
  • Sonia C. is enjoying a change of pace in London! Sonia T. made it back to New Orleans where she is enjoying a fall fresh start – with its good vibes and energetic change in the air, fall feels more like a new year than New Year’s Day! Fall showcases the best that the year had to offer before a season of rest in an explosion of color and harvest. The vibes are high, but what do you do when your energy isn’t matched by everyone around you?

    This week’s theme is: Be open to change, even when it’s uncomfortable.


    The world doesn’t feel as checked out as it used to be – maybe we’re all finally tuning into each other’s vibrations. [2:06]

    You can have a full energy match if you keep your imagination open. [4:10]

    Don’t try to talk yourself into high vibration when you know it's just not happening. [7:27]

    What is your heart telling you to do next? [8:16]

    Vibrations keep changing just like the seasons. [12:06]

    Sonia T.’s experiences at Burning Man and yoga proved that unmatched energies change the overall vibe. So what do you do next? [16:24]

    You can choose to change the vibe and make it work for you. Own it! [24:08]

    Updating the vibe doesn’t mean you’re being judgemental. [28:36]

    Experiment with who you are becoming! [30:05]

    Tool of the week. [31:24]

    Psychic YOUniversity starts this week! [37:46]

    Question of the week: How can I be okay with friendships that phase out but stay true to myself as an empath who needs connection? [39:58]

    There is an energy and vibration that is alive and buzzing around the world right now. It is shocking how many people are willing to stay stuck in energies that don’t match with at all – it sounds like being electrocuted! Whether it's in a negative job or relationship, negative energies suck way too much life to stick around for long. When Sonia C. was working as a flight attendant, she wanted so badly to have a full energy match with her work, but it just wasn’t going to happen. Ever since she insisted on full vibration, she has been so much happier.

    Sometimes vibes just don’t match, like Sonia T. just experienced twice, and that’s okay! Own your experience and make it what you want to be. You don’t owe anyone an apology, you aren’t being a fraud, and you don’t have to stick with the new change if you don’t like it. Take time to consider who you are continually becoming just as the seasons are continually changing. Discomfort means growth – don’t be afraid to grow this week!

    Tool of the Week: Experiment with who you are becoming.

    Question of the week: How do you stop giving away your own spiritual power?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Book an Reading or Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Psychic YOUniversity Fall 2024 Group MasterClass

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book Trust Your Vibes Guided Journal

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Book an appointment with Sonia T.

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

  • Sonia C. is in Oregon, Sabrina is in London, and Sonia T. is bringing everyone together from Paris! Sonia C. feels like she’s at her home away from home as she makes the best of waiting out a hurricane in the South. She has pivoted in the face of the unexpected and is loving it! Sabrina is handling curveballs and trying to stay easy in her thinking. This month is filled with unexpected events and ungrounded and destabilizing interactions, making it a perfect time to hit the pause button on the chaos and check in with yourself.

    This week’s theme is: Staying grounded amidst the chaos around you.


    Allowing the ‘basement baby’ to take over is problematic for you and everyone around you. [2:09]

    Overwhelm and stress don’t have to take over your energy. [4:17]

    Try not to take everything personally. Sometimes you just get psychic slimed. [6:10]

    A delayed reaction is standard for empaths, but it’s still a valid reaction. [10:40]

    Check your own story – are you willing to go with the flow while hanging tough? [13:27]

    Empaths, as the safe person in the room, are often the target of others' wild energy. [17:44]

    Step back and evaluate – do you really want to continue engaging when you’re overgiving? [21:26]

    Your ideas matter! But do the people around you care about them? [28:40]

    Not every person you meet deserves to enter your VIP area. [31:45]

    You are allowed to grow into a new version of yourself. [33:10]

    Listen to your body for clues about other people. [35:04]

    Tool of the week. [36:18]

    Question of the week: How can I work toward a professional path as a healer, intuitive, and teacher? [41:32]

    There is a lot of energetic stress on the planet right now. We’re at the tail end of a very patriarchal era, and empaths are really feeling it. Sonia T.’s Libra need for control and justice could have taken over when a friend challenged something that she knew was right, and she is really proud of the way that she handled the stress by stepping back and resting. When we lean into a period of stress rather than fight against it, we can feel more in control even when things around us feel extra chaotic.

    Sonia C. has been careful to check her own story – sleeping arrangements in a recent vacation rental gave her a minute to pause and consider if the story that she was telling herself was accurate to the situation where everyone was on the same page, or if she was actually the only person who was reading that book! Empaths are often taken advantage of by the wild energy of others, but stepping away from the stress and reevaluating whether or not you really want to continue engaging with wild energy. Not everyone deserves to enter your VIP area, and you get to decide what level of access you give to others.

    Tool of the Week: Take the time to check in with your body.

