
  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this electrifying episode of the Marketing Technology podcast, hosts Elias Crum and Mark van Horik sat down with the dynamic Jacob Schermers, the visionary founder of Salesarchitects.

    This trio delved into the pivotal realm where sales meet marketing, exploring transformative strategies to amplify lead quality, supercharge the sales process, and drive unprecedented success. Every word from this conversation wasn't just advice—it was a clarion call to action for those ready to shatter limits and redefine what's possible in their domains.

    **Sales-Marketing Integration: The Undeniable Game-Changer**

    Jacob kicked off with a passionate declaration about the critical necessity of sales and marketing integration. It's no longer a 'nice-to-have'—it's the lifeline of thriving businesses. He dismantled the traditional silos that have long kept these powerhouses at a lukewarm coexistence. Imagine, Jacob urged a world where sales and marketing aren't just aligned but are seamlessly integrated, sharing goals, data, and triumphs. This unity, he illustrated, doesn't just bridge gaps; it creates a superhighway for lead generation and conversion, supercharging your business growth like never before.

    **The Sales Process: The Keystone of Triumph**

    However, the conversation took an electrifying turn when the focus shifted to the heartbeat of business success: the sales process. Jacob didn't just discuss the sales process; he redefined it. It's more than a pipeline; it's a battleground where discipline, strategy, and relentless determination decide the victors. He shared invaluable insights on optimizing this process, emphasizing agility, continuous learning, and the courage to discard what doesn't work.

    Success, Jacob asserted with fervor, lies not in following the process blindly, but in mastering it, adapting it, and making it an unstoppable force that propels your business forward. He called upon listeners to adopt a mindset of perpetual improvement, to view every challenge as an opportunity to innovate and every failure as a lesson in disguise.

    Listeners, the torch is now in your hands. With the wisdom from Jacob Schermers and a fire kindled within, the path to unprecedented success is yours to forge.

    Thank you for tuning into The Marketing Technology Podcast.

    Website Sales Architects: https://www.salesarchitects.nl/

    LinkedIn Jacob Schermers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobschermers/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    Welcome to another electrifying episode of The Marketing Technology Podcast! Today, we're diving deep into the transformative power of sales technology with none other than the trailblazer himself, Reza Vinkes, founder of Nothe. Prepare to be inspired as we explore how to harness technology to not just meet but shatter your sales targets. Get ready to revolutionize your sales strategy, folks – this episode is a game-changer!


    In this high-octane discussion, Elias and Reza break down the concept of automation in sales outreach and its profound impact on the sales process. They kick things off by demystifying how automation can serve as a powerful ally in scaling your outreach without losing the personal touch that is so crucial in sealing the deal.

    Reza shares his expertise on constructing a sales cadence that isn’t just effective but is a well-oiled machine designed to maximize engagement and conversion. He walks us through the steps to build this sales cadence, emphasizing the importance of consistency, personalization, and timely follow-ups.

    Diving deeper into the technology aspect, the conversation shifts to the innovative tools and platforms that are changing the game in sales outreach. Reza discusses the key features to look for in sales technology, and how integrating the right tools into your sales strategy can significantly increase your efficiency and productivity.

    Throughout the episode, Reza's passion and expertise shine through, offering listeners not just valuable insights but a blueprint for sales success. The energy is palpable as both Reza and Elias encourage sales professionals to embrace technology, not as a substitute for the human element, but as a complement that enhances it.

    Remember, in the world of sales, automation isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about empowerment. So, take the leap, automate your sales process, and watch as your sales soar to new heights. Stay relentless, keep pushing, and let technology be your ally on this journey to success.

    Thank you for tuning into The Marketing Technology Podcast.

    Website Nothe: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wearenothe/

    LinkedIn Reza Vinkes: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rvinkes/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

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  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    Today, your hosts, Elias and Mark, are thrilled to introduce an extraordinary guest, Danielle Navas-Brandt, the pioneering force that brought the transformative book They Ask, You Answer by Marcus Sheridan to the Netherlands. Danielle's efforts have ignited a marketing revolution, inspiring professionals to rethink their approach to content and consumer engagement.

