
  • Joe Rogan and Dr. Andrew Huberman Discuss "5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life"

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill and Megan discuss a recent Joe Rogan Experience podcast episode featuring Dr. Andrew Huberman. The episode, number 2195, focuses on Bill's book, "5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life," and delves into the topic of high conflict personalities and how they impact our lives.

    The High Conflict Personality: Understanding the 10%
    Bill and Megan explore the concept of high conflict personalities, which make up approximately 10% of the population. These individuals thrive on drama and conflict, and their behavior is evenly divided between men and women. The hosts break down the different types of high conflict personalities, including borderline, histrionic, narcissistic, and antisocial personality disorders.

    Detecting Lies and Manipulation: A Challenging Task
    One of the key points discussed in the episode is the difficulty in detecting lies and manipulation, even for trained professionals. Bill emphasizes the importance of being humble about our limitations and consulting experts when necessary. He also notes that changes in a person's behavior can be a potential red flag for lying or dangerous behavior.

    Gender Differences in High Conflict Personalities
    Bill and Megan delve into the gender differences among high conflict personalities, noting that while some personality disorders, such as narcissistic and antisocial, are more prevalent in men, others, like borderline and histrionic, are evenly distributed between men and women. They also discuss the built-in biases and stereotypes surrounding these personality types.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What are high conflict personalities, and how prevalent are they?How can we detect lies and manipulation?Are there gender differences in high conflict personalities?What role does trauma play in the development of antisocial personality disorder?

    Key Takeaways:

    High conflict personalities make up approximately 10% of the populationDetecting lies and manipulation is challenging, even for trained professionalsBorderline and histrionic personality disorders are evenly distributed between men and womenTrauma can contribute to the development of antisocial personality disorder, but it is not the only factor

    This episode provides invaluable insights into high conflict personalities and how they impact our lives. By understanding the different types of high conflict personalities and their prevalence, listeners can better navigate difficult relationships and protect themselves from manipulation and harm.

    Links & Other Notes

    JOE ROGAN PODCAST FEATURING ANDREW HUBERMAN Joe Rogan Experience #2195 - Andrew HubermanAndrew Huberman websiteBOOKS5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your LifeARTICLESNew Ways: training for professionals mediators; workplace leaders; workplace coaches; and divorce coaches and counselors.OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(01:38) - Joe and Andrew(02:37) - Lying(09:30) - Manipulation(13:14) - Threat Sensing(17:40) - Conflict and Drama(28:50) - Protocols(33:55) - Spidey Senses(34:37) - Bill’s Book(35:14) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Five Types of People that can Ruin Your Life

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Navigating High Conflict Relationships

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill and Megan from the High Conflict Institute tackle two listeners' questions about managing challenging relationships with high conflict personalities (HCPs). They provide insights and strategies for setting boundaries, managing expectations, and maintaining a healthy connection.

    Understanding High Conflict Personalities
    Bill and Megan discuss how high conflict personalities can be found across all levels of intelligence and occupations. They emphasize the importance of recognizing the range of human behavior and focusing on learning how to respond effectively to high conflict situations.

    Balancing Closeness and Distance
    The hosts explore strategies for navigating relationships with high conflict individuals, such as timing interactions carefully, managing expectations, and maintaining an arm's length relationship. They also suggest seeking support from a counselor who can provide personalized advice.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How do I handle my elderly mother's high conflict behavior and maintain a relationship with her?Do HCPs understand the gravity of their language during high conflict moments, and do they remember or care afterward?

    Key Takeaways:

    Setting limits and maintaining an arm's length relationship can minimize emotional rollercoasters.Finding a balance between closeness and distance is crucial in high conflict relationships.

    This episode provides valuable insights and practical strategies for anyone navigating a relationship with a high conflict personality. Listeners can learn to manage challenging relationships more effectively while maintaining their own emotional well-being.

    Got an elderly parent whose high conflict behavior makes visits a minefield? Or a sibling who says awful things then reaches out like nothing happened? Bill & Megan tackle listeners' Qs on navigating these tricky relationships.

    Links & Other Notes


    It’s All Your Fault! 12 Tips for Managing People Who Blame Others for Everything5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life


    Conflict Influencer: 6-week class starts September 5New Ways: training for professionals mediators; workplace leaders; workplace coaches; and divorce coaches and counselors.

    OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/

    Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:35) - Listener Questions(06:29) - Question One(27:26) - Question Two(47:00) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: High Conflict Divorce

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

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  • In this insightful episode of "It's All Your Fault", Megan is joined by special guest Kevin Chafin, a licensed professional counselor from Kansas City, Missouri. With Bill away for the month, Megan and Kevin dive deep into the complexities of co-parenting, particularly when it comes to dealing with teenagers in high conflict situations. Together, they explore effective strategies for managing these challenging dynamics and provide valuable insights for parents navigating these difficult waters.

    Understanding the Impact of Divorce on Teens
    Megan and Kevin discuss how divorce can have a profound impact on teenagers, especially when it comes to their sense of security and emotional well-being. They emphasize the importance of parents providing a stable and supportive environment during this transformative period, even as the family system shifts from one household to two. Kevin shares his expertise on the developmental challenges that teens face during puberty and how these can be exacerbated by the stress of a family breakup.

    Avoiding the Pitfalls of Parentification
    One of the key themes explored in this episode is the concept of parentification – when children, particularly teens, are put into the role of a parent. Megan and Kevin delve into how this can happen when parents become emotionally needy and look to their children for support and validation. They discuss the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries and not burdening teens with adult responsibilities or expecting them to choose sides in parental conflicts.

    Strategies for Effective Co-Parenting Communication
    Megan and Kevin also share practical tips for improving communication between co-parents, drawing on their extensive experience working with families in high conflict situations. They highlight the value of using BIFF responses (Brief, Informative, Friendly, Firm) to keep interactions focused and productive, even in the face of hostility or misinformation. Kevin also shares insights from his work as a mediator and counselor, emphasizing the importance of staying child-centered and avoiding loyalty demands.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How does divorce impact teenagers differently than younger children?What are the signs that a child is being parentified?How can co-parents improve communication and reduce conflict?What strategies can parents use to support their teens during a family breakup?How can parents avoid putting their teens in the middle of adult conflicts?

