Brandy Anderson spent years wrestling with big life questions but the answers never quite felt complete. Her deep curiosity and relentless search for truth led her on a journey of study, reflection, and self-discovery, ultimately guiding her toward a more contemplative and expansive spirituality.
In 2021, Brandy had a profound experience with her grandmother who had already passed. As the experiences continued, she gained a level of clarity she had never felt before, changing the way she understood existence, connection, and the unseen world.
Brandy is the author of 'Through the Veil - A Glimpse into the Afterlife'. This book sheds new light on many traditional spiritual beliefs, including karma, the meaning of life, and reincarnation--all with clarity and guidance into a richer and more hope-filled understanding of the afterlife. Connect with Brandy:
- Website: brandythemystic.com
- Instagram: @brandythemystic
- Amazon: https://a.co/d/0gggQfcE
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In 2004, Rafael Garcia had a transformative spiritual experience, followed by multiple spiritual awakenings that reshaped his understanding of reality. Rafael shares how he was shown many details about reincarnation and also the 12 Dimensions of Reality.
Today Rafael is a Quantum Healer, and Ascension Coach with profound insights into spirituality, multidimensionality, and the nature of existence.
For more about Rafael, visit: https://decodinglifelessons.com -
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At a young age Ligia Houben experienced death and loss first hand. Today, she is an author, a grief specialist and creator of The 11 Principles of Transformation. Ligia has guided countless individuals through loss, whether from death, divorce, or other significant life changes.
Her approach blends cultural awareness and practical tools to help people move from pain to hope. Ligia shares how her transformative framework empowers people to embrace life beyond grief. We delve into her personal story, her inspiration for this work, and actionable strategies for finding meaning and resilience in the face of loss.
For more about Ligia, you can visit: ligiahouben.com Check out Ligia’s book: Transform Your Loss: Your Guide to Strength and Hope at https://bit.ly/3OLeYJ1 -
From working with the likes of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Marianne Williamson and living what she thought was her dream job and life, everything changed when illness took Summer McStravick to the operating table and the brink of death, and she found herself looking differently at life. She 'accidentally' created a technique to get her through, a technique called flow dreaming, which led on to helping others, writing books, and aligning deeper with her purpose. She's here today to share how catching a glimpse of death can set us up for incredible things.
For more about Summer you can visit: https://flowdreaming.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SummerMFlowdreaming Facebook: facebook.com/flowdreaming iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flowdreaming-summer-mcstravick/id335067443?mt=2 Instagram: instagram.com/summer_mcstravick -
Dr. Kimberly Harms is a dedicated grief counselor and death doula, offering support and guidance to individuals navigating challenging life transitions. This includes both physical and spiritual, as we know from conversations, that death is all encompassing.
She is helping to open the conversation around death and dying and to challenge societal norms surrounding death and end-of-life planning.
Kimberley is all about helping people plan for their inevitable passing in a way that ensures their loved ones are left in an emotionally healthy place.
For more about Dr. Kimberley visit:
https://www.amazon.com/Are-You-Ready-Build-Legacy/dp/196087618X -
Nada’s personal journey into spirituality began after a near-death experience at 14 years old. This changed everything for her. She remembers being outside of her body and looking down on it. Today, she is focused on empowering those already on their spiritual path, offering advanced insights into energy mastery, divine union, and embodiment of Divinity.
For more about Nada, visit: https://www.divinegreatspirit.com https://www.greatspiritpodcast.com -
Kimberly Meredith has had two Near Death Experiences and today is an intuitive healer. These transformative events led Kimberly to connect with a higher spiritual dimension and awaken her gift for communicating with those on the Other Side.
Kimberly is the author of Awakening to the Fifth Dimension: Discovering the Soul’s Path to Healing, and host of The Medical Intuitive Miracle Show where she focuses on spreading love and raising our consciousness.
For more about Kimberly, you can visit:
Instagram: @Meredith.Kimberly
Facebook Public Figure Page: @kimberlymeredith11
Twitter: @HealingTrilogy
YouTube: Kimberly Meredith Channels the Holy Spirit
TikTok: @kimberlymeredith11
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0580606/***The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are intended solely for discussion and informational purposes. They do not necessarily represent the views of the hosts, guests, or affiliated organizations, and should not be taken as professional advice or endorsements. Please consider this content as part of an open dialogue and consult relevant professionals for guidance on specific issues***
Near Death Experiencer Cassandra Bauer is the founder of NOWLEVELUP, a platform for holistic healing and personal transformation.
