The very talented Karen Sullivan joins Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley to discuss Human Design: what it is and how it works.
Human Design is an energetic system to understand yourself better. It is a beautiful blend of ancient information and wisdoms that have been used separately by cultures for thousands of years. It is not a belief system and it does not make predictions. Rather, it’s a system for exploration and experimentation.
The Human Design chart pulls together certain aspects of ancient systems to show clients the gifts they possess, how they form decisions and how they communicate. “Human Design steers you away from societal expectations and guides you back to your true self,” says Karen.
“By understanding your unique design, you understand yourself better. Your design gives you the language for questions you have always had. When you live true to yourself, you face less resistance throughout all areas of life.”
Instagram: humandesignbykaren
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary shares her March 2025 astrology forecast. The month ahead is a cosmic minefield.
Valuable Venus turning retrograde motion on Saturday, March 1st. Venus’ retrograde passage lasts six weeks, overlapping with Lent, underscoring a primary theme of Venus retrograde: temptation, on all fronts.
Watch for old relationships surfacing and a time of buyer beware. Venus retrograde is a notorious time of buyer’s remorse, especially for luxury goods. It is not the best time to: start a business; make new investments; buy homes, cars or luxury items; go on a first date or initiate new relationships.
It is the perfect time for Spring cleaning and to practice the RE words including: research, review, retreat, renew, restore, rest, and more, especially the second half of March when Messenger Mercury is also retrograde.
The first eclipse of 2025 occurs on Friday, March 14th. A total Full Moon lunar eclipse; its themes are control vs. surrender, expectation management, and deep cleansing with healing potential.
With Sun and Saturn aligning to Motivating Mars during the eclipse, trust your intuition. The very next day, Messenger Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday, March 15th. Expect some very big messages.
The time between eclipses is a notorious energetic black hole. The darkness is intensified by the overlapping Venus-Mercury retrogrades. Expect little to no traction.
Make use of the second half of March: Plan and prepare; surrender what you cannot control; add music to your life, in your home, car and at work; use water therapy and exercise of all kinds: steam, frozen, or liquid, and to change your scenery.
Now is the time to clean house, both literally and physically. The Virgo Full Moon eclipse directs us to look at our health, wellness, work and lifestyle routines and habits.
A few days later the Spring Equinox occurs on Thursday, March 20th. We are at a the threshold of a portal. There is no going back, returning to previous ways.
Heading into the New Moon eclipse in Aries on Saturday, March 29th watch for illusion and the delusional as well as pristine understanding. Words have rarely mattered more. Choose your words wisely as you will be heard now. Set clear intentions.
March departs with an epic crescendo. Notably, spiritual Neptune shifts into the sign of Aries. The last time it changed signs was in 2011, when she turned from Aquarius into Pisces. Think about how far you have come since then!
A spiritual, watery planet in a fiery sign of action, Neptune makes a statement. This is not a time for the faint of heart. April holds the light at the end of the tunnel. But we do indeed have miles to go before we sleep. As Winston Churchill said: If you are going through hell, keep going.
Of Special Note:
The 3 Wise Women is off and running! Join us! We are three veteran metaphysical practitioners offering community, conversation and connection via zoom every first Tuesday of the month @6 pm eastern. For just $10/session, join like-minded seekers to ask your wildest woo questions and learn from each other. To enroll: www.cathyripleygreene.com
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
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Mystical Messages host Hilary interviews BodyTalk expert practitioner Katherine Ebacher about what BodyTalk is and how it can restore healthy well-being. BodyTalk is a holistic approach to healthcare that will change your perceptions about what optimal health really means. The results are more than just symptom relief. They produce a lasting state of health, making your long-standing issue a thing of the past. Katherine Ebacher helps transform your life from the inside out. Through insightful listening, curiosity, and storytelling translation, she offers healing tools to unveil your joy, freedom and prosperity.
“Our bodies inherently know how to heal themselves,” says Ebacher. “However, certain factors like day-to-day stress, emotional issues, life challenges, or complex illnesses can create an imbalance that puts pressure on or even shuts down our body’s natural healing process. Through BodyTalk, we can create awareness of the pressure, remove the tension and re-establish natural balance. Then the body is capable of healing itself at a deep and lasting level.”