    #### **Why Bring They Ask, You Answer to the Netherlands?**

    #### **Standing Out in a World Flooded with Content**

    #### **Leveraging Technology with They Ask, You Answer**

    #### **A Tale of Success: The Story That Stands Out**

    #### **The Future of They Ask, You Answer**

    Listeners, whether you're a seasoned marketing veteran or a newcomer eager to make your mark, Danielle's insights offer a beacon of inspiration and direction in the ever-evolving marketing landscape. Remember, success in marketing, as in life, begins with asking the right questions and having the courage to answer them truthfully and effectively.

    Website They Ask, You Answer NL: https://theyaskyouanswer.nl/

    LinkedIn Danielle Navas-Brandt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellenavasbrandt/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this compelling episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosts Elias Crum and Mark van Horik engage in a riveting conversation with Charida Dorder, author of the seminal work, AI in Marketing. Dorder takes listeners on an enlightening journey through the inspiration and development of her book, providing a rare glimpse into the intersection of artificial intelligence and marketing that sparked her groundbreaking work. From initial curiosity to the comprehensive exploration, Dorder shares the pathway that led to the creation and publication of her influential book, marking a notable shift in how the marketing world perceives AI's capabilities.

    Diving into the heart of how AI is reshaping marketing strategies, Charida outlines the seismic changes ushered in by advanced technology. She points to personalization and predictive analytics as key areas where AI has made a profound impact, enabling marketers to craft strategies that are more responsive and attuned to consumer needs than ever before. For Dorder, the path forward for marketers is clear—adaptation and continuous learning are essential in leveraging AI to its full potential.

    The conversation takes a thoughtful turn as it broaches the critical subject of ethics in AI-driven marketing. Dorder emphasizes the importance of maintaining consumer trust through transparent practices and respect for privacy. She advocates for the establishment of clear guidelines and ethical frameworks that govern AI usage, ensuring that advancements in technology do not come at the cost of consumer rights.

    Peering into the future, Charida Dorder shares her predictions on emerging trends that are set to shape the landscape of AI in marketing. She highlights the importance of voice search optimization and augmented reality, suggesting that these technologies will play pivotal roles in creating immersive and interactive consumer experiences. For Dorder, staying informed and agile in adopting new technologies is crucial for marketers aiming to stay ahead of the curve.

    Finally, the episode offers a treasure trove of advice for aspiring marketers with an eye on AI. Dorder encourages a holistic approach to learning, combining technical skills in data analytics and AI with a deep understanding of consumer psychology and ethical considerations. She underlines the value of curiosity and continuous professional development as the cornerstone for a successful career in marketing's future.

    This episode is not just a conversation but a guidepost for professionals at all levels in the marketing field, from seasoned executives to those just stepping into the arena. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of AI in marketing and a call to action for all those ready to navigate its dynamic waters. Whether you're a marketing veteran or just starting out, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to excel in the age of AI-driven marketing.

    Website AI for Marketing Academy: https://aiformarketingacademy.com/

    LinkedIn Charida Dorder: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charida-dorder/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this insightful episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, Elias Crum hosts Arushi Jain, the innovative Marketing Director at Typeface. This dialogue navigates the transformative role of AI in marketing, exploring its myriad opportunities, potential threats, and its undeniable impact on the future of creative professions. This discussion, rich in depth and scope, provides a lens through which CMOs and B2B marketing professionals can view the evolving landscape of digital marketing.

    Arushi, fresh from joining the AI revolution at Typeface, shares her seasoned insights into how artificial intelligence is reshaping the field of marketing. As a precursor to a thought-provoking session, the conversation delves into the utility of AI for marketers, discussing not just the tools at their disposal but the broader implications of adopting such technologies in strategy formulation and execution.

    **AI: Threat or Opportunity for Marketers?**

    Arushi offers a balanced perspective on the duality of AI as both a potential disruptor and an unparalleled advantage for marketers. The heart of the matter, as Jain illustrates, is how marketers choose to adapt to and adopt AI. Far from being a harbinger of obsolescence for marketing professionals, Arushi posits AI as a catalyst that can elevate the strategic aspects of marketing, automating the mundane to allow for an increased focus on creative and strategic planning. It's about harnessing AI to enhance human ingenuity, not replace it.

    **Joining the AI Revolution**

    Arushi's enthusiasm for joining the AI revolution at Typeface encapsulates the momentum gathering in the sector. Her narrative underscores AI's power to transform product marketing and partnerships. She draws from her experiences, illustrating how AI solutions like Typeface's offerings can drive efficiency, creativity, and personalized marketing at scale. Arushi emphasizes the necessity for marketers to become adept in leveraging AI for content creation, audience targeting, and analytics to remain competitive in the digital era.

