中年大叔無止盡的賣力用心碎碎唸稱之為OJIZAKA時事評析、音樂分享、親子對談、藝術文化、娛樂新聞週二、四【大叔坂工事中】赤木 x KYO桑的爆笑雙人組,從流行娛樂文化中看出日本偶像不簡單的價值。週日【大叔坂週報中】赤木 x KYO桑為大家整理乃木坂一週的重大新聞與不重大新聞。不定期更新【新大叔坂Star誕生】從昭和唱到令和,各類歌曲展現五期生韌性與潛力。不定期更新【一百種老杯】你是哪一種老爸,其實沒有定論,當老爸就是一種過程。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
The most famous 1/2 Persian comedian in the world has paired up w/ Patrick Bet-David & Valuetainment to bring you a hilarious look at the news for people who hate the news. K-von has only one goal- 'Wake America Up w/ Laughter!' Support this podcast:
我是主持人Noah,目前就讀於國立中央大學的法國語文學系,自身對法國的事物相當感興趣,平時也喜歡看各式體育運動賽事;身旁的人常接觸到法國文化的並不多,學過法文的更是少之又少,我希望透過這個機會,將我的專業 — 法文,加上我的興趣 — 體育、傳媒、文化探索,透過自身的敘述與表達,讓大家能夠更加了解這個國家以及語言!
C’est parti!
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On Air with Castbox marks the official launch of Livecast, our new free audio streaming feature!Hosted by Bad Crypto's Joel Comm and Travis Wright, this original interview series features a variety of key figures within the podcasting community. Listen as they share their insights and interact with their fans in real-time.
Hollywire is your 24/7 Celebrity News Channel! Get the latest celebrity news & hot celebrity gossip. We are reporting on today’s trends, entertainment, music, celebrities, movies, and more! HW is working with and identifying the next generation of celebrities and global influencers. We are YOUR CELEBRITY CONNECTION!
Let’s talk about comebacks, tea, kpop in general!
The NIGHT show is a media entertainment platform under the Gabriel Kwesi Jones holdings group umbrella. Its goal is to engage, entertain, and enlighten the audience with real stories and information from 90% homegrown Canadian talent. We will be doing this through strategic partnering and by utilizing all available platforms.
The Night Show Podcast is one segment of the platform to tell the stories of all the hardworking individuals we encounter. We want to share your talents the way you intended. We connect on a candid level to ensure that your voice and message are 100% authentic. -
歡迎收聽拷球Podcast 這是由3位來自屏東的年輕人為您介紹世界各國的文化,帶您從屏東看世界
Welcome to culture
This Podcast made by three teenagers to introduce every country's culture for you
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This is a podcast where I will tell you about the biggest Disney News. The Podcast is posted every Saturday. In that episode I will go through all the main Disney news stories from around the world. (Though I focus on Disney World) I will also answer a question of the week. The answers to those will usually give you tips on how to have a better vacation or a deep dive into the history of a Disney related thing.
一個喜歡長期觀察&苦過來的Johnny's外星人FANS想傳遞給大家的事分享如何在難搞的J家體系下理智並且合理的追星介紹傑尼斯藝人或團體的作品跟軌跡以及分享我個人親眼見證的第一印象和個人感覺--Hosting provided by SoundOn
#韓國 #Kpop #迷妹 #追星
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Reviews and discussions on all things movies, music, and television!
just talking and having a good time
Semua informasi tentang Musik, Event, dan Lifestyle
Clases de japones, entrevistas relacionadas a cultura japonesa, animé, videojuegos, ñoñerías por montones!
Fully researched, fast-paced KPOP news to keep you in the KPOP loop! YouTube: for full videos!
Three gay dudes bring you current LGBTQ+ news, interrogate heteronormative society, and promote the gay agenda.
Dishing out daily doses of positivity and humor, with stories that are always served "sunny-side-up"
The Trevor Decker Podcast offers audio versions of some of the most important stories and articles from Trevor Decker News, the entertainment news blog.