
  • There comes a stage in training where week-to-week progress grinds to a halt, and it is often met with feeling like you have regressed or are stuck. You can even stretch this timeline out, and it might feel like noticeable progress doesn't happen for months. This can be a difficult realisation to overcome, and it is a constant battle that challenges many athletes and coaches.

    But progress doesn't have to be measured by adding more weight to the bar or knocking off seconds on your interval split times. A lot of CrossFit is about maintaining your abilities under more duress and fatigue.

    In this episode, we discuss some other, more discreet ways to measure progress and see if an athlete is improving. We talk about how this applies to different training modalities and how we can harness it to help motivate athletes, along with some other thoughts and ideas about programming.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [2:30] The goal of training is to create adaptation [4:30] Alternative and discreet measures of progress [6:00] Progress happens under the curve [8:45] Athlete confidence or progress? [10:00] Tricking athletes with different styles of programming [11:30] Accumulating work as a form of improvement [13:30] Making your performance more durable [14:45] Durability of gymnastics skills [17:00] Being flexible with gymnastics programming
  • For someone devoting themselves to the sport of CrossFit, the way they train and approach competition is pretty clear-cut. Similarly, for the person doing classes to be healthy and stay fit, the way you train is clear-cut. But for the person who wants to do local competition, treat CrossFit as a recreational sport, but isn't interested in overstretching themselves, it can be more challenging.

    It's this messy middle ground that can be hard for athletes and coaches to navigate. The sport of CrossFit is different from the training methodology, and it's a challenge to try to get the best from both.

    In this episode of the podcast, we discuss our experiences working in gyms where this comes up and remote coaching athletes who try to do this. We also talk about some ways CrossFitters can take themselves a little less seriously in their training but still get something from the competitive side of the sport. We also discuss the recent move towards endurance activities for many CrossFitters as they get older and transition out of the sport.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] Competing but not taking it too seriously [2:20] Competitors at South Loop SC [4:30] Competitors at CrossFit Omnia [6:30] CrossFit as a methodology versus a sport [8:13] Competitive landscape in different countries [9:30] When it might be inappropriate for someone to compete [13:30] Behaviour and competitiveness other recreational sports compared to CrossFit [16:00] Compartmentalising training and competing in CrossFit [17:30] Magical thinking in competitive CrossFit [19:00] CrossFitters transitioning into more endurance style events
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  • Continuing with our very timely podcast release schedule about this year's CrossFit Games season, this week's podcast features a recap of the semi-finals for one of Jon's athletes, Jacob Schmidt.

    This year, Jacob switched to individual competition after competing at the games for CrossFit Omnia's team in the last few years. Jacob's preparation was by no means a walk in the park. He had to get used to a different competition style, start training for a competition he didn't plan on doing and manage an acute back injury right when he should have been practising the workouts.

    Check out this episode to hear Jon's reflection on all of this, as well as our usual unsolicited opinions on scoring, competition organisation, and the structure of the games.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:20] Making the jump from team to individual competition [4:20] Switching training focus from the games to semi finals [7:00] Scoring in quarter finals, semi finals and the games [9:30] Managing an acute back injury during prep [12:20] Training for the tests after workouts are released [16:50] The Snatch event
  • A little late on posting this topical podcast. Here are our thoughts on the quarter-finals penalties that happened this season. Jon experienced firsthand as a coach how these penalties were rolled out this year. Check out this episode where we discuss the events of this season, live versus in person competition as well as how these situations could be resolved in future years and competitions.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] The penalties in this years quarter finals [5:00] Jon's experience with the penalties and his athletes [7:30] Judging online versus in person [10:30] Nitpicking movements in slow motion [15:00] Video review in other sports [17:25] Real time movement versus snapshot movement [18:30] Grouping recreational athletes with the world elite [19:30] Balancing bad calls and nitpick enforcement of the rules [22:00] Logistical burden of running the CF Games season [25:00] Not reviewing everyone
  • It is easy to lose sight of the bigger picture in the fitness and performance industry. There is a lot of misleading information that coaches and athletes have to sift through, which is difficult when the information is accurate most of the time.

