In this episode of the In Her Image podcast, host Jessica Woodbury welcomes back Rebecca Young to discuss her journey of connecting with Heavenly Mother. They explore themes of grief, community, and the transformative power of the divine feminine. Rebecca shares her personal experiences, including pivotal moments that deepened her understanding of Heavenly Mother, the impact of loss on her spiritual journey, and the importance of creating supportive spaces for women. The conversation highlights the significance of prayer, nature, and intuition in fostering a deeper connection with the divine, as well as the challenges of navigating patriarchal structures within religious institutions. Ultimately, Rebecca emphasizes the joy and growth that can arise from embracing both sorrow and beauty in life.
Heavenly Mother, Divine Feminine, Spiritual Journey, Community, Grief, Connection, Prayer, Nature, Women Empowerment, Personal Growth
In this episode of the In Her Image podcast, Jess Burdette, Jessica Woodbury, and Meg Rittmanic come together to discuss their personal journeys, the importance of community, and the launch of their Patreon. They share their experiences with the podcast, the significance of celebrating the divine feminine, and the various ways listeners can engage with the show. The conversation emphasizes the value of connection, support, and the collective journey of understanding Heavenly Mother.
Join us on Patreon: patreon.com/InHerImagePodcast
Make a One-Time Donation to the Show: https://venmo.com/u/JessBurdette
(Include that it’s for the podcast in the notes!)
In Her Image, Heavenly Mother, podcast, community, Patreon, divine feminine, motherhood, women empowerment, spirituality, personal journeys
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In this episode of the In Her Image podcast, host Jessica Woodbury and guest Valerie Hamaker explore the complexities of a faith journey, particularly in relation to the awakening to the Divine Feminine. They discuss the emotional landscape that accompanies this journey, including feelings of isolation, confusion, and empowerment. Valerie shares her insights on the impact of patriarchy on spiritual understanding and the importance of community support in navigating these transitions. The conversation emphasizes the need for self-discovery, differentiation, and the healing power of embracing the feminine divine.
In this episode of the In Her Image podcast, Dr. Christina Cleveland discusses her journey towards understanding the Divine Feminine through the lens of the Black Madonna. She explores the intersections of race, gender, and spirituality, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the sacredness in all individuals, particularly in marginalized communities. The conversation delves into the challenges of confronting white supremacy and patriarchy within religious spaces, the transformative power of embracing a Black female deity, and the vital role of allyship in fostering justice and healing. Dr. Cleveland's insights encourage listeners to reflect on their own beliefs and actions, ultimately advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of the divine.
Dr. Cleveland's Bio
Christena Cleveland, Ph.D. is a social psychologist, public theologian, author, and activist. A weaver of Black liberation and the Divine Feminine, Dr. Cleveland embraces the archetype of the Black Madonna as she guides people of all races and genders into freedom, wholeness, and embodied justice. Her latest book is God Is a Black Woman which details her 400-mile walking pilgrimage across central France in search of ancient Black Madonna statues, and examines the relationship among race, gender, and cultural perceptions of the Divine. In addition to nurturing a virtual, global Black Madonna community, Christena is currently working on her fourth full-length book in which she is exploring the miraculous, liberating, and zany ways that the Black Madonna has protected, empowered, and nourished people around the globe and throughout history. An award-winning researcher and former professor at Duke University’s Divinity School, Christena lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You can discover more about the Black Madonna and Christena at www.christenacleveland.com
Black Madonna, Divine Feminine, racial justice, spirituality, allyship, sacredness, intersectionality, healing, patriarchy, community
In this episode of the In Her Image podcast, host Jessica Woodbury speaks with Emilie Call, co-host of the That's Church podcast. They discuss Emilie's journey in interfaith dialogue, the importance of the divine feminine, and her personal spiritual experiences. Emilie shares insights on empowerment, community, and the significance of acknowledging one's strengths. The conversation also highlights an upcoming event focused on women's empowerment and the divine feminine, featuring various speakers and opportunities for connection.
