
  • In this week’s episode, I invited Lloyd Thompson back to nerd out again on books.

    But this time we talked about the top 3 books that changed each of our lives.

    Having both literally read hundreds of books, I know you will get a stack out of this week’s episode.

    Regardless of what your main focus in your life is right now, be it work or personal, one of these books is bound to be of massive value.

    I have constantly found specific books at specific times to be life changing and that’s what this week’s episode is all about, to get you to the next level, or to the other side of whatever you are dealing with right now.

    I’m sure you’ll get a heap of value from listening to our chat.

  • Did you think I’d keep my promise?

    In this week's episode, we go through an example of a template you can use to run a sales meeting. This template has built-in accountability, structure and that moves opportunities through your sales process once clients are in contact with you.

    This is a template I have perfected with multiple companies I have worked with.

    It will be easy to adapt to your business so I encourage you to take notes as you go,

    I also offered to send you a sales meeting template, so if you’d like me to, email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you.


    This is the LAST week you can get access to the Sales Mastery Certification at the special initial price.

    Learn more and get the training here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zg1O76xIwDz43nrobR8rhKo1APDd0DoXGa-JahzZzCo/edit?usp=sharing

    Then simply email and tell me at [email protected] if you are in, out or have any questions.

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    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Do you run or sit in on sales opportunity meetings with your sales team?

    Do they run on time?

    Do they get off track?

    Do you think they are actually productive?

    Chances are you are making at least 1 or more of the top 10 mistakes I see when business owners or sales managers run sales opportunity meetings.

    In this episode we go over all 10 and most importantly how you can fix them…forever.

    You’ll not only identify where you are going wrong but precisely what you need to do to keep your sales meetings efficient, effective and productive.

  • In this week’s episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Lloyd Thompson from VirtualDOO.

    Given we are both business growth book geeks, we decided to talk about each of our top 3 books for growing your business.

    Lloyd’s business VirtualDOO specializes in putting in a “Director of Operations” service on a fractional basis to smaller non-corporate businesses. Because of Lloyd’s core area of focus, he had a different take on his top 3 books than what I did, which was all about revenue growth.

    The result?

    I’ll let you judge for yourself, but I think it provided a great balance of 6 battle-tested resources for growing a small to medium non-corporate style business.

    You’ll hear why we picked each book and what our top takeout of each book was.

    I’m sure you'll get a heap of value from this episode.

  • Today I am going to share a real-life case study about a client I worked with a few years ago in the online advertising space.

    They came to me desperately needing to increase their sales and nothing was working.

    I remember walking into their office and the tension in there was palatable - you could literally feel the pressure and stress everyone was under.

    Fast forward 4 weeks and they had increased their sales by 500% all by making one simple change in their approach.

    You can apply this approach to almost any business so I’m sure you’ll get a stack out of listening to this week’s episode.

  • Everyone gets them…

    Flat spots in your business revenue…

    Maybe there’s been a change in the economy, maybe you are changing lead sources or maybe you’re getting back from a break and you simply need to rev things up again.

    This week I wanted to give you 3 simple strategies you can do to crank things up FAST.

    These three strategies, if you put some focus on them will cause an instant increase in your sales - right when you need them.

    They are simple to implement and require no additional cost to get things rolling. I have used these myself and with my new and existing clients for years.

    Have a listen here and get started today.

  • This is another big mistake I see business owners making over and over again.

    It’s where they promote a great sales person into a sales manager position.

    The instant problem this creates is the salesperson often has no idea how to be a great sales manager, and sadly being a great salesperson offers little or any advantage.

    The upshot for the business is they lose a great salesperson (plus the revenue hole this creates) and they get a very average sales manager.

    There is a way to do this though, so if you are a sales person wanting to make the switch to management or you are a business owner who wants to help a high performing sales person make the switch, this will be well worth a listen.

  • This week we are going to talk about another recurring conversation I have with clients.

    It’s when they have just hired a new sales team member and they are trying to work out if the new guy or girl is going to cut it or if they should let them go.

    Now, if you get the selection, induction, training and support systems right, this is way less likely to happen, but sadly, not many businesses have these systems in place.

    Which puts them in a sink or swim type situation, and if that is you right now, then this episode is going to be super valuable.