    Key Takeaways:

    Divorce can be especially challenging for teens due to the developmental changes of puberty.Parentification occurs when children are put into adult roles and expected to emotionally support their parents.Using BIFF responses can help keep co-parenting communication focused and productive.Parents should prioritize their child's emotional well-being and avoid loyalty demands.Seeking support from counselors or mediators can be valuable for high conflict situations.

    This episode offers a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies for parents navigating the challenges of co-parenting and raising teens in high conflict situations. With their combined expertise, Megan and Kevin provide a compassionate and informative perspective on these complex issues, offering hope and guidance for families struggling to find their way forward.

    Links & Other Notes

    AUTHOR WEBSITEKevin Chafin, LPCMissouri Chapter, Association of Family & Conciliation CourtsBOOKSBIFF for Co-parent CommunicationVIDEOBIFF videoOUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:39) - Kevin Chafin and Co-Parenting(01:22) - Meet Kevin(09:26) - The Learning Mind of a Child(24:04) - Parentification(35:24) - Clarity(50:00) - Listen(50:51) - Wrap Up(51:10) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Co-Parenting By Design

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Navigating the Challenges of Co-Parenting: Insights from Annette Burns and Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner

    In this episode of "It's All Your Fault," Megan is joined by two special guests, Annette Burns and Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner, co-authors of the upcoming book Co-Parenting by Design: The Definitive Guide for Divorced or Separated Parents. Annette and Nicole, both experienced family law attorneys and parenting coordinators, share their insights on navigating the complexities of co-parenting and offer practical advice for parents facing high conflict situations.

    Understanding the Role of Parenting Coordinators

    Megan, Annette, and Nicole delve into the crucial role of parenting coordinators in helping divorced or separated parents resolve disputes and maintain focus on their children's best interests. They discuss how parenting coordinators act as referees, mediators, and educators, assisting parents in making decisions on issues such as parenting schedules, school choice, and healthcare.

    Adapting to Change and Prioritizing Children's Needs

    The guests emphasize the importance of adaptability in co-parenting, as children's needs and circumstances evolve over time. They highlight the challenges parents face when adjusting to new situations, such as remarriage, relocation, and changes in parenting time. Annette and Nicole stress the significance of prioritizing children's well-being and maintaining consistency in parenting approaches whenever possible.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What is a parenting coordinator, and how can they help divorced or separated parents?How can parents navigate changes in their children's lives and adapt their co-parenting strategies?What is parallel parenting, and when is it an appropriate approach?How can parents handle disagreements over parenting styles and household rules?What resources are available for parents struggling with high conflict co-parenting situations?

    Key Takeaways:

    Parenting coordinators play a vital role in assisting divorced or separated parents in resolving disputes and focusing on their children's best interests.Adaptability is crucial in co-parenting as children's needs and circumstances change over time.Parallel parenting can be an effective approach for high conflict situations, but its implementation varies depending on the family's unique dynamics.Parents should strive for consistency in parenting approaches whenever possible while respecting each other's parenting time and decision-making authority.Seeking education, resources, and support from professionals can help parents navigate the challenges of high conflict co-parenting.

    This episode offers invaluable insights and practical advice for divorced or separated parents facing the challenges of co-parenting. By learning from the expertise of Annette Burns and Nicole Siqueiros-Stoutner, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of how to prioritize their children's well-being, adapt to change, and navigate high conflict situations. Co-Parenting by Design promises to be an essential resource for parents, lawyers, and judges alike, providing guidance and strategies for creating a healthier co-parenting dynamic.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSCo-parenting by Design: The Definitive Guide for Divorced or Separated Parents GUEST BIOSAnnette T. Burns, JDNicole Siqueiros-StoutnerOUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:39) - Co-Parenting by Design(01:14) - Meet Annette and Nicole(04:14) - How It Came About(08:56) - Parenting Coordinators(12:58) - Agreements(16:53) - Different Rules(22:00) - Parallel Parenting(26:16) - Multiple Court Trips(30:30) - Alienation(39:41) - Advice on Family Law(44:15) - The Book(47:00) - Wrap Up(47:18) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Co-Parenting By Design

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • In this solo episode, Megan Hunter dives into the world of high conflict personalities. With co-host Bill Eddy away, Megan takes the opportunity to answer listener questions and provide valuable insights on identifying and dealing with individuals who exhibit high conflict behaviors. Throughout the episode, she offers practical strategies for managing these challenging interactions and maintaining your own well-being.

    Understanding the Five Types of High Conflict Personalities
    Megan begins by explaining the five high conflict personality types: those who fear feeling inferior, abandoned, ignored, dominated, and paranoid. She emphasizes that while each type has unique traits, they all share a common pattern of behavior driven by fear. By understanding these underlying fears, listeners can develop more effective approaches to communicating and setting boundaries with high conflict individuals.

    Navigating Family Dynamics with High Conflict Personalities
    One listener asks for guidance on dealing with a high conflict family member who acts as an "emotional bully." Megan advises using the EAR (Empathy, Attention, Respect) method to connect with the individual and help them regulate their emotions. However, she also stresses the importance of setting clear limits and imposing consequences when necessary to avoid being manipulated or bullied.

    Strategies for Professional Settings
    Another listener, who works in public relations for a municipality, seeks advice on interacting with a high conflict council member. Megan recommends implementing a respectful meeting policy and using the CARS (Connecting, Analyzing options, Responding to misinformation, Setting limits) method. By employing these strategies consistently, staff and department heads can maintain a productive work environment while minimizing the impact of disruptive behavior.

