
  • Dark TimesWe all go through dark times in life. During these times we sometimes feel helpless and alone. Often during these dark times we struggle spiritually, or fall into bad habits, or act in ways that are counter-productive. As an example When my wife left me after twenty-four years of marriage I went through a terrible darkness. During that time I gained about fifty pounds.This passage in Romans reminded me that God is at work in the dark times of my life. God is working to make me into the man He wants me to be. I need to be working as well. The passage encourages us to not waste the dark times. The dark times will not last forever. Morning is coming!Morning is coming, let's get to work!

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 17:05
    File Size: 19.2MB

  • If you are anything like me, you love Christmas. And one of the best parts of Christmas are the Christmas carols. There are so many beautiful, meaningful worship songs of Christmas. Many Christmas carols transport us to a time in our life, maybe a wonderful childhood memory. Sometimes we find ourselves in a painful place as the song takes our mind to painful times, or great times that are no more.My favorite carols are the ones which transport my mind to a stable in Bethlehem and remind me of powerful theological truths. “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” is a Christmas carol which does this very effectively.“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” was written by the great hymn writer Charles Wesley in 1739. Almost twenty years later Wesley’s friend George Whitfield made some changes to the lyrics. George Whitfield is considered one of the greatest preachers of all time and was at the center of the revival now known as the Great Awakening. He had a fascinating life and a very interesting relationship with Charles Wesley and his brother John. (If you would like to learn more I encourage you to read George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century.) In recent years Whitfield’s version has been edited to the version we hear today. In this meditation on “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” we will meditate on three verses from the Whitfield version and Bible passages which came to my mind as I meditated on the lyrics.

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 14:45
    File Size: 15.3MB

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  • If you are anything like me, you struggle at times keeping things in perspective. Events, worries, struggles, and failures can be overwhelming. This week a psychologist I know who works with teenagers told me, "teens believe everything is the end of the world." All of us I'm sure feel that way at times. On the flip side, when things are great and we are on top of our game the temptation to lose focus can be very strong. Whether I'm on the mountain top or the lowest pit I struggle to keep the eternal importance of everything in focus.The Apostle Paul gave us a very powerful reminder in his first letter to the church at Corinth. He gives us a list of the only things of eternal importance. He said, "...these three remain: faith, hope, and love." These are what will outlive us and into eternity.I wrote this meditation for me. This is a meditation I will need on a regular basis to remind me what is most important. Faith... Hope... Love...

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 19:50
    File Size: 22.6MB

  • Life can be so difficult when we trust in the wrong things. Any time we trust in anything or anyone to fulfill us, strengthen us, or complete us we are in for terrible disappointment. David understood that only God can be our everything.In Psalm 62 David refers to God as his "rock". As I studied this I came to understand the enormity of what David is trying to convey with those four little words, "He is my rock". This word translated "rock" is not a pebble or stone or even slab. When David says rock, he means ROCK. The same as when someone says, "I'm going rock climbing." I couldn't help but picture the rock of Gibraltar, a shear cliff of solid rock rising 1400 feet into the air.David knew God was his ROCK, because he had been through times when God was all he had to hold onto. The truth is that when God is all you have... you come to realize, God is all you need.

    Written by: The Mindful Worship Team
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 18:19
    File Size: 21.4MB

  • I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.Jeremiah 31:25Everyone knows the the feeling of being weary. Sometimes we are physically tired, or emotionally exhausted, and other times we are spiritually empty. What should we do when we find ourselves struggling to keep going?I have over the past year dealt with my share of weariness. One day this month I was reading Paul's letter to the Galatians. I read, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9)." These words sound great, but how? How can we "not give up"? How can we not become weary?I was encouraged by the words of Psalm 119:28, "My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word." These words led me to examine what the Bible says about being weary and what I as a follower of Jesus Christ should do to fight on and not give up. Through this personal meditation came, "He Gives Strength To The Weary."May God use His word to strengthen you for the challenges you are facing.

