In today's episode - I'm answering questions written in by some of you lovely listeners.
We're going to cover a wide range of topics, including:
Feeling guilt for things like finding other people attractiveShould I tell my partner about the work I'm doing on myself?The fear of missing a sign that you're being cheated onFeeling like you attract busy partners - and how to get your needs metHow to catch yourself before you project your insecurities Dealing with a partner with female friendsNOTE - Just because these things may not directly describe what you're struggling with, that doesn't mean the coaching won't still apply to YOUR brain.
No one is going to be in your exact situation - but the fears, thought errors, and behavioural patterns will be surprisingly similar!
Mentioned in the episode:
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Do you often feel jealous in your relationships?
Maybe your partner mentions a new co-worker, or a friend you're a little insecure about, or maybe you get that pit in your stomach when your best friend mentions one of their other friends...
Jealousy is a normal human emotion.
But it can cause so much havoc when left unchecked.
In this episode we're talking about:
What jealousy isHaving compassion for our jealous brainsTypes of jealousyThe biggest lies jealousy tells us How to coach your brain out of moments of jealousyAND how to deal with situations where a boundary might be being violated by your partnerMentioned in the episode:
Processing Emotions MeditationJoin my email list -
Eksik bölüm mü var?
This episode is for anyone that's tired of feeling like a slave to their anxious brain.
One of the biggest shifts for me was changing my relationship to my anxious thoughts.
Most of us take our thoughts verrrrry seriously. We think the fact our brain is saying something to us MUST mean it's true.
We place a lot of importance on the thoughts in our brain - and then end up ruminating, spiralling, and acting in ways we really don't love.
In today's episode, I'm talking about:
Why we have such unhelpful thoughtsWhy understanding the purpose of these thoughts is powerfulAnd I'm sharing practical tools for shifting into the observer of the thoughts - instead of feeling at the mercy of themMentioned in the episode:
How to handle 'What if...' thoughtsQuestioning your thoughts cheat sheetI HAVE 1:1 COACHING SPOTS AVAILABLE. Email: [email protected]
In today's episode, I'm talking about how knowing our core values can help guide us in and out of our relationships.
We'll be covering:
What values areHow yours and your partner's values may differWhether that's a problemAnd how to let your values guide you when making decisionsMentioned in the episode:
James Clear's list of valuesSign up to my email listContact me: [email protected] -
In today's episode, I'm interviewing one of my past clients and amazing friends - Mariah Kay.
Mariah speaks openly about her journey navigating her husband's alcohol addiction and talks about how you can help your partner in their recovery.
Mariah now coaches women facing the same struggles.
Find her at @myhusbandsaddictionCheck out her website: https://www.mariahkaycoaching.com/ -
As promised - in today's episode I'm answering 6 questions from listeners on a variety of topics.
The fear of falling out of love with your partnerWhen to end a relationship / when to try againComparing yourself (and your life) to others Jealousy over your partner's successWhat to do when you're triggered
Processing emotions meditation
Mentioned in the episode: -
Do you feel terrified about what your partner may or may not be doing online...
Is it easier to lie and hide things nowadays?What we're actually afraid ofThe beliefs that often fuel our fearsShould you be checking their phone?AND setting boundaries around online behaviour
Here's a snippet from a question I received from a listener:
"My question is about trusting someone in the digital age. It feels like more and more our devices are built for hiding things. Every social media app now seems to have a vanishing mode for deleting conversations, and every new version of an operating system offers additional “privacy” features. For someone working hard to heal their anxious attachment tendencies—including hyper vigilance—it feels exhausting! Like trouble could be lurking in every (digital) corner."
Can you relate?
In today's episode, I'm talking all about trust in the digital age. And covering: -
Anyone who has ever felt anxiety in their relationships will know what it's like to feel constantly afraid.
What courage isWhat loving without fear can createWhat loving courageously looks likeAnd how to cultivate more courage in your relationships
To fear what other people might be thinking of us...
To fear what our partners or friends might do...
To fear having to start again...
To fear being alone...
But I believe the antidote to fear is courage.
And so in today's episode, I'm talking about:Ready? LISTEN NOW.
Processing emotions meditationMYRMD - 12 week group coaching programmeEmail me: [email protected]
Mentioned in this episode: -
Ever make requests of your partner (or friend / family member) and maybe they agree to do it... but they don't really do it the way you hoped?
How there are really only 4 responses we can get to any request we makeHow to spot which response you're gettingHow to navigate each one and determine what's a dealbreaker
Maybe you ask them to plan more romantic date nights - and they do for a week or so - but then they go back to their old pattern of behaviour?
Or perhaps you're struggling with knowing when to compromise in your relationship - wondering if you and your partner are just too different?
In today's episode I'm exploring:
Mentioned in the episode:
Email me - [email protected] -
Our brains are always constructing a narrative.
Sign up for the Breaking Free of Codependent Thinking masterclassFind out more about my 12-week group coaching programmeWin a £100 Amazon voucher & provide some feedback!
We make meanings out of the things that have happened in our pasts, and then these stories shape and distort the way we think about situations in our present and what we create for our futures.
