In this edition of the podcast, we're talking with forensic anthropologist Vasiliki Louka, a PhD candidate from the University of Leicester. She studies human remains and aims to identify people from them. How does she do it? Why is it important? How do you end up doing this research? All this and more in this episode.
A big thank you to all my supporters on Patreon:
Daniel Rouquette
If you would like to get a shoutout in the show notes or the episode or if you just would like to support me visit my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/lefterisasks
I really appreciate it <3
Find out more about Dr. Mishor and her work: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4006-3789
The research that started our discussion: https://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/sniff-aggression
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I hope you enjoy the episode.
When you buy the human pheromone oils online... what are you actually buying? What are pheromones? How do we measure aggression? all these questions and more are going to be answered in today's episode with Dr. Eva Mishor from the Weizmann Institute of Science.
A big thank you to all my supporters on Patreon:
Daniel Rouquette
If you would like to get a shoutout in the show notes or the episode or if you just would like to support me visit my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/lefterisasks
I really appreciate it <3
Find out more about Dr. Mishor and her work: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4006-3789
The research that started our discussion: https://wis-wander.weizmann.ac.il/life-sciences/sniff-aggression
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I hope you enjoy the episode.
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Episode 30 is here and we talk about corporations, the digital world, Super Apps and how people in academia study these concepts. To do this we discuss with Ms. Roslina Chai an executive doctoral researcher from Ecole des Ponts in Paris.
A big thank you to all my supporters on Patreon:
Daniel Rouquette
If you would like to get a shoutout in the show notes or the episode or if you just would like to support me visit my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/lefterisasks
I really appreciate it <3
Find out more about Ms. Chai and her work: https://www.roslinachai.com/
Help Ms. Chai in her research IF YOU ARE IN SINGAPORE: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1ZlbE2blOwuIO9CmYfd87Ft2AlPkkZ5vpcPYL-ZCRBBHu8A/viewform?usp=send_form
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I hope you enjoy the episode.
Aaaaaaaaaand we're back! For this 29th edition of the show, an old familiar face is returning. Dr. Aled Roberts made the rounds of the internet a couple of months ago with his research about creating construction material using astronaut blood! His work even made an appearance at the Stephen Colbert show that gave him the nickname Dr. Acula!
A big thank you to all my supporters on Patreon:
Daniel Rouquette
If you would like to get a shoutout in the show notes or the episode or if you just would like to support me vitit my patreon page: https://patreon.com/lefterisasks
I really appreciate it <3
Find out more about Dr. Robert's work: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=PXnhKpgAAAAJ&hl=en
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I hope you enjoy the episode.
Before I take a break and work towards making the podcast better and more accessible, I leave you with a different kind of episode.
I met Dr. Hamid Khan from the charity Sense About Science and we discussed the best way to actually discuss matters of science. Why are some people falling into the conspiracy theory traps? What can scientists do better in order to make their work more accessible?
I hope you enjoy this episode and I'll be back sooner than you think ;-)
Find out more about Hamid Khan: https://senseaboutscience.org/team/hamid-khan/
Find out more about Sense about Science: https://senseaboutscience.org/
Ask for Evidence: https://askforevidence.org/index
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What makes us conscious? What parts of our brains are active when we sleep vs when we're awake? I met with Andrea Luppi a cognitive scientist with a background in philosophy that is interested to find out how the brain works and what makes us humans conscious.
Find out more about Andrea Luppi: https://www.neuroscience.cam.ac.uk/directory/profile.php?al857
Link to the work discussed in the podcast: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.10.244459v1
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Dr. Booto has conducted his PhD in Applied Sustainability and Life Cycle Thinking in Big Infrastructure projects at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) which he has finalized in 2020. His research areas encompass environmental modelling and optimization using life cycle assessment (LCA) and other life cycle management (LCM) tools to analyze, evaluate and improve the environmental profile of products, processes and services in the energy, transport and waste sectors. Gaylord has strong experience in modelling heavy vehicles powertrains – from the energy and environmental perspective – as well as clean energy systems (fuel cells, biomass conversion, waste valorization
Link to the work discussed in the podcast: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1361920921001395
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First time in more than a year met in three-dimensional space with a researcher. Ms. Krithika Arumugam from Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering. She helped me understand DNA Sequencing and genomes.