    Question of the week: How do you stop giving away your own spiritual power?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Workshop

    Psychic YOUniversity FALL 2024

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Sonia T. is rocking some pretty nails right now. She booked a spontaneous pedicure session and it’s been making her spirit feel pretty, fun, sparkly, and neon. Sabrina always associates September as the ‘new year’ because it represents a new school year. She’s feeling hopeful, refreshed, and ready to include a new routine into her life. This is the perfect month to focus on consistency and self-care.

    This week’s theme is: Low-pressure Grounding Routines.


    This is the time of the month to focus on your self-care. [2:40]

    Your routine needs to ground you, not stress you out. [5:25]

    September is Virgo month. It’s all about getting grounded and getting organized. [10:40]

    Get grounded but in a way that’s free and low pressure. [11:25]

    Don’t try to do everything internally. Find external ways to enrich your soul. [18:15]

    Tool of the week. [23:25]

    Question of the week: How do you stop giving away your own spiritual power? [34:35]

    One of the things that is most grounding to us is what’s the most predictable. This is also why so many of us feel so ungrounded; the world is unpredictable and chaotic right now. Things are just moving way too fast for us and we can easily get overwhelmed by the brain dump. Sonia C. agrees that using this ‘new year’ to solidify your routines and focus on ground practices is a great start as we get into holiday season.

    Sonia C. has also recently taken up Tai Chi. It’s just a great way to get the body moving and it’s fun! Sonia T. loves hearing this. We often put too much pressure in doing things perfectly when we could just try something new, low pressure, and fully be present with it. The whole point of a steady routine is that you have something grounding to go to, which means you need to take away the pressure of having it this new routine be perfect. It needs to fill your spirit and not be stressful.

    Tool of the Week: Take a new class.

    Question of the week: How do you stop giving away your own spiritual power?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Workshop

    Psychic YOUniversity FALL 2024

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is coming back from her vacation in Croatia. She is very happy it was low-key as she needed the rest, but it was almost a little too boring for her go-go mind. It’s amazing what a little bit of rest, sleep, and dancing can do to the soul. At the end of it all, Sonia C. feels like a brand new person.

    This week’s theme is: What it takes to detox and reset yourself.


    You have to dance the bad vibes off. [4:35]

    Did you know your brain can get addicted to drama? [10:30]

    Intuitives might think they’re taking the high road, but it ends up being a boomerang effect afterwards. [17:40]

    How do you know if this is an intuitive hit or if it’s just your barking dog? [21:50]

    Accept that your vibes are off. Don’t pretend everything is ‘fine’. [22:35]

    Tool of the week. [27:25]

    Take a break by doing something creative. [27:45]

    Uncomplicate your life. Life’s already complicated enough! [32:40]

    Question of the week: What’s the difference between an angel or a guide? [37:20]

    Although Sonia C. wasn’t working, she was working on at least -something- which was bettering her French and becoming more fluent. She has a French test at the end of the month and she’s trying to prepare as best as she can. It’s so funny when you learn a new language because it really does feel like you’re using a brand new side of your brain. Sonia T. believes there’s something more that shines through when Sonia C. does it though and you get glimpses of her past life.

    Sonia T. reflects that whenever one of them is in funk, they decide to sing and do a dance party. It really regenerates the spirit. Sonia C. shares how this is a tradition within the family as her mother used to do the very same thing. You dance until the siblings stop fighting! It’s all connected because you need to move the vibes in a higher place when you get stressed out.

    Tool of the Week: Vibes are off? Focus your spirit on a creative effort to help it rest.

    Question of the week: What’s the difference between an angel or a guide?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Workshop

    Psychic YOUniversity FALL 2024

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is still enjoying her downtime in Croatia and is happy to be here talking to her daughter Sonia T. today. However, Sonia T. has been having a bit of a week. She has hired a very disorganized social media team that has made blunder after blunder. It’s definitely not the vibe!

    This week’s theme is: How to use discernment when the vibes feel so right.


    Sonia T. has to pivot after making a bad hire. [1:45]

    When things don’t work out or if you’re too excited about something, it’s important to check in with your vibes regularly. [3:15]

    Empaths sometimes don’t hold a high enough bar for themselves. [4:25]

    Anything legitimate can withstand the highstand level of scrutiny. [6:15]

    Male vs. female thinking is so fascinating how we approach certain things differently.. [10:05]

    Sonia C. posed the question if she could learn to receive a lot more for a lot less effort. [17:25]

    Sonia C. shares an example of what to do when someone isn’t matching your energy. [23:00]

    Sonia C. loves being in Croatia. She feels like she’s with her people with their big energy. [27:45]

    Tool of the week. [31:35]

    Send us your questions! [33:50]

    Despite it being an obvious mismatch, Sonia C. wants to set the intention for the right vibrational match to show up for Sonia T. It’s tough right now with mercury in retrograde. Sonia T. is bummed but it’s a great reminder to slow down and to keep checking in with her vibes and to never be too, too attached to a path/direction or service provider. She wanted so much to believe this was the right fit for her and she is still feeling a bit disappointed from the whole interaction.