    **Standing Out in Content**

    The discussion then transitions to one of the modern marketer's greatest challenges: standing out in an era of content abundance. Here, Arushi offers a treasure trove of insights on leveraging AI to create content that not only resonates with target audiences but also aligns perfectly with brand narratives. The emphasis is on the intelligent use of AI to generate unique, engaging content that breaks through the noise. AI, as Arushi articulates, is a powerful tool for identifying and leveraging nuances that make content distinct and compelling.

    **Why Demand for Creatives Will Surge**

    Perhaps one of the most fascinating parts of the conversation revolves around the future of creatives in the AI era. Contrary to the narrative of displacement, Arushi forecasts a surge in demand for creative professionals. In her view, the infusion of AI in marketing workflows will amplify the need for human creativity. AI excels in efficiency and personalization, but the imaginative, emotional depth that humans bring to storytelling and brand building remains unparalleled. The future, as envisioned by Jain, is one where AI and human creativity coalesce, opening new vistas of marketing innovation.

    **Engaging Insights for B2B CMOs**

    For CMOs in the B2B space, Arushi's message is clear: the time to integrate AI into marketing strategies is now. Beyond the technological integration, she emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning within organizations. This approach ensures teams are not only proficient in using AI tools but are also able to think critically about how these technologies can be applied to solve complex marketing challenges uniquely.


    As the episode wraps up, listeners are left with a deep understanding of AI’s pivotal role in marketing's future. Arushi Jain, with her insightful contributions, makes a compelling case for the strategic integration of AI in marketing. Her perspectives offer much-needed clarity on navigating the complexities of digital marketing, ensuring CMOs and marketing professionals are well-equipped to leverage AI for creating meaningful, impactful marketing strategies.

    For those looking to connect with Arushi and delve deeper into her insights, her LinkedIn profile offers a gateway to further discussion: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jain-arushi/

    **Engagement and Continuing the Conversation**

    Elias Crum’s conversation with Arushi Jain on the Marketing Technology Podcast is not just a standalone episode but a springboard for ongoing dialogue in the marketing community. Listeners are encouraged to explore how they can contribute to the evolving narrative of AI in marketing, sharing thoughts, experiences, and predictions for what the future holds.

    Website Typeface and 30-day trial: https://typeface.ai/

    LinkedIn Arushi Jain: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jain-arushi/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    Right off the bat, Hanneke emphasizes the integral role of Sales Technology

    On getting started with Salestech, she advocates for a measured approach. Introducing tools progressively minimizes the chances of overwhelming the team, fostering better acceptance and seamless transition. Choose a tool that addresses the most immediate need, assess its effectiveness, and gradually build from there.

    In closing, she underscores the incredible potential of Salestech in streamlining processes and bolstering revenues. For her, embracing technology is not an option, but a business imperative. Remember, she cautions, the pace of technological evolution won't slow down. As sales leaders, keeping pace is crucial. To keep selling, start adapting!

    Website Stryfes: https://stryfes.com/newsletter/

    LinkedIn Hanneke Vogels: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannekevogels/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this informative episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, our hosts, Elias Crum and Mark van Horik, sit down with the distinguished guest, Jacob Schermers, a principal at Sales Architects. In a thought-provoking discussion centered on navigating the complex landscape of B2B sales in the age of the self-serving B2B buying journey, they unravel key insights and effective strategies for success.

    Jacob brings a wealth of experience to the table, sharing with listeners how crucial it is to adapt and evolve to suit the modern B2B customer’s needs and preferences. During the podcast, Jacob's unique insights into the intricacies of enabling B2B salespeople to facilitate a more tailored and responsive customer buying journey can significantly enhance your business's sales effectiveness.

    A key point of emphasis throughout the conversation is the importance of qualification. As Jacob underscores, effective early-stage qualification is not merely about distinguishing between high and low-value customers but about aligning your sales team's time and energy with customers most likely to derive substantial value from your offerings. Early stage qualification paves the way for sales teams to utilize their resources most effectively, avoid needless expenditure, and strengthen their focus on most valuable customers.

