Sarunā piedalās: Dagnija Blumberga, Dr.habil.sc.ing., profesore, institūta direktore, RTU VASSI; Ilze Vamža, M.sc., pētniece, RTU VASSI; Mārtiņš Velmeris, Valmieras stiklašķiedras projektu vadītājs.
Nowadays, consumers are more aware of products' sustainability and circular aspects. However, on the other hand, implementing a substantial environmental strategy that addresses all phases of the product lifecycle is a complex and demanding challenge that several companies still need to overcome convincingly.
There is evidence that providing reliable and understandable information on the environmental performance of products and services is necessary to support the consumers' purchasing decisions and guide them towards more sustainable purchasing choices. This need is essential to allow a more effective and wider dissemination of the idea of green products in the market, which is undoubtedly linked to other concepts such as sustainability, eco-design, product circularity and finally circular economy.
The right way for consumers to recognize and reward more sustainable products (e.g., in terms of resource-efficient products, not harmful compounds for the natural environment and human health) is to communicate to them the complexity of environmental information in a simple manner. This could happen with the support of Ecolabeling frameworks and regulations, which provides results from Life Cycle Assessment studies (LCA) in the form of impact indicators.
In this podcast, entitled “Life Cycle Assessment and Ecolabelling towards Circular Economy”, the speakers would like to clarify the use LCA as a quantitative tool to evaluate product’s environmental performances and its role in promoting Circular Economy solutions, Ecodesign and product’s ecolabelling.
Francesco Romagnoli, Dr.sc.ing., professor, RTU VASSI;
Maksims Feofilovs, Dr.sc.ing., assist. prof., RTU VASSI;
Riccardo Paoli, M.sc., researcher, RTU VASSI.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Elektromobilitātes loma Latvijā strauji pieaug. To veicina valsts politikas mērķi un atbalsta pasākumi, zaļi domājoši uzņēmēji un pozitīvās pieredzes uzkrāšanās. Saruna ar nozares ekspertiem un praktiķiem par šī brīža situāciju un elektroauto potenciālu.
Sarunā piedalās:
Aiga Barisa, Ph.D, asoc. profesore, RTU VASSI;
Andris Kulbergs, Latvijas Auto Asociācijas prezidents;
Kārlis Mendziņš, Eleport Latvija vadītājs, Uzlādēts.lv idejas autors un redaktors;
Māris Avotiņš, Elektromobiļu un skrejriteņu koplietošanas uzņēmuma Fiqsy vadītājs un līdzīpašnieks.
Saules enerģiju var izmantot gan elektroenerģijas, gan siltumenerģijas ražošanai.
Šajā podkāsta epizodē runājam par to, kādas ir galvenās atšķirības starp saules kolektoru izmantošanu mājsaimniecībās un centralizētajā siltumapgādē karstā ūdens sagatavošanai. Būtiska loma ir arī akumulācijas sistēmām, kas spēj saražoto siltumenerģiju uzkrāt, tāpēc podkāstā pārrunājam inovatīvus risinājumus siltuma akumulācijai.
Sarunā piedalās:
Ieva Pakere, Ph.D, asoc. profesore, RTU VASSI;
Ilze Poļikarpova, SIA «Salaspils Siltums» energoefektivitātes speciāliste;
Miķelis Dzikēvičs, Dr.sc.ing., Vadošais pētnieks, RTU VASSI.
Šajā podkāsta epizodē tiek runāts par plašajiem izpētes virzieniem, ko paver vides inženierzinātnes, un to ietekmi uz ilgtspējīgu valsts attīstību un iespējamiem uzlabojumiem ikviena ikdienā.
Kā arī podkāsta epizode sniedz ieskatu pētnieka profesijas daudzveidībā, sākot no eksperimentālās izpētes līdz matemātiskajai modelēšanai, izvēlētās profesijas plusiem un mīnusiem.
Sarunā piedalās:
Kārlis Valters - Dr.chem., vadošais pētnieks, docents, RTU VASSI;
Kristiāna Dolge - M.sc.ing., pētniece, RTU VASSI;
Vivita Priedniece - M.sc.ing, pētniece, RTU VASSI.