    Coping with a High Conflict Adult Child
    A listener shares their experience with a mid-30s daughter who exhibits high conflict behaviors consistent with borderline personality disorder. While Megan acknowledges the complexity and emotional challenges of such a situation, she offers hope by suggesting strategies to maintain a loving relationship while setting necessary boundaries. This includes focusing on one's own well-being, seeking support from professionals and support groups, and consistently applying the communication techniques discussed throughout the episode.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What are the five types of high conflict personalities and how do they differ?How can I foster a connection with a high conflict individual without enabling their behavior?What strategies can I use to set boundaries with a high conflict family member?How should staff and department heads interact with a high conflict council member in a professional setting?

    Key Takeaways:

    High conflict personalities are driven by underlying fears that shape their behavior patterns.The EAR method can help establish a connection and regulate emotions in high conflict situations.Setting clear limits and imposing consequences are crucial for preventing manipulation and bullying.The CARS method and respectful meeting policies are effective tools for managing high conflict individuals in professional settings.

    This episode offers invaluable insights for anyone struggling to navigate relationships with high conflict personalities. By understanding the root causes of their behavior and employing the strategies discussed, listeners can develop healthier, more productive interactions with these individuals. Megan's expertise and practical advice make this an essential listen for anyone seeking to improve their communication skills and maintain their well-being in challenging situations.

    Links & Other Notes


    Conflict Influencer - 6-week “live” class taught by Megan Hunter (focuses on learning the simple and necessary high-conflict skills)Bullies SeriesBully Dynamics in Families - 4 classes in SeptemberBully Dynamics in Communities - 4 classes in OctoberBully Dynamics in the Workplace- 4 classes in November


    The Big Book on Borderline Personality DisorderThe Borderline Personality Disorder Wellness Planner5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your LifeCalming Upset People with EAR


    Respectful Meeting Policy

    OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/

    Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:42) - Listener Questions<...
  • This is a rebroadcast. This episode originally aired February 8, 2024. Visit our site to hear part two, or find it on your podcatcher.

    Bill and Megan explore the complex issue of relationship violence, focusing on factors that may predict aggressive behaviors and how to identify potentially abusive relationships. In this first part of a two-part discussion, they examine relationship violence through the lens of adult intimate partner relationships. The second part will focus specifically on teen dating violence. Bill and Megan provide research-informed insights to help us understand the roots of relationship violence and identify unhealthy patterns early on.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What personality disorders or traits are associated with an increased risk for domestic violence?How can you spot early warning signs of a potentially abusive partner?What is coercive control and how does it relate to domestic violence?What happens in the brain when someone lacks impulse control?How can we avoid “jamming our own radar” in relationships?

    Key Takeaways:

    Not everyone with a personality disorder will become abusive, but certain disorders like antisocial and borderline PD are risk factors.Pay attention to charm, immediate strong attachment, and “love bombing” as possible red flags when dating.Coercive control refers to non-physical ways an abuser maintains power, like isolation, verbal threats, financial control.Impulse control problems may stem from an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex or traumatic childhood experiences.Going through personal crises or having unrealistic relationship expectations can blind us to warning signs.

    In part one of this vital two-part discussion, Bill and Megan provide research-informed insights to help us understand the roots of relationship violence and identify unhealthy patterns early on. Tune in to gain knowledge that could help you or someone you care about build healthy, safe relationships.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSDating Radar: Why Your Brain Says Yes to “The One” Who Will Make Your Life Hellavailable in paperback, audio, and e-book anywhere books are sold. Here are a few places you can get it.Get it on High Conflict Institute siteOn Amazon USOn Amazon AustraliaOn Amazon CanadaDATING RADAR SURVEY RESULTSRead results from entire survey here (scroll and click on “Read Dating Radar Survey Results”)HOTLINEUS Domestic Violence HotlineUS Hotline #: 800-799-7233ARTICLESDating Radar: Your X-Ray Vision In A New RelationshipPersonality Disorders and Intimate Partner ViolenceHIB PubMed article databaseDomestic Violence vs. High Conflict Families: Are one or two people driving the conflict?COURSESConversations About Domestic Violence in Family Law with 16 ExpertsMediation in Domestic Violence CasesLIVE LABLive Lab: 1:1 coaching sessions to learn to use BIFF Responses, EAR Statements, and to set limits
    Our website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(01:35) - Relationship Violence Part 1: Adults(03:51) - Survey Results(09:20) - What Jams Our Radar?(15:00) - Impulse Control(20:49) - Factors in Violent Tendencies(29:59) - Domestic Violence in Family Law(34:53) - How Do You Know You’re in a Domestic Violence Relationship?(36:49) - Coercive Controlling Violence(40:53) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Relationship Violence Part 2: Teens

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • This is a rebroadcast. This episode originally aired February 1, 2024.

    Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter tackle an important but tricky topic in this episode - how to set healthy boundaries with others when tensions run high. Whether it's a contentious divorce, difficult coworker, or suspected lies, Bill and Megan provide realistic examples and actionable advice to constructively handle high-conflict situations. Tune in to learn techniques to establish boundaries while remaining calm and keeping conflicts small. This episode delivers takeaways anyone can apply to enhance their most challenging relationships.

    They provide tips across three common scenarios:

    Co-parenting after divorce: Look to standards or common practices as a starting point. Focus on protecting the children and not discussing certain topics in front of them. You can only control your own behavior - walk away if tensions escalate.Workplace conflicts: Practice using the BIF (brief, informative, friendly, firm) method in emails or conversations. Don't engage in unnecessary battles - end conversations if needed.Suspected lies: Always consider three perspectives - it could be true, false, or somewhere in between. Don't react emotionally or you may become a target of blame. Reality test tactfully if needed.

    Bill and Megan stress practicing these techniques and finding simple but memorable phrases to use when setting boundaries. Their realistic examples and actionable advice provide takeaways anyone can apply to enhance their most challenging relationships.

    Links & Other Notes

    LIVE LAB: 1:1 coaching to learn skills (setting limits, BIFF Responses, CalmB4Think)ARTICLE: 12 Tips for Co-Parent Boundaries ARTICLE: Need to Set Limits With a High Conflict Person? Give ‘Em Your EARARTICLE: 4 Ways to Set Limits at WorkCOURSE: Conflict Influencer™ Certification Our website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(01:35) - Kicking Off Season Four(02:11) - Setting Limits in High Conflict Situations(03:00) - Co-Parenting(11:00) - The Work World(16:56) - Lying(27:29) - Wrapping Up(28:01) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Relationship Violence

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • This is a rebroadcast. This episode originally aired August 3, 2023.