    Further, our guests elaborate on how education is the bedrock of B2B sales success. In the digital age, potential clients usually research and gather necessary information online before even contacting sales teams. To this end, the importance of having knowledgeable salespeople, capable of advising prospects and providing valuable insights they can't obtain from their preliminary online research, cannot be overstated. This leads to deeper conversations, higher customer trust and more valuable customer relationships.

    By educating your sales team and leveraging their expertise, they become not merely providers of products or services but trusted advisors and experts, helping customers identify opportunities and challenges that they may have been previously unaware of. This can enable your business to form stronger relationships, encourage customer loyalty, and ultimately drive growth.

    Elias, Mark, and Jacob also delve into more granular details during the episode. They address critical issues that sales leaders should be aware of in today's fast-paced and increasingly digitized market landscape, and suggest practical tips and strategies to stay ahead. They discuss how marketing and sales alignment can influence a seamless buying journey for customers and the role of data and analytics in making informed decisions. Moreover, they reflect on how sales technologies can facilitate all of these processes, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in operations.

    The insights gained from this discussion are invaluable for sales leaders looking to adapt and thrive in the rapidly evolving B2B market landscape. Jacob's advice on how sales teams can better qualify and educate their leads will not only provide leaders with the strategic edge they need to stand out in the B2B market but also help in developing a more nuanced understanding of the sales process.

    Listen to this episode to stay ahead in your sales game and give your salespeople the tools they need to create meaningful and lasting relationships with clients. Learn about the pivotal role education plays in converting prospects to clients, and hear how Jacob's practical tips and strategies can enable you to streamline your operations and build a more productive sales team.

    Don’t miss out on this episode as it encapsulates critical components of a successful sales strategy that can fuel your business's growth and help your sales team excel in their roles. You’ll leave with plenty of insights and actionable strategies that will benefit you as a sales leader in today's evolving market environment. Tune in now for an enriching experience.

    Website Sales Architects: https://www.salesarchitects.nl/

    LinkedIn Jacob Schermers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacobschermers/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, the founder of Digital Clarity, Reggie James, provides insight on a range of marketing topics including B2B tech marketing, buyer journey complexities, and the importance of a strategic approach over short-term distractions. B2B tech marketing has seen significant changes due to increasing touchpoints and more individuals involved in the buying process. James discusses how this complexity has led to the need for clear marketing strategies that accurately identify and cater to the different influencers within the buying committee. This highlights a complex buyer journey that necessitates tailored communication. Using a reference from the Digital Clarity website, James emphasized the need to communicate a clear offer to the right customer at the right time and screen, an element many organizations fail at. According to him, Digital Clarity utilizes an 'outsider's view' approach to assist clients in reassessing, planning and ultimately moving their marketing strategies forward. Reggie further noted the detrimental impact of 'chasing short-term shiny objects' or adopting short-lived trends without a proper marketing strategy in place. Rather, companies should have well-defined objectives and an executable strategy, guiding them towards achieving their goals, a philosophy ingrained in the Digital Clarity methodology. The Digital Clarity founder's vast expertise in B2B marketing offers beneficial advice to other marketing professionals navigating the constantly changing marketing landscape. Website Digital Clarity: https://www.digital-clarity.com/ LinkedIn Reggie James: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reggiejames

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys). In this dynamic episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, host Elias Crum, Founder of Marketing Guys, engages in an insightful discussion with Janet Nawijn, Head of Marketing at Ormit Talent. The duo delves into the enigmatic world of Gen Z in the marketing realm - dealing with Gen Z as both a marketing target audience and as coworkers in the workplace. Here are the major talking points of our conversation: - Decoding Management Strategies: Unravel the secrets of managing Gen Z talent effectively to create a harmonious and productive workspace.- Engaging the Gen Z Audience: Discover the communication channels that strike a chord with Gen Z and learn to harness their power in your marketing strategy.- The Gen Z Content Appetite: What types of marketing content resonate most with Gen Z consumers? Get insights to create the right content mix for maximum engagement. - Unpacking Gen Z Buying Behavior: Get a better understanding of Gen Z buying behavior and the ways to tap into it to ensure a better sales output. During the discussion, we also spotlight the 'Meaningful Marketing Framework,' a must-have resource for every marketer striving for successful modern marketing. The framework gives you tools on an operational, tactical, and strategic level to make your work more meaningful. Download it now: https://marketingguys.com/meaningful-commerce-masterclass/ Tune in for an enriching and informative session and let us assist you in conquering the Gen Z marketing space!