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 14:17
    File Size: 20.6 MB

  • This meditation was written in March as I thought about my word for the year, which is "focus". I love how frazzled Martha seems to be in this story. And Jesus doesn't slam her, or scold her, He simply points her to the "one thing" which really matters. I was encouraged by the reminder to focus on the one thing.Then in April my world began to collapse around me. My wife of 24 years announced she was done, and wanted a divorce. I have had incredible ups and downs over the past few months. At times it has been hard to focus on work, on taking care of myself physically, and trying to enjoy life. At times I have felt like Martha. I have even prayed her words, "Lord do you not care?"He does care. And the proof that He cares is He keeps pointing me to the one thing. The one thing that is necessary for life, the one thing that is necessary for joy, the one thing that we can always depend on during our best days and on the days when life is falling apart.I hope and pray that if you are going through a time of minor distraction or a time when life implodes that this scripture will encourage you as it has me.- Steve

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 11:29
    File Size: 16.5MB

  • A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.- JesusAll you need is love!- The BeatlesWe hope and dream for it. We sing songs and create art inspired by the thought of it. We are commanded in God's word to do it. Yet "Love" is a very misunderstood and often miss-used word. Most people believe love is a feeling. And it is a feeling, but in the words of the classic rock group Boston, it is "more than a feeling."Sometimes people wait for love to "happen" to them. We talk about "falling in love" as if it is a passive thing out of our control. I have been thinking a lot recently about the question: "What is love?" As I reflected on the question a very important passage to examine is I Corinthians 13:4-7.In his letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul attempted to explain what love is and what love is not. As I meditated on this list it drove home the truth that love is: active, powerful, primarily a verb, a fruit of the Holy Spirit, something that God does in and through us.Our hope is this meditation will help you as you seek God and grow in love.In this meditation we introduce a new voice talent. My son, Justin is the voice of this and hopefully many future meditations. He has a unique gift for voices. He can do many accents and impersonations. Among the great impressions he does are: Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, JayZ, Carl Sagan and Ricky Spears. (Maybe we will get him to do one someday as Ricky :) ) I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Don't forget to love yourself.- Soren Kierkegaard

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Justin Dalton
    Length: 11:46
    File Size: 11.3MB

  • This is the second meditation in a series of meditations on our identity in Christ. As we examine who we are, we become more aware of who God is. This is especially true here. It may sound proud to declare, "I am a masterpiece", but when you really think about the word "masterpiece" you discover it is a humble declaration of the greatness of God.In fact Paul wrote the words in Ephesians 2:10 in response to pride and racism in the church in Ephesus.For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation)Paul wanted them to know and God wants us to know it is God who is great, we are simply His masterpiece. And not just those with certain background or a particular skin color, or denomination, but “we”. “We”, all who have accepted Christ are God’s masterpiece. And we are here to do “the good things He planned for us” to do.We pray this meditation will bless you and help you in your understanding of: who you really are, how truly valuable you are to God, how God views each of us and most importantly who God is.

    Written by: Ricky Spears and Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 16:27
    File Size: 15.8MB

  • In the second of our new Christian Meditation On The Go, meditations. We continue to focus on scriptures for when you are "going through a trial".When Going Through A Trial Part 2This meditation continues to feature three voices and three translations.We often fall into blaming or questioning God when we are going through difficult times. Most all of us have done it. We are in such pain and feel like if God really cares He will do something to get us out of this situation. It is ok. Don't beat yourself up for feeling and thinking that way.The passages explored in this brief meditation remind us that God does care and even in our most awful trial, when things are the darkest, God is still working in us, for us, and through us. Isaiah 38:17 reminds us that even in "this anguish" God rescued us from Hell and forgave our sins. In Matthew 6: 31&33, Jesus explains that God provides for all our needs. Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (NASB) and even God Himself prays for us (Romans 8:26-28)We hope and pray these verses will be encouraging for you when you are going through a trial.You can listen to When Going Through A Trial part 1 here.