    We’ll cover the 3 big telltale warning signs that point to your salesperson sinking like a lead weight.

    Knowing these warning signs will not only help you to get rid of someone as early as possible but also to avoid it happening in the future.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have.

    This video is brought to you by John Blake Sales Breakthrough Solutions.

    💻 Visit the website: https://john-blake.com.au/

    Have you ever listened to yourself or your sales team on a sales call?

    If you haven’t, you’re missing a massive opportunity to improve yours and your team's effectiveness on sales calls.

    And therefore missing out on a massive opportunity to cause a big shift in your sales results.

    Since phone and video sales calls were able to be recorded and reviewed in my coaching sessions, my ability to coach and improve sales results has gone up by at least a factor of 100!

    I have now listened to 100’s of sales calls and I have noticed a pattern of incredible opportunities to help the clients I work with.

    I even helped one sales person grow his sales by 58% simply by reviewing his sales recordings.

    In this episode, we explore the 5 strategic advantages of listening to call recordings and why it put’s normal sales coaching on steroids…

    💰 DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, click here: http://JohnBlakeAudio.com

    Download your exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training, and companion PDF guide. Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

    🗓CONTACT ME: To book a time with me personally to design a business scale plan for your business click here: https://john-blake.com.au/contact-john/

    📖FREE BOOK: To download my FREE Attract Dream Clients Book click here: https://lp.john-blake.com.au/attract-...

    Attract dream clients on-demand using my unique direct-to-corporate strategy

    📈MASTER CLASS: To attend the next Sales Mastery Certification click here: https://johnblake.wufoo.com/forms/s1e...

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have.

    This video is brought to you by John Blake Sales Breakthrough Solutions.

    💻 Visit the website: https://john-blake.com.au/

    In episode 198 we cover two fast and highly effective ways you can maximise profit in your business by looking at both topline revenue and bottom line profit.

    I have noticed some economic forecasts that predict a slowing in the economy due to increased interest rates, slower exports and lower consumer spending.

    In these situations it’s tempting to simply blame our poor results on the economy, but you can take specific actions now to ensure this doesn’t disrupt your business.

    So what I have covered here are the two best ways I have learned to make sure you are least and last affected by this IF it happens to your industry.

    We talk about some specific places you can look on your balance sheet where you can cut expenses but also how you can optimise your top line revenue without increasing your spending on marketing.

    These are easy wins that are super easy to implement, and if you haven’t looked at them in the last 12 months, I guarantee you will find some ways to put more profit straight into your bottom line.

    💰 DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, click here: http://JohnBlakeAudio.com

    Download your exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training, and companion PDF guide. Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

    🗓CONTACT ME: To book a time with me personally to design a business scale plan for your business click here: https://john-blake.com.au/contact-john/

    📖FREE BOOK: To download my FREE Attract Dream Clients Book click here: https://lp.john-blake.com.au/attract-dream-clients

    Attract dream clients on-demand using my unique direct-to-corporate strategy

    📈UNLOCK SALES REVENUE CALL: To book a complimentary Unlock sales Revenue Call with John, simply follow the link below... https://johnblake.wufoo.com/forms/s1e2bc6q1sw4zyn/

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    In episode 197, we had an enlightening chat with copywriting expert Scott Bywater about leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT to improve email campaigns and sales messages. With over 20 years crafting high-converting copy, Scott provides thoughtful advice for harnessing AI without compromising quality.

    While AI can generate text quickly, Scott explains it lacks real understanding. He uses ChatGPT to spark ideas but still relies on human editing and expertise. His process includes research, client interviews, developing a copy strategy, and writing a draft fast to get words down.

    Scott then edits ruthlessly, cutting and refining to create tight, compelling copy. He says the real mastery lies in editing, not initial writing. Without foundational copywriting skills, AI output will be generic and ineffective.

    To make AI more useful, Scott recommends feeding it transcripts from client calls along with clear instructions, samples from top copywriters, and specifics like "Write this as if you're _____." This structures the creativity.

    We discuss the common mistake of writing headlines first, which constrains ideas. Scott advocates writing the full copy and creating headlines last when your subconscious has absorbed the content. This unlocks breakout headlines you'd never conceive otherwise.

