
  • This guided meditation is designed to help you restore balance between your masculine and feminine energy. When I use the terms masculine and feminine, I am not referring to the gender or sex of an individual. I am referring to the energetic duality that exists within all human beings. We all have a masculine or yang energy, and we all have a feminine or yin energy within us.

    Mother Earth is restoring balance after thousands of years of being masculine energy dominant. Feminine energy is rising rapidly on the planet after being oppressed for thousands of years due to patriarchal programming that has been passed down through generations.

    Since every human being on this planet has the energetic duality of masculine and feminine within them, we will all be impacted by this shift in collective energy. This was the inspiration for creating this guided meditation, to help people make this energetic transition with as much ease and grace as possible.

    There is so much untapped human potential when we limit ourselves to one energy based on our social conditioning. It is now time to integrate our dualities so we can embody a more unified state of human consciousness.

    For humans to live harmoniously, the masculine and feminine energies must reach a state of union. This requires us to let go of outdated programs where we connect with our energy from the self-limiting conditions we may have inherited based on binary gender norms.

    This guided meditation will assist you in releasing any shame you may be carrying around either masculine or feminine energy. It will also reconnect you to the power within yourself related to each divine energy.

    If you are stuck and unable to heal or slow down in your life, then you may be suppressing your feminine energy. If you are not actively engaged in your life and feel unmotivated, then you may be suppressing your masculine energy.

    This guided meditation will help you reconnect to the divine masculine and feminine energy within you so you can become integrated and balanced as nature has intended for you.

    It's time to let go of the woundedness and step into your most authentic and empowered self.

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  • In this episode I take you on a vision quest into the future. We dive into the deepest aspects of your being to discover your potential and create the vision of your future self.

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt:

    ► https://linktr.ee/mattlandsiedelcoaching

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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • In this episode I speak with Meli Guidance, a past-life psychic and a certified advanced Akashic records reader about how to discover your life purpose.

    Many of us can feel lost at times in our life as we navigate what we want to do with our lives. Meli shares how she guides you towards your soul calling and how you can start to connect with these deeper parts of yourself to discover your unique life path through understanding soul types and life missions.

    If you’re feeling misaligned from your life purpose then this episode is definitely for you!

    Concepts we explored in this episode:

    What are the Akashic records?What are life plans and how can we understand what ours is?What are the 10 life missions you work with?How can our soul types help us navigate our life mission?How can aligning with our mission help us heal past life issues?How can someone start to align to their life purpose?

    About Today’s Guest:

    Meli Guidance is a past-life psychic and a certified advanced Akashic records reader. Her specialty is helping people grow by reconnecting them with their soul’s purpose and life missions. She believes that by remembering our past lives and seeing what our life plan is for our current incarnation, we can achieve our future self’s highest potential. In addition to channeling spirit guides for people from all over the world in English and French, she offers coaching sessions to anyone who wishes to develop their psychic abilities. You can find her on Instagram and YouTube at meli.guidance where she gives collective readings and posts videos on how to get in touch with your intuition and your spirit team.

    Connect with Meli:


    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt

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  • In this episode I speak with Soul Activation Guide and Speaker, Kat Renee. We talk about how to embody your soul in your work and other aspects of your life. Kat and I met in an authentic relating workshop and we both have made it our life mission to show up authentically and share our wild spirit with the world. Come and join us and learn how we are living from the deep soulful place within us and get inspired to live this way too.

    Concepts we explored in this episode:

    Kat’s storyWhat is embodiment?What is the wild spirit?How can we begin to embody the wild spirit?How to bring your soul into your work/life 3 C’s of connection

    About Today’s Guest:

    Kat is a soul activation guide for professionals. Through her embodied guidance, Kat invites her clients and colleagues to witness their genuine connected presence that regenerates life & love. She believes that your personal power is opened directly by coming home to yourself & what works for you. Kat founded Open Soul helping professionals enliven their soul at work. Kat lives with her husband & 3 year old twins in Denver, Colorado.

    Connect with Kat:

    Embody the Evolution Podcast: Healing Grief and Finding Your Sovereign Self
    Guided meditations

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt

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  • In this episode I speak with social change explorer and leadership/life coach Leslie Ng. Leslie shares her story about how climate grief has impacted her life and the changes she has made in her own life due to the impact of this grief. Together we unpack the heaviness in this world and how we are choosing to live more authentic and outside the norms that society has indoctrinated us to believe is the only way to live. Come on this journey with us to explore how you have been impacted by systemic issues like climate change, patriarchal domination and capitalism.