    Some relationships with high conflict people reach a point where the only one getting frustrated and hurt is YOU.

    It is okay to walk away? Are some relationships so damaging that staying in them is damaging to you? Will the guilt draw you back under their spell? Will it trigger abandonment, inferiority, or other issues in the person with a high conflict personality, and possibly backfire on you?

    Bill and Megan discuss this tricky topic in relation to family, friend and other relationships. How do you know when the time is right? Should you continue trying to reconcile or just stop? And what steps should be taken if you choose to walk away? Listen in as Megan and Bill explore this sensitive, critical subject.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSIt’s All Your Fault! 12 Tips for Managing People Who Blame You for EverythingBIFF: Quick Responses for High Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Emails and Social Media MeltdownsCalming Upset People with EARON DEMAND COURSESHow to Write a BIFF ResponseThe Brain 101: How to Communicate EffectivelyOur website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(02:25) - Walking Away(03:02) - When Can You Walk Away?(06:42) - When They're Part of Your Faith-Based Community(09:12) - Hitting the Point(12:30) - Things to Consider With the Five Types(18:22) - Think It Through(19:56) - When Really Emotionally Hooked(23:46) - Step by Step(25:03) - Setting LImits(26:01) - Last Thoughts(27:01) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Splitting

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • This is a rebroadcast. This episode originally aired May 11, 2023.

    The definition of a “win” is different in high conflict situations as opposed to ordinary conflict. Not recognizing that a win looks quite different can inadvertently escalate conflict or take a few steps backwards.

    In today’s episode, Megan and Bill talk about:

    defining what it means to “win” in high conflictdo you need to reach an expected outcome to have successtemptation to keep going when you should stopwhen do you know if you’ve wonchoosing your battlesavoid opening up emotions focusing on keeping people focused on thinking and doing

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKS5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your LifeCalming Upset People with EARIt’s All Your Fault!ARTICLESTips On Offering Mediation To A High Conflict EmployeeOur website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(03:17) - How to Avoid Sabotaging a Successful Interaction(04:25) - Definition of a Win in High Conflict Situations(07:02) - Choosing Your Battles(08:57) - Praise vs. Opening Up Emotions(11:17) - Making Progress, Not Perfection(14:04) - Fuhgedaboudits(19:33) - Blame as Indicator(22:22) - Coming Next Week: Exposure and Humiliation as a High-Conflict Strategy

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Dealing with Bully Neighbors: Strategies for Resolving Conflicts

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter dive into the world of bully neighbors and explore effective strategies for managing these challenging situations. As co-founders of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, California, Bill and Megan share their expertise on navigating high conflict personalities and offer practical advice for listeners dealing with difficult neighbors.

    Identifying Bullying Behavior in Neighbors
    Bill and Megan discuss common scenarios that can trigger bullying behavior among neighbors, such as disputes over property lines, noise complaints, and pet-related issues. They emphasize the importance of recognizing patterns of bullying and not automatically assuming that a neighbor's actions are intentionally malicious.

    Resolving Neighbor Conflicts
    Bill and Megan outline a step-by-step approach to resolving conflicts with bully neighbors, starting with a calm, direct conversation to address the issue. If the conversation is unsuccessful or unsafe, they suggest considering mediation through a community mediation center, consulting with a lawyer to understand legal options, and involving law enforcement if the situation escalates or if there are threats to safety. As a last resort, they recommend considering moving to a new location if the conflict remains unresolved and is severely impacting your well-being.

    Throughout the episode, Bill and Megan emphasize the importance of maintaining a strategic, non-judgmental approach when dealing with bully neighbors. They highlight the role of empathy and the need for clear consequences to curb bullying behavior.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How can I protect myself and my family from a bully neighbor?Is moving away a viable option when dealing with an unresolved neighbor conflict?

    Key Takeaways:

    Set clear limits and consequences for bullying behaviorConsider moving as a last resort for your well-being

    This episode offers valuable insights and practical strategies for anyone struggling with a bully neighbor. By understanding the dynamics of high conflict personalities and following the expert advice provided by Bill and Megan, listeners can feel empowered to take steps towards resolving their neighbor conflicts and maintaining a peaceful living environment.

    *Note: The episode contains a sensitive story involving animal cruelty that may be disturbing to some listeners. While relevant to the topic, it's important to provide a content warning before discussing this particular example.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies—How to Spot Them/How to Stop Them (June 2024) By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.BULLY DYNAMICS WEBINARSBully Dynamics in Families (September - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics at Work (October - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Communities (November - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)ARTICLESOver the Fence: High Conflict Neighbor DisputesDealing with High Conflict People (7 Tips)Setting Limits and Imposing Consequences in 2 1/2 StepsOUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:38) - World of Bullies #5: Bullies as Neighbors(01:18) - Bullies as Neighbors(07:49) - Community Mediation Centers(10:15) - Real World Examples(16:40) - Listener Question(24:24) - Bullies Don’t Connect the Dots(26:19) - Escalation(29:57) - Wrap Up(30:48) - Reminders

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Bullies as Leaders in Organizations

    In this episode, Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter explore the topic of bullies as leaders in organizations. They discuss the ancient personality traits that drive bullies to seek leadership positions, the impact they have on their organizations, and strategies for addressing their behavior.

    Recognizing and Addressing Bully Behavior in Leaders

    Bill and Megan emphasize the importance of recognizing bully behavior in leaders and taking action to address it. They stress the need for organizations to have clear policies, set limits, and impose consequences for bullying behavior to create a healthy work environment.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What ancient personality traits do bully leaders possess?How can organizations address bully behavior in leaders?

    Key Takeaways:

    Bullies often seek leadership positions due to their desire to dominate and inspire loyalty.Clear policies, setting limits, and imposing consequences are crucial for creating a healthy work environment.