Ceļā uz ilgtspējīgu pasauli ir svarīga pāreja no fosilajiem resursiem uz atjaunojamajiem resursiem degvielas ražošanā. Biobutanols ir biodegviela, kuru varētu izmantot kā daļēju vai pilnīgu benzīna aizstājēju.
Šajā podkāsta epizodē tiek stāstīts par to, kādi izaicinājumi ir šādas biodegvielas izstrādē un kā VASSI biosistēmu laboratorijā tiek plānots risināt dažādus trūkumus, kas saistīti ar biobutanola ražošanu.
Sarunā piedalās:
Zane Kušnere, M.sc.ing., pētniece, RTU VASSI;
Krišs Spalviņš, Ph.D., vadošais pētnieks, docents, RTU VASSI.
Lai mazinātu Latvijas atkarību no importētiem energoresursiem, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (RTU) Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts kopā ar Rīgas domi (RD) , AS «Rīgas Siltums», Ekonomikas ministriju un "Elektrum" Energoefektivitātes centru aicina ikkatru iedzīvotāju pārskatīt savus paradumus un mazināt energopatēriņu.
Šajā podkāstā uzzini vairāk par akciju #Energovienoti, kurā ikviens iedzīvotājs tiek aicināts dalīties ar savu pieredzi, kā samazināt mājsaimniecības tēriņus par resursiem.
Rīgas dome klimatneitralitātes un gaisa kvalitātes uzlabošanas nolūkos izstrādāja jaunus noteikumus par teritoriālajām zonām siltumenerģijas ražošanas veida izvēlei un prasībām iekārtu uzskaitei. Šīs podkāsta epizodes ietvaros tiek stāstīts par īstermiņa un ilgtermiņā izmainām, kas sagaida individuālo apkures lietotājus un pārējos rīdziniekus.
Sarunā piedalās:
Dagnija Blumberga - Dr.habil.sc.ing., profesore, institūta direktore, RTU VASSI;
Vladimirs Kirsanovs - Dr.sc.ing., vadošais pētnieks, RTU VASSI;
Edmunds Cepurītis - Rīgas Domes Mājoklu un vides komitejas priekšsēdētājs.
Ņemot vērā karu Ukrainā, kurš liek mums meklēt iespējas transformēt Latvijas enerģētikas sektoru, lai samazinātu dabasgāzes izmantošanu un Krievijas ietekmi tajā, šī podkāsta epizode, kas veltīta energoefektivitātei un enerģijas kopienām, ir vēl jo vairāk aktuāla, lai arī šīs epizodes ierakts ir tapis vēl pirms kara sākuma Ukrainā.
Sarunā piedalās:
Ruta Vanaga, Dr.sc.ing., vadošā pētniece, RTU VASSI;
Andra Blumberga, Dr.sc.ing., vadošā pētniece, profesore, RTU VASSI;
Agris Kamenders, Dr.sc.ing., vadošais pētnieks, RTU VASSI;
Toms Mols, Ph.D., IT Projektu vadītājs, Eligent.
Energoresursu cenu pieaugums energosektoru virza uz pārmaiņām. Visvienkāršākais veids ir dažādot energoresursus, no kuriem pirmajā vietā izvirzās Saules enerģijas izmantošana elektroenerģijas ražošanai. Kopīgi meklēsim risinājumus un mēģināsim izvērtēt iespējas uzstādīt saules paneļus ikvienam, kas to vēlas.
Ļoti daudz skolās tiek runāts par kompetences izglītību, tāpēc šajā podkāsta epizodē gribētu pastāstīt, kā RTU VASSI mēģināja veidot hakatonu pie sevis universitātē, kāds no tā iznāca rezultāts. Padalīties pieredzē un izvērtēt, kas ir bijis pareizi izdarīts un kas varbūt nav.