    Written by:
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears, Denice Spears, and Steve Dalton
    Length: 07:12
    File Size: 6.9MB

  • Do you wish you could spend time meditating on God's Word while driving to work?Have you ever wished you had a tool to help you spend time in scripture while taking a walk?Do you want to take Christian Meditation out of the study and into the world?Now You Can!Mindful Worship is introducing Christian Meditation On The Go! These meditations have no explanation or commentary, but feature related verses set to music. The meaning and full flavor of each verse is revealed as it is read from the New Living Translation, the Message (paraphrase), and the New American Standard Translation. We also have added new voices. "When Going Through a Trial" features Ricky Spears, Denice Spears, and Steve Dalton.When Going Through A TrialEveryone has experienced the struggle of going through a trial. Jesus promised his followers would go through trials in life. Maybe you have experienced or are even now experiencing... A Health Trial A Relationship Trial A Job or Career TrialThis Christian Meditation On The Go features challenging and encouraging scriptures to help you as you go through your trial. Each passage is read in three translations of the Bible allowing God to reveal Himself not through commentary and explanation, but by His Word.In nine minutes you will immerse yourself in passages like:James 1:2-4 (NLT)2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.4 So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.andJohn 16:33 (NASB77)33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."We would really love to hear what you think of this new Mindful Worship product. Be sure to leave a comment below or email us with your thoughts on Christian Meditation On The Go.

    Written by:
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears, Denice Spears, and Steve Dalton
    Length: 9:05
    File Size: 8.7MB

  • He is alive!! Jesus died for your sins, but He didn't stay dead. The truth that Jesus rose from the dead and is still alive today at the right hand of God, the Father changes everything.In this meditation we will meditate on the resurrection of Christ by going back to the moment when the stone rolled away from the tomb and the angel proclaimed, "He has risen!" Then we will contemplate the truth of John 11:25-26 in light of Easter.Steve's Commentary:Besides the Bible there were 2 things that inspired this meditation. I love history. I love going back in my mind and imagining what it looked like and felt like to "be" there. Two songs in particular take me to the moment of the resurrection. Redeemer, by Nicole C. Mullen gives me chills. It wouldn't be Easter if I didn't crank up the stereo and blast that beautiful song to the heavens. The other song I first heard sung by a couple of friends. William Dixon and Barry Weeks had a group called Holywind and I when they did this song I fought back tears. Last year I heard Newsong (the original artists) perform it and I being older and wiser didn't fight the tears. Arise My Lovetakes the listener back to the tomb to the very moment when God the Father called out to His dead Son and said, "Arise My Love". Sin, death, and hell were defeated.The other inspiration was the moment in the movie Son of Godwhen Peter comes out of the empty tomb. John says, "But, He's gone." Then Peter says, "No, He's back!". Jesus isn't gone. He didn't rise from the dead and leave us. He is still, l 2000 later, as active and alive as that wonderful Sunday morning when he appeared to His disciples and changed the course of history.

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 9:32
    File Size: 9.2MB

  • A Meditation on God's silenceDoes it seem like God is ignoring you? Do you cry out to Him or seek His direction and yet it seems He is not answering? You are not the first to feel this way. Abraham, Joseph, Job, David and many others in the Bible experience agonizing periods of silence from God. The disciples must have experienced this during the long hours between the cross and the empty tomb when God lay dead in a tomb.In this meditation we will contemplate how the disciples felt during the time after Jesus' death, when God seemed to have abandoned them. We will explore truth that may help us through times in our life when God is silent and we feel alone. Steve's Commentary:As with most of the meditations we write, this one came out of my own times of meditation on scripture and my personal struggle. My wife and I have been seeking God's direction and provision in a particular area for quite some time. And we have experienced a long, frustrating silence. There have been times we have felt like screaming (to quote David), "Why do You hide your face?" Praise God, what I know is more powerful than what I feel!