But did you know that you could rewrite your entire past, simply by changing the way you think about it?
Have you been cheated on...
Broken up with...
Made a big mistake...
Struggled in dating...
These events could be long gone but the story you tell yourself about them could be shaping your reality today.
Tune in to learn why rewriting the story you tell about the past is important and how to get started today!
Mentioned in the episode: -
Do you feel a little frustrated, disappointed or let down by some of the people in your life right now?
12 week group coaching programme details and waitlistEmail Rebecca - [email protected]
Maybe you had expectations of how certain relatives or loved ones would behave over Christmas, and they didn't quite hit the mark...
It's easy for us to slip into victim mode in these moments, and mentally give all power over our emotions to the imperfect humans in our lives.
But in this episode - I'm going to teach you how to take back control, think intentionally, and handle unmet expectations.
Mentioned in this episode: -
Feeling dread as Christmas approaches? Worrying about spending time with family members and feeling triggered?
Group coaching details
Have you done a lot of work on yourself this year, and fear that it may all fly out the window as soon as you're around your parents, neighbours, or distant relatives?
If so... I've got you!
This is the reminder we ALL need this time of year.
Mentioned in this episode: -
This week, I'm resharing one of my older episodes which answers a really common question I get when I teach people that their partners don't create their feelings.
People ask me: 'But if my partner isn't creating my emotions for me, and their job isn't to 'make me feel good' - then what's the point of relationships?!'
If your brain has offered a similar question...
This episode is for YOU! -
Do you see posts on Instagram about red flags and instantly feel the pit of anxiety in your stomach?
Why the idea of red flags fuels anxietyWhat we're really most afraid ofHow self-certainty can be created, even in the uncertainty of relationships
Are you often worried about missing the signs that your partner isn't trustworthy?
And have you beaten yourself up in the past for 'not seeing it coming' and felt embarrassed, stupid, and naïve?
If so - this episode is for YOU.
I'm offering an opposing opinion on red flags and talking about why our obsession with them isn't actually helpful.
Listen to find out:
Processing emotions meditationGroup coaching programme
Mentioned in the episode: -
Do you and your partner often have the same fight over and over?
Or is there an issue you have with a friend that has been happening for a while now - and you just can't seem to break the cycle?
Do you find yourself having the same reaction - and then them having their usual reaction...
And then suddenly you're in the same fight you've had many times before?
If so - it's time to break the cycle.
And this episode will help you do just that!
Mentioned in the episode:
Info on 1:1 coaching - email [email protected]
Link to group coaching info - Master Your Relationship Mind Drama -
We can all be a little codependent sometimes. We're all humans with human brains after all!
Do you feel like your mood can be ruined by the mood of the people around you?Do you instantly feel anxious if you think someone is mad at you?Do you often blame other people for how you're feeling or for the choices you're making?
But sometimes codependent ways of thinking can take on a life of their own - and create a lot of anxiety, fear, and resentment in relationships.
Find out more about 1:1 coaching by emailing [email protected]
If so, this episode is for YOU!
In today's episode - I'm sharing some examples of codependent thinking and revealing the thought errors driving them.
Mentioned in the episode: -
When we're feeling anxious, there are certain things that are going to help us...
Next round of my group coaching programme - DETAILS
And certain things that aren't...
In today's episode, I'm talking about the things that DO NOT help you when you're feeling anxious and what to do instead.
Mentioned in the episode: -
Does your brain just LOVE to worry? So much so you're pretty sure you could win an Olympic medal if worrying was a category?
Why our brains worryWhether worry is ever productiveSome of Emilie's favourite techniques for overcoming worry and anxietyAnd how to face any worrying situation with confidence and self-certainty
In today's episode, I'm talking to Emilie Leyes - expert in brain training and hypnosis - and founder of the Doddle hypnosis app.
We're covering topics like:
Find out more about Emilie: -
How much time do you spend focusing on how other people should change or behave differently?
Why we often struggle to show up as the partners / friends we really want to beWhy owning our own behaviours is important (rather than justifying them with the actions of others)And how to step into that future version of YOU
If it's quite a lot... you're not alone!
Our brains love to focus on how other people aren't doing it 'right' and how if they'd just change, life could be so much easier.
But in today's episode, I'm going to be talking about turning that focus inward.
And focusing on who YOU want to be in your relationships, regardless of what the other humans are doing.
I'm covering:
Information on my next round of group coaching and waitlist
Mentioned in this episode: -
Do you feel a looming pressure to 'get your shit together' by a certain age?
Maybe it's a pressure to find a romantic partner...Buy a house...Get married...Have a child...
Her experience with fear and dread about turning 30Milestone myths - and the biggies we get caught up inSocietal pressures and how to handle themThe expectation gap - and how to close itAND her 4 step approach for overcoming milestone anxiety
Do you often compare yourself to other people? Like your brain is cataloguing all their milestones, just to tell you how far behind you are?
In today's episode - I have a conversation with the amazing Kate Berski - author of 30 Phobia.
And we'll be digging into:
InstagramTik-TokHer website
How to find Kate: - Daha fazla göster