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#321 - It seems everywhere you turn today, all you hear about is AI. And in running, it's no exception. AI can help your running, but there are some downsides. Today, I go over what AI is and how it can help you, provided that you look out for the negatives. Links are on the shoe website.
Also, I close the book on a running shoe company I used to love. I feel like I've broken up with someone. It's sad when a running shoe company completely changes a shoe that we love. It's heartbreaking!
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#320 - I experienced something no one should go through this past week. My Facebook page, as well as my podcast page and podcast Facebook group was suspended over an Instagram account that is not mine. I replied back disputing the suspension, but I'm not optimistic about getting any results. So, while I set up a new Facebook account, it got me thinking.... do we runners rely too heavily on social media? So many runners seem more concerned with getting that perfect photo or video or they get upset with themselves when they see other runners' better times in races, or a myriad of different things, that this episode was overdue. I hope to have the podcast page and group started new by next week. I'll let you all know on the show when I have them up and running.
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#319 - There are important moments in history that we can remember. Depending on our age, it can include the first man on the moon, the first computer, the first electric car. There are also historic moments in running that should be remembered as turning points. I go over some of these this week. There are so many, I could not include all of them, so if this is of interest to you, I can do a Part 2, just let me know. I'll include links to the full episode if I covered the moment previously.
Plus I review two Altra running shoes!
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#318 - If you find yourself cutting your long runs short by a few miles every time you go out, or that you're getting DNFs more than you are finishes in your races, you may be suffering from Give-Up-Itis! But no worries! Many runners, including myself go through this, not realizing that it might be a sign of a bigger problem. This week, I'll talk about how it happens and what we can do to cure it! Fortunately, it has a 100% cure rate, if you're willing to put in the effort and if you're like me, and you love running, then you know that it's worth it! No worries, there's no prescription and no trip to the doctor's office!
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#317 - Recently, I went to Boulder City, Nevada to run the race I should have last year! It was extremely hard, but I did it! I talk all about it this week, including a rookie mistake that nearly cost me the race! I also talk about the rest of my vacation, including a trip to Death Valley! It was a wonderful time!
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#316 - We're never going to get PRs at every race. Sooner or later, we'll have a race or training run that disappoints us. The longer we go in our running careers, the more likely disappointments will happen. This week, I help both you and myself get through the Disappointment Minefield. It is a tricky one, and the bigger the disappointment, the harder that minefield it to navigate. But we can do this together. Listen to this episode to be prepared before your next race or even training run! All links are on the show website.
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#315 - No fees, no awards, no aid, no wimps. That's how Fat Ass races started many years ago and they're still going on today. These self supported races are disappearing but there are some left and I talk about their beginnings and why they are a great style of race to try. In an era where running is its most expensive, why not try a race that doesn't have a huge entry fee and where the whole point is to enjoy running for running's sake? All links are on the show website.
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#314 - Prices on everything are going up and running is no exception. In this episode, I go over all the costs involved in running an help you choose what might be important to you and what might not be, to help you make 2025 a great running year! Planning out our goals and desires in running for the new year can help defray high costs that could otherwise cancel our plans. By knowing what we want and knowing how much everything will cost, we can choose what we can afford our goals and plan for them!
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#313 - Each year when the calendar moves into January, I like to reflect on what running and my podcast has taught me. In this episode, I talk about a few important things running and my podcast has taught me. Our lives grow and our running changes, that's natural. Six years producing my little show is one of the highlights of my life. Even if the rest of my world is falling apart, I can still produce my show. It's one of the staples in a life I wish was a little more staple. It's been a few rough years, I tell you. But, it's OK. I'll get through this. Thank you for being a part of the show, the MOST IMPORTANT part! I love you! All links talked about on the show are on the website.
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#312 - This is the second part of a 2-part episode about cheating in running races. This focuses only on doping, which is the popular word for the unlawful use of drugs to enhance or inhibit the performance of an athlete. I talk about the roots of doping, the different types and how it's affected running over the years. I give some examples and its adverse effects. With the unfortunate rise of recent doping in Kenyan running, there is no end to it, so it seems it will be around a while, but hopefully with new technology, racing officials will be able to identify future doping and put and end to it quicker than ever before. We can hope anyway. All links for researched info are on the website.