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Janet: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janetnawijn/

    Website Ormit Talent: https://ormittalent.nl/nl/home/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to this episode of our Marketing Guys podcast, where Elias Crum is joined by Claudia Pas, both passionate about shaking up the industry with what they call ‘Meaningful Commerce'. Today’s hot topic is about reshaping the approach to sales, pivoting from aggressive tactics to an ethos that embraces treating customers as we ourselves would want to be treated. We live in an era where reports from respected authorities such as Forrester, Gartner, and McKinsey indicate that buying patterns, especially those of Millennials and Gen Z, are reshaping the way business is done. The old rules no longer apply and a more sincere approach is demanded - this is where the idea of Meaningful Commerce comes into play. Meaningful Commerce harkens back to the fundamentals of marketing and sales, with the customer at the heart of it all. It seeks to deliver authentic value to stakeholders, balance and alignment, and build sustainable relationships built on respect. But let’s also consider the workforce that drives these interactions - the employees. With a worrying statistic showing that one in five people feel their job is more or less pointless, it’s crucial we also look at empowering our employees by adding a sense of purpose to their roles. Claudia and Elias stress on the need to bring back the feeling of worth and inspire them with meaningful work. When organizations embrace this movement of doing good for all stakeholders, not only do they uplift their team members, but they also see a positive ripple effect on the local communities, on their financial benefits, and on their reputation. Simultaneously, it acts as a magnet for attracting new talent and delivering honest value to customers. We invite you to explore this exciting topic further with the Meaningful Commerce Masterclass happening online, where this idea will be expanded on a strategic, tactical, and operational level, thus enabling you to inject more meaning into your work. A perfect session for sales & marketing executives, business developers, and people in leadership roles. But that’s not all. Today’s episode also offers an opportunity for you to dive deeper into this philosophy with our Meaningful Commerce Framework. A helpful guide designed to help you explore and navigate this approach to commerce. Download the framework today to get a taste of what’s in store (link below). Tune into this enlightening conversation as Elias and Claudia delve deep into transforming sales to become more customer-friendly, appealing, and effective, enhancing not only your business’s bottom line but also enriching the lives of all stakeholders involved. And don't forget to secure your seat for the Meaningful Commerce Masterclass, which is the ultimate guide for implementing Meaningful Commerce into your organization, turning traditional business on its head for the better. This approach is a revolution not only in how business is conducted but also in the personal lives of those affected by commerce, creating meaningful relationships and a purposeful work environment. See you at the Masterclass! Free masterclass: https://marketingguys.com/meaningful-commerce-masterclass/Meaningful Commerce Framework (free download): https://marketing.marketingguys.nl/acton/attachment/7349/f-d1296dc7-bbf3-4fe2-b867-42edc98c67c0/1/-/-/-/-/Meaningful%20Commerce%20Framework.pdf Claudia Pas LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudia-pas-775b125b/