    Introducing New Ways for Work for Leaders

    Bill and Megan introduce their upcoming training program, New Ways for Work for Leaders, which focuses on helping leaders manage high conflict situations and create a bully-proofed environment.

    This episode provides valuable insights into the complex issue of bullies as leaders in organizations. Bill and Megan's expertise and practical advice make this episode a must-listen for anyone dealing with high conflict personalities in leadership positions.

    Links & Other Notes

    COURSENew Ways for Work® for Leaders: Training in July 2024BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies—How to Spot Them/How to Stop Them (June 2024) By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.BULLY DYNAMICS WEBINARSBully Dynamics at Work (October - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Families (September - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Communities (November - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)ARTICLESBullies at WorkAddressing the Bully in the Room: High Conflict Personalities in Workplace InvestigationsSetting Limits and Imposing Consequences in 2 1/2 StepsCOACHING CURRICULUMNew Ways for Work®: Coaching Manual (for workplace coaches)New Ways for Work®: Workbook (for coaches)OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:36) - World of Bullies #4: Bullies as Leaders(01:09) - Upcoming Bully Seminars(02:22) - Bullies as Leaders(06:55) - Do All Bullies Lie?(09:16) - When People See It Happening But Do Nothing(10:16) - Imposing Consequences(10:51) - When They're at the Top(13:10) - Example(20:42) - New Ways for Work for Leaders(27:49) - Imposing Consequences(30:15) - Wrap Up(30:17) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Bullies as Neighbors

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Bullying in Families: How to Spot It and What to Do

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill and Megan dive deep into the hidden world of family bullies. As co-founders of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, CA, they share their expertise on identifying and dealing with high conflict personalities within families. Through real-life examples and listener stories, Bill and Megan shed light on this often overlooked issue.

    Uncovering the Hidden Dynamics of Family Bullies

    Bill and Megan discuss how bullies often isolate their targets, using emotional repetition to wear down their self-esteem. They explain the concept of "negative advocates" – people who unwittingly support the bully by believing their victim narrative. Bill shares insights from his new book, "Our New World of Adult Bullies," highlighting the manipulative tactics bullies employ to maintain control.

    The conversation turns to the role of bullies as gatekeepers, controlling access to children, elderly parents, and financial information. Bill emphasizes the importance of recognizing these patterns and seeking support from siblings, therapists, or legal professionals when necessary.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What are the hidden dynamics of family bullies?How do bullies isolate and control their targets?What role do "negative advocates" play in enabling bullies?How can we protect children and elderly parents from bullying and abuse?What resources are available for those dealing with family bullies?

    Key Takeaways:

    Bullies often use emotional repetition and isolation to wear down their targets.Bullies may act as gatekeepers, controlling access to children, elderly parents, and financial information.Increased awareness and training are needed among professionals who work with vulnerable populations.Seeking support from siblings, therapists, or legal professionals can be crucial in dealing with family bullies.There is hope – resources and support systems exist to help stop bullying behavior.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone who has experienced or witnessed bullying within their family. By understanding the dynamics at play and learning how to respond effectively, listeners can take steps towards creating healthier, safer relationships.

    Links & Other Notes

    BULLY DYNAMICS IN FAMILIES WEBINARBully Dynamics in Families (September - 4 sessions over 4 weeks)BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies—How to Spot Them/How to Stop Them (June 2024) By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your LifeBIFF: Quick Responses to High-Conflict People, Their Personal Attacks, Hostile Email and Social Media MeltdownsCalming Upset People with EAR: How Statements Showing Empathy, Attention, and Respect Can Quickly Defuse a ConflictOTHER BULLY DYNAMICS WEBINARSBully Dynamics at Work (October - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Communities (November - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)COURSESConflict Influencer Class for Co-Parents and Other Family Members: starts in JulyARTICLESSetting Limits and Imposing Consequences in 2 1/2 StepsOUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:36) - World of Bullies #3: Bullies and Families(01:14) - Bill’s New Book(02:08) - Bullies in Families(05:13) - Target of Blame(07:11) - Listener’s Situation(18:31) - Bullies as Gatekeepers(21:34) - What Do You Do?(24:09) - Children Being Bullied(28:47) - Wrap Up(30:18) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Bullies as Leaders

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Confronting Bullies in the Workplace and Mediation with Bill Eddy and Michael Lomax

    In the second episode of the World of Bullies series, Bill and Megan welcome Michael Lomax to explore bullying in the workplace and mediation. As co-founders of the High Conflict Institute and an esteemed speaker, respectively, they share their expertise on handling high conflict personalities in professional settings.

    Bill and Michael emphasize the importance of managers thoroughly investigating bullying allegations and understanding the key characteristics of bullies, such as a lack of self-restraint, empathy, and remorse. They also discuss how bullies use emotional tactics to manipulate their targets and recruit negative advocates. Michael shares his experience meeting with alleged bullies who often present themselves as victims.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What are the key characteristics of a workplace bully?How can managers effectively respond to bullying allegations?How can mediators handle high conflict personalities in mediation?

    Key Takeaways:

    Managers should approach bullying allegations with a healthy skepticism and thoroughly investigate complaints.Bullies often lack self-restraint, empathy, and remorse, and may recruit negative advocates to help target their victims.Mediators can effectively handle high conflict personalities by remaining calm, setting boundaries, and focusing on realistic objectives.

    This episode provides valuable insights and strategies for navigating bullying in the workplace and mediation, equipping listeners with the tools needed to create a healthier work environment.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies—How to Spot Them/How to Stop Them (June 2024) By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.Mediating High Conflict Disputes (By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq., and Michael Lomax, JD)BULLY DYNAMICS WEBINARSBully Dynamics in Families (September - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics at Work (October - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Communities (November - will be 4 sessions over 4 weeks)ARTICLESSetting Limits and Imposing Consequences in 2 1/2 StepsCOACHING CURRICULUMNew Ways for Work®: Coaching Manual (for workplace coaches)New Ways for Work®: Workbook (for coachees)OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:41) - World of Bullies #2: Bullying in the Workplace and in Mediation(01:22) - Michael Lomax's Background(03:58) - Bullies in the Workplace(23:17) - Bullies in Mediation(39:53) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Bullies in Families

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • World of Bullies: Bill Eddy's Groundbreaking New Book

    In this first episode of our new "World of Bullies" series, based on Bill Eddy's new book, Our New World of Adult Bullies: How to Spot Them, How to Stop Them, Bill and Megan dive into the timely topic of adult bullying. As co-founders of the High Conflict Institute, they provide invaluable insights for listeners.