Dive into this episode and learn how BodyTalk can help you!CONTACTS:
Katherine Ebacher
Instagram: @katherineebacher
Facebook: Katherine Ebacher
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic coordinates for February 2025. A notably calmer month than either January or March, take advantage of the relative quiet afforded this month.
Generous Jupiter turns direct motion in Gemini helping communication flow on February 4th. The Full Moon on Friday, February 14th pushes us out of our comfort zones. Watch for financial and resource challenges to our creative efforts and innovative ideas. Pay attention to smoke and mirrors, spin doctors and con artists are hard at work during mid-month when Mercury challenges Jupiter.
Ask the hard questions and look under the hood of any prospective purchases. Motivating Mars finally turns direct motion on February 24th so take a big breath and exhale before cosmic March Madness begins.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary dives into the cosmic nitty gritty for the first half of 2025. The New Year definitely promises to be a ride; so hold on tight to the steadfast constants in your life. Interior planetary retrogrades kick off 2025 with Motivating Mars in nurturing Cancer the Crab. From the outset, the year demands (or invites) change. With Powerful Pluto opposing Motivating Mars, we are pushed out of our comfort zones. The old ways simply will not work. Pluto joins the Moon in avant garde Aquarius from Day One. Now in Aquarius through 2043, Pluto prompts our invention, innovation and non-mainstream approach to life.
There is no rush. All three interior planets Mercury, Mars and venus will be retrograde, back to back, now through mid-April, giving us ample time to feel into how we can reinvent ourselves and rise to the demands posed by 2025. Take advantage of these slow motion planets because by the end of April, shock and awe greet us at nearly every turn.
What makes 2025 so cosmically unusual is the planetary changing of the guard en masse. Fully five outer planets change sign within eight months-time. This is very rare indeed. Why? Planets beyond Mars move very, very slowly, especially the outer three. From November 2024 through July 2025, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will shift energetically. We move from earth and water to fire and air elements, turning from practical, grounded and intuitive (earth and water signs) to creative, innovative, idea-oriented and communicative (fire and air signs). You will feel these shifts. Our lived experience at the beginning of 2025 will be incredibly different than by the end of the year.
So it is really important to sink into the interior planetary slow-going afforded us during the first few months. January opens with Motivating Mars retrograde motion. Mars is the gas pedal of the zodiac, the kick in the pants to get us out of bed in the morning. Retrograde, Mars turns our energy inward, focusing on self-nurturing, home, family and ancestral patterns as it cycles through Cancer the Crab from January 4th through April 17th. Deep in mid-winter, it is a convenient time for this passage.
Our energy feels sluggish through the end of February. Watch for lack of motivation and general inertia. Key themes with Mars retrograde in Cancer are: food, family, self-care, diet and digestion, house, residence, home improvement projects, ancestors, hospice and life endings, maternal figures in your life (mom, sisters, aunts, grandmothers), psychological conditioning and programming, biological inheritance, nation, country.
Thursday, January 30th: Game Changer Uranus turns direct motion. You may feel a marked gear thrust forward. In Taurus, Uranus awakens our values, self-worth, skills and talents, relationship to money and all resources. Notice where this is active for you.
February is a remarkably quiet month cosmically speaking. I strongly recommend taking advantage of the calm before March madness descends! Generous Jupiter turns direct motion in Gemini on Tuesday, February 4th. Jupiter is the titan of abundance, learning and expansion. In Gemini, communication flows more easily; information you are seeking or sharing is readily available.
Monday, February 24th: Motivating Mars finally turns direct motion! Notice how your energy picks up steam. Where we felt lethargic, Mars now lights a fire under us, actively urging us to tend to our self-care, family, our home, elders, and how we cook and feed ourselves. Enjoy the last week of February when all the interior planets are briefly direct motion to book travel plans, sign major contracts and documents, purchase large ticket items.
March Key Dates: Very busy cosmic month
Sunday, March 2nd Valuable Venus turns retrograde in Aries. Watch temptation on all fronts: tempting love affairs heading nowhere and impulse buying things, especially luxury goods that you do not need. Also watch for all variety of relationships from the past resurfacing: old friends, relatives, romantic partners. Venus is retrograde March 2-April 13th and it is not a great time to initiate any relationships or launch businesses.
In the midst of this stretch, Friday, March 14th delivers the first eclipse of 2025, a total lunar eclipse in Virgo. Health, wellness, service, work, habits, practices and routines move front and center now. We are asked to surrender what we cannot control.