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#311 - Once we runners get into the half marathon distance, we realize how important and yes, how difficult our long runs can be. But, we can make them a little bit easier. By taking the time to organize what we need before and during our runs, they don't have to be quite as painful. Sure, there's going to be the usual pain, but it's that unnecessary stuff that we shouldn't have to deal with. Long runs are important to our training, so let's start the year out making them great!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
I also talk about two running food products I tried out during a recent run. One was great and the other, not so much.
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#310 - Races continue to grow from the lower numbers since 2020, along with the technology we use. Many things will take more importance in the new year while other things will become common place. And what are those new Boston qualifying times? I also talk about my race plans for the new year. What are your planned races? Send me an email and let me know! 2025 is going to be a great year!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
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#309 - 2024 was a big year in many ways. The Paris Olympics were big, as well as a massive first at the Barkley Marathons. I go over a few of the highlights in running this year, along with some trends. It's impossible to cover all of them, so this is just a few. I also talk about my own year, which started out on the rough side, but has since improved greatly. And if that's not enough, I also share my favorite Christmas songs!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
I hope you had a great 2024 in running! Let me know what your highlights this year were. You can email me at [email protected]
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#308 - There's so much to cover this week! First, I talk about what happened at my race this past weekend. And it wasn't pretty. DNFs happen though, and i don't shy away from talking about why it happened to me! I also give an apology for something I need to be more away of and I review an incredibly important and life-changing running book!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#307 - This week, I talk about the 22nd Annual San Francisco Turkey Trot, as well as give some gift suggestions for the runners in your life! I also offer my choices of what I would LOVE Santa to bring me!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
It's a light-hearted look at holiday running, racing and gift giving! I hope you had a great time running on Thanksgiving!
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#306 - Wherever there's a race, there are those few who try to get around the rules, try to earn things without working for them and show everyone how they are seemingly "the best". But are they? This week, it's all about race cheaters. What types of cheaters are there? I give examples of one-time cheaters, as well as serial cheaters. And the bigger question: Why do cheaters cheat? What type of runner is most likely to cheat?
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Please note this is Part 1 of 2 parts. The second part will be exclusively on Doping, which is a whole other type of cheating and deserves an entire episode.
And a correction: In my talking about the 2018 SF Hot Chocolate Race, I described the corals as being separated by miles per hour when I should have said separated by mile per minutes. My apologies.
All information can be found on the website.
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#305 - In 2021, the ultramarathon community experienced its worst disaster in history. In the Chinese province of Gansu a terrible and preventable nightmare occurred. I will go over all the details; what led up to it, why it happened and how it could have been prevented. I will also help you from becoming a victim of a similar disaster.
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Also, I review the running book - The Frontrunner, written by last week's guest Brad Fawley.
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#304 - The Frontrunner is that rare book: a novel about running. It's more than that though. It's a story of understanding who one truly is through running. And it's really good. Author Brad Fawley joins me this week to talk about his book, his own runner (like his book, he's really good!), and all the other things he does or has done. If you're looking for motivation or even for a great next book to read, you've come to the right place! All the links are on the show website!
Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...Listen on: Apple Podcasts Spotify
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#303 - During my Ruth Anderson 50k race a few weeks ago, I realized that some food choice changes needed to be made. I've done a lot of thinking about how my food habits effect my running and races. They go hand in hand. This week, I talk about how my nutritional healthy choices will make a positive effect on my running and hopefully put an end to my past GI problems. Figuring out and perfecting our nutrition is difficult, I really hope this helps end my past problems and I hope that sharing them with you will help you on your own running journey!
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#302 - It's the time of year for Haunting Running Trails! It's that time of year to listen to some spooky stories about ghosts, apparitions and unearthly creatures somewhere in the world. This year, I'm focusing on my home city, San Francisco! There's a lot to cover! I hope you enjoy hearing some of the history of my historic yet wild hometown! So, go for a run, or sit back in a comfy chair and hear some haunting stories!
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A correction: I called the San Francisco National Cemetery by the wrong name the first time I mentioned it. My apologies.
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