That’s Church! Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thats-church/id1711856369
That’s Church! Experience Divine Feminine & Women Empowerment Event. Tinyurl.com/empower2025
Code for $10 off: 10EMPOWER
Divine Feminine, Women Empowerment, Interfaith Dialogue, Spirituality, Personal Growth, Community, Podcast, Emily Call, That's Church, Heavenly Mother
Join Meg Rittmanic as she explores female milestones and a new unique way to celebrate and acknowledge them through a Mala Necklace. Each bead of the divine feminine path mala represents an important milestone or passage in the life as a woman and daughter of God. This mala represents a Christ Centered feminine path that your life may follow. It includes archetypal examples that you may pattern your life after. This mala necklace may act as a type of initiation into the mysteries of God and can help one understand the ordinances, anointings and covenantal endowments one may receive in this life. The idea of initiation into the mysteries of God is an ancient concept that has always been taught through myth and represented through passages. I have tried to include these concepts that are both ancient and modern. When certain stories or characters are mentioned I recommend studying those things in addition to this guide. Each bead is a natural stone from mother earth; and has been chosen to represent and aid in these life events or help you to develop the archetypal characteristics described. These stones have a special metaphorical capacity to assist you on your path and they are a gift from Mother earth. Just like in the bible the priest used stones in ceremonial garments and to represent milestones of the people; these beads represent the past, present, and future. You may use this mala as a map of where you have been and where you are going, but not every milestone or attribute may be obtained in the order presented here.
Join our new Patreon here! patreon.com/InHerImagePodcast
For... the insider scoop on events, meet-ups, and retreats, bonus audio and video content and behind-the-scenes insights, Q&A sessions and quarterly book club, and access to exclusive Marco Polo or Facebook group chat with the podcast hosts and other avid listeners.
In this episode of In Her Image, we continue our inspiring conversation with historian and theologian Maxine Hanks.
She shares her research on the influence of women on Joseph Smith's early spiritual journey and Heavenly Mother's role in the First Vision and in the early church.
Together, we explore themes of self-discovery, personal revelation, and how women can find strength in their spiritual paths. Maxine discusses the interplay between LDS feminism, gender and sexuality, and how/who should define the Divine Feminine in the restored church. She opens up about pivotal moments in her life that drove her work and shaped her perspective, and how she has learned to trust in the Divine.
In this episode of In Her Image, we are honored to host Maxine Hanks, a renowned historian and theologian whose work focuses on women, gender, and the sacred feminine in Mormon and Christian traditions. Maxine shares her fascinating journey, including her excommunication as one of the September Six in 1993, her 15 years of ministry and interfaith chaplaincy, and her return to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 2012.
We discuss the impact of her groundbreaking book, Women and Authority: Re-emerging Mormon Feminism, first published in 1992. Maxine reflects on her mission to recover the feminist history and theology of the Latter-day Saint tradition, creating a vital resource for those seeking to explore women’s roles in the Restoration. She also announces the upcoming reprint of the book in 2025, providing greater access to this transformative work.
Maxine’s insight into the importance of formal, informal, and personal authority offers a roadmap for integrating women’s history and theology more fully into the church today.
Maxine shares her perspective on collective vs. personal revelation, and what to do when personal revelation differs from general revelation. She emphasizes maintaining personal convictions while building bridges in love and compassion.
In this episode, Jess reads "Nephi and His Asherah" by Daniel C. Peterson.