    Sonia C. remembers hearing some sage advice that it really can take up to a year to really know a person, although this doesn’t quite apply to social media. Sometimes it’s worth considering not making a full commitment until you’ve heard about them/known about them for at least a year. At first Sonia C. thought that was a bit excessive, but after hearing this story, maybe not.

    Tool of the Week: Before you jump on other people, take a pause, and get a little more insight about the situation first.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Workshop

    Psychic YOUniversity FALL 2024

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is taking some much needed time off and is currently calling in from Croatia! She decided to unplug completely and she’s noticed a huge difference compared to other trips she’s done where she sprinkles in a little bit of leisure along with her work. Sonia T. understands how hard it can be to completely unplug for her mother, especially because her passion is so deeply rooted in this work.

    This week’s theme is: Disregard your ego and get into imagination.


    As much as Sonia C. loves to be creative in new locations, she was out of balance. [1:40]

    Is it time to take a vacation from external input? [4:55]

    Vacation time should help water your imagination [9:40]

    To be in high vibration, sometimes you just gotta get out of your own way. [15:45]

    Has someone in your past ever made you doubt yourself about your artistic talents? [20:45]

    So many people get hung up on ‘what other people will think’ when they’re creating their own art. [22:10]

    If you can find the humor, you can find the hope. [27:00]

    Tool of the week. [28:15]

    Question of the week: How do I trust my vibes on what to do? I feel a calling to move to Lisbon but I can’t afford to move out of the US? [36:20]

    There are different types of vacations and each type renews your spirit in different ways. For example, there are the adventure vacations, there are sunset by the beach vacations, there are complete digital detox vacations, and there are friendship vacations that remind you of what to be grateful for. This round Sonia C. has decided to have a vacation from outside input and to really listen to her inner spirit.

    Sonia C. is on vacation with her grandchild and she made the commitment to focus on her and only her for 6-7 hours. That can be tough to remain 100% present with a toddler, but Sonia C. enjoyed every minute of it. It was filled with imagination, being outside in the sun, and playing. Children are a great reminder of how to reconnect with your playful innocent side and to see the world in a brand new way. It’s so important to get out of the adult world and get into the pretend world.

    Tool of the Week: Get out of your ego and find a creative way to play with the problem at hand. Put your brain in a higher vibration.

    Question of the Week: How do I trust my vibes on what to do? I feel a calling to move to Lisbon but I can’t afford to move out of the US?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Workshop

    Psychic YOUniversity FALL 2024

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. and Sabrina are in the building together in London and it’s been a very grounding experience. Sabrina is preparing her spirit for a big travel week and she knows her routine will be shaken up because of it, but she has a positive outlook on what the future has in store. Life is beautiful, but sometimes you have to keep your spirit open to flexibility and change.

    This week’s theme is: It’s Okay to Pivot


    Vibes are off? Pivot. [5:35]

    You might not always get the reason why. [7:15]

    You have to be spontaneous and this scares a lot of people. [7:25]

    The exploration of an option or following when the energy is going is never a waste. [8:25]

    When something is shifting for you, something better is coming your way. [11:15]

    When the energy is right, it feels like a soul’s purpose. [20:10]

    Sonia C’s blind spot is that she always assumes the best. [26:05]

    It’s normal to feel like the unknown is the most threatening. [30:05]

    Tool of the week. [31:15]

    Question of the week. [32:00]

    When you travel or whenever you have a routine get shaken up, it’s important to connect with your inner guide during those uncertain and shaky times. If you find yourself having a hard time pivoting in the moment or when plans change, we have to address our ego, our expectations, and even our inner barking dog.

    Sonia C. has worked with a lot of people who hate change, she was even married to someone who had a hard time shifting and moving with the flow. This can be an empath’s most difficult challenge because it’s hard to explain why something has to change in the moment or why the vibes are off, but you have to trust your gut even if it might inconvenience others.

    For example, Sonia C. had very strong vibes to buy this one particular house. She knew it was the ONE, but one day the vibes just happened to be off and she had to pivot out of signing the contract. This caused her husband so much distress, but a month later that house ended up flooding. Sometimes we don’t know why, we just have to trust your intuition and the angels around you that are protecting you. When you get a bad vibe, pivot!

    Tool of the Week: Identify where you might need to pivot in your life.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: I want a new relationship, but it’s just not happening. What should I do?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is sick with covid! What! Between the rain and gloom, she couldn’t help but catch the flu. Sonia T. knows her mother. When she is always go, go, go, her spirit will find some painful ways to put her in a timeout and force her to take some much needed rest. Sonia C. is still trying to learn the lesson. It can be so hard to stop when you’re in motion.

    This week’s theme is: The Not-So Glamorous Side to Manifesting.


