
  • Timestamps

    3:40: Definition and Key Concepts

    11:52 - Genealogy

    22:00 - Key Thinkers

    48:13: WS Theorists before WST

    59:14 Conclusion

    References/Recommended Readings

    Rather than World Systems Analysis: An Introduction, read this essay:

    Immanuel Wallerstein: The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis (1974):


    Walter Rodney - How Europe Underdeveloped Africa: https://monoskop.org/images/8/81/Rodney_Walter_How_Europe_Underdeveloped_Africa_rev_ed_1981.pdf

    Eric Williams - Capitalism and Slavery: https://glc.yale.edu/sites/default/files/pdf/capatlism_and_slavery.pdf

    Immanuel Wallerstein - The Modern World System (vol. 1): https://dl1.cuni.cz/pluginfile.php/495082/mod_resource/content/1/Wallerstein-Modern%20World-System%20I.pdf

    Samir Amin - Unequal Development (1976): https://www.sahistory.org.za/sites/default/files/archive-files3/unequal_development_by_samir_amin.pdf

    Samir Amin - The Future of Maoism (1980):


    Samir Amin - A Note on the Concept of Delinking: (1987) https://open.metu.edu.tr/bitstream/handle/11511/110904/Samir%20AM%C4%B0N%201984-1-2.pdf

    Giovanni Arrighi - The Long Twentieth Century: https://dokumen.pub/the-long-twentieth-century-9781844673049.html

    Andre Gunder Frank - "The Development of Underdevelopment": http://ereserve.library.utah.edu/Annual/POLS/2100/Lehman/pols2100devun.pdf

    George Jackson - Blood in my Eye: https://files.libcom.org/files/2022-08/BloodInMyEye_text_0.pdf

  • On this episode we do a deep dive on the labor aristocracy.


    The first 12:20 seconds: definitions to make this episode more accessible.12:20-18:25: On the fires in LA.18:25- On the Labor Aristocracy58:13: Common questions on the labor aristocracy


    The essay from FRSO that we are responding to:

    Marxism-Leninism and the Theory of Settler-Colonialism in the United States, J. Sykes, December 2024

    Engels to Kautsky, 1882

    Lenin: “The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart, 1907

    The 'Labor Aristocracy' in Context - Barbalet, 1987

    Contemporary Imperialism and the Agrarian Question, Samir Amin, 2012

    ⁠Exploring Working-Class Consciousness: A Critique of the Theory of the 'Labour-Aristocracy" - Charles Post, 2010⁠

    Lenin and the "Aristocracy of Labor" - Eric Hobsbawm, Monthly Review 2012

    The Worker Elite - Bromma, 2014

    The Proletariat of the Privileged Countries Participates in the Exploitation of the Third World - Arghiri Emmanuel, 2021

    AFL-CIO's Secret War Against Developing Country Worker: Solidarity or Sabotage? - Kim Scipes (On LibGen)

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Part two with Dr. Max Ajl, (@maxajl)

    In this episode we discuss the overthrow of Syria. What does this mean for the present.


    The Cradle.co

    Al-Mayadeen English

    Middle East Critique

    Agrarian South

    Journal of Labor and Society

    Excellent podcasts from comrades on Syria ⁠compiled by the Good Shepherd Collective

  • In our inaugural episode with a guest, we are pleased to invite Dr. Max Ajl (@maxajl) to speak about Syria. This is a two part interview. Part one is a historical materialist primer on Syria, the groundwork you need to be able to understand the present moment. Part two will be helping us understand recent developments and de-developments.

    A quick note, as Max works and lives in Tunisia, he says Tunisia/Tunisian at several points when he means Syria/Syrian.


    Patrick Higgins' "Gunning for Damascus: The US War on the Syrian Arab Republic," Middle East Critique

    Max Ajl, "The Political Economy of Thermidor in Syria: National and International Dimensions," from Linda Matar and Ali Kadri's Syria: From National Independence to Proxy War (209-245).

    Linda Matar, "The Political Economy of Investment in Syria"

    Excellent podcasts from comrades on Syria compiled by the Good Shepherd Collective

    For an excellent overview of what happened at the start of the so-called Syrian Civil War, read William Van Wagenen's two part essays

    Salafis Throwing Bombs: How American and British Planners Partnered with al-Qaeda Affiliated Groups at the Start of the Syrian Civil War (Dec. 28, 2021) "Creative Chaos: How U.S. Planners Sparked the Anti-Government Protests of theSo-Called Arab Spring in Syria(Jan. 31,2022)
  • References:

    Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang, "Decolonization is Not A Metaphor": https://clas.osu.edu/sites/clas.osu.edu/files/Tuck%20and%20Yang%202012%20Decolonization%20is%20not%20a%20metaphor.pdf

    "We Remember the Attempts to be Free" Joy James on Black August and the Captive Maternal"


    Max Ajl, "Logics of Elimination and Settler Colonialism: Decolonization or National Liberation?"