    Concepts we explored in this episode:

    The changing world we live inClimate grief Patriarchal grief Masculine and feminine ways of beingBuilding resilience

    About Today’s Guest:

    Leslie is an explorer, a coach, a mother and concerned citizen among many other labels. She is curious about all things personal development and deeply concerned with the state of this world. Leslie's theory of change begins with the individual, by deepening our capacities to learn, adapt, grow and show up as our whole, authentic selves we can expand our abilities to lead and create change.

    Leslie works with changemakers to help them transform their burnout and anxiety to feel more resilient, whole, and empowered so they can lead and contribute in bigger ways to creating a better world for the collective.

    Connect with Leslie:

    Embody the Evolution Podcast: Healing Grief and Finding Your Sovereign Self

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt

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  • In this episode I speak with Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, Ginger Jen. Ginger shares her story about being a sex worker/escort and how she moved through the stigma of this work. Ginger gives us the insider scoop about sex work and how we can all learn from healing our own sexual shame and practicing more acceptance. If you are wanting to learn how to connect more authentically with your sexual self and feel more sexually empowered on this journey, this episode is for you!

    Questions we explored in this episode:

    What is Ginger's story and how did she get into this work?What does sexual empowerment mean?What does it feel like to be sexually empowered?What do you think causes sexual disempowerment?What can someone do to feel more sexually empowered?How can we help each other become more sexually empowered in relationships?

    About Today’s Guest:

    Ginger [she/they] has been on a mission for the last 4 years to become someone who helps deeply heal sexuality. From being an escort in Australia working in the industry for other’s and then working for themselves. Ginger noticed firstly how much their own sexuality had become more clear and more enjoyable and secondly that there was a mass problem around sex specifically with men trying to be and follow a porn star type of way or on the other side that men felt completely shut off from full intimacy, relating and sex because men were so nervous around any woman that they were with. Ginger’s path kept aligning with males who had ADHD/Autism or generally quite shy, so the feeling was to then help uplift those men in intimate situations in order to help them grow confidently.

    Ginger then went on a mission to learn tantra through workshops and trained in Sex, Love and Relationship coaching with the VITA course by Layla Martin which has now brought Ginger to their mission on helping heal the collective of busy minds around their self love and sexuality.

    Connect with Ginger:


    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

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  • In this episode I speak with yoga teacher, Buddhist practitioner and healer Jane Lyon about how to consciously suffer on the journey through spiritual awakening. Jane and I share all our tips and tricks on how to move through suffering from the place of least resistance. If you are going through a lot of adversity in your life right now, then I would recommend taking a listen so you can learn ways to support yourself through the process.

    Questions we explored in this episode:

    What is the “great awakening” and what does it mean to each of us? Moving towards authenticity requires us to suffer by letting go and grieving who we are notWhat is suffering? What’s its purpose?How to consciously navigate suffering? What are the 4 Nobel truths?

    About Today’s Guest:

    Jane is a yoga teacher, buddhist practitioner and healer in the realms of reiki and the Akashic Records. Jane is a guide for young women on the spiritual path who yearn to remember their divinity and discover their deepest truth. She is here to help others transcend their own suffering and do the work of the Bodhisattva - to be of benefit to all sentient beings.

    Connect with Jane:


    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt:

    ► https://linktr.ee/mattlandsiedelcoaching

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode Patrick and Matt talk openly about their own shadow work journey and what they each learned from this deep inner work. They talk about their best tips on how to do shadow work and how it can have a lasting impact on healing shame and living more authentically.

    Questions we explored in this episode:

    What is shadow work?What have you learned from your own shadow work?What are some of the reasons that people avoid shadow work?How can one learn to befriend their shadow?How does avoidance of our shadow give more power to it?Why is community so important while doing this or any other self work?

    About Today’s Guest:

    Patrick is an entrepreneur who left a successful career in the corporate world to chase a lifelong dream of starting his own company. Having navigated the fear and numerous subconscious blocks along that path, he found his true passions of shadow and inner child work. He now serves as a guide and healer who helps others who seek to live a life of purpose and personal freedom, unattached from the fear and inner stories that so often hold us back from chasing our dreams.

    Connect with Patrick:


    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, empathic healer and spiritual teacher from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame + trauma and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths and gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 15 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    Connect with Matt:

    ► https://linktr.ee/mattlandsiedelcoaching

    Support the Show.

  • Are you a sensitive soul who finds it difficult to be with your own feelings?

    Do you struggle being present with your body because your mind is always so active?

    Do you want to heal trauma so you can finally find inner peace and happiness?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this guided meditation was created for you.

    What is embodiment?

    Embodiment is the alignment of mind and body. Embodiment means becoming whole. To have your mind, body and spirit connected to one another and working together for your highest good.