Asherah was the chief goddess of the Canaanites. She was El’s wife and the mother and wet nurse of the other gods. At least some Israelites worshipped her over a period from the conquest of Canaan in the second millennium before Christ to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC (the time of Lehi’s departure with his family). Asherah was associated with trees—sacred trees. The rabbinic authors of the Jewish Mishna (second–third century ad) explain the asherah as a tree that was worshipped. In 1 Nephi 11, Nephi considers the meaning of the tree of life as he sees it in vision. In answer, he receives a vision of “a virgin, . . . the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh.” The answer to his question about the meaning of the tree lies in the virgin mother with her child. The virgin is the tree in some sense and Nephi accepted this as an answer to his question. As an Israelite living at the end of the seventh century and during the early sixth century before Christ, he recognized an answer to his question about a marvelous tree in the otherwise unexplained image of a virginal mother and her divine child—not that what he saw and how he interpreted those things were perfectly obvious. What he “read” from the symbolic vision was culturally colored. Nephi’s vision reflects a meaning of the “sacred tree” that is unique to the ancient Near East. Asherah is also associated with biblical wisdom literature. Wisdom, a female, appears as the wife of God and represents life.
Peterson, Daniel C. (2000) "Nephi and His Asherah," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies: Vol. 9: No. 2, Article 4.
Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/jbms/vol9/iss2/4 -
Emily Carolynn Baker rejoins us on the podcast to share about an upcoming social media "flash mob" and exciting Divine Feminine Summit! To participate in the social media sharing, called a "thunderclap", post a photo of your hand with the words "Divine Feminine Matters" written on it at 11:11 MST on your social media platform of choice. Caption the post, "The Divine Feminine Matters because ______" and fill in the blank!
So many have been on a journey seeking Heavenly Mother/the Feminine Divine for months or years, and this is an opportunity to share why that matters to you. We matter, She matters, and it's time to be brave and share why!
Emily also announces a Divine Feminine Summit happening Jan 31 and Feb 1, 2025 with presenters such as Dr. Julie Hanks and Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. You won't want to miss it!
We hope you enjoy this episode and watching the flood of social media posts on Friday. You are not alone!
Anonymous post form submission: https://forms.gle/KSNqywAV168hTCeh7
Thunder clap reminders via text and email: https://calendly.com/thespiritualcollab/divine-feminine-thunderclap-reminders
Tickets for online summit: https://divinefeminine.live/
Instagram account: @thespiritualcollab
Co-Organizers of Event: @that.lds.energy.gal @latterdayawakening and @enochsears
Send requests to collaborate to [email protected] or [email protected]
Julie Dean Richards is a Wife, Mother-of-three, doula, herbalist, astrologer, numerologist, attorney, and the Co-Founder of Feminine Alychemst: School of the Deep Feminine. She is also the co-host of the podcast "Feminine Alchemy". Before completing her doctorate degree in law, Julie worked in research for 7 years. She consulted high-touch clients such as Harvard, Yale, Standford, and Google on creating and completing peer reviewed and other research projects. She has lived in 3 countries and speaks 5 languages. Julie has always been deeply spiritual; a follower of Christ and interested in the divine feminine, the quantum field, spirituality, and esoteric topics. She is an advocate for bodily autonomy including home and free birth. Julie balances logic and wisdom by combining nature's rhythms, modern astrology, science, and law to help her clients realize their greatest potential.
Connecting to the Divine Feminine Guide:https://www.femininealchemyst.com/divine-feminine-guide
School: https://www.femininealchemyst.com/
Podcast: https://femininealchemy.buzzsprout.com/1835081
Website: https://astrologicalattorney.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologicalattorney?igsh=MTJ4dTZrYmhrN2d5bw==
In this special pre-Christmas episode, host Jessica Woodbury welcomes artist Brittany Nguyen to discuss her spiritual journey and artistic exploration of Heavenly Mother. Brittany shares the inspiration behind her breathtaking painting Entrusted, which depicts Mary, Baby Jesus, and a divine, loving Heavenly Mother blessing them. The conversation delves into Brittany's personal experiences as a mother, her awakening to Heavenly Mother, and how she channels her faith and creativity into her art. Brittany also introduces her children’s coloring book about Heavenly Parents and reflects on how her relationship with Heavenly Mother has influenced her as a woman, mother, and artist. This heartfelt discussion invites listeners to celebrate the season with a renewed perspective on divine love and family.
