On this episode we discussed the ongoing assault on the rights and benefits of the everyday American by the Broligarchic Wannabe "ruling class" and how best to stand up to it.
Channel your inner John Lewis, and Fredrick Douglass and make 'good trouble'. Become in the way, obstruct, delay and stand up for your fellow human. This is a fight we cannot lose.. also get armed, get a self defense course and become aware.
We discussed the absolute madness taking place in the country since the election. January has been the longest year we can remember. Remember to build community, identify who is good at what & work together to combat this fascist nonsense.
Nothing lasts forever, and this too shall one day pass and be recorded in history for what it is and for what these people are.
Strength in numbers and yes... The Truth Against the World.
Eksik bölüm mü var?
Mythology & Politics
We were delighted to sit down again with local author & professor H. Dean Fisher in what we think is likely one of our best episodes ever. (Definitely our longest conversation that we didn't want to end!) We discussed mythology & its impact on society, current events and politics.
Will it take a Solve et coagula event to break the spell or will we as a society snap out of it before the convoy of destruction takes us all down with it... Time will Tell.
More from H. Dean Fisher can be found here:
We discussed on our premiere episode of season three... the concepts of starseeds, indigo children and other assorted bits of absolute nonsense. This nonsense includes the racial overtones and ridiculous assertions of exceptionalism contained therein.
To be a good and decent person, a productive member of society and most of all to be true to one's self.. therein lies a princple secret of esoterica and of actual growth.
On this episode, our season finale; we discussed the apparent cheat code revealed by recent events... (as if most of us didn't already know!) - the 'secret' is that the issue is NOT a left or right one... rather it is UP and DOWN.
The war on the middle class and the marginalized has been going on for generations but it seems to have become exceptionally pronounced of late.
The recent event in Manhatten seems to have brought more attention to the robber barons that have been exploiting and destroying lives on their way to the 1% club...
Hope you enjoy and see you in January for the start of Season 3 of In the Weedz.
On this episode we touched on a few topics ranging from the recent incident with the three thieves stealing money from the ancestor altar intended for donations to our local food pantry as well as the current clown car of idiocy on full display for everyone.
We also discussed that now is not the time to hide in your house with the proverbial head-in-the-sand approach - now is the time more than ever to be active, outspoken and defiant against the influx of morbid stupidity.
We even had a brief chat on the best herbal approaches to combat the seasonal flu and cold season.
Little bit of everything including more than one boof from Bella...
Have a great week everyone!
On this episode we discussed a number of topics based primarily on herbalism. This was a truncated version of a soon-to-come series of episodes on Herbalism available on our Patreon.
None of this episode was intended as medical advice. Always consult your physician or licensed medical provider prior to undertaking any supplement / regimen.
We covered the importance of taking this seriously and not treating herbalism like the latest cottage core fad. It is after all... first medicine. We also gave a quick shout-out to our favorite local apiary "Old Man John's" not only for their incredible honey but for their herbal infused honey products...
We hope you enjoy.
On this episode we discussed the reality of the proverbial dog that caught the car in reference to the recent election and the current and soon to be coming state of affairs.
Now is not the time to be fearful or clutching pearls... it's time to pull our cloaks up and go to work.
We also discussed a few things ranging from etiquette to developing a relationship with spirit. Times of darkness do not have to equal despair - especially when the despair is being spread or attempted to by a gaggle of idiots in a clown car.
On this episode we talked about a few things regarding safety in local Pagan communities. There are predatory people in all communities and unfortunately our Pagan community is no exception. What to look for and what to do... look out for others and yourself.
We also discussed the vital importance of voting this year considering the overarching theme of fascist ideologies being pushed. It is up to us all to keep our community free and safe. This is not the time to be on the fence or to sit it out on the sidelines. Get up, Get out and Vote.
On this episode, we discussed the upcoming election as well the fact that we are mourning a dear friend and colleague who passed suddenly a couple of days ago.
Was it the current standard of corporate culture (overworked, overutilized, and underappreciated) or something else... we don't know. But the go-go-go-go mentality, the metrics-driven non-people-centric approach to deliverables needs some course changing... as it certainly did not help.
We will be sending up smoke for our friend this Samhain and we will always remember you for the charismatic, hilarious, and consummate professional you always were regardless of the situation.
As he would say - that's the job.
Hail the Traveler.
On this episode we discussed cognitive bias & dissonance as well as the tendency for appeal to authority syndrome & other's personal bias to take over one's path. Even the most learned of us falls prey to this from time to time.
It's all part of the journey.
Individual seeker or prospective lodge members, which path to take, how to move forward are all questions we must all answer repeatedly on the crooked path. Most importantly how to vet the information one receives and where to go from here...