    Do you have a strong inner passion to create something? [3:15]

    What’s the difference between a wish vs. a desire? [6:40]

    How do you know whether something is a true heart’s desire? [9:00]

    A lot of hard work is what makes something an ‘overnight’ success. [15:45]

    We were born to be creative and to create. [19:15]

    Sonia T. shares why her alter ego would be a chauffeur. [22:15]

    It’s okay to not make a choice. It’s okay to just ride the ride and not have a plan. [31:25]

    Tool of the week. [35:05]

    Question of the week. [39:25]

    Sonia C. talked to three clients recently who each had challenges within themselves about how to express and make time for their inner creative spirit. While listening inbetween the lines, Sonia C. realized that a lot of us want the glamor of the creative spirit without actually taking on the work needed to develop the creative skill. For example, learning to play an instrument well is very glamorous, but it can take years to master. Sonia C. has been guilty of this too with her dreams of being a skilled pianist, and yet only taking one piano lesson.

    Sonia C. has written a lot of books, which is why she is qualified to say that writing can be very tedious. It is difficult! However, her passion for teaching is so strong that she shows up even for the not-so-glamorous parts to get it done. It’s important to realize the vision you’re manifesting will also come with a bit of ditch digging. To cultivate a creative spirit, it’s critical that your heart’s desire is aligned with the whole process and not just the glamorous parts of it.

    Tool of the Week: Enjoy the ride. Stop thinking, and just ride the ride.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: I often see a purple dot floating around, is this my spirit? How do I connect with it more?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is currently under a bad summer cold. After just getting back from Estonia to teach a workshop, she is trying her best to recover and not spread her germs to Sonia T. who is currently visiting! Sonia C. is congested and she is taking it as a sign that mother nature is doing an energetic purge. So much ick is happening right now and she believes the universe is having enough!

    This week’s theme is: Psychic Cleanse


    Northern Europe hasn’t gotten much of a summer this year. [1:00]

    Sonia T. noticed a couple who just hated the heck out of each other while verbally trying to tell her how much they’re in love. Ouch! [5:10]

    If you feel bad energy, it’s important not to close yourself off. You need a release. [6:10]

    Sonia C. shares an example of how to not let bad energy seem into your energetic bubble. [9:35]

    Sonia T. shares an example of how to respectfully postpone a tough conversation for when you’re in a better mental space. [19:10]

    Tool of the week. [27:45]

    Sonia C.’s book is coming out soon! Planning for a November launch!

    Question of the week. [34:40]

    If you’re having the flu, a breakdown, a good cry, or even a freak out, take this all as a sign that you’re having a huge psychic release. It’s good for the body to just let go! Sonia T. knows that when she is getting sick, it’s time to put herself in a timeout. She knows there are subtle intuitive signs happening and she’s just not present to pay attention and take a break. Although Sonia C. rarely has a couch day, she is listening to her body and she might just have to take the day off to recover.

    Sonia C. knows she’s not the only one. When she was traveling, she saw so many explosive people and faces and just tension everywhere. The crazy thing is that you can really absorb these bad energies if you’re not careful because everything we’re exposed to can become a mirror for us. Sonia T. has noticed that there are certain types of people who are unconsciously looking for conflict. They just are waiting for someone else to start something so that they can find a way to release. It’s unfortunate that there’s so many people in the world who don’t know how to intuitively release all their ick!

    Tool of the Week: Do the hokey pokey and shake off those bad vibes.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: I have a recurring dream. What does it mean?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. has some exciting news! She just finished her latest book, which is set to be released November 19th. Sonia T. was visiting and wanted to do some touristy things while in Paris, but because of all the book-related shindigs, Sonia C. was completely gassed out of energy and having major FOMO for not being able to be fully present with her daughter during her time here. It happens to the best of us and Sonia C. did try to push through, but she knew she just couldn’t bring that kind of high-yay energy.

    This week’s theme is: Manifest Your Dreams


    Sonia T. decided to hang out with Sonia C. in France for a little bit! [2:00]

    What are your intuitive blindspots? [6:45]

    Did you know if you smile too much in France, you’re considered dumb? [9:20]

    The ladies went to a very confusing cabaret show. [10:00]

    Sonia C. realizes she needs some ‘entertainment savvy’ angels. [16:15]

    The dancers were giving it their all. When you’re manifesting a dream, really go 1000% in. [21:05]

    Sonia C. recently had a live workshop and shares some of the experiences she witnessed by the people who want to manifest but become small when it’s presented to them. [28:00]

    Empaths don’t need to be ra ra happy all the time. That’s unrealistic. [33:05]

    When you realize your energy isn’t matching, it’s okay to go home and recharge! [31:55]

    Tool of the week. [40:20]

    Question of the week. [48:55]

    Sonia T. still wants to give her mom props for being able to focus and manifest her dreams despite the ‘distraction’. When Sonia T. was hanging out with her mom, she found a moment where they were in a more rural part of Paris and there were no restaurants/places around to eat. They could both feel themselves getting hangry and had to call on their angels to help them out! What do you know, they discovered something so beautiful and so unique to the area that matched their mood and vibe. Thank you angels!