Connect with Brittany Nguyen:
https://www.instagram.com/brittanynguyenart Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/BrittanyNguyenArt Purchase Brittany's coloring book on Amazon: https://a.co/d/9hErM2b.Follow In Her Image:
Patreon: https://patreon.com/InHerImagePodcast Instagram: www.instagram.com/inherimagepodcast -
Meg Rittmanic shares her plans for her contribution to the podcast for this season. At minute 13 Meg shares a talk she gave in her ward about Heavenly Mother on Mother's Day. This talk is a great place to start to connect the dots around Heavenly Mother's story in scripture. Join Meg in a journey to come to understand Her attributes, Her healing love, Her mission, and how exciting it is to help in restoring truths about Her!
Join us.
In today’s episode we will be addressing feminism, violence against women and embracing our unique gifts as women with the ability to understand our power as a priestess, officiating as apprentices to our heavenly mother. It may seem random, but we’re going to tie together as we talk about what it takes to become a Zion type community.
Today I’m interviewing Dr. Valerie Hudson a major thought leader when it comes to priestisthood and embracing the theology of heavenly mother, dr. Hudson has published several articles under the pen name of VH Kessler in regards to these ideas on square 2. In our next episode will be doing a reading of some of these articles.
Her spiritual work is a passion project that runs alongside her academic work where Dr. Valerie Hudson is a Distinguished scholar and expert on international security and foreign policy, she specializes in analysis of the relationship between gender and security, Dr. Hudson has developed a nation-by-nation database, called the WomanStats Database, containing empirical work linking the security of women to the security of states that is used by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the United Nations, and International Security. she has been named the top 100 most Influential Global Thinkers by foreign policy. Her findings have been widely published. She has also authored several books on the Security Implications of how Sex Shapes Governance and National Security world wide. Dr. Hudson sees her esteemed academic work and her spiritual journey playing hand and hand as she understands intimately violence against women and what she calls the curse of nations and how and what we must do to overcome the historical predicament of violence against women and the potential consequences if we do not overcome this horrific situation.
In this podcast, we cover some amazing ground, there are definitely adult themes that are difficult to grapple with and may be inappropriate for little ears. We cover violence against women that could potentially be triggering if you have been exposed to these horrors. We encourage you to honor wherever you’re at on these issues. If you feel like you need to skip our discussion about violence against women, you could skip to minute 45 where we will be focused on the helpful tools for embracing our full potential as women. With that said let’s go ahead and jump right into my interview with Dr. Valerie Hudson.
In this short episode, Jessica Woodbury records a few additional thoughts about the topic of Joseph Smith and his possible involvement in the practice of polygamy referred to in episode 145. She emphasizes taking the time to listen to women's stories and becoming thoughtful consumers of our sources of historical information. She also shares how this discussion around Joseph's polygamy can often be triggering for women when it feels like individuals may be following societal patterns of undermining the belief in women's stories for the sake of the protection of an influential man. She shares a few resources that can help individuals seek out the stories and words of women involved, including the books In Sacred Loneliness, by Todd Compton (https://a.co/d/1hln4BX) and In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents (https://a.co/d/5ItoGZa), also by Todd Compton.
Have you ever asked yourself, 'is there more than one Heavenly Mother? Will we practice eternal polygamy?' The scriptures actually directly answer these questions. Join Meg Rittmanic in a conversation with Jocelyn Pedersen as they address this topic and how this corruption is hurting us and Heavenly Mother.
Jocelyn Pedersen is a mother and grandmother currently residing in Utah with her husband and two of her children. She uses social media and the non profits she has helped to establish in the US to educate patients, the public, and medical providers about the risks of psychiatric drugs and how to safely taper off of them.
Along with this, Jocelyn followed the call in 2020 to begin a second platform, The Teachings of Jesus Christ blog and channel, where she has evolved from sharing brief non denominational messages on healing and coming unto Christ, to more deep doctrinal dives covering a range of topics from Isaiah, to the Divine Feminine, and The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
When Jocelyn isn't busy homeschooling her son, writing her new book, All things In One: Courageously Claiming Our Divine Destiny In Zion, or feeding the chickens, you can usually find her forcing her family to watch old black-and-white movies with her, or rocking out to big band music.
