Jess hosts an online masterclass where you’ll discover 3 PROVEN ways to TRANSFORM your Kids GUT HEALTH to improve their behavior, fussy eating, immunity, and allergies. Grab your FREE spot here!
Find Jess Donovan online hereJess's free book on gut healthJess has put together a list of her favorite foods to boost immunity - grab your copy hereSauerkraut recipeFermentation ebookKimchi recipeWater Kefir recipeProbiotics for kids: MaryRuth's liquid probiotic, JustThriveGuide to finding a fish oil supplementEinkorn pastaUS Wellness MeatsChia pudding for omega 3sGluten and Dairy-Free Guide for RookiesMy interview about epigenetics The Jamie Oliver video we talked about Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Thanks to today's sponsor, Chef Junior, the only real food cookbook written by kids, for kids! Find it at kidscookrealfood.com/chefjr.
Resources We Mention for Balancing NutritionAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Have you seen the dad who cleans on Instagram?
I don’t know if Tyler Moore, aka Tidy Dad, enjoys that people probably know him that way, but I think it’s accurate!
I’ve followed Tyler since the summer of 2022 - but who in the world remembers WHEN they started following someone on Instagram? You’ll hear why that summer was important in Tyler’s career during the interview, and also some little-known tales of how and why he got started online. (I was surprised!)
In this joyful and open conversation, you’ll hear:
why Tyler “declutters” differently than the guru bookshow the Moore family pushes against “the norm” with how and where they choose to livehow Tyler’s own parents helped lay some foundations for tidy-ness (but also ultimately caused his life to feel very UN-tidy)some of the practical cleaning advice that Insta-followers go gaga forwhat the philosophy of “just enough” really means and how it looks in real lifepeeks and glimpses into Tidy Dad’s new book, Tidy Up Your Life - super fun!what Tyler says to his girls when they don’t really feel like helping with choresI really do love watching Tidy Dad clean; it’s kind of ridiculous. You’ll love listening to him and feeling his optimism even more!
Be sure to pre-order the book ASAP to help him hit the bestseller lists in January!!
Pre-order Tyler's book: Tidy Up Your Life on Amazon and on BookshopHere are my top reasons why kids should do choresMore on kitchen zonesWays to organize a kid-friendly kitchenOrganization for families with ClutterbugFind Tyler on his websiteFollow him on social media: Facebook, Instagram, PinterestThe "notice and do" technique is from Sam Kelly Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Don't forget to sign up for the free knife skills class at kidscookrealfood.com/HPHknife!
Resources We Mention for Organizing Your LifeAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Ever been asked a question in person, and you replay the conversation over and over, a dozen times, rephrasing your answer?
I did that recently, not just rephrasing but adding and rethinking and adding some more.
The question was, “How do you raise such nice boys??”
I decided it would make a pretty decent podcast episode, exploring my meanderings through intentional parenting and how we’ve built a family culture.
Does this advice (If you can call it that) apply to girls too? You betcha. In fact, it’s pretty universal.
I look forward to hearing what you think about:
the way we chose to parent our newborns and toddlerswhat I think about my husbandwhether boys can be gentlethe impact of mirror neurons on our kids' brainsthe effect healthy food may or may not have on “nice boys”our “people over screens” rules and how we’ve pulled back and released technology over the yearschoice within boundaries, and agency while working as a team on high expectationsand maybe most importantly - is it ever too late?This episode is sponsored by Chef Junior, the cookbook for kids by kids - including my oldest son! Find out more at kidscookrealfood.com/chefjr.
Resources We Mention for Raising Nice Boys
Avoiding "hangry" meltdownsHow we are managing our screensSome benefits of family dinnersThe book I mentioned: Hold On to Your Kids Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
The world keeps getting more and more fast-paced, and our brains and bodies aren’t really keeping up.
As moms, can we possibly create a home that is a peaceful space, a safe place from which our kids can explore?