The very next day, Saturday, March 15th: Messenger Mercury turns retrograde in Aries until Monday, April 7th. The great news is we get both Mercury and Venus retrogrades out of the way at the same time! Watch for communication snafus, heated arguments and misunderstandings, overpromising things you cannot commit to, avoid signing major contracts or key documents, and hold off on booking travel plans or buying phones, tablets, laptops when possible until mid-April.
Life kicks into overdrive with the second eclipse on Saturday, March 29th, a partial solar eclipse in Aries. Look where you are incited or invited into action? Standing up for yourself, defending the vulnerable, and/or trying anything new to you, be it methods, exercise, travel, food, methods of thinking, and more are on the table now.
Underscoring the urge to explore the untried and new to us is soulful Neptune’s shift into pioneering Aries on Monday, March 31st. Neptune is the planet of the soul, dreams, the subconscious. Ephemeral Neptune is not especially comfortable cycling through Aries, the first sign and first fire sign of the zodiac. Its key phrase is I AM. Rules the head, identity, self, war, conflict, battle. Known for physicality, leadership, athleticism, initiative, impulse, lack of follow through, action, doing (not being), up for/willing to try anything. Personality type: the Warrior, the pioneer, the executive, the Great Initiator. The best possible combination of Neptune in Aries is pioneering solutions benefitting all of mankind; the downside is religious zealotry.
By the end of May, Taskmaster Saturn joins Neptune in Aries. You will surely feel the fire under your fanny and your feet when these two join forces! This duos inspires and commands our soul craving something brand new, what we’ve never done before. What is that for you?
Monday, June 9th Generous Jupiter moves into nurturing Cancer the Crab for the next full year. Exalted in this maternal sign, Jupiter offers endless silver linings to any challenges we may endure. Look for the helpers, as Mr. Rogers said. Earth angels abound if you only ask for assistance.
Just after the 4th of July holiday, change agent Uranus moves into communicative Gemini. Aligning to Pluto in Aquarius, watch for smoother connections, proliferating idea exchange, technology developments, and surprising solutions to stubborn long-term problems. It is important to remember that the planets impel, the do not compel; meaning, you have free will and choice how you respond to planetary stimulus.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Mystical Messages host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley shares the cosmic forecast for January 2025. Motivating Mars continues its retrograde motion, backing into Cancer the Crab for the next four months. We revisit all matters regarding home, family, diet and food, our housing situation, ancestry, biological programming and inheritance, as well as our national homeland.
Powerful Pluto conjoins the Moon on Day One 2025 in Aquarius, setting the tone for January and the rest of 2025: expect the unexpected. Surprise, shock and change are the watchwords this coming year. Tremendous strides will be made with technology, innovation, and humanitarian efforts. What benefits most everyone is emphasized. Full Moon on Monday, January 13th in Cancer tightly bound to Mars continues our focus on home and family.
The Sun enters Aquarius joining Pluto on January 20th, Inauguration Day in the United States, heightening the push for change. Just remember not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Build on your life lessons and experience by adding new ideas and possibilities with curiosity. Great Awakener Uranus turns direct motion on Thursday, January 30th. In Taurus, Uranus draws our attention to the best use of our tangible and intangible assets.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Life coach and author Scott Grace joins Mystical Messages host Hilary to discuss the author’s new book, Mindful Masculinity. Using humor and empathy, Mindful Masculinity guides readers to leave behind stale, old concepts of what it means to be a man and how to bring healthy and integrated masculinity into their lives. Scott’s book is written for both men and women, since women also have a masculine side. His work offers resources for both men and women to take charge of their evolution. The author and life coach, Scott is also a self-described tapping wizard, intuitive guide, singer-song writer and conscious comedian.
Of his coaching work, Scott says, “I am not here to help you feel better, but to help you better feel, which, paradoxically, helps you feel better. I assist you to find the courage to face the fears, grief, anger, and self-judgment that might be blocking your ability to access joy, love, prosperity, and freedom. This is brave work, and it does not have to be done alone. I cheer you, guide you, and walk with you through the hard stuff. I work with all the common modern day stressors – anxiety, overwhelm, depression, low self-esteem, and trauma using EFT Tapping and other modalities.”