  • In this enlightening conversation, host Elias Crum (Marketing Guys), chats with Kasper Sierslev, the CCO of Zite, an expert in managing in-house marketing teams. They delve into the intricate pros and cons of in-house marketing, providing comprehensive insight into this crucial subject matter. Drawing from his extensive experience and vast knowledge base, Sierslev candidly explores how the landscape of marketing has transformed over the years and how these changes impact businesses. To give a nuanced understanding, Sierslev elaborates on both models – external agencies and in-house teams. He begins by discussing the drawbacks associated with external agencies and the reasons behind their diminished dominance over marketing and creativity. Contrarily, he also tackles criticisms about in-house teams accused of compromising on the principles of creativity-led marketing. Moving on to the main discussion, Sierslev contends that while both models have their unique benefits, there’s an alternative route businesses can take for an optimized marketing setup – a win-win house. Sierslev's newly launched book, aptly titled Win-Win-House, expounds on this concept in detail. It acts as a step-by-step guide for building an on-site agency while retaining collaboration with an external partner. The goal? Harnessing the advantages of both models simultaneously. The book and more details about this transformative approach can be found at win-win-house.com. During the discussion, Sierslev underlines that in-house teams are a more viable option for scaling, shortening the time-to-market, and handling complex issues. In comparison, outsourcing proves beneficial only when employing specialist agencies or boutique firms, provided their skills align precisely with the required tasks. Sierslev stresses that opting for full-service agencies could be a misstep, as their effectiveness often wanes when they tackle a variety of tasks they might not excel in. This principle resonates within the working philosophy at Zite. Here, Sierslev and his team customize a setup to meet the specific needs, ambitions, and market environment of individual companies. As he explains, no two businesses are the same, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Details about Zite's operations and Sierslev's experiences with creating tailored in-house agencies for various firms can be found at Zite. Sierslev’s recommendations don't stem merely from his role at Zite but are also grounded in a string of successes marked on his impressive resume, which can be viewed on his LinkedIn profile. Notably, Sierslev has spearheaded numerous award-winning marketing campaigns. In a nutshell, this informative interview underscores the importance of devising an optimal marketing strategy tailored to an organization’s unique needs. Sierslev's wealth of knowledge and Crum's incisive questions make it a must-listen for businesses looking to level up their marketing. This conversation empowers listeners to take a fresh look at their marketing strategies, encouraging them to balance creativity and practicality for a setup that reaps maximum benefits. In-house or outsourced? Perhaps the ideal solution is a 'win-win-house.'

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • On this episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, host Elias Crum (Marketing Guys) spoke with Caspar Thykier, the CEO and co-founder of Zappar. They delved into a fascinating discussion about the company's work on creating accessible QR codes for the blind and visually impaired.

    Caspar shared how Zappar's innovative technology helps make QR codes more user-friendly for those with partial or no vision. Instead of traditional QR codes, which rely on visual cues, Zappar's codes use audio feedback and tactile touch to help users identify the codes and access the content.

    As Elias pointed out, this technology has enormous potential for marketers and businesses. Not only does it help make their campaigns more inclusive, but it also opens up a whole new market of potential customers who might have been overlooked in the past.

    Overall, it's clear that Zappar's work in this field is making a real difference in the lives of the blind and visually impaired, while also offering exciting possibilities for marketers looking to tap into a previously untapped demographic. It's a truly inspiring use of technology in the world of marketing that deserves more attention and recognition.

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Caspar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caspar-thykier/

    Website Zappar: https://www.zappar.com/zapvision/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this episode of the marketing technology podcast, we had the opportunity to speak with Csaba Zajdó, co-founder of Optimonk. The topic of discussion was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for conversion optimization on websites. We explored how AI is transforming the way businesses optimize their websites, and how SMEs can benefit from AI-powered conversion optimization. The discussion began by delving into the traditional method of website optimization through A/B testing. Csaba highlighted that A/B testing has been around for a while and is still a valuable tool. However, the process of A/B testing can be slow and tedious. A/B testing requires a lot of data, and businesses often do not have the resources to carry out effective A/B testing. This is where AI-powered optimization comes in handy. Csaba emphasized that AI is making website optimization easier, faster, and more cost-effective for businesses. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data in a matter of seconds and provide valuable insights that help optimize websites. Additionally, AI algorithms can personalize website content, making it more relevant to each user's unique needs and preferences. Personalization leads to higher engagement and conversion rates. One of the most significant advantages of using AI for conversion optimization is the fact that it is feasible for SMEs. Historically, CRO and personalization have been reserved for big corporations with deep pockets. However, AI-powered optimization tools like Optimonk make it accessible and affordable for SMEs to leverage AI for CRO and personalization. Csaba shared several real-life examples of how Optimonk's AI-powered optimization has helped SMEs boost their website's conversion rates.Csaba emphasized that these results are only possible because of the power of AI. AI can analyze vast amounts of data and provide personalized content to each user, leading to higher engagement and conversions. This level of personalization and CRO was once only feasible for big corporations, but now it is accessible to SMEs thanks to AI-powered optimization tools. In conclusion, the use of AI for conversion optimization on websites is transforming the way businesses optimize their websites. AI saves time and costs, and most importantly, makes personalization and CRO feasible for SMEs. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data in a matter of seconds and provide valuable insights that help optimize websites.