    Bill shares that his inspiration for the book came during the COVID-19 pandemic when he noticed an increase in bullying behavior across society. He emphasizes the importance of understanding bullies and the need for structure, limits, and consequences to curb their destructive behavior.

    Megan highlights that while society has generally evolved to be more cooperative, high emotion media has influenced people's thinking and behavior, leading to a concerning shift in culture.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What inspired this "World of Bullies" series and Bill's book?How have the COVID-19 pandemic, the media, online culture, and more influenced bullying behavior?How can we effectively deal with bullies in our lives?

    Key Takeaways:

    Bullies require structure, limits, and consequences.High emotion media has contributed to a shift toward more bullying.Bill’s new SLIC method (setting limits and imposing consequences) is effective for dealing with bullies.

    This episode sets the stage for the "World of Bullies" series, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of adult bullying and equipping them with practical tools to navigate challenging situations. Bill and Megan's expertise makes this a must-listen for anyone seeking to create a more harmonious environment in their lives.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies—How to Spot Them/How to Stop Them (June 2024) By Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq.BULLY DYNAMICS WEBINARSBully Dynamics in Families (September - 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics at Work (October - 4 sessions over 4 weeks)Bully Dynamics in Communities (November - 4 sessions over 4 weeks)ARTICLESSetting Limits and Imposing Consequences in 2 1/2 StepsHow to Set Limits on Bullying in Congress—and Anywhere ElseMTG, Jasmine Crockett and AOC AltercationBillionaire’s wife stinks of entitlement as messages show her trying to bully woman with same last name for Instagram handleOUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:35) - New Series: World of Bullies(01:58) - The Reasons to Write It(05:55) - Why Are We Devolving?(08:41) - Mirroring(11:02) - Finding Balance(13:38) - Increase in Anxiety(14:35) - Reacting Faster(17:31) - Becoming Isolated(18:08) - Unrestrained Personalities(20:49) - SLIC Solutions(25:11) - Prison and Weinstein Examples(29:53) - Congress Example(37:15) - Social Media Examples(42:37) - Coaching to Not Bully(44:18) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Bullys at Work and in Mediation

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • In the second part of their conversation with Amanda Smith, Bill and Megan explore the challenges faced by families of individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). They discuss the importance of education, self-care, and strategies for navigating high conflict situations.

    The Importance of Family Support and Self-Care
    Amanda emphasizes the significance of family support and education in the long-term success of individuals with BPD. She highlights the positive impact of informed and understanding family members and the importance of self-care for those living with someone with BPD. Amanda encourages family members to prioritize their well-being, serving as positive role models for their loved ones.

    Navigating Fear and Creating Safety Plans
    Megan raises the issue of fear that many family members experience when their loved one with BPD engages in self-harm or expresses suicidal thoughts. Amanda suggests creating safety plans and checklists to help families navigate crisis situations and feel more prepared to prioritize physical, environmental, and relational safety.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How can family support contribute to the success of individuals with BPD?What strategies can families use to find common ground?How can family members prioritize self-care while supporting their loved one?What steps can families take to address fear and create safety plans?

    Key Takeaways:

    Family support and education play a crucial role in the long-term success of individuals with BPD.Prioritizing self-care is essential for family members to effectively support their loved one.Creating safety plans can empower families to handle crisis situations.Seeking support from trained therapists is important for healthy recovery.

    This episode offers invaluable insights and practical strategies for families affected by Borderline Personality Disorder. Listeners will gain the tools necessary to support their loved ones while maintaining their own well-being.

    Links & Other Notes


    Amanda Smith, LCSW


    The Borderline Personality Disorder Wellness Planner for FamiliesThe Dialectical Behavior Therapy Wellness PlannerThe Big Book on Borderline Personality Disorder


    Online Borderline Personality Disorder Family Course [begins May 29, 2024]—led by Amanda Smith


    Hope for BPDNational Education Alliance for Borderline Personality DisorderMind.org.ukAustralia BPD Foundation Limited (listing of resources across Australia)


    7 Tips for Working with Clients With Borderline Personality Disorder The New Elephant in the Room: Why All Professionals Need to Learn About Personality Disorders

    OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/

    Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:36) - Part Two: Borderline Personality Disorder with Amanda Smith(01:34) - How to Support BPD Family Members(07:23) - Fear and Safety(11:34) - The Danger of Being Reinforced in Social Groups(15:34) - Confusing Gaslighting(19:00) - Wrap Up(19:34) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: An Increase in Bullying

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Megan Hunter and Bill Eddy are joined by special guest Amanda Smith to discuss Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), continuing our Bringing It to Life series. They explore the common experiences of individuals with BPD, such as intense emotions, impulsive behaviors, and self-destructive tendencies.

    The Power of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
    Amanda highlights the effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in treating BPD, emphasizing the importance of group therapy in conjunction with individual therapy. She shares success stories of individuals who have made significant progress through court-ordered DBT treatment.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What are the common experiences of individuals with BPD?How can individuals with BPD work towards recovery?Is court-ordered DBT treatment effective for individuals with BPD?

    Key Takeaways:

    BPD is characterized by intense emotions, impulsive behaviors, and self-destructive tendencies.DBT, which combines individual and group therapy, is a highly effective treatment for BPD.Individuals with BPD can make significant progress towards recovery through consistent and dedicated treatment.

    This episode offers valuable insights into understanding Borderline Personality Disorder, exploring effective treatment options, and discussing the emotional struggles faced by individuals with BPD. Listeners will gain knowledge and strategies for supporting their loved ones on the path to recovery.