After tragically losing her brother, Cassandra went on to be with him in her own Near Death Experience - an event that reconnected her with a higher power and completely reshaped her understanding of life and death.
This profound experience not only transformed her own healing journey but also inspired her mission to help others align their mind, body, and soul. Cassandra’s powerful story, discusses not only the impact of NDEs, but explores how we can find growth in life’s most challenging moments.
For more about Cassandra visit:
www.nowlevelup.com www.instagram.com/cassandramarybauer/
I AM MAGIC 'Children's Mantra Book': https://www.iuniverse.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/807513-i-am-magic -
Linda Deir had a significant spiritual experience at just 20 months of age which has shaped and influenced everything for her ever since. She's led daily by her spiritual team, and today her work is primarily based on remembering who we are, our purpose for coming here, and how to live to the fullest – in the world as it is right now.
Linda is the author of 'Guided, Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches', and 'Journal – My Guided Journey', companion “journal” to 'Guided'. For more about Linda, visit: www.lindadeir.com or www.channeledreadings.com -
Ethel Ngala had a profound experience after a strong infection took her to the brink of death. After experiencing a calming white light, she woke to being told that she may not walk, talk, or live life fully again, however today she lives a life of gratitude, purpose, and love.
Ray Catania is a near death experiencer, distinguished author, metaphysical counselor, teacher, and theorist known for his expertise in the mind-body-soul connection. He explores the realms of the physical, metaphysical, psychological, and parapsychological, blending science with spirituality. With a profound understanding gained through both formal education and mentorship, Ray empowers individuals to reshape their reality and master their thoughts for life transformation. His non-religious, scientific spiritual approach is evident in his acclaimed books available worldwide. Through his private coaching practice, Ray assists a diverse clientele, including celebrities, athletes, and executives, in achieving personal growth and inner peace.
For more about Ray, visit:
To learn more of his books, visit:
https://www.raycatania.com/books -
Ryan Nurse experienced a profound NDE when attacked at age 18. Whilst he didn't come back with all the answers, he did come back with tools to empower his life, live it to the full, and face the ongoing challenges that would crop up in his life.
Ryan sees a world where individuals stop chasing money, start pursuing purpose, and focus on fulfilment, and his mission is to support millions of young adults to discover their true purpose so they can go on to create a future of fulfilment.
His story is one of healing, resilience and getting the most out of life.
For more about Ryan, visit:
or check out his book at:
https://www.amazon.co.uk/SORT-YOUR-S-H-I-T-Ryan-Nurse/dp/1739578937 -
Robert De Filippis is a Fellow of the American Institute of Philosophical and Cultural Thought. He is the author of eight books with his latest being 'Signals in the Noise - Encountering the Limits of Materialist Science – An Exploration of Consciousness and Reality.
Robert's focus is on the philosophy of mind and how materialistic science cannot fully explain phenomenal consciousness. He believes that the potential power of consciousness is the most wasted of all human assets. Our ability to use our minds mindfully is an essential contributor to our effectiveness in life, but the real key to satisfaction and contentment in life is to be found in our relationships with other people.
For more about Robert visit:
For more about Robert's book, visit:
Signals in the Noise is a revolutionary wake-up call, compelling
us to confront the materialistic paradigms that have blinded us
to the true nature of consciousness and ultimately to ourselves.
Robert De Filippis masterfully exposes the consequences of an
exclusive reliance on materialistic thinking and invites us on an
enlightening journey into the mysteries of consciousness and why
it matters.
-- Dean Radin PhD, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and
author of Real Magic and other books. -
Amber Tyrrell had a very interesting Spiritually Transformative Experience as she was in labour with her first child 27 years ago. This experience led her to a space between worlds where she was aware of past lives, what life might be like if she was to die, and a range of 'lessons' to spiritual enlightenment.
Today, Amber offers Spiritual Retreats, and helps people to live connected lives filled with love.For more about Kirsty, visit www.kirstysalisbury.com
Bob Coppes, based in The Netherlands, is a scientist, author, and NDE Researcher. He is a Board Member of IANDS (That's the International Association of Near Death Studies), and has given keynote talks, and compiled hundreds of quotes from Near Death Experiencers.
His latest book 'Impressions of Near-Death Experiences' includes many of these quotes along with recurring themes of the Near Death Experience.