My guest today is Jennifer Pepito, author of Habits for a Sacred Home, and we talk about just that, including:
Why moms are naturally fearful (and what we can do about it)What exactly IS a “sacred home” and how do we begin creating oneCreating order in chaotic times through basic rules of lifeThe joy and benefit of passing on life skills to our kids (and some practical tips to make it happen)The role of cooking in developing a community of shared values within (and without) the homeThe key to better outcomes and more responsible childrenWhy rules don’t work when done incorrectlyThe first step to creating a sacred home is so simple, it takes only about 10 seconds per day, per childJennifer is so grounded and yet practical, balanced in her approach and yet challenging.
Jennifer’s books: Habits for a Sacred Home (Amazon, Bookshop), Mothering by the Book (Amazon, Bookshop)There are many benefits to gathering together around the dinner tableRestoration at Home CommunityFind Jennifer onlineFollow her on social media: Instagram, FacebookJennifer’s podcast: Restoration Home Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Resources We Mention for Creating a Peaceful HomeAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Ever felt like your kids or teens want to do the opposite of what you recommend?
Dr. Mandy Patterson and I are both moms of teens, and we talk today about the perils of parenting and how we work around the resistance. She has some great tips for finding a way “in” to what your kids care about when it comes to health and behavior.
Since this is a parenting podcast, I’m guessing most of you have at least somewhat figured out “fertility” as it pertains to having babies - but that’s not all it’s about! Your fertility health really is a marker of your overall health and wellness, and if you can keep your hormones balanced, you’ll feel much better overall.
We get dirty on my late-night eating habit (sigh) and some best practices for women, especially in the morning.
Then we dive into how and WHY to help our tween and teen girls care for their own fertility right from the start, and the epidemic of PCOS.
Here are the lists of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15.Find the best forms of magnesium for kids hereHelping teens thrive in spite of screensWhy you might not want to put your teens on hormonal birth controlLARQ water bottle filterMy review of Berkey filtersGRAYL water bottle filterFind Dr. Mandy onlineFollow her on social media: Instagram, FacebookGutsy Fertility Podcast Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Resources We Mention for Hormone Health for TeensAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
I see a lot on social media about the “mental load” that women especially carry.
Meal planning, grocery shopping, cleaning the house, getting kids where they belong on time, making sure they have proper snacks and meals if they won’t be home for dinner, homework, emails from everywhere…
It’s a LOT.
And a lot of the mental load we home managers carry has to do with FOOD.
We gotta keep that family nourished!
I’m pleased to share a bit of advice on one time-tested way to reduce your own mental load – by sharing it.
In my own home, I admit that the mental load still falls mainly on me, but since I’m doing less of the physical work, it all feels lighter. Eventually, I think others in the family will think, “What IS for dinner tomorrow? Did someone plan dinner?” but I’m still working on that part.
The secret to sharing it is good training, and in this episode, I’ll teach you how to pass on some cooking skills to the young people in your household so that your load is lighter – and honestly, their load over the long run of life is lighter too, because they won’t have to “figure it out” through trial and error once they’re mired in adulthood.
Check out Kids Cook Real Food™ today!You can watch our free knife skills class hereBonding through creating can help heal traumaHere are some tips for helping a child heal from a concussion Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Prepping for the holidays? Get our special BOGO deal on the Holiday Baking Challenge here!
Resources We Mention for Mental LoadAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Way back when my husband and I were new-ish parents, he read a headline that talked about parents being “bone tired” at the end of the day.
For years, we referred to that phrase: “We’re BONE TIRED. Parents are all BONE TIRED.” (Put a little lilt and emphasis on “bone” and you can hear us in your head now.)
As it turns out, Dr. Evan Hirsch would recommend that we stop with those negative thoughts, because they’re not going to take us anywhere good. He’s an international expert on chronic fatigue (and now long haulers), and this was an interview I was HIGHLY looking forward to. I was right!