    What is trauma?

    The body stores an adverse emotional experience within itself. When we experience trauma, the cells in our body will carry that emotional experience until we find safety, stillness and presence to allow the emotions to release from our body. Trauma is unprocessed emotional debris that needs to be released if we want to heal.

    This guided meditation is designed to help you connect back to the body where the emotions can be connected to and released.

    If you are like most people, you are overconnected to the mind and disconnected from the body. We need connection to both if we want to find inner peace. The mind and body in unison govern important aspects of our nature as sensitives.

    We need the mind to conceptualize our feelings but it's not the job of the mind to feel them. This is the job of the body. When we assign this responsibility to our mind it leads to intellectualizing our feelings and we don't end up discharging them from our body. This is called rumination, when we intellectualize our feelings and try to make sense of them with our minds. It is unhelpful and causes us suffering.

    Feelings want to be felt and then they will release, they are merely particles of energy that are trying to point us in the direction of meeting our needs. Emotions are messengers with valuable messages. It is our job to find stillness each day and listen. This is the purpose of this guided meditation.

    Come on this embodiment journey with me to a place of deep inner healing and peace as we learn to connect to our mind, body and spirit in unity consciousness.

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  • In this episode Ken and I unpack the hot topic of spiritual bypassing. We explore how the spiritual and conscious communities are inundated with people who are not actually doing the deep shadow work required for growth and transformation by avoiding the most important aspect of the transformative process - feeling your feelings!

    About Today’s Guest:

    Ken is a Relationship Coach from Sydney, Australia.
    Ken came about his career by complete accident. After being suddenly broken up with a man, who he was very much in love with, he was left devastated. He worked on himself, his self-esteem and his communication to recognize that the only thing stopping a man from having the love he wants with a loyal, committed partner are his thoughts and behaviour. He trained as a counsellor and uses his extensive personal dating and relationship experience to help his clients to heal and get the love they deserve.

    Connect with Ken:

    Website InstagramFind My Man Course

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

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  • In this episode I speak with Writer, HSP Guide and Reiki Energy Healer, Alissa Boyer about why it’s awesome to be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

    Alissa and I share our sensitivity stories and how we are learning to turn our “curse” into our greatest gift. We share how we have moved from a state of disempowerment to feeling empowered in our sensitive nature. We breakdown a list of amazing benefits of being HSP and how you can start to connect with yourself in a way that encourages your sensitivity rather than shame it.

    Your sensitivity is your superpower and we want to show you why. Come join us and learn why your sensitivity is awesome and how you can use it to your advantage!

    About Today’s Guest:

    Alissa Boyer is a Writer and Guide for Highly Sensitive People & Empaths. She writes for the award-winning HSP blog, Highly Sensitive Refuge, as well as her own blog, Life By Alissa. Alissa is also a certified Reiki Energy Healer and the founder of the Highly Sensitive & Soulful Membership where she helps other HSPs and Empaths experience greater self-love, confidence, and inner peace through spiritual development.

    Connect with Alissa:


    Song of the episode:

    Andrea Marie - The Truth About The World

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

    ► Read my latest book

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  • In this episode I speak with Trauma Recovery Coach and Spiritual Mentor Sam Garcia. We share deeply our own trauma that has led to challenges in our lives, especially in relationships. We share many of our tips and strategies on how to recovery from trauma so you can stop living in the past and experience more emotional freedom. We unpack the 4 protection mechanisms that we use to adapt to our trauma as children and how these "protection mechanisms" are no longer serving us because they are preventing us from connecting with others in authentic ways. We share ways to start to unlearn these mechanisms so you can begin to live more of your authentic self.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Sam is called to connect and work with Trauma Recovery Coaching, Spiritual Mentoring and Soul Retrieval clients that are connected to their spirituality, have a sense of their own daily spiritual practice, and are doing their emotional and mental work. In addition, his intention is to support men and women who want to move past their trauma and embody the gifts of their wounds and are ready to move into the next level of their personal power. They have a support system (therapist, counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist, mentor, close friends, family, spouse, etc). Sam is an addition to your support team. He is here to support, empower, uplift, and be a peer in your healing journey. It is a great honor and his holy privilege to work with you in this capacity. He looks forward to supporting you in your healing journey.