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Csaba: https://www.linkedin.com/in/csabazajdo/

    Website Optimonk: https://www.optimonk.com/ai/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    On this episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, host Elias has a chat with Evan Huck, the CEO of UserEvidence, about the importance of utilizing customer stories in B2B marketing. Evan’s expertise on the matter comes from his experience as a marketer and business owner. During the interview, Evan stressed the importance of crafting a customer narrative and ensuring it remains consistent across all stages of the buyer’s journey.

    According to Evan, it is crucial to make customers feel like they are a part of the brand story and not just passive consumers. A powerful narrative helps create an emotional connection with customers that makes them more likely to engage with your product or service. However, creating this emotional connection requires an in-depth understanding of your target audience.

    One of the major changes happening in B2B marketing today is the evolution of the buyer’s journey. As new generations come into the workforce, their habits and attitudes toward purchasing shift. This means that the strategies that were effective ten years ago might not be as relevant today. Evan advises marketers to research their target audience thoroughly to identify key patterns in their decision-making processes.

    Once marketers have an idea of how their audience thinks and what motivates them, it is crucial to develop a customer story that aligns with those motivations. Evan notes that this is especially important when marketing to the new generation of buyers, as they tend to be more value-driven than previous generations.

    One example of a successful B2B marketing campaign that utilized customer stories effectively is the case of Gong.

    Evan emphasizes that it’s not just enough to gather customer stories but to also craft a compelling narrative. Evan recommends identifying a customer’s pain points and demonstrating how your product or service can alleviate those concerns. A good narrative is one that tells a story of transformation, where customers can see how their lives have changed after using your product or service.

    One key aspect of crafting a customer story is to make sure that it remains consistent across all stages of the buyer’s journey. Evan points out that customers need to be convinced at every stage of the funnel. Evan stresses that businesses need to have a consistent message, which means all elements of their brand storytelling need to align, including web copy, email campaigns, social media, and video content.

    Another important aspect of crafting a customer story is ensuring that it is shareable. According to Evan, customers are more likely to share stories that are memorable and entertaining. To this end, Evan advises that companies focus on creating stories that resonate with their audience emotionally.

    In conclusion, Evan argues that crafting a customer story is a crucial part of B2B marketing in the 21st century.

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Evan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/evanhuck/

    Website UserEvidence: https://userevidence.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • In this episode of the Marketing Technology Podcast, Alex Melone and Andrei Marin, two of the co-founders of CodeCrew, shared their insights on email list growth and how to keep your email list healthy. Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys). According to Melone and Marin, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your audience and grow your business. They explained that even though there are newer marketing channels available today, email is still king when it comes to driving sales and conversions. The key to success with email marketing, however, is building and maintaining a healthy email list. Melone and Marin shared some tips on how to do this effectively. One of the first things they stressed was the importance of collecting high-quality leads. This means targeting the right audience and they have found a way in which brands can share their target audiences and build lists together!Melone and Marin emphasized that quality always beats quantity when it comes to email list growth. They also highlighted the importance of staying engaged with your subscribers. This means sending regular, relevant content and avoiding spammy tactics like buying email lists or sending too many promotional emails. By keeping your subscribers engaged, you can improve your open rates, click-through rates, and overall email performance. Another important factor in maintaining a healthy email list is proper list hygiene. This means regularly removing inactive subscribers and cleaning up your list to avoid bounced emails and spam complaints. In terms of actually growing your email list, Melone and Marin suggested leveraging your existing channels to promote your newsletter or other email content. This might include social media, your website, or other marketing campaigns. They also suggested offering exclusive content or incentives to encourage sign-ups, such as discounts or free resources. When it comes to the future of email marketing, Melone and Marin were optimistic about its continued relevance in the years ahead. They explained that as long as you're providing value to your subscribers and keeping up with best practices, email marketing will remain a powerful tool for driving growth and revenue. Overall, Melone and Marin provided valuable insights for any marketer looking to improve their email list growth and email marketing strategy. By focusing on quality over quantity, staying engaged with your subscribers, and maintaining proper list hygiene, you can build a strong and effective email list that drives results for your business.

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Alex: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandermelone/

    LinkedIn Andrei: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrei-marin-codecrew/

    Website CodeCrew: https://codecrew.us/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this episode, Elias has a chat with Link Brown, partner at Clientsphere. Link helps Swiss companies scale their revenue 2x to 5x in the American market.

    Topics we cover:

    How to grow as an SME in the US and where to startThe biggest pitfallsHow to do lead gen in the US: regional or nationwide?Organic or paid marketing? Where to start?