    For email subject lines, Scott often identifies the most powerful hook buried deep in his draft copy, then uses it as the subject and adjusts the opening accordingly. Writing this way leverages AI creatively while retaining human nuance.

    Scott shares tactics for launching online courses, from drip-feeding teasers to special pre-launch incentives building scarcity and excitement. He structures launches like direct-response sales letters with compelling sequencing.

    While AI has limitations, Scott sees its ability to enhance human creativity and productivity. But we must first dedicate ourselves to mastering foundational skills, from research to editing. AI augments human ingenuity rather than replacing it.

    We found Scott's balanced perspective on integrating AI into copywriting refreshing.

    Listen to this episode and embrace the possibilities while navigating the fine line of not leaning too heavily on the convenience of AI content creation.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    In this episode, we had an enlightening discussion with leadership coach Nicky VeenVliet about the insidious mindset traps that often prevent high achievers from reaching their full potential. With over 15 years of experience empowering executives, entrepreneurs, and teams, Nicky provides insightful examples of taking ownership, cultivating self-awareness, and developing emotional regulation.

    We explore the tendency of successful people to hit an imaginary threshold where self-doubt and trauma surface, despite external success. Nicky emphasises accepting circumstances while taking action, rather than dwelling on "shoulds" and "fairness."

    Another trap is an inaccurate self-assessment which affirms a distorted self-image. Nicky advocates getting frank feedback from a coach or therapist to reveal blind spots.

    Nicky explores imposter syndrome in accomplished women who feel inadequate beneath external confidence. Childhood patterns drive these fears, requiring therapeutic work to overcome. She notes our inner dialogue is often far harsher than external feedback.

    When staff constantly asks questions, sometimes we reinforce dependency by always providing solutions. Nicky suggests asking “What do you think?” instead, which empowers teams to self-manage and think independently. This parallels coaching children to solve issues themselves first before seeking help.

    Nicky points to emotional addiction as another stealth obstacle. We unconsciously crave the thrill of conflict or victimhood. With awareness, we can pivot to more positive motivations and regulation. We share frameworks for setting boundaries, having difficult conversations and managing emotions productively.

    In working with male clients, Nicky uncovers far more intense shame and reluctance to show vulnerability. Cultural norms discourage men from openly addressing fears and trauma, which builds huge pressure. Creating a safe space for men to confide without judgment is critical.

    Nicky stresses the immense value of seeking outside perspectives to gain self-insight. We all have blind spots. Feedback requires courage but enables growth. You don’t need to wait until you hit rock bottom – continuous learning empowers progress.

    Listen to Nicky's enlightening insights in this episode. If you relate to the self-limiting patterns she described, don't despair. We all face doubts and struggles. But with self-awareness, responsibility, and support, we can overcome conditioning to achieve personal and professional aspirations.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    In Episode 195, we're tallying down the top 10 episodes of 2023 on Master Dealmakers Secrets, sharing invaluable sales mastery secrets based on listener feedback.

    Starting at number 10, we discuss considerations when changing industries, highlighting competition levels, ease of lead generation, and startup costs.

    At number nine, we address the seven biggest revenue leaks hampering small business sales, offering actionable solutions for 2023.

    Eighth place focuses on asking better questions in sales, emphasising the shift from transactional to trusted advisor status.

    Seventh place reviews The Ultimate Sales Machine, applying concepts from large enterprises to small businesses.

    Sixth place gives a transparent glimpse into sales struggles, highlighting key learnings for coaching through failures.

    Fifth place honours 'Start With No,' transforming sales conversations with psychology and strategic questioning.

    Fourth place goes to digital marketer Will on email and lead gen case studies. We discussed types of email campaigns, including some results from my past client,s as well as Will’s expertise in generating leads. Lots of practical tips any business can apply immediately!

    Bronze medalist is inspirational coach Nikki Thomas. Despite almost retreating corporate life after being told her idea was terrible, Nikki rebounded to lead thousands in personal growth workshops by persistently chasing her dream. Her tale offers motivation and guidance to keep chasing your big goals in 2023!

    Snagging the silver medal is digital expert Eli Wild who shares wisdom from 20 years in sales and Silicon Valley by refining an automated inbound funnel system. He reveals pivotal mindset shifts separating six and seven-figure earners plus advanced techniques fusing neuroscience and psychology to influence buyers.