    Links & Other Notes


    Amanda Smith, LCSW


    The Borderline Personality Disorder Wellness Planner for FamiliesThe Dialectical Behavior Therapy Wellness PlannerThe Big Book on Borderline Personality Disorder


    Online Borderline Personality Disorder Family Course [begins May 29, 2024]—led by Amanda SmithCoping with Chronic Suicidal Thinking and Planning: Success Strategies for Providers, Family Members, and Individuals Who Are Suffering [1-hour webinar Saturday, May 18 at 10:00 am Central--$29]


    Hope for BPDNational Education Alliance for Borderline Personality DisorderMind.org.ukAustralia BPD Foundation Limited (listing of resources across Australia)


    7 Tips for Working with Clients With Borderline Personality Disorder The New Elephant in the Room: Why All Professionals Need to Learn About Personality Disorders

    OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/

    Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:39) - Borderline Personality Disorder with Amanda Smith(02:11) - Amanda’s Background(03:18) - Diagnoses From Which You Can Work Your Way Free(06:03) - Common Experiences in BPD(10:38) - What Can Be Done?(14:43) - Being Held Accountable(20:59) - Court-Ordered Therapy?(23:09) - When They Don’t Change(26:47) - What Are They Feeling?(31:13) - Dissociation(32:54) - Wrap Up(33:12) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Part Two With Amanda

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • High Conflict Cases and Money: Navigating the Complexities

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill and Megan are joined by special guest Kate Merrill, a California attorney specializing in complex divorce cases involving stock options and other business and corporate issues. As part of the Bringing It to Life series, they explore the intricacies of high conflict divorces involving money and finances.

    Kate shares her unique perspective, having transitioned from a corporate attorney in Silicon Valley to a family law attorney. Her background in corporate law and MBA in finance enable her to approach these cases with a fresh perspective, uncovering hidden assets and untangling complex financial structures.

    Bill and Megan discuss the common patterns of behavior exhibited by high conflict individuals in divorce cases involving money, including controlling finances and using manipulation tactics to hide assets or mislead their partners.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How can a background in corporate law and finance benefit high conflict divorce cases?What are the common patterns of behavior exhibited by high conflict individuals in divorce cases involving money?Why is it crucial for clients to be their own advocates and educated consumers of legal services?

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding corporate structures, compensation packages, and investment vehicles is essential in high conflict divorce cases involving money.Clients must be their own advocates and educated consumers of legal services, as most family lawyers may not have the specialized knowledge required to navigate complex financial matters.Conducting a thorough investigation into the financial history of a relationship can uncover hidden assets and manipulative tactics.

    This episode offers invaluable insights for anyone navigating a high conflict divorce involving money and finances, providing strategies to uncover the truth and achieve a fair outcome.

    Links & Other Notes


    Attorney Kate Merrill


    High Conflict People in Legal DisputesDating RadarSplitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder


    Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts


    When Math People and Feelings People NegotiateWhy I Wrote Splitting

    OUR WEBSITE: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/

    Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:35) - Bringing It to Life: Kate Merrill(42:33) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: How to Help Those Who Struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Surviving Academia: Navigating High Conflict Personalities in Higher Education

    In this episode of "It's All Your Fault," the fourth installment of the Bringing It to Life series, Megan Hunter and Bill Eddy tackle the unique challenges of dealing with high conflict individuals in academia. Drawing from a listener's question about a bullying boss in a university setting, Bill and Megan explore the dynamics of toxic work environments in higher education and provide strategies for navigating these treacherous waters.

    The Ivory Tower's Dirty Secret: High Conflict Personalities in Academia

    Bill and Megan discuss the prevalence of high conflict personalities in academia, noting that the tolerant and helping nature of the industry can attract and enable difficult individuals. They highlight the specific challenges of dealing with tenured professors who exhibit high conflict behaviors, as well as the emotional toll this takes on colleagues and the institution as a whole.

    Navigating the Minefield: Strategies for Dealing with High Conflict Colleagues in Higher Education

    Bill introduces the CARS method – Connect, Analyze options, Respond, and Set limits – as a framework for managing interactions with high conflict individuals in academic settings. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, providing useful information without arguing, and imposing consequences when necessary, while acknowledging the limitations of individual action in the face of institutional tolerance.

    The Delicate Dance of Leaving a Toxic Academic Environment

    Bill and Megan address the challenges of leaving an academic position due to a high conflict colleague, particularly in the context of an exit interview. They discuss the potential risks of speaking openly about the reasons for departure, the judgment calls involved in deciding what to share, and the importance of securing another position before leaving.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    Why do high conflict personalities seem to thrive in academia?How can I manage interactions with a high conflict colleague in a university setting?What are the unique challenges of dealing with tenured professors who exhibit high conflict behaviors?How can I navigate leaving an academic position due to a toxic work environment?

    Key Takeaways:

    Academia's tolerant and helping nature can attract and enable high conflict personalitiesThe CARS method provides a framework for managing interactions with difficult colleagues in higher educationIndividual action may be limited in the face of institutional tolerance of high conflict behaviorsCarefully consider the risks and benefits of sharing reasons for leaving in an academic exit interviewSecure another position before leaving an academic job due to a high conflict colleague

    This episode offers valuable insights and practical strategies for anyone navigating the complex world of high conflict personalities in academia. By understanding the unique dynamics at play in higher education and employing the techniques discussed by Bill and Megan, listeners can better protect themselves and their careers while working in this challenging environment.

    Links & Other Notes

    COURSESNew Ways for Work® Coaches TrainingConflict Influencer™ BOOKSOur New World of Adult Bullies(publishes June 2024)BIFF at WorkIt’s All Your Fault at WorkNew Ways for Work® Coaching ManualARTICLESThe CARS Method® for Resolving High Conflict SituationsHow To Write A BIFF Response®4 Ways to Set Limits at WorkOur website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:37) - Bring It to Life: High Conflict in Academia(01:10) - The Question(03:20) - Signs of High Conflict Behavior(09:52) - CARS Method(16:08) - When You Leave(20:34) - What Not to Do(24:25) - What If We Snap?(28:34) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: A Special Guest!