    Connect with Sam:

    WebsiteMatt's Emotion Regulation Video (3 step process)Christina Lopes video

    The book Sam spoke about:

    It's Not Always DepressionWorking the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic SelfBy: Hilary Jacobs Hendel, Diana Fosha - forward

    Song of the episode:

    Luca Fogale - Surviving

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

    ► Read my latest book

    ► Facebook

    ► Instagram

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode I speak with Hannah and Mason about all things related to navigating jealousy in relationships. It doesn't matter if you are polyamorous, monogamous, or just dating casually, this podcast is a must listen to if you are someone who experiences jealousy in your relationships. Join us and learn what jealousy is, why we experience it, why its so hard for most of us to sit with, and most importantly how to feel this feeling in a way that brings you more connection and intimacy as opposed to allowing jealousy to cause destruction and disconnection in our relationships.

    About Today’s Guests:


    I am a spiritual being on a journey to enjoy all the ecstasy this human experience has to offer. I have studied and experimented many different paths in the wellness and holistic realms. I am a holistic nutritionist, western herbalist, yoga teacher, energy worker and new paradigm guide. I am pleased to bring all of this knowledge together to best support you on your journey. I deeply believe this life is such a gift and celebrates daily through living in ceremony. I recently was accepted to study my Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I am beyond stoked to continue expanding my rememberings and offerings!


    I am a conscious relationship guide, life coach, mystical wizard, yoga teacher, healer, group facilitator. I am a man on a journey to truly understand the masculine and how it can better support the feminine on this earth. I am someone who has experienced a lot of life altering events and rather than have them hinder my growth I have used them as a catalyst to finding embodiment.

    Connect with Hannah & Mason:

    Hannah-Beth Kusler

    WebsiteInstagramOnline wombman's gatherings

    Mason Blackmore


    Song of the episode:

    Miley Cyrus - High

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

    ► Read my latest book

    ► Facebook

    ► Instagram

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode I speak with author, speaker and spiritual guide Nick Burgett. He teaches us his secrets to finding love by taking the journey within ourselves. Nick teaches us tips from his latest book, How to Find Love - A Journey Within: 7 Simple Principles to Experience Everlasting Love. He shares his own personal struggle through suffering a lack of life purpose and how that led to his spiritual awakening that has enabled him to live from a place of unconditional love for himself and others. Love is the way and Nick shows us how to start to live from this place. Come join us on this love revolution and find what is in your way of experiencing total heart opening.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Nick is an author, speaker, and spiritual guide. By going through his own crisis and spiritual awakening, he is able to show others how they can live a happier, more fulfilling life.

    Connect with Nick:

    How to Find Love - A Journey Within: 7 Simple Principles to Experience Everlasting LoveNicks Clothing line

    Song of the episode:

    Fancy Hagood - Forest

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

    ► Read my latest book

    ► Facebook

    ► Instagram

    Support the Show.

  • In this episode I speak with Amanda McFadyen about all things codependency. I share openly about my own struggle with codependency and how boundaries are changing my life and enriching my relationships. Amanda shares her story about her journey to living her life mantra of "you alone are enough". We break down what codependency is including the victim/saver dynamics typically played out in codependent relationships, the need to be wanted or chosen, not feeling whole in our sense of self, toxic shame, attachment trauma, holding and creating space in your relationships, and reparenting our inner child. If you struggle with relationships then this podcast is a must listen to.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Amanda is a student of life, a seeker of bliss. In her quest to learn and assist others, she will be attending grad school in the fall. Amanda is a member of the LGBTQ community and a consumer of the mental health community. Amanda strives to gain insight into healing toxic shame and negative narratives that have taken hold in our lives. Her motto that you alone are enough reflects the journey of healing that is rooted in all of us being worthy no matter where we are on our personal journey.

    Connect with Amanda:

    InstagramTrue love: A practice for awakening the heart Mark Manson Blog on Boundaries

    Song of the episode:

    MaMuse - Soul Sister

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

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  • In this episode I speak with Authenticity Coach Lukas Sliz. We talk about how to feel more worthy and whole in the experience you have of yourself. Lukas went from feeling alone in this world and not feeling like he belonged to living his best life through practicing living authentically. Lukas teaches us how to have our own sense of emotional freedom so we can begin to feel at home within ourselves regardless of the external circumstances. Come join us as we deep dive into the fascinating realms of shadow work, inner child healing, emotion regulation, ego and self-acceptance.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Lukas helps people heal emotional wounds and create a Home within. At the age of 2 years old, his parents moved with him and his sister from Poland to Germany. As he grew up, he would look for a sense of belonging, even at the expense of his own wellbeing. Yet that sense of Home would only be short lived. He used to search for wholeness and peace of mind in relationships, achievements and travels of the world to find what he once lost. Little did he know, that the Home he was looking for wasn’t a place in the world. That place was always with himself. Home is what he would find within himself. Once he started to accept himself and love himself unconditionally for who he is, every moment became homecoming in itself. He finally found the Home he once lost and found himself again. Today, he helps people heal their emotional wounds and turn them into unconditional Self-Love so they can find their Home within.