    Sonia C. calls out something important. Every intuitive person has their blindspots and with her, it’s with restaurants. She sometimes wants something to be too good to be true and it simply backfires on her. Luckily it didn’t this time, but it’s an important reminder to also use your intuitive distinction whenever you might be getting ‘too’ excited about the outcome so that you, in her case, avoid going to places that will give you food poisoning.

    Tool of the Week: Name your feelings and feel those feelings/

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: How do I stop punishing myself for being stuck?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Welcome to the family! Sonia Choquette, a world-renowned intuitive mentor, and spiritual teacher, introduces us to her daughters, Sonia and Sabrina Tully, who are also both intuitive teachers. We learn what it really means to live in a psychic family. Sonia explains why it's so important to listen to your intuition (it’s like being in a jungle at night without a flashlight). Sonia C shares how she grew up in a home where everyone tuned into their energy, and how she cultivated her intuition and got her start teaching hundreds of thousands of people to live a more connected life. — is this the same Sonia talking each time?

    In this episode, we get a sneak peek of what it was like growing up in a family that centered around intuition, family, and authentic connectivity. Sonia T and Sabrina tell us about their favorite place in the house — where spirits and guides gathered — and why there was no fighting in the “Reading Room.” When the subtle realms are a big part of your family experience, intuition will give you creative solutions to life’s challenges. We pull back the curtain and get to know these three amazing women, who are ready to share their psychic gifts, insights and favorite tools to start tuning into your intuition.

    In this episode: Get your Free Guided Meditation from Sonia Need a link to this freebie Learn more about Sonia Choquette www.soniachoquette.com Learn more about Sabrina Tully www.sabrinatully.com Learn more about Sonia Tully www.soniatully.com Get your Free Guided Meditation from Sonia Choquette Need a link to this freebie Psychic Play of the Week -Each week, the Choquette-Tully family shares their favorite tools to unlock your intuition and connect you to the subtle realms. This week, we learn the powerful tool of “I wonder”. When we wonder, we activate our intuition and our deeper listening to hear intuition.
  • Sonia T. is in Florida and she is having some real-life adventures with pirates! Did you know they exist off the shores of Florida? She met a nice pirate man and a pirate woman and got to learn a bit about Blackbeard pirate history. It’s nice to randomly meet someone and have a fun encounter with them while also learning about something new.

    This week’s theme is: What to do when you’re having trouble listening to your intuition.


    Sonia C’s childhood name was, ‘Sam’. [4:35]

    So many of Sonia C’s clients block their spontaneous self. [13:10]

    Does everything have to have a purpose? [15:30]

    When you don’t act authentically yourself, you’re robbing yourself and everyone who knows you. [27:25]

    Sabrina shares a story about Sonia being Scottish. [33:00]

    Sonia T. had a feeling that she knew how to Irish dance. Is she connected to a past life? [35:10]

    Never assume you know anybody, especially yourself. [40:40]

    Tool of the week. [43:00]

    Question of the week. [47:25]

    Speaking of random encounters, Sonia C. ran into a man who spoke 14 languages. Every language he spoke to her was elegant and beautiful. What a treat to meet someone with such unique gifts. When Sonia C. asked him for advice on how to pass her upcoming French language exam, he gave the most sound advice ever, “Just pretend you’re French and completely believe it.”

    This man was speaking Sonia C.’s language. Is it a sign? Sonia C. believes so. When you grow up in a household where intuition is prioritized over the ego, whenever the ladies receive strong intuitive hits, it’s uncomfortable to even try to ignore it. There are signs everywhere and it would be madness to not follow what your heart is telling you.

    Tool of the Week: Give yourself permission to be more. Not sure you can do it? Assume you can.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: I want to channel more feminine energy. How would I go about that?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C.’s spirit is feeling a little irritated this week! It’s been doom and rain gloom over here in Paris, and it just won’t stop! Sabrina agrees. It’s been raining galore. Will summer ever come around and peak through? Sonia T. can’t relate. New Orleans it’s hot, hot, hot. Almost too hot. It’s a wall of humidity outside and she needs to carefully plan her walks out.

    This week’s theme is: Change your mind.