    But do many of these claims move the needle and improve an athlete on the things that matter? Does doing a lot of zone two work help with CrossFit performance? Do certain mobility protocols help with recovery?

    In this podcast, we discuss developing skepticism with certain things in training and coaching and share some of the things we have fallen for as younger, more gullible coaches.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:30] Overly scientific claims in the fitness and training industry [3:00] Knees Over Toes [5:15] Structural balance [9:30] Overly mechanistic explanations [11:30] Using studies to support claims [14:00] Making claims about the 'one' missing thing [17:30] Going all in on something [19:20] The appeal of very technical explanations [20:00] Luke's zone two rant [24:30] What slows people down in CrossFit workouts
  • This year's quarter-finals workouts were well received by the CrossFit community as a whole. Many enjoyed the simplicity of the workouts, which provided a good challenge for athletes of various levels.

    We saw workouts that were more compartmentalised than in previous years. There was less chaos, simpler skills, and no crushingly high volume of work on things like GHD sit-ups. The workouts this year actually present some useful retests and KPIs for athletes to use in their training.

    In this episode, we discuss what we liked and didn't like about the workouts, where we see their utility in testing and benchmarks, and how we will change our programming to adjust to these changes.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:30] The ever changing landscape of the CrossFit Games season [3:00] This years quarter finals programming [5:20] Compartmentalising skills in [7:00] Using this years workouts as benchmarks and KPIs [9:00] You don't need to be peaked to do these workouts unlike before [11:00] Balancing the workouts for different levels [13:00] The legibility of the workouts helping make training decisions [18:00] What we're going to change in our programming this year
  • Qualifiers can be a stressful experience for athletes. The online leaderboard and the doubt created by not seeing other athletes perform all make for potentially neurotic self-comparison. With quarter-finals being much easier to qualify for, the open has less weight than in previous years. And now you're starting to see athletes say they are not interested in peaking for the open, who then get upset when they perform not to where they expected. Managing the psychology and framing expectations for athletes is very important. Because letting emotions spiral out of control and overreacting can be a big disservice to your performance in the later stages of the season. This week, we discuss all things disappointment in qualifiers and specifically the open. We also touch on the importance of enjoyment in training and why in-person competitions are the way to go.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] Why can athletes get too caught up in qualifiers [3:00] Self comparison spiralling out of control [4:15] The variance in the tests have a significant impact [6:30] Doing the open when you're not peaked yet [8:00] Getting carried away with competition when you don't need to [9:30] Training during the open for an athlete focused on quarter finals [11:00] Framing what a good performances are for the athlete [15:30] Being objective with the leaderboard [17:00] Enjoying your training and doing in person competitions
  • Often, when someone comes through the ranks of class workouts and starts to contemplate competing in CrossFit, they conjure up an image of their training having to dramatically change to "take it to the next level". In reality, they need to get more exposure to the sport and develop experience.

    Telling someone to do more of the sport can seem like a cop-out answer, but there is so much to work on and develop in CrossFit; it can take a few years to see where you need to focus your training. In this episode, we talk about how an athlete can get more exposure in an intelligent and structured way. We also discuss the timeline of progress that different athletes have in the sport.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:30] Getting more exposure to the sport [3:50] Structuring your training more like a competitor [7:00] Getting experience to help with pacing [8:30] The low hanging fruit when getting started [11:15] Benefits to focusing on training hard and being consistent [14:00] Quickest timeline from beginner to semi-finals [22:00] Patterns of progress with different athletes
  • After a competition, athletes are usually keen to get to work and train for potential weaknesses highlighted in the competition. But often, this is too hasty, and it's wise to have a process figured out on how to approach the review and planning post-competition period.

    This week, we discuss some of our processes for reviewing an athlete's performance after a competition, reducing the noise, and clarifying what needs work. Do you follow what the leaderboard says or go off of the subjective experience of the athlete? Do you let the athlete take the lead, and what happens when their intuition is wrong? Often, surprises come up in competition, which might be hard for the athlete to deal with, but it usually creates a more profound learning experience. Check out this episode to learn more on how to approach this period.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [3:00] What Luke does in his coaching [6:10] How to debrief after a competition [7:30] Getting surprised on things in competition [9:15] The effects of competition on your health [15:00] What changes do you make in training [17:30] Keeping training reactive and dynamic [20:00] When athletes have the wrong takeaway [22:00] Letting athletes having their input even if they're not on the right track
  • Since Adrian Bozman has led the programming for the CrossFit Games, each season has seen more variety in the skills and movements involved.