Prepare to be fascinated by Dr. Hirsch’s wisdom on:
The 33 causes of fatigueHow you KNOW you have chronic fatigue (and aren’t just bone tired like every other parent out there – and it’s way easier than I expected to figure it out!)Why solving your chronic fatigue may also make you live longerWhy some people become long haulers and others don’t (this has fascinated me for a while and I couldn’t wait to discuss it!)Dr. Hirsch’s process for helping people reverse chronic fatigue (that more or less translates to long haul)How you know if 5 jumping jacks is pushing your body too muchA simple “recipe” to raise healthy kids (i.e. what an integrative MD would tell you to do to prevent your kids from getting chronic illnesses and BOOST their real energy — not the sugar-laden kind — to help them live happier lives now)THE most important technique he recommends to everyone, preventative and restorative (and there are only 4 steps to it and zero cost!!!)I’m going to be thinking about this interview for a long time … can’t wait to hear what you think about it.
Dr. Hirsch would like to give you a FREE PDF download of his book Tired of Being Tired that has helped thousands of exhausted humans resolve their fatigue and achieve more in their livesHere is Dr. Hirsch's book Fight the FatigueHere's an interview about one of those infections, Lyme diseaseHere's the Jack Canfield book The Success Principles we talked aboutFollow Dr. Hirsch on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
This episode is sponsored by Chef Junior, the cookbook BY kids FOR kids! Check it out here: kidscookrealfood.com/chefjr
Resources We Mention for Chronic FatigueAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Let’s talk money!
If you’re feeling stuck living paycheck to paycheck, you’re in the majority here in America - but it doesn’t have to be that way!
Brie Sodano is a nationally recognized Personal Finance Expert, and she does things differently – today we flip some paradigms on their heads and get a peek into Brie’s wisdom and systems for money, including:
The ineffectiveness of budgets and the importance of mindset in managing moneyThe worst financial advice Brie has ever heard (I bet you’ve heard it too!!)The interconnectedness of time, money, and energy in financial managementThe impact of college education and student loan debt on financial well-being – and how to evaluate college as an investmentThe best way for parents to build a healthy money mindset for their young childrenWhy systems work better than plans (and a few system recommendations that will make a massive difference)How to look at grocery spending, and why you might not need to cut back there!One step to take to spend less (and it’s not giving up yoga class or even that Starbucks latte!)A simple habit to add to your family’s life that will help you feel better about money - and it’s not a financial habit!Brie is a mom just like us, with all the surprises that come with parenting - like apparently having kids makes all your forks disappear. :) She’s funny and wise and a perfect person to have in your ear when it comes to thinking about money.
Be sure to check out her Find Your Bleed course for more!
Brie's free Find Your Bleed seriesAll the books Brie mentioned: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think and Get Rich, The Science of Getting RichHere are a couple of previous interviews specifically about grocery budgets: developing a flexible grocery budget, feeding your family without going broke, and teaching kids about grocery budgetingFind Brie onlineFollow her on social media: Facebook, Instagram, YoutubeListen to her podcast: Cash Confident Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Thank you to today's sponsor, Happsy! Check out their organic cotton mattresses at kidscookrealfood.com/Happsy.
Resources We Mention for Money MindsetAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Will sleep become the new kale? Or the new cancer?
Adults are shorting themselves on sleep in droves in our "always-on" culture, and I'm unfortunately leading the pack. That's why I begged sleep science coach Christine Hansen to join me for a half hour to get some important tips!!
I started implementing a new way to wake up my kids immediately, and I know being a better parent means being well-rested (i.e. not angry mommy).
If you feel like you're not getting a tight 8 in bed OR your sleep quality doesn't feel optimal, this is a must listen. We talk about:
How adult sleep is so much more complicated than infant sleep.Our brain's many jobs during sleep - and why we can't catch up! :(Why caffeine and morning sleepiness are signs of sleep deprivation (ahem, anyone out there feel this??)The anatomy of sleep and how to wake up at the perfect timeProblems for "night owls"The BEST way to wake up your child (hint: it's not an alarm clock)As a nutritional therapist, Christine has unique and powerful insights into how our food affects our sleep!We dig into kids: bedtimes, sleepy at school, and even how dessert affects their sleep!How many hours DO you need? How about teenagers?This episode is sponsored by Just Thrive Probiotics. Check out their great, shelf-stable probiotics at kidscookrealfood.com/JustThive, and use coupon code Katie15 for 15% off!