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Parental Alienation: What It Is and How to Handle It

    In this episode of It's All Your Fault, Bill and Megan dive into the complex topic of parental alienation in divorce and separation cases. They answer a listener's question about an extreme case of alienation and provide insights on what alienation is, how it differs from estrangement, and most importantly, what can be done about it.

    Understanding Alienation and Estrangement
    Bill explains that alienation occurs when a child resists or refuses contact with a parent, not because of that parent's actions, but due to the other parent's influence. In contrast, estrangement happens when the child's resistance is caused by the rejected parent's own behavior, such as violence or emotional abuse. Bill emphasizes the importance of taking a scientific approach rather than a blame approach to understand what may be happening in each case.

    Treating Alienation and Estrangement
    Bill discusses the different treatment approaches for alienation and estrangement. In estrangement cases, the focus is on helping the rejected parent learn new skills and rebuild the relationship with the child through step-by-step counseling. However, in alienation cases, the child needs to be removed from the alienating parent's influence and have intensive time with the rejected parent to re-establish their normal relationship.

    Bringing the Listener's Case to Life
    Bill and Megan analyze the listener's question, which involves an extreme case of alienation where the father shot the mother's new husband in front of their son. They discuss the importance of investigating the case thoroughly and ensuring the mother is a safe and stable parent.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    What is parental alienation and how does it differ from estrangement?What are the different treatment approaches for alienation and estrangement?How can a child heal from the effects of parental alienation?What steps can be taken in extreme cases of alienation?

    Key Takeaways:

    Alienation occurs when a child resists contact with a parent due to the other parent's influence, while estrangement is caused by the rejected parent's own behavior.Treatment for estrangement focuses on helping the rejected parent learn new skills, while treatment for alienation involves removing the child from the alienating parent's influence.In extreme cases of alienation, the child may need to spend intensive time with the rejected parent, possibly in a psychiatric hospital setting, to re-establish their relationship.The goal is to achieve a healthy balance in the child's life, with both parents supporting moderate thinking, behavior, and emotions.

    This episode provides valuable insights into the complex issue of parental alienation and offers practical advice for those dealing with this challenging situation. By understanding the differences between alienation and estrangement, and learning about effective treatment approaches, listeners can take steps to help children heal and maintain healthy relationships with both parents.

    Links & Other Notes

    BOOKSOur New World of Adult BulliesDon’t Alienate the KidsCLASS + COACHING FOR PARENTS IN ALIENATION CASESNew Ways for Families: CoParenting Without CourtCOURSES FOR FAMILY LAW PROFESSIONALSNew Ways for Families (Counseling Method or Coaching Method)Resistance, Refusal and the Child’s BrainErasing Family Documentary with Resist/Refuse Commentary from Bill EddyARTICLESIs Alienation a One-Parent Issue?Is Your Child Alienated?PARENT-CHILD CONTACT PROBLEMS BREAKDOWNOur website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:36) - Bringing It to Life: Alienation(02:09) - The Listener Question(03:36) - Alienation vs. Estrangement(14:47) - Stressful?(17:42) - Isolation(23:41) - Digging Into the Situation(29:07) - The Child(32:05) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: Belittling and Bullying

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!

  • Bill and Megan continue their “Bringing It to Life” series, discussing how to identify and manage high conflict personalities in the workplace. They provide insights and strategies for leaders to improve workplace culture.

    Bill and Megan aim to help listeners learn skills to keep conflict small and maintain healthy work environments. In this episode, they focus on limiting the damage caused by toxic employees.

    Recognizing High Conflict Behavior Patterns

    Bill explains the typical behavior patterns of high conflict personalities. These include blaming others, black-and-white thinking, uncontrolled emotions, and taking extreme actions.Megan notes that toxic employees can split work groups and harm morale. Their behavior tends to be rigid and repetitive.They discuss methods to identify whether one or more employees are exhibiting these disruptive patterns.

    Managing High Conflict Employees

    Bill and Megan explore options like coaching, setting limits, and imposing consequences. They note that firing toxic staff may be necessary.They stress the importance of intervening early before the situation escalates. Allowing bullying and chaos enables bad behavior.The hosts explain how removing one high conflict person can calm tensions and shift workplace culture.

    Questions we answer in this episode:

    How do you spot high conflict behavior patterns?Should you keep or fire toxic employees?What happens after a high conflict employee leaves?

    Key Takeaways:

    Look for patterns like blaming, black-and-white thinking, uncontrolled emotions.Don't wait years to address high conflict employees.Removing bullies can transform workplace culture.

    This practical episode provides valuable insights for improving morale and productivity by minimizing the damage caused by high conflict personalities. Bill and Megan offer useful strategies to create a thriving workplace.

    Links & Other Notes

    WEBINAR (FREE)Register here: Bullies in the Workplace — May 10, 2024BOOKSOur New World of Adult BulliesIt’s All Your Fault at Work! Managing Narcissists and Other High Conflict PeopleBIFF at Work: Your Guide to Difficult Workplace CommunicationNEW WAYS FOR WORK COACHES TRAININGCoaches TrainingARTICLESFire or Keep High Conflict EmployeesOur website: https://www.highconflictinstitute.com/Submit a Question for Bill and MeganAll of our books can be found in our online store or anywhere books are sold, including as e-books.You can also find these show notes at our site as well.

    Note: We are not diagnosing anyone in our discussions, merely discussing patterns of behavior.

    (00:00) - Welcome to It's All Your Fault(00:36) - Bring It to Life #2: Impact of HCPs on the Workplace Culture(01:06) - The Scenario(06:54) - One or Both?(09:38) - Contagious(13:05) - Resistant to Change(15:23) - Productivity(18:41) - Aftermath(30:27) - Reminders & Coming Next Week: High Conflict Divorce

    Learn more about our New Ways for Mediation Coaching Sessions. Get started today!