E21- 回顧2024 泰國音樂“之最”! Best of 2024 - T-Pop Edition!
事不宜遲 我們也絕不賣關子! 快點進來聽吧!
It's time for us to recap the best of in 2024, the Thai Pop edition!
Among the many talented artistes with songs which stick to us like earworms, we do have our favourites which we share about in this episode! Click now to find out which songs are our top recommendations!
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在黃金時段闖出一片天! - It's Time For New Blood!ー
Starting out from merely a boyband with time limit, to owning a label and managing a stable of artistes together, let's shine the spotlight on this particular CP who has been making waves in the Thai entertainment industry in recent months!
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Eksik bölüm mü var?
近日消息頻頻湧入泰圈 -
最受矚目的應該就是家喻戶曉的Studio Wabisabi旗下藝人/台柱被簽到GMMTV,
The news in the Thai entertainment scene just keeps coming!
How can we not touch the topic about the pioneers of Studio Wabisabi joining GMMTV!
We are here to talk about it and explore the reasons behind and analyse for you what's to come next for them!
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今年的泰國三台終於從只播其他公司製作的BL&GL Series
到如今推出了由自家演員演出的自製BL&GL Series
當年演出My dream the series後被三台簽下的Fluke Pongsapat
及出演了多部Lakorn近期在三台電影TeeYod鬼聲泣裡飾演二哥的Junior Kajbhunditt
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隨著泰腐熱潮襲捲東南亞地區和好幾個國家的當而, 有些公司在這個時期不斷地提拔新人、還有衝刺旗下的老司機們,也從中屢獲了眾多粉絲的心弦。乘這個機會多辦一點粉絲互動的活動和推出周邊商品也正是再好不過。但在安排這些的過程卻有很大進步空間喔。趕快按下Play鍵收聽吧!
With the amount of huge attention Thailand entertainment industry has garnered in recent years, it is no wonder that agencies and companies would take this chance to organise more fan events and fanmeetings to increase interaction between the artistes and fans. We delve into how one such company functions and what could have been better as the demand for Thai BL continues to grow.
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EP 16 - 海裡的小哥哥一個比一個有才!It's T-POP show time !
正當你越聽越多時,就會發現 "天啊!怎麼一個個的都是寶藏男孩"
節目中的意見純粹屬個人意見 并不代表官方或每個人的立場
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/cknt8abszg8rl0856bvx4oqnp
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cknt8abszg8rl0856bvx4oqnp/comments
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EP 15 - 讓我們一起在奇蹟中啟程!Let us begin on a journey of miracles now!
關於2022年只想說 "3臺 你的努力我們看得見!"
原因大概就不得不提到他們破天荒 首次推出「Lakorn- Y」的劇集 「泰迪熊奇緣」
雖是關於男男愛的劇情 但裡面想傳達的訊息
節目中的意見純粹屬個人意見 并不代表官方或每個人的立場
In the era of atypical tropes nowadays, a love story between a teddy bear miraculously turned into a human being and its owner may sound ridiculous to some, but for Channel 3 and their audience, it speaks of a breakthrough into the BL market; a first in the otherwise known family-oriented official television broadcaster.
Despite the title of the series 'The Miracle of Teddy Bear' the series allows the audience to look deeper into the way we form family bonds and how we can shower understanding upon one another when it comes to LGBTQ issues. It's a waste if anyone gives it a miss just because they are not used to lakorn-style productions.
The opinions shared in this podcast is purely based on personal preferences and does not represent anybody officially or in general
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EP 14 - Not Me, Not You, But Everyone #ROL
就因為如此 我們以一位Babii(OG粉絲的稱呼)和一位以平常心對待Offgun 兩個立場的觀後感 來給大家分析”Not Me”劇情中值得一提 或不停吐槽的部分!
微雷⚡️只要你大概懂劇情的發展 就肯定不算是雷(我們已經很盡力了 掌聲鼓勵一下)
*節目中的意見純粹屬個人意見 并不代表官方或每個人的立場*
It’s a huuuge MUST to discuss about Offgun’s latest BL series “Not Me” !!
By far one of the best BL series which is filled with politically-charged messages almost every episode, so much that it does not seem to be a BL series anymore, we sit down together with different points of view (as a BabiI from OG’s fandom and a very neutral BL series supporter) to analyse the best bits and the not-so-good bits of the series. There are some small spoilers ahead but for those who know the plot then it’s nothing much of a spoiler really.
Let’s not wait any further to dissect “Not Me” together!
