I’ve had so many discussions about this over the last 27+ years, but I’ve never taught one cohesive sermon on it. That changes with this lesson. I give my reasons for my practice while respecting those who genuinely disagree due to their own studies. I pray my contribution here is beneficial to the on-going discussion among those practicing Torah.
I take a look at and give a Scriptural answer to this question I often receive. What does Scripture say about cooking on the Sabbath? Yes, I deal with the verse about kindling a fire.
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In contrast to Barnabus’ devotion to the Apostolic community, Ananias and Sapphira try to be deceptive and end up in a bad place. We should always be honest with what Yahweh has entrusted us with. Our vows should be upheld in fear and reverence.
What was the purpose behind the communal living of the early Messianic sect? When a person is fully dedicated to following Yeshua they realize that so much in this world ultimately just does not matter that much.
A general overview of keeping (guarding, protecting) the Sabbath. Towards the end I talk about exceptions to the rule and then answer the question I get asked most often when people are beginning to consider obeying this commandment.
One of the ways a person can find out real quick how much of a blessing Yahweh’s law is, is to start genuinely keeping the Sabbath. I talk a little bit about my journey to keeping Sabbath, and I also go into a little bit about being a disciple of someone.
I go over a few more details concerning the Sabbatical year (and cycle) and then I get into some practicality for followers of Yahweh today. Never try to talk yourself out of keeping a commandment. Always reason towards Yahweh’s Torah, not away from it.
The apostles had been threatened by the religious leaders in Jerusalem, so what did they do? They didn’t complain. They didn’t give up. They prayed, and they prayed for strength and boldness. This lesson also goes over a key midrash from Psalm 2 in Acts 4.
The apostles of Yeshua are faced with a decision to listen to the instruction from the Sanhedrin or continue to preach and teach about Yeshua. When we are faced with similar decisions in our life, it is always right to listen to and obey Yahweh rather than man.
Part of Sabbath-keeping is making sure the land gets to rest along with us, but this is a bit longer of a process. Towards the end of the sermon I talk about just how serious it was to respect the land.
We are called to judge, accuse, and love, but we are called to do those things in accordance with Yahweh’s instructions. For example, there is an unrighteous judgment as well as a righteous judgment. How do we know which is which? Towards the end I give an admonishment on making sure to love Yahweh and not just your neighbor.
The Torah (OT) actually teaches us to love (do good) to our enemies. I cover what exactly this means and end with a parable of sorts of how we ought to be like Yahweh is each and every day.
We must use our speech for truth rather than slander and falsehood, even when the majority of people are speaking that which is a lie. No matter how big the crowd is that is going the wrong direction, it’s never right.
An introductory sermon to Exodus 23. The generality of life’s ups and downs are taught, but through it all we must stay the course. Do your best to not get tired of doing good. Yeshua is waiting for you at the finish line!
The Apostles of Yeshua stand before the Sanhedrin and are ordered against speaking in the name of Yeshua. Why? Listen to learn how we should be bold for Messiah, even in the face of persecution.
A closer look at strangled meat, how animals are slaughtered today (in general), and the natural and spiritual aspect of “the dogs” in both Exodus 22 and Matthew 7. I end our study of Exodus 22 with a reminder that we want the control of Yahweh over our lives and true freedom is found in being devoted to Him.
Taking a look at how Exodus 22:31 ties into the proper slaughtering of a clean animal. I go over some pertinent parts of Acts 15 and the decision made by the elders at the Jerusalem Council.
We are not called to try and be different just for the sake of being different. Making up your own rules doesn’t mean a hill of beans to the Almighty. Humbly following what He said, and not adding to or taking away from His written commands is where it’s at.
An overview of the abortion issue from a Biblical perspective, and a call to recognize its weightiness on a governmental scale.
A look at Apostle Peter’s statement about what salvation in the name of Yeshua meant in its first-century, apostolic context.
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