    From the max sandbag to shoulder event at the games to learning cross-over single unders in class, everyone in the sport has felt this inclusion of new skills in some way. This shift in the programming pays homage to the roots of CrossFit, and acts as another variable to progressing the sport, as you can only increase weights and volume to a certain extent.

    In this week's episode, we discuss developing these new skills in training, which skills have been good inclusions (or not), and how to best introduce these skills into competition.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [3:00] Why are we seeing more higher skilled gymnastics movements [6:00] Having to learn new movements on the spot at the CrossFit Games [7:00] What skills are good to learn that shouldn't be tested in competition [9:30] Trying to get ahead on the possible new skills coming up [11:30] What makes some of these skills harder to judge [15:30] Does "just figure it out" make a good event [17:00] Does CrossFit test athleticism [19:30] How can CrossFit include new skills better
  • In a data-heavy sport like CrossFit, it can be pretty easy for athletes to get overwhelmed when setting goals. You have your placings in the open and other competitions and your training numbers. We don't have much control over leaderboards and tend to overestimate what we can achieve in our training when increasing numbers.

    In this episode, we talk about goal setting for CrossFit, how it can be easy to get overly invested in the open and why competing can help you enjoy your training and give you the experience you need to improve.

    Check out this episode to learn when data can be helpful and when it can be less helpful in goal setting and know why athletes who manage chaos and setbacks tend to do better in the sport.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:30] Goal setting in CrossFit [2:30] Over investing in the open [5:30] Enjoying your training [6:30] Glorifying obsessive and driven CrossFit Games Athletes [10:00] When people do well with goal setting [13:00] Keeping people engaged in training [16:00] Using competitions to guide your goals [22:00] When data isn't helpful [27:00] Managing chaos and handling setbacks well [30:00] Jon is mentally tough
  • Recently, CrossFit announced a price increase for the yearly affiliation fee and that you must also hold a CrossFit Level 2 qualification to open an affiliate. This episode is a topical one, where we talk about the value of the CrossFit name now, whether the price increase is warranted and whether this is acting as a filter to elevate the brand name of CrossFit.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [0:30] What is the CrossFit affiliation fee [3:30] Why is there a price increase? [6:00] Jon's thoughts on the price increase [11:00] Is CrossFit becoming less popular [19:00] Why do you need a level two before opening an affiliate now? [23:00] Is the level two prerequisite overall a positive thing? [30:00] What does Greg Glassman say about all this on Instagram
  • Since the first CrossFit Games, there have been certain trends that athletes have adopted to excel in the sport. There have always been those athletes who do well under the direction of a coach and others who might be more independent or even train with a group of fellow competitors.

    But as the sport grows and coaching businesses grow with it, you're starting to see a lot of athletes training under a training camp model. You're even finding that many of the best athletes from years past are heading up these camps. But how many of the top performers at the CrossFit Games train at these camps?

    Using training camps to facilitate competition in training has its advantages, but does the group aspect of the training get in the way of long-term development for athletes?

    This week, we talk about the upsides and potential drawbacks of a group training model versus an individualised approach and discuss what the role and impact of a coach might be to higher-level athletes.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [0:30] Training camps in the US and Europe [4:00] When athletes bounce around training camps and programmes [5:00] How much do the interpersonal dynamics effect athletes staying on [7:00] Balancing training environment, competitions and individual training needs [9:30] Athletes getting paid to follow programmes [13:00] What would yield the best results - unstructured group training or structured individualisation? [16:30] Athletes not feeling good enough for a individualised programme [19:40] Does coaching matter at the top level? [22:30] What kind of impact can coach actually have on an athletes overall development
  • Team competition back in the earlier days of CrossFit consisted of relay-style workouts, where the total score was the sum of individual efforts. This style of workout meant that the training could primarily be individual, and often you would see a broader range of abilities in team, maybe with one athlete always getting bottlenecked by a certain weight or skill. Now we see elements like the worm, synchronised reps and different workout structures that make team competition more about the team.