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 13:16
    File Size: 12.7MB

  • Do you ever think about what really happened on the cross so long ago? Have you ever thought about why Jesus died? If not, you probably should. The answers are revealed in the final words Jesus spoke while on the cross.In this meditation, we will be transported back in time 2,000 years to Golgotha to hear the final words of Jesus on the cross. Then we will contemplate what those words mean for us today. Steve's Commentary:When Jesus said, "It is finished". He was not making a simple statement of fact. He was revealing a powerful truth that impacts many areas of our life as believers. I have been powerfully moved by visual depictions of the crucifixion such as The Passion of the Christ and Son of God. I think it is important to remember the brutality of that moment. This meditation however serves a different purpose and is not brutal or graphic. This meditation is focused on the meaning of the event and the meaning of the words of Christ on that dark, horrible, wonderful day. A day when God closed the book on the old covenant and opened the new. As He did this, He declared with His dying breath, "It is finished".

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 11:26
    File Size: 11MB

  • Do you notice yourself at times, "going through the motions" in your relationship with God? You are certainly not alone. In fact God gave us the ordinance of the Lord's Supper (Communion) to help us slow down and examine what God did for us and the condition of our walk with him.In this meditation, we'll contemplate Paul's exhortation to the church in Corinth to "examine yourself" when coming to the Lord's table. We will then be transported back to the upper room to meditate on the Last Supper. We will examine ourselves by remembering what God did for us. Steve's Commentary:RememberRemembering can be a powerful thing. When we remember a person, place, feeling, or event it can have an impact on decisions we make, how we treat people, and even our walk or relationship with God. Science is now recognizing the incredible power of "remembering" as reported in a 2013 article in the Wall Street Journal titled, "The New Power of Memory". The studies suggest that the purpose of memory is far more extensive than simply helping us store and recall information about what has already happened. - SHIRLEY S. WANGJesus knew this far before science. And knowing the power of "remember" in our decisions and relationships He gave us a powerful tool so we would always remember. The Lord's Supper or Communion is our reminder to be mindful. It is a call to think about the sacrifice of Jesus, the love He has for us, and the promise that God sealed with the blood of His Son.Ricky's CommentaryFor many years, observing the Lord's Supper has been one of the things I most enjoy. It wasn't always that way though. I think things changed for me back in 2004 after seeing the movie, The Passion of the Christ. I was very well aware that Jesus was brutally beaten, but that movie just made it so much more vivid. The first time I took communion after seeing that movie, I closed my eyes and recalled the things I had seen. There was another added dimension too. Each time I envisioned a brutal event from the movie, such as the lash of a whip, I could hear the voice of the Holy Spirit whisper, "For you." I cried a river of tears during that service and felt incredibly humbled and appreciative of what Jesus did for me. It has been the same way every time I've observed the Lord's Supper since.When Steve proposed the idea of a Lord's Supper meditation, or a "virtual communion" as I call it, I thought it was a fantastic idea. I hope this meditation ushers you into God's presence as it does for me. Maybe even that it might provide a new perspective and new life and insight the next time you participate in this 'ritual'. Finally, I hope this meditation won't be used only near Easter, but any time you want to remember the great sacrifice Jesus made for you.

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 13:34
    File Size: 13MB

  • Our earthly bodies and minds are not what our heavenly bodies and minds will be. Sometimes we may have an affliction from our birth such as a physical deformity or a mental disorder; we may get suddenly injured physically, mentally, or emotionally; or things may deteriorate gradually over time as we get older. As things interfere with the life we want to live, we recognize that we need healing: healing from physical and mental afflictions, healing from emotional hurts, and even healing in our relationships with others.God told Moses, "I am the God who Heals you (Jehovah Rapha)." Jesus was called a physician--The Great Physician. Just as He calls himself Savior and desires to save us, so he calls himself Healer and desires to heal us. Just as He cannot save that which is not in danger, so He cannot heal that which is not afflicted. In this meditation, we'll honor God as Jehovah Rapha - The Lord Who Heals You.