For more about Bob visit:
For Bob's books visit:
For Bob's latest book; Impressions of Near Death Experiences visit: https://www.amazon.com/Impressions-Near-Death-Experiences-Quotations-Experiencers/dp/0997560894 -
Alan Pearce is a journalist, broadcaster, former BBC correspondent questioning the parallels between a Coma and Near Death Experience.
Examining the beautiful and disturbing experiences of those who have survived comas, Alan and Beverley Pearce have explored the mysterious levels of consciousness this near-death experience unlocks.
Authors of their recent book; Coma and Near-Death Experience The Beautiful, Disturbing and Dangerous World of the Unconscious, the look to open up this extraordinary conversation even further.
To learn more about Alan, visit:
www.alanpearce.comTo learn more about their book, visit:
The Coma Podcast at: https://www.comapodcast.com Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@worldincoma -
John Burke has been researching Near Death Experiences for decades. Looking at accounts from every continent, all types of backgrounds and people who claimed to be more alive than ever in the presence of a loving God they never wanted to leave.
John has considered the accounts of many many near death experiences and the common themes coming out of these experiences and how they shape our purpose and existence. He was also a Senior Pastor of 25 years and brings that research into his experience and recent book 'Imagine The God of Heaven'.
For more about John visit: https://imagineheaven.net http://bit.ly/48p9KKY
“How you and I imagine God matters because it influences us, for better or worse, more than anything else we can think about. It shapes how we view ourselves, others, and our very purpose for existing.” -
Jacob Cooper had a profound Near Death Experience at age 3 when he fell from a playground ladder.
In his new book 'The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder' he shares the lessons learned when he had his near-death experience and the wisdom of each rung of the ladder to help us discover our own inner light, soul purpose, and how to be of service to others.
Today Jacob is a Clinical Social Worker, LCSW Certified Hypnotherapist, and Certified Reiki Master. He specializes in Past Life Regression Therapy, where he leverages his own experience and research to share insights on the mystery of life.
To learn more about Jacob, visit: https://jacoblcooper.com.
To check out his new book 'The Wisdom of Jacob's Ladder' visit: https://jacoblcooper.com/the-wisdom-of-jacobs-ladder
Dr. Raymond Moody, known as the “father of near-death studies,” joins us alongside NDE researcher Paul Perry with proof of an afterlife.
Since the publication of his seminal book, Life After Life, in 1975, Dr. Moody has remained objective about the long-term meaning of NDEs, refusing to declare them proof of consciousness after death. Now, after nearly five decades, he is taking his research public to finally answer humankind’s most pressing question: What happens when we die?
In this new book, Proof, Moody and Perry, who have co-written a dozen books on NDEs with fellow researchers, come full circle to explore the reality that consciousness survives the death of the body. Topics in todays conversation include an exploration of:
- shared-death experiences
- near-death experiences,
- common paranormal signs and memories of those who go through these experiences
- What we do when we die
- Orb viewings
- Spiritual Chamber experiences.To hear my first interview with Dr. Raymond Moody visit: https://youtu.be/8eHyoN-DfOk
To learn more about Dr. Raymond Moody visit: www.lifeafterlife.com To learn more about Paul Perry, visit: https://paulperryproductions.com
To purchase the book Proof of Life After Life, visit: https://beyondword.com/products/proof-7-reasons-to-believe-in-life-after-life
Marie Antoinette Kelley has spent a LOT of time thinking about death. Not only the process of dying, but what happens to 'us' when we die. As she asks these big questions, she has also considered how children think about and process death.
Danny’s Day in Heaven is Marie Antoinette's beautifully illustrated children’s book that follows a young boy through his near-death experience to heaven and back, a happy ending helps to open the conversation between children and adults about what happens when we die. Inspired by Dannion Brinkley's Saved by the Light and backed by research, this book is a spirit led project.
Marie Antoinette Kelley is an award-winning artist who has done hundreds of commissioned portraits and art for the Angel Quest Oracle. She has appeared on dozens of TV, radio, and podcast shows and has been published in such magazines as Edge and Authority. In 2019, her bison portrait in the form of woven blankets began selling throughout Yellowstone National Park's general stores.
Today, Marie Antoinette comes to us as the author of Danny's Day in Heaven. Marie Antoinette dispels children's fears about the seeming finality of death by providing comfort and reassurance that life goes on through her transcendent illustrations and storytelling in this new book.For more about Marie Antoinette, visit:
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