Being the mom of 15 kids has taught me countless lessons in efficiency and organization. From diapering hacks to simplifying daily routines, I’ve learned how to juggle everything with ease. In this post, I share 15 family life hacks that have kept me sane and on top of the chaos! These tips cover everything from quick cleanup routines, efficient shopping, and making the most of your time, to managing kids' clothing and even bathroom time. If you're navigating a busy household or just looking for new ideas to streamline your parenting, this is a must-read! Plus, stay tuned for more hacks in future posts.
For more content like this (and loads of freebies), be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
In today’s episode, I answer one crucial question every parent faces when deciding on their family size: Can I afford more children? I break down the true cost of raising children, using the latest stats from the U.S. government, showing how much it costs to raise kids from birth to age 17—and how that stacks up against real-life family finances. With 15 children of our own, my husband and I have experienced both the highs and lows of parenthood and finances. Despite the staggering costs—over $4.6 million—we’ve learned that faith, trust, and God's provision have made all the difference in our journey. Throughout this episode, I’ll share stories of how our family managed during the leanest times, from homelessness to financial struggle, and how God's provision always met our needs. If you’re wondering whether you can afford a larger family, listen in as I offer my personal insights, challenges, and ultimate joy in raising a large family on a tight budget. We may not have had wealth, but our children have been priceless treasures in every way.
For more content like this, along with loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
Eksik bölüm mü var?
There is never a perfect time to have a baby. The child born in the worst circumstances today may grow up to be a blessing from God to others. Let's make ourselves available to be conduits for God's Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.
For more content like this, and loads of freebies, please go to our website, MomDelights.com
This post is another installment in our "unit study" for mommies on Babies. In earlier portions of this unit study we have covered things such as the myth of overpopulation and other general aspects of allowing children into our lives. Today we will focus on respecting childbirth.
I have given birth to 15 lively children, one-at-a-time. In medical terms, I am a "great-grand multipara." I suppose you could say that I am an "expert" in my field (chuckling slightly).
What have I learned? Be sure and listen to find out!
For more content like this, and loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
I was not raised to become a mother. I was raised to see babies as a threat and to deny my maternal instincts.
Can you relate? In this podcast we will talk about the cost of denying one's motherliness, and the blessings of pursuing it.
For more content like this, and loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
It's the New Year. Are you feeling great about your homeschooling, or are you feeling defeated? Either way, I think it's time for everyone to do a little homeschool pump it up! Here is the link to the blog post where you will find the scriptures printable: https://momdelights.com/index.php/2025/01/04/homeschool-pump-it-up-for-2025/
As a mom of 15, whenever I announced the births of our children as a product of our trust in God, someone would inevitably exclaim, "But God gave you a brain, too, so why don't you use it?" The implication was that having babies is not logical.
But is it logical to have babies? I think so, and in this video I will give some reasons why preventing babies is harmful, both to individuals and to the society at large, while having babies benefits everyone.
The blog post for this podcast (with loads of links to articles, etc.) is below:
We have been trained to see everything from a negative side-view. Governments, money, morality, social issues, standard of living.
I believe that thinking and speaking with a dark foreboding expectation of the future sets things in motion so that our decisions begin creating the very things we say we dread. Our expectation of the future is causing us to build that future.
However, the opposite is also true. If we can turn our gaze on Jesus, our expectations can be adjusted so they are positive.
Hope of the future sets the ball rolling. When we believe everything is working for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes, our individual decisions begin to look different. We are falling into plans for a hopeful future, and, in doing so we are helping to create that future as an optimistic one.
For more content like this, as well as loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
Before we decide where we stand on reproductive rights, it would be good to find out where they came from! This is part four in our unit study for mommies on babies. I hope you enjoy it, although the truth isn't always pleasant. In the near future we will deal with the truth about pregnancy and childbirth, as well as explore the positives of motherhood.
For more content like this, along with loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
"The material conditions of life will continue to get better for most people in most countries most of the time, indefinitely. Within a century or two, all nations and most of humanity will be at or above today’s Western living standards. I also speculate, however, that many people will continue to think and say that the conditions of life are getting worse." This is a quote by Julian Simon, an economist who fought against the lie of overpopulation. In his understanding, human beings are NOT a cancerous blight, but our greatest natural resource!
This is the third podcast in our homeschool mom unit study on babies. Be sure and subscribe so you won't miss following installments, and you can also read more (and get access to all sorts of freebies) by subscribing to my blog over at MomDelights.com.
President Trump promises to be a great friend of homeschooling, and for this we are so very thankful, but we are also thankful that he is too wise to put homeschooling on the government dole.
For more content like this, and a host of cool freebies, visit our website, MomDelights.com .
There is no suggestion here that family or children (especially lots of children) will fulfill all dreams and solve all societal ills. I know first-hand that children are messy, smelly, and disruptive. They cost a lot, even if you cook from scratch and shop at Goodwill. Too often they take all of your loving care and throw it back in your face as a "thank you."
But there is more. Much, much more. There is SO much more, in fact, that it would take a million podcasts to tell you about the exponential benefits of doing things God's way.
Listen in to find out just some of them.
Also, the second Commonplace Book has been published on Amazon.com and is also available for free on the blog post at the web address below:
The modern homeschooling movement has been unabashedly political from its inception. This election cycle should be no exception--we explore some Biblically-based reasons in this video. I searched but could not find a good article about the negative intentions for the Common School movement--the search engine I used could only speak of it in glowing terms. So, I found a page from an important education site (learninfreedom.org) that gives reference to a number of books which you may find interesting. Here it is: https://learninfreedom.org/school_sta...
Emergency situations are where homeschooling gives us the upper hand have the upper hand. We don't need buildings or paid staff to enjoy organic learning. We can teach (and learn along with our children) anytime, anywhere. This podcast gives some suggestions as to how to go about it.
For more freebies and resources, be sure and visit MomDelights.com
I know we all come to homeschooling from different angles. We often stumble into it. We even think we can buy a stack of books and keep "education" in its own separate compartment and keep living like we always have.
But this doesn't go very well for very long.
For more content like this, along with loads of freebies, please visit my website, MomDelights.com
Homeschoolers don't need to be socialized, but they do need to be civilized. Let's explore why and how together!
For more content like this, along with loads of freebies, be sure and check out the MomDelights.com website.
Like a delicious, well-cooked and seasoned meal, education is supposed to nourish both body and soul. It is not supposed to be dutifully shoved down in huge amounts until it becomes loathsome.
I know, because I have been so guilty of doing this myself. I have been guilty of making Charlotte Mason cry.
For more content like this, and loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website, MomDelights.com
What this world needs is more ladies. It needs their velvet, and it needs their steel. In this podcast we will discuss this in detail and talk about ways we can encourage this in our daughters.
For more content like this (and loads of freebies), be sure to visit my website, MomDelights.com
So, your children are growing up. You've been enjoying the learning journey so far (except for maybe learning to read and long division), but the years ahead are blurry and unsure. Are you really capable of facing the years ahead? I say YES--you can homeschool your teens!
And this is from many years, and many children, of experience. So far, we have "graduated" 13 of our 15 children. All of them were homeschooled until graduation.
For more content like this, along with loads of freebies, be sure and visit my website:
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