Overpaying for a home is a risk some people believe they can afford in a Seller's Market. For the rest of us there's a smarter strategy. Join me to learn to keep more of your money, and outbid the competition on terms, not the price.
HYDROGEN ELECTRIC 4K29 is an editorial video podcast showcasing some of the most cutting edge hydrogen fuel cell driven electric concepts and production vehicles.
Enhver bil fortæller noget om sin ejer, men hvorfor ikke lade ejeren fortælle historierne selv. I Graus Garage møder du en række kendte bilejere og deres biler gennem livet. Det handler om bilerne, men også om det liv, der har udspillet sig omkring dem. Om karrierevalg, familieforøgelser, drømme og passioner. Det er kendte mennesker, som du ikke har mødt dem før, nemlig til livsstilsmæssigt serviceeftersyn hos vært Christian Grau.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
GrowCast is home to today’s best cannabis cultivation community and experts dedicated to educating growers through our top rated podcast, thriving membership and courses.
Learn more about our story, mission and the team supporting your success at -
Christian Grau inviterer gæster i studiet til en snak om biler og musik.
Graus Garage præsenteres i samarbejde med -
Coffee with Butterscotch is the hilarity-filled official podcast of award-winning video game studio Butterscotch Shenanigans, best known for its smash hit Crashlands. Grab a drink and tune in every week to learn how video games are made and sold, our take on building a small company from scratch, and how to be an unstoppable problem-solving machine. Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at
A popular British garden show with experienced horticulturist Joff Elphick who speaks to authors, gardeners, writers and other horty movers and shakers!
Get inspired to get a job in video games, by hearing the stories on how others did it. -
AICHI TDE 4K29 is an editorial video podcast showcasing the machines and races that are infused with the spirit of the great machines from the Aichi region of Japan.
A roadmap to designing and publishing board games by Adam's Apple Games.
Where sustainable living women, Kelsey and Suzette, empower you to live a green life you'll love.
ITALIAN CLASSICA 4K29 is an editorial video podcast showcasing the amazing Italian Classics that rarely get seen in public.
ROAD TRIP 4K29 is an editorial video podcast with cinematic stories that brings the romance of road tripping to the front.
With over ten years experience making a home, author and mom of eight, Lisa Bass, shares her love for from scratch cooking, natural living and all things handmade. As a full-time blogger and homeschooler, Lisa also mixes in a little mom life and business tips.
Det er vigtigt, hvordan vi selv bor, og spændende hvordan andre gør det. I podcasten kan man høre om, hvordan vi bor i Danmark, og få gode ideer til, hvordan man kan indrette eller ændre sin bolig. Man kan høre om menneskers drømme om boligen, der skal danne udgangspunkt for det gode liv, og måske drømme med selv.
The Allplane Podcast is all about commercial aviation and air travel. Every episode features an aviation professional that opens up for the audience a different aspect of the aviation industry.
Velkommen til podcasten ’Vejen mod fremtiden’.
En podcast til bilbranchen, hvor du bliver præsenteret for og opdateret på de vigtigste nyheder og temaer inden for bilafgifter, lovgivning og den grønne omstilling. Kom med på en lytter, når værterne Jacob Skjærris og Rune Grøndahl hver anden torsdag i måneden tager en snak med relevante aktører fra branchen samt analyserer og perspektiverer dagens emne.
Værter: Rune Grøndahl, partner og ansvarlig for KPMG Automotive i Danmark. Samt Jacob Skjærris, senior automotive manager hos KPMG Acor Tax. -
Når du bygger din drømmebolig, er dette podcasten for dig! Du får hjælp til at skabe et skønt hjem, inspiration til boligindretningen, viden om processerne i byggeriet og indsigt i faldgruberne. Velkommen til podcast for alle der bygger eller drømmer om at bygge nyt.
Leder du efter en havepodcast at tage i ørerne, når du næste gang skal i haven? Eller har du brug for at sætte skub i havetankerne i selskab med andre havefolk? Måske sidder du inde i vintermånederne og savner inspiration til den kommende havesæson? Du er havnet det helt rette sted, du er nemlig trådt ind af Kenns havelåge, hvor du får en gratis podcast fuld af tanker og fortællinger fra haven.