*The opinions shared in this podcast is purely based on personal preferences and does not represent anybody officially or in general*
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EP 13 - 回顧2021“泰文歌之最”
The best thai songs of 2021
*節目中的意見純粹屬個人意見 并不代表官方或每個人的立場
*The opinions shared in this podcast is purely based on personal preferences and does not represent anybody officially or in general
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/jinjinlaewthai
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cknt8abszg8rl0856bvx4oqnp/comments
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EP 12 - 回顧2021“泰劇之最”
The One where we recap the Best of 2021
所以這次我們來個“2021年泰劇之最”回顧篇 - 分享2021年我們心目中的最佳CP、OST、吻戲(前方預警:主播們超有私心不要見外)、哭戲、等。當然也少不了吐槽、或看完還不懂劇情要説什麽的泰劇!
節目中的意見純粹屬個人意見 并不代表官方或每個人的立場
Time flies and before we know it, we are already in 2022!
However, let's not forget about 2021, where we see the best moments in Thai BL!
Here's our totally biased recap of our 'Best of 2021' - from the best BL CP to the best kiss scenes, we will go through our faves which made it, and also what could have been better for some of the series we tanked through.
Are you ready for our Hall of Fame/Flame? Let's get it!
The opinions shared in this podcast is purely based on personal preferences and does not represent anybody officially or in general
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/jinjinlaewthai
留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cknt8abszg8rl0856bvx4oqnp/comments
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EP 11 - 跨越5:59
What Comes After 5:59?
JMJ這個名字 對你也許有點陌生,
但對Twilight們來說卻意味著一種分道揚鑣 重新開始的滋味
讓我們在這集裡以快訊的方式來說Jameyjames 離開Trinity及4nologue的來龍去脈
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
The mention of ‘JMJ’ may not ring a bell to you, but it speaks of separation and new beginnings for all the Twilight (name of Thai group Trinity’s fandom) out there.
Join us as we bring a short bulletin of news rocking Thailand’s music industry, mainly the shocking split of Jameyjames from Trinity, as well as bringing you more details about the on-going huge collaboration charity event which Trinity will be taking part in as a 3-member group.
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/jinjinlaewthai
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翻開畢業紀念冊 會帶給你怎樣的回憶?
又會有 哪個誰 浮現在你腦海裡?
從一個很簡單的故事 透析每個人的觀點
看似直接的事情 背後藏著的難言之隱 有多少人能夠順利破鏡重圓呢?
讓我們一同翻開畢業紀念冊 再次找回記憶
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Is there a time where you would find your yearbook and flip through it?
What kind of memories would appear then?
Hear us as we give our two cents’ worth on this latest series ‘The Yearbook The Series’.
A simple plot but with multiple perspectives. What’s even more remarkable is that majority of the cast are actually first-timers! A story about a friendship blossoming into something more, but not without a period of angst and unanswered questions, just like all coming-of-age stories.
And maybe you may reminisce a thing or two about your schooling days too.
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/join/jinjinlaewthai
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EP 9 - 向左走,向右走。
The Mass Exodus
Nadao Bangkok最近發了精簡的選角廣告 卻引發了我們的好奇心(?
誰離開了公司 誰又創立了自己的工作室
到底說明了些什麼 尤其對於離開了Nadao Bangkok的藝人來說
除了藝人本身 公司方面又有怎樣的發展及走向?
讓我們在這集裡以邊討論邊推測的方式 為你一一說明!
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
They say, good things don’t last forever. However, great memories do.
Farewell is always not an end, but a new beginning to a chapter.
A simple casting call announced by Nadao Bangkok recently leads us to this open discussion where we come together to talk about the recent movements between companies in the Thai entertainment scene. After leaving Nadao Bangkok, the famous company which has groomed lots of the current stars in the Thai entertainment scene, where does an artiste’s decision lead them to in the greater scheme of things?
What are the company’s plans in lieu of the pandemic and its development?
So much questions, but we don’t have much time.
So hop right into this episode and join us as we wrap up an era together and go to the next!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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讓我們回到2018 一起重溫家庭溫情劇「生日快樂」
從現今回望到過去 去尋找答案 去做個了結
溫馨提示: 有一點雷⚡️ 小心慎入吶
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Join us as we review one of our top fave series from 2018, “Happy Birthday the Series”.
You may be actively avoiding tearjerker plots but you cannot say you have watched Thai series if you haven’t watched this series!
Your tears will be worthwhile, we promise.