Join Meg Rittmanic in an engaging conversation with Dave Butler and Jocelyn Henderson Pederson as we discuss the parable of the vineyard and how this story gives us the tools to restoring truth about the divine feminine and also warns us about corruption. How has the Divine Feminine been corrupted throughout history and how can we avoid repeating historical mistakes. How do we move forward in the great restoration of truth around Heavenly Mother.
Hold on for the continuation of last weeks conversation with David Butler about Temple literature and the Divine Feminine being the center of Temple literature. Last week we talked about so many beautiful things and we’re just going to continue that conversation now. One of the most important things that you will learn from this conversation is when it comes to the most sacred things, they’re often coded in the text that are hard to identify, Until you understand the language, and then when you understand the language. You’ll have eyes to see and ears to hear. You’re going to get more keys to unlock the doors of understanding today as you listen. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.
Where is Heavenly Mother in the Temple, or where should we find Her in the Temple? Join me and David Butler as we break into temple literature and how understanding hebrew can give you keys to understanding more about the Divine Feminine. Dave takes the position that the Book of Mormon is an ancient document and also that the Book of Mormon is a work of temple literature. The Nephite prophets were members of an esoteric lineage that wrote for an audience that they expected to possess eyes to see and ears to hear, and the intended way to understand the meaning of their writings is to read through the lens of our own temple experience. He embodied his early thoughts in this vein in a pair of short books, Plain and Precious Things and The Goodness and the Mysteries, both self-published under the pen name D. John Butler. More recently, he published In the Language of Adam.
This episode captures a deep, heartfelt conversation between Jessica Woodbury, the host of In Her Image, and guest Christy Spencer. They discuss Christy’s spiritual journey, particularly her connection with Heavenly Mother, her humanitarian work, and personal experiences that shaped her view of divinity. The conversation explores themes of healing, faith, and redefining one's relationship with God through a feminine divine perspective.
Key highlights include:
Christy's Background and Work: Christy shares her decade-long humanitarian career with LDS humanitarian services, where she led impactful initiatives, especially around menstrual health in countries all around the world. Her work was deeply fulfilling, often directed by what she felt was divine guidance, and shaped her understanding of service as a sacred duty.Heavenly Mother: Christy recounts her complex relationship with the concept of "mother" due to personal loss and challenges in her upbringing. She felt a yearning to understand and connect with the feminine aspect of divinity, which deepened as she became a mother herself. She describes instances where she felt Heavenly Mother's presence in her life, adding depth to her faith.Personal Experiences and Faith: Christy describes her journey of healing and empowerment through moments of profound personal revelation, such as a dream about a pad design during her humanitarian work. She believes that God’s guidance often came in feminine tones and through nature, which she considers Heavenly Mother's house.Doctrine of Heavenly Parents: They discuss how understanding God as both a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother has reshaped Christy’s perspective. She emphasizes the importance of unity and balance between masculine and feminine divine attributes and advocates for language inclusivity in church settings, believing that recognizing Heavenly Mother expands believers’ perceptions of divinity.Analogies and Spiritual Insights: Christy uses the metaphor of God as a prism to describe her view of God, representing a spectrum of light and color that goes beyond human comprehension. This metaphor reflects her belief that God encompasses vast diversity and complexity, much like a prism reveals the colors within white light.This discussion touches on themes of community, unity, and the personal journey of faith, particularly for women within the Latter-day Saint tradition. Christy’s stories and insights offer a vision of spirituality enriched by a more inclusive view of the divine.
God is a Prism blog post: https://thedispencery.wordpress.com/2021/10/01/god-is-a-prism/
A Mother There blog post: https://thedispencery.wordpress.com/2024/05/12/a-mother-there/
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