
  • 很開心有機會參與 遠方的雙週年聯名企畫,分享 我的經驗和聊文化和語言

    遠方EP107|跨越國族、語言與文化的溝通 雙週年聯名企畫ft.國際聊天室



    (00:06:03)找尋原始動機 創造學習語言的環境
    (00:09:44)缺乏自信的台灣學生 英文程度自己想像的好
    (00:36:40)商學院出身 找到電影製作的興趣與目標
    來賓:國際聊天室 Lydia

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  • I am so excited to share this conversation with you today from Van. Although she grew up in California, she has a very interesting background. Today she will talk to us about : 
    今天的來賓是 來自加州的Van,雖然他在美國長大 但他有非常有趣的背景,今天他會跟我們分享: 

    6歲搬去美國的感覺和遇到的事情Moving to the US at the age of 6他對於自己身份的糾結 Her battle with her cultural identity 在柬埔寨一年的經驗 a year with extended family in Cambodia 

    Check out Van’s illustration work on instagram @vanillalaart ​​
    Or email her at:  [email protected]
    Special thanks to 特別感謝:Van Chung
    Edited by Tim Huang
    Recorded at MicMind Studio  
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    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • I have a very special guest today, an exclusive interview with my Dad aka Papa Muir! Today he will be talking to us about:
    今天很開心可以和大家分享一個非常特別的來賓 也是一個獨家的訪談 我的父親 我的爸爸 米爾先生!他今天會跟我們分享:
    How England has changed over the years 英國這幾十年的改變
    Moving to the US at 30 三十歲搬去美國的經驗
    Working globally 在世界各地工作 
    Multicultural collaboration 跨國溝通和相處

    Special thanks to 特別感謝:
    Edited by Tim Huang
    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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  • 今天的來賓是來自英國倫敦的 Aaron. 他今天會跟我們分享: 
    My guest today is Aaron from London, England. Today he’ll be talking to us about: 

    倫敦的生活 Life in London 在劍橋大學讀書的經驗 studying at Cambridge university 住香港的心得 Living in Hong Kong在亞洲旅遊的建議 Travelling around Asia遠距工作的生活 Remote working Life.

    Check out Aaron’s video game 了解Aaron的電腦遊戲: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1904280/Feartress/

    Special thanks to 特別感謝:
    Aaron: @cool_jingle https://instagram.com/cool_jingle?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    Edited by Tim Huang
    Recorded at MicMind Studio  
    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teacherlydia_languages
    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): 
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  • Today’s guest is Sam. She is from South Carolina and her parents are from Taiwan and China. Today we will talk about: 
    今天很來賓是 Sam。她從小在美國 South Carolina 長大,媽媽是台灣人 爸爸是中國人。 她今天會跟我們分享:

    Life in South Carolina 南卡羅來納州的生活Studying in a religious school 宗教學校的歡境Exchange stories from Sweden 在瑞典交換的故事Moving to Taiwan 搬來台灣的感覺

    Special thanks to 特別感謝:
    Sam: @sammhwei_ https://instagram.com/sammhwei_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
    Edited by Tim Huang
    Recorded at MicMind Studio  
    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/internationaltalk_podcast 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teacherlydia_languages
    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/uWdt-SRxB6E 
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  • Today’s guest is Kirsten. Her parents are German but she spent most of her life in England. Today we will talk about: 
    今天很開心可以跟我的朋友可麗聊聊他的背景和經驗。 今天的主題包含: 

    The life of a third culture kid 第三文化兒童的生活Dealing with bullying in Switzerland 搬去瑞士面對霸凌的故事Impact of moving around as a kid 搬家對他的影響Exchange experience in Beijing 在北京交換的經驗

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teacherlydia_languages 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teacherlydia_languages
    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/PPrp1pxgk58
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  • My guest today is Céline. Her parents are Taiwanese and Chinese/Cambodian but she grew up in Paris, France. Today we will talk about the following topics: 
    今天的來賓是Céline 他的父母是台灣人和中國與柬埔寨 但是從小在法國巴黎出生長大。 今天他會跟我們分享:

    Life in Paris 巴黎的生活Experience as a third-culture kid 第3文化兒童的經驗Filming a short film 拍一部短電影的故事Culture shocks in Taiwan 搬來台灣的感覺Dating life differences 感情生活裡的觀察

    Check out Céline’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7Hienf7HEXx-VyVd5yovZg 

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teacherlydia_languages 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teacherlydia_languages
    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/Xk3-yHB93u4 
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  • Today’s interview is with Ahmad who was raised in England with Egyptian parents.. Today’s topics cover:
    今天的來賓是 Ahmad. 他從小在英國長大 然後父母是埃及人。今天他要來和我們分享:

    English stereotypes 英國人的刻板印象Growing up with two opposite cultures 在兩個不同文化中長大的影響Influences of moving around as a child 小時候搬家的經驗Moving to Taiwan 來台灣的心得

    Episode edited by Tim Huang
    Audio recorded at MicMind Studio 

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/WJpNyqdXvxs 
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  • Today’s interview is with New York born and bred Eveleen. Her parents are both Taiwanese but she spent her life in NY. Today’s topics cover
    今天的來賓是 來自美國紐約的 Eveleen 他的父母是台灣人但是他從小就在紐約出生長大。今天他要來和我們分享: 

    Life in New York 紐約的生活What it means to be an asian american 當一個美國亞裔的感覺Exchange experience in Italy 在義大利交換的故事Working in the fashion industry 還有 時尚界的工作經驗

