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What happens when Snoop, an experienced dog detective from London, gets sent to small-town Pflugerville to train clueless puppy Sniffy as an undercover agent? Mystery! Adventure! And CHAOS! Seriously -- the town of Pflugerville isn’t dullsville like Snoop expected and he quickly realizes that he can’t handle all the action without Sniffy by his side. Even when they’re able to turn a blind eye to the alien superheroes and villains battling it out for control of Pflugerville, Snoop and Sniffy have their paws full on Bark Street with hilarious busy bodies like Loraine the Neighborhood-Watch duck, Poot the Groundhog and Fred the Squirrel popping ‘round! Do you love to laugh? Do you love animals? Do you have the brightest mind since Sherlock Holmes? Yes?! Then tag along with us for the fun and see if YOU can help Snoop and Sniffy solve some mysteries!
For even more fun and exclusive content, check out the brand new Snoop and Sniffy Club at or follow this link to subscribe: Unlock ad-free episodes, weekly animations, downloadable activities, birthday shout-outs and much more!
Snoop and Sniffy need your help to crack the case in Pflugerville! Can you keep up? Subscribe today and join the chase! -
بودكاست حكايات جدتي من إنتاج وتقديم تطبيق ألف بي أطفال لتعليم اللغة العربية وتطوير المهارات الإبداعية والمعرفية لجميع مراحل رياض الأطفال، حكايات وقصص تربوية رائعة ومشوقة تغني مفردات الطفل العربية وتساعده على التحدث والتعبير بطلاقة، تغذي خياله وتعلّمه القيم والأخلاق الحسنة
Magiska Godnattsagor är en spännande och rolig podd för barn i alla åldrar. I varje avsnitt läser vi upp en helt unik, ai-genererad saga baserat på lyssnarnas ideér. Förutom spännande godnattsagor så blir det också rolig fakta om olika ämnen. Stötta podden och få tillgång till våra klubbavsnitt. Skicka in dina önskemål på
قصهها و داستانهای شیرین برای کودکان
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Cuentos infantiles para disfrutar en Familia
Ever wonder what takes place at the North Pole on a regular basis? How about, how many elves are at the North Pole? Do the elves go to School? What is the North Pole Reading Tree.
Well this is the right place to be...follow along throughout the year and you to can be a special North Pole Insider. -
Vilgot är en pojke som inte kan sova. Han är trött, men alla tankar och funderingar får honom att hamna i ett läge mellan vaket och sovande tillstånd där märkliga saker sker. Eller, sker dom aldrig?
Bālagokul is delighted to present a retelling of the stories about our dear Lord Sri Krishna from the Srimad Bhagavatam Maha Purana, Canto 10.
We hope that the stories fill your hearts with the divine love of the dearest most merciful and loving Lord, Lord Sri Krishna!
Happy Listening! -
Today I talk about the Spiral of Silence theory and how it has evolved over time in today’s age of social media. Enjoy my stories, personal opinions, and research on the spiral of silence in this THRILLING 23 minutes of fun.
Weston Wonder, 4 years old, came up with the idea and name for his very own podcast! We discuss everything that interests a 4 year old boy.
We’re all back this season: our beloved George and CLEO; our narrator Stephen DeRosa (fresh off a production of The Queen of Versailles with the one and only Kristin Chenoweth); our newly minted sixth-grader Maya; and your host, Tavia Gilbert.
By way of a quick recap, The Social Contract follows ten-year-old BFFs Georgie and GiGi, co-presidents of their fourth-grade homeroom class at Our Lady Queen of Peace Elementary School, right in the nation’s capital.
As we share in their adventures, Georgie and GiGi learn about – and sometimes even meet – some of the most important figures in U.S. history. -
Hello and welcome to this podcast.I am going to read you stories about mythology, all from books created by Rick Riordan. I hope you enjoy my episodes!
Calm, bedtime read-aloud childrens books, tales and short stories with Joseph. Inspired by the many nights reading aloud to my book-loving daughter, Eleanor.
"Femmor snackar" är en podd för mellanstadiet. Femmorna snackar om sociala medier, myter och legender, kärlek, vänskap och mycket annat intressant.
Welcome to Lila Stories! Lila TV’s children's stories channel for kids!
We're here to bring the magic of kids storytelling to your little ones’ activities, quality time, and bedtime routine. Our channel features traditional fairy tales for kids, classic adaptations of children's stories, educational stories for children, as well as some original stories created just for you! Our stories not only entertain, but also teach valuable lessons and showcase the beauty of storytelling and moral stories for kids.
!مرحبًا بكم في قصص ليلا تي في
قناة ليلا تي في المخصّصة لقصص الأطفال! نحن هنا لنجلب سحر رواية القصص إلى أنشطة صغاركم، لحظاتهم المميّزة، وروتين وقت النوم . تعرض قناتنا حكايات تقليدية، اقتباسات كلاسيكية لقصص الأطفال، وقصص تعليمية للصغار، بالإضافة إلى بعض القصص الأصلية التي تم تأليفها خصّيصاً لكم! لا تقتصر قصصنا على الترفيه فحسب، بل تعلّم أيضًا دروسًا قيمة وتعرض جمال سرد القصص ذات حكمة وعبرة مفيدة وممتعة. -
Kelsey’s podcast (she’s 3 years old)
In deze podcast nemen Nathan en Lavezzi je mee in de wereld van Leonardo da Vinci, hun eerste boek Het verdwenen meesterwerk, onopgeloste mysteries en nog veel meer!
Volg de podcast en mis geen aflevering!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
2 brothers talking about the things they love.