    And our 2022 grand prize podcast guest is offers specialist Trevor Toe Cracker Crook, responsible for over $3 billion in sales. His four-phase system incorporates subtle psychological triggers that make even sceptics enrol. By knowing precisely who you help and enticing them into conversations, attracting clients becomes effortless rather than constant hustle.

    We look forward to continuing the podcast journey in 2023, shattering revenue goals with more sales mastery secrets. Get out there, smash objectives, and catch us on the next episode!

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide. Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    Today in Episode 194, we're going to talk about the three most important questions to ask when qualifying leads at the start of a sales conversation.

    Okay, on to today's topic - the three key questions for qualifying leads upfront to avoid wasting time later. Talking to unqualified prospects costs you in multiple ways. For service businesses, you waste time and money sending technicians on-site. Plus you lose opportunity cost from not spending that time with qualified prospects more likely to buy.

    You also waste backend time following up with poor prospects. The solution is properly qualifying upfront using these three simple but powerful questions:

    1. Why us? This reveals whether you're perceived as unique or commoditised. "You came up on Google" means you're seen as a commodity. If they say "My brother insisted I call only you," you have differentiation.

    2. Why now? This uncovers the prospect's sense of urgency and timing reasons. Needing work done by Christmas shows urgency making them more qualified. No plans until next year means don't invest much time now.

    3. Why this way? This lets you challenge assumptions and create differentiation. Most prospects don't professionally research your product. Gently probing their thinking often reveals gaps you can fill with your expertise, creating value.

    Let me share an example of hot water systems. Most plumbers just quote what's requested. But say, "I'm curious why you want gas?" and "Do you have solar panels?" Now you can propose a heat pump system using their solar energy, differentiating you as the expert.

    Asking these three simple questions prevents wasted effort on unqualified leads. You filter prospects appropriately and uncover opportunities to stand out. Your competitors commoditise themselves by answering superficial questions while you have meaningful conversations creating value.

    I'm also excited to launch my 10-week Sales Mastery Certification training, bringing my elite consulting to small businesses and sales professionals. Stay tuned for details!

    As always, listen to this episode to convert more prospects faster.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    People don't just invest money when buying your product. They invest time, identity, energy, and reputation too. Ignore this at your peril.

    In episode 193, I explain why with an example. A Registered Training Organisation sells £6,000 courses, with most fees covered by government funding. Students pay little upfront, yet 50% drop out. Why?

    The sales pitch takes 2-3 minutes. People enroll on a whim, not fully grasping the commitment. The RTO never engaged the other 4 "buying currencies" beyond the low cash price.

    When you make a purchase, you invest 5 currencies, not just money:

    Time – Willingness to spend hours learning, integrating, etc.

    Identity – How owning this alters your self-image.

    Energy – Motivation and effort in utilising the product.

    Reputation – How this shapes what others think about you.

    Money – The actual cash exchanged.

    For the RTO, students invest little money so the sales pitch ignores the other currencies. However, completing the course takes real time, energy, and motivation. Dropping out suggests students lacked the willpower and habits needed to follow through.

    The pitch should have asked questions about willingness to invest 10 hours weekly. It should have explored how having this professional qualification will change students' identity and reputation.

    When people visualise themselves investing in these currencies, they feel accountability. An engaged client becomes a motivated client.

    Whether selling marketing services, websites, or training, applying this model creates loyal customers. They fulfill requests quickly, complete courses, and value what you provide.

    So don't assume money is the only buying currency. Listen to this episode and dig deeper to really engage with your clients, considering the time, identity, energy, and reputation that’s been put into a purchase.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    In episode 192 of the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast, I delve into the critical difference between aggressive, ego-driven sales tactics and creating a natural, consultative sales experience.

    After investing over $500,000 in sales training and making every mistake imaginable, I've concluded aggressive methods are short-sighted. They're fuelled by a salesperson's ego and drive to hit their quota no matter what.

    This philosophy says you must convince prospects they need your product, even if it's not the ideal fit. You should sell at all costs. But this approach has major downsides.