Resources We Mentioned on Sleep Quality
Christine has moved on from sleep coaching, but you can now find her at Christine Means Business. Her sleep coaching site was passed on to another coach, if you still need help!Her book is on AmazonSunlight alarm clockBlue blocker glassesSleep is the new kale: 8 ways to improve sleep qualityCan sleep affect picky eating? Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Warning - sad statistic. :( The 2nd leading cause of death for kids ages 10-24 in America is...suicide.
I'm not okay with this!
Let's talk this Depression Awareness Month about prevention - there are research-based strategies that parents can use to reduce their kids' chances of being depressed. While depression isn't the only risk factor for suicide, it is certainly correlated.
If we can make these practices a part of American culture, we can save American kids!!
Today I'm expanding on these 3 things parents can do to raise depression-proof kids:
Control stress - in yourself and then model and teach your kids to do it for themselvesBoost self-esteem - through genuine purpose-driven work, not empty complimentsIncrease resilience - by letting kids learn to cope with failure and difficultiesThis episode is sponsored by Just Thrive Probiotics! Check them out at kidscookrealfood.com/JustThrive. Use code Katie15 for 15% off!
Mayo Clinic article on teen suicideMayo Clinic article on teen depression causes and preventionMy interview with Jessica Lahey on the gift of failureMy interview with Jess Sherman on raising resilienceMy Healthy Parenting Handbook episodes on Stress Mastery: part 1 and part 2My interview with Lisa Dorval on meditation for kids (includes 2 guided meditations)The Wellness Mama podcast episode with Margot BisnowRaising kids to follow their passions with Jonathan and Renee HarrisLife skills to teach your kids before they turn 18 Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Resources We Mention About Depression PreventionAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Cas of Clutterbug describes her “young mom” self as a hot mess – house a disaster and feeling horrible that she couldn’t get organized.
She finally realized a few important pieces of her own personality and is now a Recovering Super Slob turned Organizing Expert who teaches others how to tap into their own unique organizing styles, which she says are part of a person from birth.
Cas is a wizard at explaining how people work and how we can both get our homes in order AND pass on effective decluttering and organizing skills to our kids!
Check out today's sponsor, Perfect Supplements!Resources We Mention for Organization Styles
Cas’s books: The Clutter Connection (Amazon, Bookshop), Real Life Organizing (Amazon, Bookshop), Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook (Amazon, Bookshop), The Declutter Challenge (Amazon, Bookshop)The Kitchen Stewardship post on macro organizingHere’s Cas’s free macro organizing guideSome of my tips for organizing your kitchen for efficiencyHere are some Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcastAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
Did you know that the way your child eats can affect their speech and vice versa?
Melanie Potock is a Speech-Language Pathologist who became a pediatric feeding expert through her experience as a mom of a former picky eater. She uses her SLP expertise to help parents introduce new foods to kids, form healthy eating habits, and really lay the foundation for a lifetime of good nutrition.
I’m honored to host her here today on the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
I know you’ll love Melanie and these tips will really make a difference in your household immediately!
Sign up for the No More Picky Eating ChallengeFind Melanie Potock MA, CCC-SLP online and take 10% off any of her amazing video courses using code MYMUNCHBUG10Melanie’s books: Raising a Healthy, Happy Eater, Adventures in Veggieland, Baby Self-Feeding, Happy Mealtimes with Happy KidsMy interview with Dina RoseMelanie’s New York Times article about pouchesSquooshi pouches and carrot baby food recipe on KSSippy cup info on Melanie’s siteOur knife safety classFeeding toddlers and more about snacks from Edwena Kennedy“The cooking connection” from Melanie’s siteMelanie’s articles on picky eating connected with autismMelanie’s interview on the 8 sensesPicky Eating vs. Sensory Processing Disorder Kitchen Stewardship Kids Cook Real Food follow Katie on Instagram or Facebook Subscribe to the newsletter to get weekly updates YouTube shorts channel for HPH Find the Healthy Parenting Handbook at kidscookrealfood.com/podcast
Resources We Mention to Raise Adventurous EatersAffiliate links used here. Thanks for supporting the Healthy Parenting Handbook!
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