    Gemini season is among us. What should we expect? [3:20]

    If your vibe changes mid day, your vibe changes. [5:05]

    Sabrina has a client that apologizes every time she gets emotional. Why apologize? Feel it, girl! [11:18]

    When someone is telling you to ‘calm down’, it’s a them issue. [13:30]

    People get upset when you change your mind. Is it rude? Is it flaky? [16:55]

    Sabrina went on a fun foreign trip…and then the vibe changed. What do you do when you’re not in ‘home’ territory? [21:45]

    You shouldn’t have to force a vibe. If the night is young and no one is feeling it, then go home! [26:40]

    If you’re not feeling it, don’t be afraid. Lean into it and change your mind! [32:5 0]

    Tool of the week [33:00]

    Question of the week. [36:50]

    Sonia C. takes this as a sign that life is asking us to be flexible and to not take things so seriously. Don’t let external circumstances get to you! However, this was easier said than done because the rain dumped on her twice just today alone. After just walking out of the salon with her freshly done hair, a rainstorm decided to completely ruin her good vibes. As the water was washing over her, she had to reframe and just laugh at the ridiculousness and karma of it all.

    Sabrina has been getting consistent feedback from her clients this week that everything is a wildcard. No one seems to have had consistent sailing lately. Could it be related to the full moon? Or is it because we’re headed directly into Gemini season? This is the season where things are not always the most grounded.

    Tool of the Week: If you’re not feeling it, speak up!

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: How do I keep my vibes high when everyone around me has bad vibes?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is feeling tired this week. She just has less energy for activities and more inclinations for a good old-fashioned nap. Is it such a bad thing to take a little break and rest once in a while? Sonia T. loves this for mom. She needs to slow down sometimes and stop getting clipped by random Parisian cyclists! Sonia T. has found herself alone in her apartment while her partner is away. It’s a nice change of pace and she’s actually loving the quiet solitude.

    This week’s theme is: Solitude is an intuitive’s paradise.


    Is one really the loneliest number? [3:40]

    Sonia C. is back doing yoga. She forgot how much she loved it. [9:00]

    Yoga is what you make it. Don’t let another instructor define it for you. [13:45]

    Sonia C. went to catholic school and still has so much fear around making a mistake. [16:05]

    Sonia C. learned something new about the French outlook on life. [23:20]

    Did you know there is no word in French for ‘people pleaser’? [26:00]

    Tool of the week [29:10]

    People please…no more! (Say it in a French accent). [32:45]

    Question of the week. [43:50]

    Sonia C. understands the joy of solitude. She grew up as one of seven and any sort of ‘alone time’ in that busy household was a myth. Whenever you get the opportunity to be alone..Treasure it! Don’t run away from it. Don’t try to distract yourself from it. Find ways to embrace it and use it as a way to reconnect with your spirit.

    There can be so much power in being quiet in your own house / body. No music playing, no TV on, no social media. Just quiet and calm. No outside stimulations. What sort of new sounds are you hearing? What is your spirit saying to you? Maybe it’s telling you it’s time for a change; maybe it’s telling you this is exactly where you’re supposed to be. Check in with your spirit and see what it says!

    Tool of the Week: Say bonjour to more people!

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: What does an intuitive hit feel like? Is it my spirit or is it my ego talking?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. and Sonia T. are both missing each other dearly after having a fantastic and lively adventure together in New Orleans. It just doesn’t feel quite the same without each other. Sonia T. had to nurture herself with some crawfish to cope with the sudden missing of like-minded spirits.

    This week’s theme is: Boost your imagination and reconnect with yourself.


    When you let go of our ego, how creative can you be? [4:05]

    Why do we lose our imaginations? [7:40]

    Sonia C. got hit by another bicycle again. She keeps getting thrown to the ground. Must be a message! [9:15]

    What are some of the signs of not being grounded? [12:05]

    What are some things you can do to keep yourself grounded? [18:00]

    The sigh is the most distressing noise you can make for the body. [22:35]

    Tool of the week. [22:55]

    Feeling low? Have you eaten? [23:40]

    Question of the week. [30:35]

    The ladies are loving RuPaul’s Drag Race right now. It’s a very creative show and it’s good food for the imagination. People really can create magic out of nothing. If you’re ever feeling stuck and frustrated, this is your sign to get creative and think outside of the box. This wall you’re facing is just your opportunity right now to be creative.

    When you’re able to let go of your ego and what you ‘expect’ things to be, there is so much room for growth and newness in your life. You have no idea where your true spirit will actually take you. Sonia C. sees it often with her clients. We are so rigid and so scared to just let go. Her clients just want to be told what the ‘next move’ is, but sometimes you need space to be scared, to listen to your heart, to hear the solution that you’ve never would have heard; To ask yourself, ”What’s my spirit saying right now?”

    Tool of the Week: Sigh a lot and take a minute for yourself.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: How are the spirit and higher self connected?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. has been in New Orleans with Sonia T. for the last two weeks and the time has certainly flown by. They were able to see the Rolling Stones at Jazz Fest and also did a little canoe trip. It’s just so nice to be surrounded by good vibrations and get your spirit tuned-up high.

    This week’s theme is: You are always supported.