Sarunā piedalās:
Dagnija Blumberga, Dr.habil.sc.ing., profesore, RTU VASSI direktore;
Dāvis Reinbergs, maģistrantūras studiju programmas "Vides inženierzinātne" students;
Jeļena Pubule, Dr.sc.ing., profesore;
Ģirts Kuplais, SIA „ZAAO” Atkritumu noglabāšanas daļas vadītājs.
Professor Ăke Bergman, Stockholm University and Örebro University, Sweden
Moderator: Kārlis Valters, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Man-made chemicals are those that are not found in nature, but either refined from, e.g., oil or coal or synthesized in a laboratory. These chemicals are useful, but some of them may possess certain risks for wildlife and human health. What is “the anthropocene blender of chemicals”? What is “the cocktail effect?” How many man-made chemicals are being used in different useful products? What are persistent organic pollutants and why are they harmful to wildlife and humans? How the holy cows affect the health of vultures in India? Why are there decreasing sperm counts observed in men over time? How are humans exposed to man-made chemicals? What has been and what is being done by scientists and regulators? How can people minimize the exposure? Why is it important to clean dust at your homes, especially, if you have small children?
The newest podcast episode will focus on how we understanding complex dynamic systems in the world. Professor Pål Davidsen from Bergen University in Norway and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about dynamic systems. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters from the Riga Technical University.
Most systems in nature, as well as in societies, are dynamic, i.e., they change over time. We, human beings, have a limited capacity to understand and imagine the complexity of such systems or the interactions that take place. To study these systems, scientists try to represent the reality in computer models. In doing so, they identify the mechanisms and interactions in the real-world systems and build structures of the systems. It is a problem-oriented approach, scientists try to find the underlying cause of the problem and what changes in the system to make to solve it.
What is the dynamic in ecology, for example, in the system deer-plants-predators? How a country can overcome an “addiction” to imported fossil fuels? How saving money on ventilation in schools affects the learning of children and ultimately the GDP of the country? How to solve the conflict between wildlife and people in Africa? System dynamics can provide answers to these and many other questions.
The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”.
The podcast episode is focused on energy efficiency in historic buildings. Dr. Ernst Jan de Place Hansen from Aalborg University in Den mark and professor Andra Blumberga from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about energy efficiency in historical buildings. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters from the Riga Technical University.
Europe’s building stock is both unique and heterogeneous in its expression of the cultural diversity and history of our continent. About 30% of the buildings in Europe are built before the year 1945. Historic buildings, with unique and beautiful facades, cannot be insulated from outside. When they are insulated from the inside, problems arise with, e.g., condensation of humidity. What really happens in a wall insulated from the inside? How to insulate it in the best possible way? Can this be tested in laboratory?
The Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems and Environment of the Riga Technical University offering a series of podcasts “Sustainable Worlds”.
The newest podcast episode is focused on the challenges and opportunities sustainable energy will feature. Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University in Finland and professor Gatis Bažbauers from Riga Technical University in Latvia will reflect on topic about sustainable energy. Discussion is moderated by Dr. Kārlis Valters form the Riga Technical University.
Currently, most of the energy in the world is produced from fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide emissions are causing climate change, which may lead to natural disasters, large numbers of climate refugees, climate wars and other catastrophic consequences. How will future generations look at the period in the history of the civilization, when energy was obtained by burning fossil fuels? What must be done? What can be done?
What are sustainable energy systems? How can societies transfer to low- to zero-carbon economy? Is it going to be “a revolution” or “an evolution”? What role will big data and artificial intelligence play? What are the current and future energy questions and solutions? What are the most promising technologies? What is the future of wind and solar energy? How can nanotechnologies be applied in the energy sector? What is a “prosumer” of energy? How will households look in 2030 regarding energy consumption (and production)? How will cities produce and consume energy in the future? What is the future of electric cars?
Some of the brightest minds are engaged in seeking answers to these and other questions and searching for sustainable solutions to our growing energy needs. However, more talent is needed. “We need more scientists than we currently have,” says Gatis Bažbauers. What does it take to be a scientist? What can a career in science offer?
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