    Written by: Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 23:01
    File Size: 22.1

  • Holy, Holy, Holy was written by Reginald Heber in 1861. The hymn was composed to celebrate Trinity Sunday and uses a three-fold repetition throughout to emphasize the triune nature of God. Throughout the hymn "holy, holy, holy" Verse 2 "was, is, and evermore shall be" Verse 3 "perfect in power, in love, and purity" Verse 4 "earth, and sky, and sea"We do not often meditate on the truth of the trinity. Many denominations and church traditions tend to emphasize one member of the Godhead above the others. That is human nature. It is helpful at times to stop and be mindful of the amazing truth of one God in three unique persons.Holy, Holy, Holy is more than a nice song with cool repetition. The song is a musical picture of a scene recorded by two men in the Bible. In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah sees a vision of God on His throne.In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."from Isaiah 6:1-3 (NIV)The other man was the apostle John who saw a vision of God on His throne while in exile on the island Patmos. This is recorded in Revelation 4 and is the primary scripture reference in this meditation.Our hope is through this meditation you will grow in your relationship with the fullness of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.(for timing reasons verse 3 is not included in this meditation)

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 20:10
    File Size: 19.4 MB

  • It is important for the believer to start their day with God through His Word and prayer. Jesus often would go off by Himself early in the morning and spend time with His Father during His earthly ministry. E.M. Bounds in, The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds: Power Through Prayer, Prayer and Praying Men, The Essentials of Prayer, The Necessity of Prayer, The Possibilities ... Purpose in Prayer, The Weapon of Prayer wrote, "If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, he will be in the last place the remainder of the day."I try (not always succeeding) to begin each day with a "quiet time" with God: reading, studying, meditating on His Word and in prayer. In fact, I write most of the guided meditation scripts early in the morning after I have had this personal "quiet time".Many of you love to begin your day meditating on God’s Word. Proof of this is that consistently one of our most popular Christian meditations is “New Every Morning”. "New Every Morning" was the 4th meditation Mindful Worship produced 7 years ago. We thought it was time to do another one. This meditation is on a passage which may be very familiar to you. In some churches I have attended we sang this verse as a hymn.Our prayer is meditating on Psalm 118:24 will help you begin your day looking forward to what God has for you today and help you approach it with a heart of gratitude and joy.

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 12:28
    File Size: 12MB

  • I love Christmas! I love everything about Christmas: the food, the decorations, the music, the gifts, the family, the joy, and most of all the event Christmas celebrates. Christmas is the celebration of the moment when "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us". What must it have been like to be there? Was it like the Christmas card nativity scene? Even more interesting is what would it have been like to be Mary?This meditation will transport you back through centuries of Christmases to the town of Nazareth to see the events of Christmas, through Mary's eyes. Our prayer is that everyone who hears this meditation will grow in their appreciation for Mary and her faith and a deeper understanding of the miracle of Christmas.Merry Christmas from Mindful Worship!

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 35:42
    File Size: 34.3 MB

  • Many of us struggle with an identity crisis. Problems that often come from a poor understanding of our true identity include: Low self-esteem Self-centeredness Lack of vision Anxiety and even DepressionAt the heart of it is the identity crisis is the question, "Who am I?". This is the first in a series of meditations we will release over the next year attempting to answer this question. To answer the question, "Who am I?", we will meditate on key passages of scripture. In some cases you may see the passage and your identity in Christ in a new, fresh light (as I did with this one).

    Written by: Steve Dalton and Ricky Spears
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 23:24
    File Size: 21.4MB

  • This is the second of our meditations inspired by the book, My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen. The book encourages people to choose one word to be their word for the year. During the year you focus on your word. A great way to focus on something is through "mindful meditation".This meditation focuses on the word, surrender. Surrender is my "one word" for 2014. It has been very challenging looking at things through the lens of this word. I have gained a greater sense of contentment as I have surrendered areas of my life. Our hope and prayer is this meditation will help you in your walk with God as well. 

    Written by: Steve Dalton
    Recorded by: Ricky Spears
    Length: 16:04
    File Size: 14.7 MB