    Aijaz Ahmad, In Theory:


    Paulo Freire, Pedagogy in Process: Letters to Guinea-Bissau:


    Curry Malott, How Amilcar Cabral shaped Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy:


    Joma Geneciran, Global Historical Materialism and Decoloniality,"


  • Ending music credit:

    Bambu - "November to Remember": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXG3QxgXgVA


    MAKC - “Opening as Many Fronts as Possible” - Reflections on Palestine Action Us & the Merrimack 4 With Calla Walsh:


    Bayan USA - "Resist Fascism & Imperialism! Build the Mass Movement and Forge Hope through Struggle!":


    Aime Cesaire - Discourse on Colonialism:


    George Jackson - Blood in my Eye:


  • Suggested Readings/Cited Sources:

    Kwame Ture and Charles Hamilton - Black Power: https://mygaryislike.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/black-power-kwame-ture-and-charles-hamilton.pdf

    Rod Bush - We Are Not What We Seem (Chapter 1): https://rodbush.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/we-are-not-what-we-seem-ch-1.pdf

    Rod Bush - The End of World White Supremacy: https://drive.proton.me/urls/CTSPD2FQQM#xATxPdcz3V6i

    Sam Klug - Making the Internal Colony dissertation: https://drive.proton.me/urls/RNAS30145R#gtMlu8c3wHFV

    Will Kujala - The Dialectics of Domestication dissertation: https://era.library.ualberta.ca/items/37128575-cba0-4d10-8302-5f947b4c5990

    The Collected Works of the Black Liberation Army, vol. I - https://rookerypress.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/cwbla-ebook-mdr.pdf

    Robert Allen - Black Awakening in Capitalist Amerikkka: https://www.are.na/block/11409385

    Robert Allen - Reassessing the Internal (Neo) Colonialism Theory: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41069111

    Robert Blauner - Racial Oppression in Amerikkka: https://enriquedussel.com/txt/Textos_200_Obras/Giro_descolonizador/Racial_oppression-Robert_Blauner.pdf

    Charles Pinderhughes - Toward a New Theory of Internal Colonialism: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270140270_Toward_a_New_Theory_of_Internal_Colonialism

    Manu Karuka - Empire's Tracks: https://drive.proton.me/urls/JH8QGBH418#xS1AVyvdgRhZ

    Dylan Rodriguez - White Reconstruction: https://drive.proton.me/urls/QP4H5DTSC4#DaviLqXqDnwt

    Jared Ball and Charles Pinderhughes debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFygMVFCFrU

    Dylan Rodriguez on White Reconstruction (MAKC): https://millennialsarekillingcapitalism.libsyn.com/white-reconstruction-dylan-rodriguez-on-domestic-war-the-logics-of-genocide-and-abolition

    Dylan Rodriguez on White Reconstruction (Rev Left): https://revolutionaryleftradio.libsyn.com/white-reconstruction

  • For questions, clarifications, feedback, DM at:

    IG/Twitter: @jdpod_cast

    IG: @ka.joma

    Twitter: @600cm3 @ka_joma_

    Suggested Readings:

    Max Ajl, "Palestine and the End of Theory": https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19436149.2024.2404338

    Joma Geneciran, "Global Historical Materialism and Decoloniality": https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.62191/ROAPE-2024-0035

    Mondoweiss Interview with Mousa Abu Marzouk: https://mondoweiss.net/2024/10/a-time-of-painful-birth-and-major-transformation-a-senior-hamas-leader-reflects-on-october-7-and-its-aftermath/

    Within Our Lifetime, “To Them, We Are All Outside Agitators: Encampments & Escalation”: https://wolpalestine.com/encampments/

    Palestine Action US, "Flood the Gates, Escalate": https://mondoweiss.net/2024/05/flood-the-gates-escalate/

    Fire Ant Movement Defense, “We Don’t Need Safety: We Need to Escalate” (published by Escalate Network): https://ia600303.us.archive.org/5/items/no-safety/NoSafety.pdf

    James Boggs, The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker's Notebook: https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/amreboggs.html

    Boggs and Hocker, But What About the Workers?: https://drive.proton.me/urls/6V5CQVEA60#gFBL8zWjZPNb

    Liberation Support Movement, Principles of LSM’s Anti-Imperialist Work: https://drive.proton.me/urls/X9K063YV9W#9HwyL7J7IaGQ

    Additional References:

    Insurgency & Counterinsurgency 101 with Dylan Rodríguez - MAKC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OlKVDR_WdE






  • References:

    May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) Principles: ⁠https://archive.org/details/may-19th-principles-of-unity_202105⁠ Anti-Imperialist Network (AIN) Points of Unity: ⁠https://file.io/YCLqt1VaaXzC⁠ Anti-Imperialist Network (AIN Website): ⁠https://anti-imperialist.net/ "Eating the Apple of the World" - Social Investigation and Class Analysis with Dani Manibat" on Millennials are Killing Capitalism

    While Nate and I both went through the tramautic experience that is higher education in Amerikkka, our goal is to make this information as accessible as possible. DM us on Twitter with feedback and questions at @ka_joma_ and/or @600cm3.