Everyone have got bored at some point. Monotonous life makes our life less interesting and emotionless. When we say to people that we got bored they didn't give solution for overcome that boredom instead they just give a way to divert ourselves from being bored by watching tv ,movies. So,when you are bored throw yourself into some work which you love to do and you will get happiness which you thought that will never be yours.
This is a story about a Architect who tries to free himself from prior habits and create something new. HUMANS, we naturally possess the physical routines in our lives.We see the same people and do the same things and our mind follow these patterns.we trained to fit in with the group and started to follow their ideas while losing our individual ideas by trying to fit in. Hear this story this message to break up this pattern and how this architect came up with an approach to overcome that. sometimes we find ourselves in the dead end feeling blocked , like no way out. Remember this, we got ended up their because we followed the same idea as others did but when we approach with our different ideas, we will get a way out.so,we should find an different approach for ourselves when we particularly feel blocked and uncreative. Share this with your friends if you liked this story and comment your opinion.
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This is the story about a world famous person "what did he do when people judge him". Many of us felt being judged by our actions, words, style and starts to think this question " what should we do when people judge us ?". Hear this story message to know the solution to this million dollar question. Also don't let people define you by their judgement by not taking control of this process.
This is the story about Italian Painter, architect and poet who transferred himself into high renaissance artist by learning a small skill which is requisite for every dreamer who wants to achieve his/her dream. Often we begin a project with the wrong end like imagining the money and glory it will bring if we succeed but we often lose patience because of small steps to get there it is not exciting as the ambitious vision in our head . we must try the opposite approach to achieve it. So hear this story message to learn an essential skill for mastering any craft.
This is the story of Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens , who overcame all his odds to achieve his dream even though others didn't believe in him. We can learn a valuable lesson from his life that would help you to achieve your dream.
This a story about the first Afro-American world heavyweight boxing champion. He is nicknamed the "Galveston Giant".Many of you haven't heard about him because it happened long ago. Hear his story to learn the valuable lesson for life.
There is a way to escape from your Dads criticism you can add this in your Escape manual.
Be careful at what we are throwing at someone
A dog proud of his bell but everyone doesn't
The boy learned most valuable lesson in his young change that could transform our life
A wandering Astronomer finds the Purpose of life. The biggest secret we find when see above or when see below
How to wolf disguised and deceived the sheep??
Two Game cock and The Eagle