Follow the characters as they work backwards to present a bigger picture behind a suicide in a normal middle-class family.
Prepare lots of tissues if you ever decide to watch after hearing our review😅
TW: Spoilers ahead. Enter with caution.
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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繼上一集推薦了2首歌曲後,這集還會推薦多2首目前在泰國Spotify Top 50 排行榜上居位的歌曲!小編們也會透露聽泰國歌曲的契機!到底是怎樣魔性般的吸引,才會讓我們越聊越開心,越撩越精彩!
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Continuing from where we left off from the previous episode, here's two more song recommendations from us based on the current chart-toppers on Spotify Top 50 from Thailand! Join us once again as we delve into the attraction of T-Pop and shed some insight on the current Thai Pop scene!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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不管你曾經是否有聽過泰文歌,或現在正在聽,就絕對不能錯過這集!讓主播們一人介紹2首目前在泰國Spotify Top 50 排行榜上居位的歌曲 肯定讓你聽出耳油!歌曲介紹以外還有小八卦分享給大家哦!
對脫帽音樂節感興趣的朋友們能在YouTube(頻道名稱: Open Hat Festival)上聽到不同歌手樂團的作品!
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
You may have come across some Thai songs or some Thai covers but today here are two song recommendations from each of us based on the current chart-toppers on Spotify Top 50 from Thailand! For those who would like to know more about Thai music or are already listening to Thai songs, this episode is specially made for you! Throughout the podcast there will also be some mini trivia for the background of these songs!
For those who are interested in Open Hat Festival, you can go to YouTube to the Open Hat Festival channel and watch all the online performances from a wide variety of solo artistes, bands and groups in Thailand!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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從平平無奇的第一印象到陷進去 並每個星期不斷追ON檔
其實想一想 欸 這不也是劇中想傳達的信息嘛!
有些人可能開始不怎樣 但後來會成為你/妳生命中不可或缺的另一半
所以記得做護眼保養 才能眼睛發亮 看清楚
今天就讓主播們與你剖析這個醫科及牙科生從“情敵”化為“情人” 背後的戀愛史!
溫馨提示: 這也是全雷⚡房哦 慎入吶
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Fate always have a way with us. That's what we found out after watching Thai BL series, 'Fish Upon The Sky'.
What started out as a normal looking trailer turns out to become one of the Thai BL series which we would recommend at the top of our heads. To think about it, isn't such scenario the same with life too, especially when it comes to friendships and love lives?
Join us as we share our series reviews!
We will go through the fun part and the so not so fun bits.
Also we will be sharing some short trivia with regards to the series so please listen to the end of the podcast for these trivia!
TW: Spoilers ahead. Enter with caution.
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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不單只是戲劇的拍攝進展有所耽誤 也少了很多商演、代言活動等
我們今天與特別來賓聊一點不同的 - 在泰國演藝圈立足的影像工作室Studio Wabisabi :從頭到尾一切都親力親為的公司如何能夠一步一腳印走到今天
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
There's always an opportunity during crisis, and this is what one production studio - Studio Wabisabi, has chosen to do in this pandemic. Join us as we throwback to when it was first established, right down to analysing which direction they are headed for in the very near future!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
Photo credit by Studio wabi sabi
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既然主題就是待播劇 怎能少的了主播們熱力推薦的待播劇之一呢?! 好了,還是趕快點擊Podcast,先聽為快吧!
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
We got down to the gossip buzzing around the industry recently!
Who, what, where, when, how?! Sometimes we do not have the answers ourselves 🤣
Also join us in knowing more about an upcoming series which is sure to tease the action movie fans in us!
Think Infernal Affairs but make it BL! 😍
Sounds incredible, I know right. Don't hesitate, just listen!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@.jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
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在這集裡,主播們想討論 想推薦的劇集又是什麼呢?
途中被施了法的女主角竟活在男兒身 與眾帥哥擦出了許多火花!
故事情節雖有點奇葩 但這樣的Greatest 肯定值得看!
P.S. 喜歡我們的Podcast也能在IG (@jinjinlaewthai) 關注我們!
Thanks for supporting our 2nd episode!
In this episode, we explore what it takes to be The Greatest.
Think drama review and endless gushing about the storyline where a girl is accidentally trapped in a male's body and enrolled into the school where the richest and eligible bachelors are!
Sounds exciting already? Press play right now!
P.S. Find us at our IG (@jinjinlaewthai) to get latest updates in the Thai entertainment scene!
Photo credit by: Nadao Bangkok
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