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thelinkbrown/

    Website: https://www.thelinkbrown.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this episode, Elias has a chat with Rasmus Houlind. He's an author, keynote speaker, and Chief Experience Officer at Agillic. He wrote the book 'Hello $FirstName', from which you can download an abstract here.

    Topics we cover:

    Different forms of personalizationAI and personalizationThe tools and stack for personalization

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Rasmus: https://www.linkedin.com/in/houlind/

    Website Agillic: https://agillic.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • "In-Store Digital Signage: The Key to Captivating Customers" Digital signage is one of the most effective ways to catch customers' attention in a physical store. Whether it's displaying eye-catching visuals or providing interactive product information, digital signage can enhance the overall shopping experience and increase sales. We speak with Paul to explore the latest trends and best practices for creating compelling digital signage content. "Analytics: Measuring Success with In-Store Digital Media" The beauty of in-store digital media is that it provides valuable data insights into how shoppers are interacting with your store. We speak with Paul to explore the metrics that matter when it comes to in-store digital media and discuss how retailers can use this data to make more informed decisions and optimize their strategies. Conclusion: As we've seen in this episode, in-store digital media has the power to transform the retail industry. From enhancing the shopping experience to providing valuable insights into shopper behavior, retailers who are able to successfully leverage digital media will undoubtedly be the ones who succeed in the future. So if you're a retailer looking to stay ahead of the curve, don't miss out on this powerful trend!

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Liam: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pabrenner/

    Website Vibenomics: https://www.vibenomics.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys).

    In this episode, Elias has a chat with Bidnamic's CEO, Liam Patterson. He's an expert on Google Shopping and we discuss the following topics:

    What are the best practices for optimizing product data feeds to improve Google Shopping performance?What bidding strategies and budget allocation methods work best for Google Shopping campaigns?How do I track and measure the effectiveness of my Google Shopping campaigns to analyze ROI and make data-driven decisions?

    The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe.

    LinkedIn Liam: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liam-patterson/

    Website Bidnamic: https://www.bidnamic.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Marketing Technology Podcast, hosted by Elias Crum (digital strategist and owner of Marketing Guys). The Marketing Technology Podcast is brought to you by Marketing Guys, the #1 Martech agency in Europe. In today's episode, we have the privilege of having Ryan Sonnenberg, Director of Marketing at SavvyMoney, with us. In this podcast episode, Ryan will be discussing why fintech is special for marketers, which channels work best for fintech marketers, the changed buyer journey, and the tools that WebSavvy uses in their martech stack. Ryan Sonnenberg, a leader in fintech marketing, begins by sharing his insight on why fintech is special for marketers. According to Ryan, fintech is unique because it touches people's everyday lives in ways that no other technology does. Money is an emotional topic for most people, and therefore, the opportunity to make a significant impact on people's lives is very high. When asked which channels work best for fintech marketers, Ryan emphasized that data-driven decisions should drive every marketing channel decision. However, email and paid media (especially LinkedIn ads) have always been high performers for fintech marketers. Fintech companies are heavily regulated, so it's essential to ensure that all communication with customers is compliant with regulations. . The buyer's journey has undergone significant changes in the past years. Ryan shares that it's now essential to take a customer-centric approach to create an enjoyable and smooth journey. People are now seeking human connections when it comes to their finances. This need to personalize the journey has forced many fintech companies to pivot to a more people-centric model, which has been essential for attracting and retaining customers. Ryan shares that SavvyMoney uses an integrated tech stack to achieve maximum ROI. SavvyMoney's martech stack is centered around its SalesForce.com platform which helps in understanding customers better. Their stack also includes Salesforce, website analytics, email automation, and CRM systems, to mention a few. SavvyMoney's stack is geared towards the best user experience, from acquiring customers to converting them to loyal clients. We hope you found value in today's podcast and gained some insight into the world of fintech marketing. Till next time, happy marketing!

    LinkedIn Ryan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryantsonnenberg/

    Website SavvyMoney: https://www.savvymoney.com/

    ** Are you a Martech Enthusiast? Subscribe to our 2-weekly newsletter at clubmartech.com **

    If you want to be on this podcast or would like to know more about Marketing Technology, visit our website at marketingguys.com or contact Elias Crum at [email protected]