Scott Grace
Facebook: Scott K. Grace
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages podcast host Hilary shares the cosmic outlook for the final month of 2024. December 1st opens with a New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius. This New Moon asks what lights your spirit on fire? What makes you feel free? If you aren’t quite sure, you will have plenty of time to reflect as December marks the beginning of a five-month long planetary slow down lasting through mid-April 2025.
Manage your expectations of how much you will accomplish especially as Messenger Mercury is retrograde until December 15th, overlapping with Mars when it turns retrograde on December 6th. From the 6th to the 16th is really slow going. Avoid buying holiday gifts during that stretch.
The Full Moon in communicative Gemini delivers significant announcements on December 15th. By the end of the week, the Sun enters Capricorn marking the winter solstice and delivering some much needed practicality to our goal setting for the New Year.
Thank you for tuning into Mystical Messages podcast! Wishing you a joyous holiday season and healthy 2025.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Mystical Messages host Hilary Harley welcomes martial arts master Jeff Patterson to discuss his book and his life’s work of the same name The Yielding Warrior. Jeff firmly believes the power of the meditative arts Tai Chi and Qi Gong enhances our overall life experiences. It led Patterson to study the historical, philosophical and health aspects of the meditative arts, resulting in the concept of yielding.
“Now my mission is to share my knowledge after witnessing the positive and profound impact on thousands of my students,” he says. The transformational Yielding Warrior Path offers a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where health, harmony, and success align through the wisdom of Tai Chi and Qigong.
The Yielding Warrior Way is different from other mindfulness and movement practices. Using Eastern philosophies that incorporate meditation, mindfulness and fluid movement, the practice of Yielding focuses the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects of life. The student consequently experiences the world entirely different and becomes the best version of him/herself. “Change and improvement take time; but we’ve created a quick-start method so you can experience results within a few sessions. All you need is an open mind and a willingness to learn and dedication to improvement,” shares Patterson.
His three books, two audio courses and hundreds of videos on Tai Chi and Qi Gong move students toward achieving their goals. “All goals are achievable with the practice of Yielding,” Patterson states.
Connect with Jeff Patterson
Phone: 503.233.6932
Street/US Mailing address:
1200 SE Morrison Street
Suite 200
Portland, OR 97214
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Astrologer, soul guide, and Mystical Messages podcast host Hilary Harley outlines the cosmic energy for November 2024. The New Moon and Scorpio Sun on Day 1 of November have us digging up old and discarded pieces of our lives. Along with Pluto in its final days of Capricorn, the Sun and Moon prompt us to examine what lies beneath the surface of our lives, the dirt as well as the treasure.
On Tuesday, November 19th Pluto turns into Aquarius for the next 20 years, through 2043...! Imagine what life will look like then. History is the best predictor of the future; and the last time Pluto rolled through Aquarius, 1777-1798, two major revolutions occurred in France and America. The Old Order is now done; but do not expect the birth of the New Order to be neat and tidy. Rather, creation and giving birth are very messy processes. Manage your expectations about how to navigate this time. Spin doctors and con artists thrive with the difficult energy at the end of November. Beware and be aware. Lean into your common sense reasoning and ask intentional, open ended questions. Let others reveal who they really are.
Mercury turns retrograde right before Thanksgiving on Tuesday, November 26th, so allow plenty of time driving or flying to your destination. Practice patience and compassion now and for the foreseeable future. We got through the Covid pandemic; we can get through the next several months!
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Mystical Messages host Hilary discusses the topic of Sacred Geometry with Gregory and Gail Hoag, experts on the subject.
What is Sacred Geometry and how can it be used to maximize our human potential? Sacred geometry is essentially the study of the spiritual meaning of various shapes. It can be applied to the forms, numbers, and patterns seen throughout the natural world. The spiral of a snail's shell, the captivating pattern of a single snowflake, and the branches of a tree can all be examples of sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is also thought to exist beyond the naked eye, both on a cellular level and in the stars and orbiting planets.
By aligning with the universal patterns and precision of creation, we tap into our true power as co-creators with Source. The rhythm, cycles, and exactness of the Universe reveal who we are and how we fit into the grand scheme of things. Sacred Geometry holds the key to understanding the numbers, patterns, and life-positive elements hidden in ancient scriptures as well as in the inherent design of Universe. By studying these patterns, we gain insight into the mysteries of life and the universe. This shows us that consciousness and love are key to spiritual evolution.