    You are never truly alone when you live an intuitive life. [3:25]

    In Hollywood, any spirit that comes into our life is so ‘dramatic’. But that’s not how it is in real life. [4:05]

    If you let your ego in, it’s going to dismiss all the subtle angels in your life. [4:25]

    Your spirit guides serve your spirit, not your ego. [9:15]

    If you’re in your ego, it’s going to say, ‘prove it to me’ a lot! [10:05]

    You might not have gotten what you wanted, but don’t miss all the gifts that are around you. [12:50]

    Study everything intently in terms of what that energetic experience gave you. [18:15]

    My head says I’m off track…is that true? [22:45]

    If you’re spiritually awakened, don’t try to convince anyone else. It’s going to be an uphill battle. [28:15]

    Trust your vibes and be in your integrity. Don’t worry about those who are too ‘head-focused’. [30:35]

    Never take anybody’s reaction personally. That is your ego trying to defend itself. [32:40]

    Tool of the week. [33:00]

    Question of the week. [41:05]

    It’s just so nice being surrounded by your spiritual people. Sonia T. did an accidental boo-boo in the car and both her and Sonia C., almost automatically, prayed to their angels that there would be no long lasting damage, and when they checked, there wasn’t! But just the fact that they both went into ‘angel mode’ was such a refreshing moment that they could share together and laugh about later. When you’re with your people, you can be as weird and as normal as you like, and you’re just accepted for ‘you’.

    The great thing about living an intuitive life is that you’re never truly alone. You will never get into a bind and be like, ‘I have no backup!’ That simply isn't true when you live a spiritual and guided life. Your angels and helpers and guides are always with you and are always watching over you. They are here for you even when certain people aren’t!

    Tool of the Week: Feeling outcasted? Don’t worry. Your spiritual family is out there!

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: I’ve developed flying and travel anxiety. I can pick up everyone's vibration at the airport. It overwhelms me. Help! How do you guys manage it?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sabrina didn’t realize how sensitive she was to the weather. Right now, the weather is lovely in London and her mood has soared. She just feels great being able to be out in the sun and soaking up the heat like a lizard! Sonia C. is in New Orleans with Sonia T. and she is also overwhelmed with how warm and humid it feels right now.

    This week’s theme is: Cleaning out bad friend vibes.


    Are your friends just a Dorito chip? [3:00]

    Good friends will make you feel light and sweet. Like a soufflé! [6:15]

    Sonia C. noticed she had some friends who only wanted to ruminate on the dark times that she was going through. She’s already moved on, why haven’t you? [8:15]

    Let’s talk about friendenemies. [11:45]

    It’s time to be gator-friend aware. [18:45]

    What does a soufflé friend look like? [21:45]

    Are you guys best friends or are you guys just trauma bonding? [27:45]

    Tool of the week. [33:35]

    Question of the week. [37:35]

    Sonia C. has had a lot of conversations this week from clients who are really affected by the company they are keeping. It’s so important for us to have enough self-awareness (and self-love!) to seek out kind energy and energy that lifts up our spirit. Sometimes that means we have to make some hard decisions in sending away people who might not serve you. Sonia T. calls them Dorito friends. They taste good at the moment but they make your stomach hurt after they’ve ‘settled’.

    A big indicator that you’re not with good people is when you feel like you’re talking too much or trying too hard to be liked. Sonia C. falls into that pattern and it feels icky. Sabrina shares a recent story of how her spirit was calling her to this new potential friend. She personally wanted to be introverted and stay home, but her spirit was drawn to this person. She was so glad she listened because meeting this new person really uplifted her and she was able to connect with someone who was on the same good vibe. It is sometimes worth pushing yourself and putting yourself out there!

    Tool of the Week: Check your pantry and clean out those doritos. .

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: What is the hierarchy between angels, archangels, runners, helpers, etc?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity MasterClass Waitlist

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

    True Balance book by Sonia C.

  • Sonia C. is on an adventure right now in Barcelona. She got an intuition hit that this could be the next place she could live and is excited to see what this beautiful city has in store for her. Sonia C. is also happy she’s escaped Paris right now because everyone is olympics crazy and the crowds are just flooding the streets. It is an intense place to be right now.

    This week’s theme is: Let go of control.


    Sonia C. is happy to have a change of pace and change the vibe of her environment. [4:10]

    Sonia T. remembers the time Sonia C. walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain.

    Humanity is resourceful. No matter what happens, the pendulum always swings! [7:00]

    Sonia C. talks about getting her first tattoo and what that meant for her. [9:05]

    Sonia T. remembers how hard it was to grow up in a foreign school. [18:30]

    It’s so important to rediscover a new part of you. Reborn a new version of yourself. [25:35]

    If you’re sensitive, communicate that to the people in your life so you can set them up to succeed. [32:05]

    Tool of the week. [34:40]

    Question of the week. [41:35]

    Sonia C. is picking up some very intense vibes happening across the world. How do we manage this and soothe ourselves as empaths without getting burned out? We are not meant to be connected to the news, for one. They love to amp up the fear and intensity. This is one of the reasons why we have to actively manage what we decide to put in us. Sonia C. made the active choice to go to a chill place, but you can still manage your emotions, your vibe, and what you choose to consume no matter how intense your side of the world and environment might be!