Krithika Arumugam SCELSE page: https://www.scelse.sg/People/Detail/770a9e99-97c2-4c13-b470-a1631db35409
Link to the work discussed in the podcast:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41522-021-00196-6
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Learning about the social life of gorillas is quite more exciting than you think it is. This week I chatted with Dr. Robin Morrison from the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund international. We talked about orphan gorillas and how they manage to beat the odds with the help of their group. What is the social structure of a group of gorillas? and how do researchers try to study gorillas and their social interactions by observing them and being part of their daily lives
Read more about Dr. Robin Morrisons' work: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1I9_QM0AAAAJ&hl=en
Read the article about orphan gorillas beating the odds here: https://gorillafund.org/motherless-gorillas-beat-the-odds-for-both-gorillas-and-humans-it-takes-a-village-to-raise-a-child/
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What is ferroelectricity? Where is it used? Why do we do research on them? (soon to be Dr.) Christina Stefani is helping me understand all these questions and explains to me how she works with atomic force microscopy...
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What’s the psychology of heavy metal music? what is the culture of the community? How are people with disabilities represented in it?
To answer these questions I had a great chat with Dr. Kyle J. Messick a psychologist that received his Ph.D. from the University of Coventry.
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Find out more about Dr. Messick and his work:
Publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0452-0922
What is hate speech? What is the best way to counter hate speech? How can mathematics, and Artificial Intelligence help us answer these questions and restore civility in online discourse? These are the things we discussed with Dr. Joshua Garland and Dr. Mirta Galesic from the Santa Fe Institute.
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Find out more about Dr. Garland, Dr. Galesic and their work:
In a time where you don't know which news are real and which are fake, Panayiotis Smeros and the team at EPFL are trying to find the best method of identifying trusted sources of information.
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Find out more about Panayiotis and his work: https://panayiotis.smeros.info/
News Teller: https://newsteller.io/
SciLens: http://scilens.epfl.ch/
How does our brain work? Do we even know exactly? How does your brain choose the words to say at any given situation? This week I meet cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Evangelia Balatsou that through her research tried to answer all these questions.
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Find out more about Dr. Balatsou and her work:
Linking academia with the industry is not an easy task. Dr. Anirudh Venkatraman from NUS is going to walk us through his process by discussing erosion its problems and what are the tools engineers need in order to work more efficiently in the field.
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Find out more about Dr. Venkatraman and his work:
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=rWAny9UAAAAJ
LinkdIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anirudhvkrishnan/
Greetings humans. I've been waiting for a long time to discuss game theory with an expert and Dr. Aris Filos Ratsikas is an Assistant Professor at the University of Liverpool. He is kind enough to explain to me what is game theory, how is it used in day to day life and what are the main problems that game theory researchers face?
If you want to find out more about Dr. Ratsikas find more of his work here: https://arisfilosratsikas.com/
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Greetings humans! In this edition of the podcast we will talk with Gyo Kitahara, A PhD Student from the University of Tokyo. He recently published a paper about a new method of printing organic transistors. Find out what's special about his method and the organic transistors through our discussion [=
Find the paper here: :https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/6/41/eabc8847
See more of Gyo Kitahara's work here: http://hsgw.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/english/member/personal/kitahara.html
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Games have been a great source of story telling, entertainment and indeed education since their inception. This last aspect of education is what we will discuss in this edition of Lefteris asks science with Dr. Maria Saridaki.
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Find out more about Dr. Maria Saridaki's work:
Contact Dr. Saridaki: msaridaki@gmail.com
Greetings humans.
I'm launching a weekly newsletter with my favorite science news from a wide range of disciplines. Subscribe to the link below to get news from websites like Nature, Lancet, Nautilus, Scientific American etc.
Subscribe to the newsletter here: http://lefterisasks.com/newsletter
The sex life of insects is more interesting and more everchanging that you might think. Join me today as I ask Dr. Zac Wylde from the University of New South Wales questions about entomology (the study of insects) and evolution.
Find out more about Dr. Wylde in his website here: https://wyldescience.com/
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