On this episode, we had a bit of a vent session regarding the absolute nonsense propaganda click-bait being spewed online and in-person about the catastrophic flood damage in our former home of NC.
It's one thing to hear on a daily basis all manner of make-believe and quite frankly BS about any myriad of topics - it's another for this latest distribution of propaganda to be actively harming the people we love.
For those of you that have expressed empathy and support - thank you from the bottom of our hearts. For those of you that continue to spread these false narratives - well you'll know where we stand with that.
Our heartfelt thanks goes out to fellow Tarheels - Mortellus & Byron Ballard for the selfless aid they have been doing since this tragedy unfolded a week ago and to the countless Federal, State and County agencies as well as the large number of civilians who have rendered aid and put themselves in harms way to save lives and rescue the good people of NC during this catastrophic event. That includes our daughter Shanell who has put herself in harms way on multiple occasions to run fuel, to be available for her fellow North Carolinians in need. We love you all.
A special thanks to Chief Tim Barnett of the Beech Mountain Police Department for not only the wellness check he performed but also letting us know our daughter was safe. We appreciate you so very much.
For those of you spewing nonsense propaganda you saw on social media and didn't think to verify before aiding in its distribution... do better.
With love to the hills and to the rebuilding of this sacred area...
One of our favorite people stopped by today for a lively conversation on mental health and wellness. We always have a great time with Brandon and this conversation was no exception.
This episode was also captured on Facebook Live!
We hope you enjoy and if you'd like to reach out to Brandon or any of his exceptionally talented staff you can visit their site here:
On this episode we wandered through topics ranging from what seems to be an ongoing uplift in attitude & hope for the future, to what life was like as a GenX kid and the many similarities that our younger generations are struggling with right now.. albeit under a lot more scrutiny than we had...
We had to do a take two on this one due to Bella protecting the studio from what was in her mind... unauthorized noises... We hope you enjoy!
We had a wonderful conversation on this episode with our dear friend Nicole aka The Wandering Werewolf Wire Witch. If you have not been in the store when she is here you should definitely make it a point to do so at some point.
Not only does she create fabulous custom wraps while you wait she is a consummate creator of all things Witchy and Wonderful and is above all... an amazing person and outstanding member of this community.
We hope you enjoy! We sure did!
On this episode, we sat down with our good friend, astrologer & tarot extraordinaire - Lindsy. We discussed the state of things, the very real threat to our community/s, and a host of other things. We had a great time and hope you enjoy this episode.
This was an amazing episode and we cannot say how much we enjoyed speaking with local author H. Dean Fisher! We talked about his latest book; Medusa, Rise of a Goddess and so many other topics of interest ranging from Norse to Greek to Egyptian mythology among others.
We had a truly great time and we hope you all enjoy this chat as much as we did having it!
For more info on H. Dean Fisher:
H. Dean Fisher, author
The fantastic, the scientifically fictional & the macabre
Medusa: Rise of a Goddess (2022) – 9.5, Publishers Weekly & Quarter-Finalist for The BookLife Prize
The Redemption of Bes (2022) – preteen novel
The Jungle God: 20th Anniversary Edition (2021) – Finalist at 2022 American Fiction Awards
A Revelation of Our Savior (2020) – Finalist at 2021 American Fiction Awards
The Tales of Zhava: Book 1, The Initiate (2019) & Book 2, The Novice (2020)
On this episode we did a couple reading excerpts from amazing works by Peter Grey & Gemma Gary talking about the wilding of Witchcraft among other things.
How it may be possible to lose so much by bending to modern culture and commercialism....
We also talked about the difficulty in a role shift from being an advisor, behind the scenes to now being the first face one sees walking in the door and as always the ever-evolving spiritual path and the lessons it brings good, bad and in-between.
On this episode we had a great conversation with one of our Pagan children; Kayla Marcisco. We talked about everything from new motherhood, her handfasting to her amazing husband John to video games and the value of spending time in nature especially with a growing child.
We had a fantastic time and we hope you enjoy the conversation as much as we did having it!
On this episode recorded prior to the candidate swap out yesterday - we discussed more on the topic of Project 2025, the continuation of the prelude to starring in a live-action version of an Atwood novel we are all experiencing now...
We discussed how voting is much more than any specific candidate, rather it is the movement and administration behind them that matters even more. We would love to have the conversations about practice but right now we all need to be straightening up in our chairs and paying close attention to the moves being made on the chessboard.
We also talked about the importance that our elders should play in our community and why so many times esoteric groups fail to produce anything of merit due to their associations merely being about specific practice or tradition - when it should be geared more toward a general philosophy of unified ideals.
By her hand.
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