Gregory, scientist and leading expert on Sacred Geometry, along with Gail, artist, business and health consultant, founded Metaforms over 35 years ago. They create energetic tools and share knowledge that supports people to evolve into higher awareness with Source and Heart consciousness. They are recognized as leading experts on Sacred Geometric technologies for improving health, raising consciousness, reducing stress, manifesting purpose and clearing electromagnetic interference. The Hoags are gifted intuitives and spiritual stewards living on their high energy land in Colorado, where they have developed energetic chambers and geometric grids to positively affect the world.To Connect with Gregory and Gail Hoag
US Mailing Address:
382 River Way, Lyons, CO 80540
Instagram: Metaforms
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Mystical Messages podcast host and veteran astrologer Hilary Harley breaks down the cosmic energies for October 2024. A New Moon solar eclipse occurs on Wednesday, October 2nd, just as we enter the month. In Libra, this eclipse has us focusing on balance, beauty and relationships. Make sure to factor yourself into every decision you make. Otherwise, you may find that you get so caught up in other people’s needs and agendas that your own desires are left behind. Avoid this!
Generous Jupiter comes to a standstill and turns retrograde on Tuesday, October 8th. We do not feel the forward and reverse motions of the outer planets as we do the interior planets Mercury, Venus and Mars that are closer to the Earth. Nonetheless, if you have important affairs to launch or get a move on, the energy may feel sluggish from October 7-9. In communicative Gemini, Jupiter sends a message now: are we listening as much as we are talking? Are you allowing quiet, down time (again with the down time!) to gather information and integrate all data points? This reminder is the gift of Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, to pay attention, to hear, in equal measure to sharing and talking.
On Thursday, October 10th, Powerful Pluto turns direct motion in Capricorn. Tied to the moon, Pluto says clearly: get down to business. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Actions speak a whole lot louder than words now. Opposite Motivating Mars in Cancer, the Pluto-Moon duo in Capricorn emphasize the gravity of the current moment, especially as pertains to our family, home, diet or food, country/nation and ancestral heritage.
Messenger Mercury turns into transformational Scorpio on Sunday, October 13th. With its X ray vision and unparalleled bull shit detector, Scorpio Mercury roots out any dirt swept under the proverbial rug. What it uncovers, it readily reveals. Feel the burn. Anyone trying to pull a fast one or pull the wool over another’s eyes, will feel the burn, the infamous Scorpio sting. Simply: they won’t get away with anything. Talk about power moves. Now is the time to let your power swing.
Helping us put our explorer hat on, Valuable Venus turns into Sagittarius the very next day, Friday, October 18th. Here, Venus is up for anything, game to try what she hasn’t done before. Unabashed and definitely unafraid, Sagittarius Venus cannot wait to hit the trail and see where adventure takes her. Messenger Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius create one powerful planetary combination. Together we see everything and everyone clearly, speak our minds regardless of who might be offended, telling ribald truths, and peeling away antiquated distortions and expectations of how life is supposed to be.
A question for anyone still thinking along these lines: how IS life actually supposed to be? And according to whom? Chances are, the answers will not hold water. Truth telling is not for the faint of heart. So do not expect to win popularity contests or curry favor for speaking your truth.
On Tuesday, October 22nd the Sun turns into Scorpio. Joining Mercury, the Sun lays bare any attempts to shade the truth. We intuitively see, feel, andknow with uncanny accuracy the essence of our personal and work lives. Heavy lifting now follows. What once is seen cannot be unseen. You ARE up for the task ahead. You’ve uncovered the dirt hidden by that old rug. Just look there in the pile underneath: a treasure awaits, to bring out of the shadows and into the light. What will you do with your treasure?
Of special note:
So honored to appear on the Life with Ghosts podcast recently. Hosts Stephen Berkley and Gary Langley offered a lively discussion with challenging questions about the soul, astrology, its purpose as a guidance tool, and much more. This is one episode to give a listen. To tune in, go to YouTube, Life with Ghosts episode 18: https://youtu.be/FpJSATYeaSQ
3 Wise Women: Join veteran medium Cathy Ripley Greene, psychic intuitive Veronica Drake and me the first Tuesday of each month @6 pm via zoom for metaphysical community and conversation. We tackle questions large and small. Come find your tribe! $10 session or $110 for the year. www.cathyripleygreene.com or www.hilaryharley.com to enroll.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Founder of Cool and Thoughtful magazine, Kerrin Smith, joins host Hilary for this episode of Mystical Messages podcast. Cool and Thoughtful is an annual print publication using aesthetics to express a mindful way of being. The latest issue No. 4 just released on September 9, 2024. The magazine’s mission seeks to redefine what cool means in the fashion industry by leveraging the magnetism of aesthetics (such as fashion, design, art and music) to express a vision of optimism.