    It breeds resistance because you push people into decisions they aren't ready to make. Even if you coerce a reluctant prospect into buying, they become a client from hell. They won't refer others and often cancel or complain down the road.

    Jordan Belfort and others prove high-pressure tactics deliver short-term gains but inevitably backfire. Reputations and brands suffer.

    The better philosophy creates a natural, tension-free sales conversation. You ask questions guiding prospects to sell themselves based on their needs and timing. This approach
    disqualifies wrong-fit clients upfront through qualification.

    It invests the time needed to ensure customers buy what truly serves them. They become raving fans who refer others for years because the process never felt pushy.

    While still driving urgency, you artfully help clients self-select your solution when the fit and timing are right. This earns loyalty and repeat business as you build for the long term.

    I always aim to steer prospects to the best option, even if it's not my product. This breeds immense goodwill. When selling feels natural, not aggressive, sustainable success follows.

    So think carefully about your sales philosophy. Avoid short-sighted methods harming your reputation down the road. Cultivate loyalty by taking the long view of doing what's right for

    Listen to this episode, embrace the consultative approach, and build lasting relationships with your clients.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    In episode 191 of the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast, I share the three biggest red flags to watch for when reviewing sales resumes.

    Over the last year, I've looked at over a thousand resumes for sales roles in my company. I've gotten really skilled at screening candidates efficiently. When reviewing resumes, I watch for three instant red flags that tell me a person isn't worth interviewing.

    The first red flag is if they aren’t currently in a sales position. There’s a saying “If you’re not now, you never were.” Time away from sales causes those muscles to atrophy quickly. While not an automatic disqualifier, I want candidates selling now to hit the ground running.

    The second red flag is short sales role tenure. As a profit center, companies work hard to retain top sales talent. If an applicant left a sales role fast, I probe for details. No legitimate reason is a warning sign.

    The third red flag is exaggerated sales backgrounds. Some stretch retail or gig experience as formal sales roles. I verify claimed credentials before relying on them.

    Once I screen resumes, interviews assess three key factors. First, does the person have industry knowledge from working in the field? Second, are they bought into my vision and culture? Third, can they sell? Ideal hires check at least two boxes.

    I emphasise evaluating cultural fit beyond sales skills. Strong salespeople can still damage team dynamics. I involve colleagues from different roles in interviews to get balanced perspectives.

    Everyone notices different things. Extra observers provide insights I may miss. I use a structured process with specific questions to thoroughly assess candidates.

    In the last year, I’ve learned key lessons hiring over 10 salespeople. Careful resume vetting, interviews, and assessments are crucial to avoid costly hiring mistakes. I want to share my experience to help you build world-class sales teams.

    Listen to this episode and be aware of these red flags when hiring new salespeople. You’ll have the tools to properly evaluate your candidates and make the best decision for your business.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    Welcome to the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast! In this episode, we're exploring the five reasons why business owners often stumble when they decide to build a sales team.

    For many entrepreneurs, the journey begins with the realisation that they no longer want to handle sales themselves. They've been the driving force behind their company's sales efforts and have decided it's time to bring in a salesperson. But how they go about it can make or break their success.

    The first reason is a common mistake. Not profiling the role they're looking to fill properly. Just like creating a targeted advertisement, understanding the profile of the ideal salesperson is crucial. What's their demographic? What's their background? Do they have industry-specific knowledge or experience? Defining this profile sets the foundation for attracting the right candidate.

    The second pitfall is the lack of a screening process. Hiring a salesperson isn't the same as hiring for other roles. To identify potential sales champions, business owners need to employ a sales-specific behavior profiling tool. This tool helps ensure that the person they bring on board is likely to succeed in the sales role.

    Next up is the absence of a documented sales process. Many businesses simply throw their new hires into the deep end, hoping they'll figure it out. But this sink-or-swim approach often leads to failure.

    To set salespeople up for success, businesses should have a clear, documented sales process in place that empowers new hires to hit the ground running and build their confidence.

    Have you found yourself struggling with your team’s performance? Do you want to know what the 5 biggest reasons why business owners fail when building a sales team are? Listen to this episode to find out!