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/NlrIcr-AsoE 
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  • My guest today is Taiwanese American Vivian. In our conversation today, Vivian shares the following stories. 今天是來自美國和台灣的 Vivian. 這一集聊的主體包含:

    Moving to America and mental health 搬去美國和社交焦慮症Living in California 加州的生活Exchange experience in Italy 在義大利交換的經驗How different cultural backgrounds shaped her sense of identity 不同文化背景怎麼影響他如何看待自己的身份

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/U6rNdSQEEhw
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  • Today I’m talking with half French, half Taiwanese Aggie who grew up in Australia. We will be talking about the following topics: 

    Growing up in a multilingual environment 在多國語言的環境長大Life in Australia 澳洲的生活Exchange experiences in Japan and France 在日本和法國的交換經驗Cultural shocks in Taiwan 在台灣的文化差異

    Check out Aggie’s blog看看她的部落格 www.agathezelook.com 

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teacherlydi...
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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/p1VqtIRR__Q
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  • Today’s guest is half German half Taiwanese Lili! Growing up in Germany. She talks about German culture, what it is like living in a bilingual home, her exchange experience in the suburbs of Taiwan and the story of her and her husband! 
    今天很開心可以和台灣德國混血兒Lili聊天。從小就居住德國她和我分享了很多在德國生活的故事 還有在雙語環境長大的感覺,去到彰化交換的經驗,最後還聊了她和老公的感情故事哦~

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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/oH8yRGkmhm8
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  • Today I had the pleasure of chatting with Sarah who is from France. With a subtle French accent, I love hearing her talk. Today we will be talking about life in Paris, French stereotypes, and her experiences in Korea and Taiwan. With so much to talk about, just press play! 
    今天很開心可以和來自法國的Sarah 聊聊天。帶著一個輕微的法國腔 我好喜歡聽她說話~ 今天要來和他聊聊巴黎的生活,法國人的刻板印象 還有他在台灣和韓國的經驗,是不是很精彩!

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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段):

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  • 今天的來賓是Phila 他小時候在美國德州長大. 他在美國跟台灣都待過蠻長一段時間 所以今天要來跟我們分享美國的生活到底是什麼樣子 還有告訴我們美國很台灣一些文化差異。
    Today’s guest is my beautiful friend Phila. Phila was born and raised in Texas in the US but has also spent many years in Taiwan. In today’s interview she is going to share with us what life was like for her in the US and also some differences between the US and Taiwan. 
    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段):

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  • In the fourth episode of International Talk, I am so happy to be talking to my friend, Thalia. In this episode, we will be talking about her experience here in Taiwan, how she has been affected by Taiwanese culture, and the country she is from; Belize. 
    今天是第四集的訪談 今天的來賓是來自 貝利茲的 Thalia. 除了擁有一個很善良的心 Thalia的故是也是很經彩,從來台灣到他現在的工作和她來自的國家 我一直都有很多想問他的問題,今天他就來分享他的這些故事。

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  • In today’s episode, I am interviewing my Egyptian-German friend, Natasha. Growing up with two cultures is something that has played a big role in our identity and life. In this interview, we talk about what that is like and some examples of how it plays into our daily life. Having also spent a few years now in Taiwan, we also talk about some culture shocks she experienced while living here! 
    今天很開心可以邀請到 德國埃及混血兒 Natasha. 我們剛認識的時候 聊一聊就發現我們有很多共同點,同樣都是混血兒在不同的國家長大 因此我們有很多類似的想法。今天的訪談內容會聊到這對我們人生的影響。她也和我分享了許多文化差異的故事還有住台灣的經驗!

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    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段)

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  • Today I am really excited for you to hear my interview with a fellow teacher Cindy. Cindy is Taiwanese but grew up in the US. She has mastered many languages and spent time in many different countries. She shares her interesting experiences with us as well as some useful language learning tips! 
    今天很開心邀請到我的好朋友Cindy。爸爸媽媽是台灣人 但她從小在美國長大。除了會很多國語言 她也住過很多國家。今天就讓她來和各位分享的人生經驗和學語言的技巧!

    Cindy's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/languageswithcindy/

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media: 
    喜歡這個音頻的話請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:

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    To watch a clip of the interview on YouTube please click here: 
    Video 影片連結 (訪談片段): https://youtu.be/2-X5kXK-PTM

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  • Our first interview is with Aria who is half-Japanese and half-American but has spent the past 8 years in Taiwan. In this episode we talk about Japanese stereotypes, culture shocks when arriving in Taiwan and tips for learning a language.
    第一集訪談是和一位日本美國混血 兒Aria. 今天的訪談中會聊到對於日本人的刻板印象,來台灣後的文化差異 和學語言的一些技巧。

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    喜歡這個音頻請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teacherlydia_languages/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teacherlydialanguages
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyaZmQ3_cqznwWXPLnYL0w

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  • 你一直想了解對不同文化和國籍嗎?
    那你來對地方了!國際聊天室的每一集會與不同背景很文化的人聊天,聊聊文化差異 世界各地的生活 還有各種精彩的故事~

    Have you always been curious about different cultures?
    Do you want to hear interviews with international people? 
    Then you are in the right place! International talk is a show where we interview people from all around the world about their experiences in their own cultures, travelling, and various exciting adventures.

    If you like this podcast, don't forget to subscribe and share. You can also follow me on social media:
    喜歡這個音頻請記得訂閱和分享 也歡迎加我的社群媒體:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teacherlydia_languages/
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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOyaZmQ3_cqznwWXPLnYL0w 

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