    In this episode, we discuss balancing a CrossFit Games team's individual and team training, with Jon providing insight into the preparation for CrossFit Omnia. Here are some of the interesting topics discussed in this episode;

    We often hear about teammates pushing each other in workouts to go harder, but does it work the other way around? Do athletes subconsciously slow down and go easier when others call for rest? Do those team dynamics work both ways?

    One of the key things to consider when managing the distribution of team and individual is weighing up the trade-offs between practicing team workouts and not quite getting the right stimulus for everyone versus doing individual workouts where it's easier to get everyone hitting the desired stimulus.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] How does Jon manage the team training at CrossFit Omnia [5:00] The distribution of team workouts vs individual workouts for team athletes [7:00] Why is doing team workouts important? [8:00] Worm work for teams [13:00] Does teamwork detract from an athlete's overall fitness [17:00] Team dynamics slowing performances down [21:45] The right distribution of team and individual training for team athletes during the season
  • CrossFit recently announced another round of season changes to the CrossFit Games, most notably increasing the field for quarter-finals qualification and decreasing the available games spots at semi-finals in some of the strongest regions. With frequent changes to the season structure in the last five years, who has been the most affected by this, and how does it impact the sport for some competitors?

    This week, we talk about how the bubble athlete usually gets affected the most and how this can be frustrating when this majority makes up the ecosystem for the sport. We also discuss other ways in which the season could work and how fewer qualifiers and more in-person competitions are more of what every athlete needs in the sport. We'd like to hear from you, the listeners, and see if you have any ideas on how this could work better and how you feel that the season changes will impact your season as a coach or athlete. Drop us a message on Instagram.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] News, entertainment and British tabloids [3:45] Barbell Spin is "of the people" apparently [5:00] Recent season changes announcement [10:00] Does increasing the field for quarter finals impact qualification for semi finals? [15:00] Does the programming matter as much now as the field becomes stronger? [18:00] Bubble athletes getting the rough end of the changes all the time [20:00] Is there a better way to structure the season [25:00] Athletes placing different at in-person competitions compared to qualifiers? [27:30] Can we structure the season like other sports?
  • This week, we look at Flux Training intervals again and how a coach might programme that for a CrossFit athlete. We also touch on some different, less tangible KPIs to look at when measuring an athlete's performance or improvement, mainly an athlete's ability to recover while doing work and how Flux Training can help build the fitness and pacing skills to do that.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [1:00] Luke's recent use of Flux Training with his athletes [4:30] Making work intervals slower to keep the recover intervals more productive [6:10] Using flux training with mixed work [10:30] Alternative ways of measuring improvement in interval training [14:30] Keeping workouts aerobic or being able to recover while doing work [18:00] The difference between endurance sports and CrossFit [21:30] How to programme this for a CrossFit athlete?
  • Zone two training has done the rounds and is gaining much attention from the competitive scene. CrossFit, being an “endurance sport”, is an idea that is gaining popularity, and big names like Mat Fraser and Chris Hinshaw talking about the importance of low-intensity endurance work has made this training type of training pretty popular recently. But is it effective for improving someone’s endurance for metcons and typical CrossFit? It could be what a powerful and fast twitch athlete needs, but it might also be like trying to get a stronger squat by just doing accessory work. Flux training is an approach to interval training that is more flexible, emphasising rolling on and off of higher and lower intensity paces, which captures the sports-specific pacing of CrossFit quite well. The circuit nature of CrossFit usually entails that pacing is more variable and less consistent than your usual endurance event, and this is something that flux training embraces. Check out this episode for why flux training might be a better option than traditional intervals.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [3:30] Easy aerobic work is like doing accessory work for strength training [5:00] Do people have enough time to do all these extra zone two sessions [7:00] Figuring out how to sneak in easier endurance training [10:00] The opportunity cost for regular people versus professional athletes [11:15] Increasing volume tolerance for the sport or junk volume [13:30] The ceiling on someones endurance [15:30] What is flux training? [19:00] Starting with very structured intervals as a beginner athlete/coach [20:00] Athletes trying to turn fartlek or flux style training into structured intervals [21:30] Flux training being a better tool for the average athlete [23:30] Developing intuition as an athlete [26:15] Is running a better training tool than other endurance modalities
  • In this episode, Jon shares his experience at the CrossFit Games, coaching CrossFit Omnia to another top-ten finish in the team division. We talk a lot about balancing the weight and order of the events with cuts at the games. This year saw the cuts happening after two days of a heavy engine focus in the programming, which would have affected a lot of teams and athletes that might be more suited to typical CrossFit style events. Is this something to be expected at the CrossFit Games, or could it be managed better? Check out this episode to hear about Jon’s experience at the games and our thoughts on all things programming, cuts and strategy for the games.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [0:45] Jon’s reflection on the 2023 CrossFit Games [2:00] Omnia’s performance on the first two days [5:45] Taking risks in competition [8:00] Is there a way to ‘game’ the games? [9:30] The engine biased events at the games [11:30] Why are European teams generally better at endurance based events [13:30] The tactics of the bike event [17:30] Heavily strategy based events at the games [20:00] Cuts at the games and the order of the workouts [24:30] Is the games improving and getting better? [26:45] The testing determines the results
  • Is a testing phase of training a reliable assessment for a new athlete coming on board? It's practical, but it's essentially condensing the things you'll find out in training and competition into 1-2 weeks. Many athletes don't want to do it as well. They are usually more eager to start training and stay productive through that initial stage.