Cool and Thoughtful fosters lifestyles that are mindful, empathetic and engaged in generative problem-solving, ultimately to champion a positive, productive way of relating to yourself and interacting with others. Kerrin and Hilary discuss their spiritual journeys and the impacts path of the Lightworker and Wayshower have on personal development.
For anyone on The Path, this is a must-listen episode.
Connect with Kerrin Smith
Instagram: @bycoolandthoughtful
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary breaks down the cosmic events of September 2024. On Day 1 of September, Powerful Pluto returns to Capricorn for its final pass in this responsible sign. The planetary bulldozer, Pluto in Capricorn suffers no fools, accepts no excuses and draws exact boundaries on the ledger of life. Pluto in Capricorn allows for no blurry areas or gray zones. It says you made your choices, now deal with the consequences. September is as serious as it gets.
The New Moon in analytical Virgo the very next day, on Monday, September 2nd, takes stock of where we stand and how to most effectively move forward. Our health and well-being are paramount. Control what you can and surrender everything else as this New Moon opposes Saturn in spiritual Pisces. The first of THREE eclipses kicks off with the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on Tuesday, September 17th, in Virgo-Pisces. If you did not receive the message at the beginning of the month, this eclipse has your name on it: surrender now. This eclipse calls us to implement our divine inspirations. Dream and then do. Follow up your dreams with a detailed plan. The moon rules our emotions as well as the ocean tides. So it is worth avoiding “getting swept away” by emotional tides, carried away without rhyme or reason. To counter irrational thoughts or behaviors: ground yourself. The Sun (our will) and Messenger Mercury (our minds) are in earthy Virgo. They remind us to rely on healthy routines and practices such as exercise, mindfulness and meditation, hobbies, and service to others to ground yourself and keep it real.
The Sun turns into Libra on Sunday, September 22nd marking the Fall Equinox, while Valuable Venus shifts into Scorpio on the very same day. In Scorpio, the planet of love, money and relationship knows what’s up, whether she’s dealing with a player or a truth teller. she offers immense support to the otherwise indecisive Sun and Messenger Mercury which joins the Sun in Libra on Thursday, September 26th. Scorpio Venus does deep research then informs Sun-Mercury which way to go, and long-term consequences benefitting your own best interests. The caution here is canvassing every possible opinion, or being persuaded too easily by popular consensus rather than harkening to your own conscience and wisdom.
As you approach key junctures, then, reserve quiet time to contemplate your heartfelt desires. Libra energy often forgets and forsakes its own needs and agenda as it rushes to please others. But Libra’s purpose is to balance. Balance your needs in equal measure to those around you. The most difficult decisions often involvevoting for ourselves first. Doing so, we risk alienating another. However, if we choose conformity, staying on the hamster wheel of tribal conditioning and programming, doing as we always have been told, we face a greater risk: losing ourselves entirely, to long-term soulful disappointment, resentment and worse.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. – Anais Nin
Go forth and blossom.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Mystical Messages host Hilary welcomes Letao Wang to discuss his newest oracle deck Oracle of the Celestial Deities. This recent deck follows Letao’s earlier deckOracle of the Mythic Hero. Letao says he does not view himself as a “fortune teller” but rather as someone who uses horoscopes, tarot readings and numerology to help others forge their own illuminated path. Although he grew up in a traditional Chinese home, Letao left a career in banking in 2015 to found The Healing Kingdom to guide clients on their personal journeys.
Wang was named the Best Astrologer and Tarot Specialist in 2021 by Hong Kong Most Outstanding Business Award and Spiritual Guide of the Year in 2020 by Hong Kong’s Liv Magazine, and was given the Hong Kong Influencers Award in 2019 and 2020 by Hong Kong Living Magazine. Wang is also a member of the Hong Kong Society of Counseling and Psychology as well as a member of the Australian Counseling Association. His own education includes a master’s in counseling, a master’s in translating and interpreting Chinese and English, an advanced diploma in applied astrology, and a bachelor’s in English.