    If you're a business owner and you are thinking about expanding your sales team, or you already have one but it’s not working as it should this episode will help you immensely. You are going to have the tools to know what to focus on so that you don’t make any of the common mistakes business owners make, and you are going to be able to get the most out of your sales team.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    Welcome to the Master Dealmaker Secrets podcast. In today's episode, we're diving into some critical insights about sales conversations. Specifically, we'll explore the three worst questions you should never ask during the discovery phase of your sales process.

    These questions can be detrimental to your sales success, but don’t worry, I'm not just going to give you the questions, I'm also going to give you more appropriate questions that would be a better thing to ask.

    The first question you should steer clear of is, "What keeps you up at night?" It's an overused and insensitive query that often comes across as clichéd. Instead, a more effective approach is to start the conversation by asking, "What made you decide to get in touch with us?"

    This opening question allows the potential client to share what's top of mind for them, whether it's a problem they need to solve or a desire to improve their situation.

    That's a way better place to start. Because, first of all, there might not be anything that keeps them up at night. They might actually be somebody who doesn't have a problem. They just want to make things better.

    About 72% of people are coming to you to solve a problem. But there is a relatively high number like about 28 to 30% of people that are simply coming to you because things are going well, but they want to go to the next level. So they are moving toward a better outcome rather than away from something that they're not happy with.

    The second question to avoid is, "What are your biggest challenges?" This question can backfire because not everyone sees their issues as challenges.

    The third question to skip is, "What would it take to win your business?" This question is outdated and can make the sales process feel adversarial. Instead, focus on building rapport and understanding the prospect's motivations. Avoid using combative language and strive to create a collaborative atmosphere during the conversation.

    So, what should you ask instead? Listen to this episode to find out!

    Learn to approach clients in a way that encourages the prospect to discuss their priorities and allows you to better understand their needs.

    Additionally, in this episode, we are going to talk about the questions that allow the prospect to share their perspective and highlight the potential consequences of not addressing their needs.

    So, don’t miss this episode, remember it's crucial to maintain a strong connection with your prospect throughout the conversation. Listen actively and respond empathetically to what they share. Don't rush through your questions; instead, create an environment where the prospect can explore their challenges and motivations openly.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.

  • Visit http://JohnBlakeAudio.com to Learn How to DOUBLE Your Enquiry-to-Sale Conversion with The Lead Flow You Already Have.

    Welcome to Master Dealmaker Secrets! Today, we're diving into the intriguing world of referrals. Buckle up as we unravel the secrets behind the seemingly baffling question: Why do only 11% of delighted customers who've had a positive experience with your product or service actually refer new business to you, despite a whopping 90% being more than willing to do so?

    The statistics are astonishing: 90% of satisfied clients are primed to refer business your way, but only 10-11% actually follow through. Now, why is that? Well, the answer is simpler than you might think—most often, we just don't ask for referrals. People get busy, life happens, and your excellent service can fade into the background. Astonishingly, a whopping 90% of salespeople neglect reconnecting with their former clients for referrals, which directly translates to a referral drought.

    But fear not! We’re about to unravel an elegantly simple framework to extract those elusive referrals without breaking a sweat.

    In this episode, you'll discover the art of crafting a conversation that not only feels genuine but leads to referrals flowing in, as naturally as a river carving its path.

    For instance, I’d like to emphasise the importance of describing your ideal buyer to your client, rather than throwing out a vague question like "Do you know anyone?" Be specific! Paint a vivid picture of your ideal customer so that they can't help but think of potential referrals fitting that description.

    I don’t just theorise these techniques; I’ve seen them work wonders, and in this episode I also share a riveting example of a real estate scenario, effectively illustrating how you can have potential clients in the palm of your hand with the right approach.

    So, here's the bottom line: Referrals are the lifeblood of any business, and they're yours for the taking. This episode equips you with the tools, techniques, and insights to transform your referral game. Whether you're a seasoned sales professional or just starting out, the strategies shared here can unlock a world of growth and success.

    Listen to this episode to learn a very simple but hugely valuable strategy to get more referrals, and remember, the magic happens when you put these lessons into action.

    To DOUBLE your lead-to-sale CONVERSION with the leads you already have, go to http://JohnBlakeAudio.com for his exclusive, free, no-fluff, audio training and companion PDF guide.
    Inside you’ll get word-for-word email follow-up templates, phone scripts, and more that you can put to use today.