    One direction all of our coaching styles has moved towards more is creating an initial training phase, where testing might be a part of that, but the emphasis is on the training. Having a common starting point for your athletes is a good way of covering all your bases as a CrossFit coach. From there, the programme can evolve, and the training priorities emerge from the training as time goes on.

    In this week's episode, we talk about how we onboard athletes and how using common training progressions can help create more predictable and reliable results and give something more familiar to navigate when trying to move an athlete forward on something. Imagine writing different progressions for the problems you often see in multiple athletes. Recycling previous progressions, and making adjustments of course, can help you make more effective decisions as you start to notice patterns in various athletes.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [0:30] Creating a common starting point for athletes with a programme [1:45] Using repeated progressions with athletes to make results more predictable [3:20] Using a Saturday throwdown style workout to build the athletes profile [4:00] What does the first week of training look like [5:00] Distribution of working on specific and general things for the athlete [6:15] How the training programme evolves through iteration [8:10] Do people actually want to do testing weeks? [10:20] Using competitions as more reliable data than testing in training [15:00] Using the first period of training to identify training priorities [18:00] Structuring and organising progressions
  • What makes training difficult isn't the challenge of getting someone fitter and stronger. It's understanding how to keep athletes improving for a long time

    What happens when it feels like you stop improving? In a sport where you get punished more for your weaknesses than you do rewarded for your strengths, finding ways to progress long-term is essential. But maybe our framing of improvement needs to evolve with time spent in sport. We might need to look more granularly at our skills and develop them this way.

    In this episode, we look into some of the ways we can start feeling like we're not improving and ways to combat this and still make training challenging, engaging and ultimately get you closer to your training goals.

    If you're not already subscribed to our newsletter, head over to www.legionsc.com to get a weekly selection of training tips and our favorite articles.

    We run online workshops for coaches as well. Find out when our next workshop is here: https://legionsc.com/program-design-workshops

    These podcasts are posted in video format on YouTube as well.

    Show Notes: [3:00] When do athletes start to feel like they're not improving [4:00] Athletes should reframe their expectations [6:15] Ceilings on performance in CrossFit do exist [9:00] Structuring training priorities for more advanced and experienced athletes [10:50] Good responders to training are not the norm [12:30] Finding a way of making yourself productive on things you're limited on [14:30] Going down the specificity route too hard [16:00] Repetition without repetition with skill acquisition [19:30] Giving people more variation to keep motivation [21:00] Keeping training different and interesting for those that train alone [23:00] Do coaches know if what they programme is going to work? [24:00] Working on your weaknesses and GOAT day! [25:30] Making training progressions more narrowly defined