A collection of interesting examples for usage of information visualization, covering also a few concepts not yet discussed like 3D interfaces and semantic zooming.
A detailed discussion of the space of possible visualizations for a given information, including a reference model for visualization. Principles about truth in the perception of visualized data. Specific techniques for visualizing large amounts of data, in particular multimedia data.
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General motivation and problem description for information visualization. Overview of mechanisms in human perception relevant for information visualization.
Introduction to severeal technologies for developing applications on mobile devices. Main technology covered in detail is Java 2 Micro Edition, other technologies briefly discussed are: mobile HTML, Flash lite, Python
Classification of applications running on mobile devices, including examples. Overview of existing guidelines to improve usability of applications on mobile devices.
A short introduction to mobile computing and ist specific chellenges for usability. A detailed discussion af metjods for information input and output on mobile devices.
Design guidelines for usable Web sites. Discussion of accessibility issues for Web sites.
Elements of design for Web sites.
A brief recap of usability issues. A short introduction to Web technology as far as needed for the remainder of the lecture. A thorough discussion of the ways how people are using the Web.