    Sonia C. has always understood that Spain is a healing place for her. She’s walked the Camino de Santiago twice and it’s only really registered until now how refreshing and rejuvenated this country has been to her. It was so healing that she got a tattoo! When Sonia C.’s daughters found out she got a tattoo, both Sonia T. and Sabrina freaked out and couldn’t wrap their heads around it.

    Tool of the Week: Don’t let anybody tell you to be less than or a more quiet version than yourself.

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: How can I bring others into a more heart-centered place?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity Summer MasterClass

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

  • Sonia C. is so excited to see the garden blooming! Spring is definitely here in London. What a great time to witness the beautiful color and new life that’s growing. Sabrina doesn’t have as nice of a luxury. Some workers overcut her trees and they now look like shriveled little stubs while everything else around her is blooming. Sonia C. sees this as a positive. Sometimes you gotta cut out the old in order for you to have ample room for the new.

    This week’s theme is: Follow your nose!


    Lots of new life coming through this spring. Let’s talk about it! [1:05]

    Smell is a powerful indicator your guides are close by. [5:15]

    There’s more than one way to receive information and intuitive hits. [9:15]

    When you get an informational hit, be playful and curious about it! [10:15]

    Sabrina’s little daughter just learned a new word: Frustrated. [15:10]

    We have the power to collectively lift each other up with our words. [20:55]

    Tool of the week. [28:15]

    Question of the week. [36:50]

    Sonia T. gets to walk around her neighborhood and the jasmine bushes are absolutely blooming! Not only does she have a great view, but she gets to smell the fruits of spring coming right through. What a distinct and unique scent. Sabrina says that whenever she gets a whiff of jasmine she is automatically reminded of nana! All the ladies agree that nana had a very distinct and beautiful smell that no one else has been able to follow up on ever since.

    Sonia C. loves this! How do you know when your guides are around you? Sometimes smell will give you a clue. Smell is a powerful indicator that your spirits and guides are floating around you and are close by. Sonia C. is currently mentoring a young man who keeps getting whiffs of vanilla, which is something he associates closely with his grandmother. Is it related? Absolutely it is!

    Tool of the Week: Do

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: C

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity Summer MasterClass

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]

  • Sonia C. has noticed that a lot of her clients are having some huge challenges post-ellipse. Of course, she’s here to support but it’s been intense navigating and guiding her clients through the emotions! Sonia T. was exhausted during the ellipse, and so were her clients. The readings were showing that everyone was zapped of energy.

    This week’s theme is: Rest and Reset.


    It’s time to surrender to rest and reset. [2:10]

    What area of life has Sonia T. been wanting to improve upon lately? [4:25]

    What does Sonia T. love about Kazoos? [7:00]

    Sonia C. pulled out her joy and creativity guides post-eclipse to help her clients tap into their fun sides. [10:10]

    Everything has been heavy lately, and Sonia C. is over it! [11:30]

    It’s so important to prime the mind for goodness. [20:35]

    Sonia C. encourages your play like crazy! [28:00]

    Tool of the week. [28:15]

    Question of the week. [36:50]

    Although the eclipse was about two weeks ago, the thing about the eclipse is that they really illuminate what’s on the scene and they bring out huge changes that cause a ripple effect. Whenever you get a ‘rare’ astrological or environmental event like this, it takes a minute for mother earth to get back to the rhythm and flow of things. During that time, it really disrupts our vibration and highlights some of the things we have been ignoring.

    After this event, Sonia C. has been feeling it in the air that she wants to change and she wants to learn new things. Sonia C. got a huge hit to learn French at a higher level and although she often operates in her right brain space, she thinks it’s time for a left-brain tune up and learning a new language is a great way of doing that.

    Tool of the Week: Do something you know you’re not good at. Play in this space! How does it feel?

    Continue on Your Journey:

    Question of the Week: Can you recommend intuition books for children?

    More Sonia Choquette at www.soniachoquette.com

    More Sonia Tully at www.soniatully.com

    Connect with Sabrina at www.sabrinatully.com

    Join Sonia Choquette’s Vibe Tribe

    Follow Sonia Choquette on Instagram

    Follow Sonia Tully on Instagram

    Buy Sonia and Sabrina’s Book You Are Amazing

    Ask your intuitive questions at: [email protected]

    Book a Discovery Call with Sonia Tully

    Live Workshop | The Fastest Way To Change Your Life Summer 2024

    Psychic YOUniversity Spring Class

    Order Sonia Choquette’s New Book

    Share with us your questions and vibe stories at [email protected] and [email protected]