    Connect with Lukas:

    InstagramUnleash your authentic self

    Song of the episode:

    Nessi Gomes - Diamonds & Demons

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

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  • In this episode we dive deep with Relationship Coach Ken Reid where we unpack everything people pleasing. We talk about how it starts, why we do it and how to overcome it.

    Ken provides us an in-depth perspective on how people pleasing is a major barrier to having a successful relationship. Both Ken and I share our personal experiences with people pleasing and how we are overcoming this within our own lives.

    We also put on our coaching hats and provide strategies we use with our clients to get them past their pesky people pleasing ways so they can have more authentic and fulfilling relationships.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Ken is a Relationship Coach from Sydney, Australia.
    Ken came about his career by complete accident. After being suddenly broken up with a man, who he was very much in love with, he was left devastated. He worked on himself, his self-esteem and his communication to recognize that the only thing stopping a man from having the love he wants with a loyal, committed partner are his thoughts and behaviour. He trained as a counsellor and uses his extensive personal dating and relationship experience to help his clients to heal and get the love they deserve.

    Connect with Ken:

    Website InstagramFind My Man Course

    Song of the episode:

    Jann Arden - Demolition Love

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

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  • In this episode I speak with Mikayla Abadies about her journey being a transgender woman and how she chooses to live with courage. Mikayla embodies living her truth and choosing authenticity over conformity and she wants to share her story with you. Mikayla shares what it was like to transition and the impact this had on her mind, body and spirit. This podcast left me emotional with a new understanding and compassion in my heart for transgender people.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Mikayla is a Filipino-Canadian transgender woman based in Calgary. She is a healthcare worker by profession, a cat mom, a yogi, and an advocate for transgender women. She uses her YouTube and Instagram platforms to disseminate information regarding issues of trans-women.

    Connect with Mikayla:


    Song of the episode:

    Ayla Nereo - Turning Wake

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, working out or doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, hanging out with his cat Darryl, watching hockey, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

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  • In this episode we unpack the hot topic of racism in the gay community. We share experiences of overt and covert racism, how our preferences can be a way to hide behind attitudes rooted in racism, and how to overcome the conditioning that may be contributing to our preferences. We also openly share our own personal biases when it comes to our own preferences/attractions and provide some solutions on how to start taking responsibility for our unconscious biases.

    Thank you to my guests Reno Winston, Mav Mehta & Edward Tsang for showing up with such courage and vulnerability to unpack such an emotionally charged topic. There will definitely be a part 2 of this podcast in the near future because there is so much to unpack and so much to learn from one another.

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, working out or doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, hanging out with his cat Darryl, watching hockey, and spending time building his coaching business.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

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  • In this episode I speak with male sex coach and tantric arts enthusiast, Nitya Mahlynn. We deep dive about how to embrace the teachings of tantra to last longer in the bedroom and feel more fulfilled with deeper more meaningful sexual connections. Nitya teaches us 5 of her most effective teachings in her sexual mastery intensive coaching program and how we can start to implement some of the techniques into our own sex lives. Join us on this journey of sexual self-discovery and find out what you may be missing out on when it comes to sex and intimacy.

    About Today’s Guest:

    Nitya grew up in Sweden, and took off on her seekers quest 3 decades ago to live in a spiritual community in India and Italy for a number of years. She was initiated into the Tantric Arts by a lover whom she spent 3 years in relationship with. These early experiences with this lover affected her understanding of sex, soul and embodiment, in a profound way that could not be undone, and that has formed the basis of her work as a sex coach for men. Nitya mentors Men to traverse the portal to their natural & authentic sexual genius, while learning to last 1hr & more in bed, and have multiple orgasms without ejaculation.

    Connect with Nitya:

    WebsiteAudio Program “The CODE to Lasting in Bed”InstagramFacebook YouTube My New Free Ebook;“Sexual Mastery for Men” will be ready in one week, DM/PM me with your email address if you want the link!

    "This Is Me" tip of the episode:

    Examine what your life is like when you don't show up authentically and feel how that feels for you. The key to living authentically is to feel the fear and do it anyway. This is the practice of courage. To live courageously does not mean to live without fear, it means to feel the fear but choose to still do it.

    Song of the episode:

    Sara Bareilles - Saint Honesty

    About the Host:

    Matt Landsiedel is a transformative coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

    Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

    Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability.

    Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

    ► Take my new FREE course: Embody Your Truth

    ► MattLandsiedel.com

    ► Read my latest book

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