Connect with Letao Wang
Instagram: letaowang
Oracle decks:
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and podcast host Hilary guides listeners through the cosmic energies of August 2024. The month kicks off with a some gear shifts on Sunday, August 4th with the New Moon in festive Leo while Mercury turns retrograde in practical Virgo on the very same day!
Messenger Mercury will be retrograde for most of the month, so remember to practice PATIENCE with all communications, use the RE words: Rest, Restore, Review, Relax, Restore and more. Avoid or delay purchasing big ticket items such as cars, homes and appliances as well as booking travel reservations and signing legal documents.
The Full Moon in innovative Aquarius occurs on August 19th when everyone and everything is seen and heard for who and what they are. The Sun shifts into humble Virgo on Thursday, August 22nd keeps it real and our feet on the ground. Then Messenger Mercury finally turns direct motion on Wednesday, August 28th. Go full steam ahead as we head into the fall.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Visionary founder of Zenathon Sonya Masur joins host Hilary to share what Zenathon is all about. “Zenathon is a transformative event and movement dedicated to nurturing inner harmony and global peace,” describes Masur. A festival for the soul, Zenathon is a one-day immersive retreat filled with inspiring talks, interactive workshops and activities that make your heart and soul dance.
Zenathon will be held on Sunday, September 22, 2024, in Sharon, Massachusetts. The six components of Zenathon include yoga, mindful meditation, art, zen talks, nature and a vendor marketplace. No experience is necessary for yoga, mindful meditation or art components. Come join the Zenathon movement!
Learn more about Zenathon
Facebook: Zenathon
Instagram: thezenathon
Connect with Sonya Masur
Facebook: Sonya Seligman Masur
Instagram: sonshine111
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages podcast host Hilary Harley outlines the cosmic waves for July 2024. A decidedly playful and reflective month, July invites us to unwind and unfold into soul time. Retrograding Taskmaster Saturn and Dreamy Neptune pull us into relaxing waters. Will you say yes, or will you resist?
This is an excellent time to play hooky, plunk down on a hammock with a good book, check out of the office for a day, or week… Especially around the New Moon on Friday, July 5th. Shift into low and slow gear to get clear about your intentions. Hand write 3-5 intentions or goals you want to manifest over the coming month or season, then plant in the warm earth, maybe under a new flowering shrub to beautify your garden.
Around mid-month, Motivating Mars and Radical Uranus join forces, aligning helpfully to Pluto. Look for windfalls, changes in fortune, climate shifts and ripe opportunities. When good fortune knocks on your door: say yes and figure out the details later on.
The Full Moon occurs at an attention-getting degree of Capricorn just as Mars enters Gemini on July 21st. Pronounced boundaries will be drawn and messages delivered, especially regarding family, home, food, life-cycle events and ancestral heritage. Choose your battles very carefully now. Think of the long-term consequences rather than any short term gains.
We are assisted by Messenger Mercury’s shift into practical Virgo on July 26th. The planner of the zodiac, Virgo Mercury notices the details and prepares for all outcomes. This is a good thing, as long as you avoid overthinking…
Of special note:
Find your tribe! Join me and fellow seekers among the 3 Wise women, for community, conversation and connection for just $10/month. We meet the first Tuesday of each month 6-7:30 PM via zoom. Enroll by visiting: hilaryharley.com/3wisewomen.
Also: The Zenathon is coming! Sunday, September 22, 2024 in Sharon Massachusetts. This one-day immersive retreat features myriad speakers, teachers, practitioners and healers along with a vendor marketplace. I will present on the astrology for the last quarter of the year. Join us from 10 AM-4 PM. Visit www.zenathon.org to learn more.
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Veteran astrologer and Mystical Messages host Hilary breaks down the cosmic coordinates for the month of June 2024. Thankfully, the relative planetary calm continues this month. We’re counting our resources, including material as well as talents and skill sets as June kicks into gear, focusing on what we want to grow more of in our lives. June 3rd Messenger Mercury turns into its home sign of Gemini, joining the Sun, Venus and Jupiter, giving us a cosmic advertising agency to promote our goals and get our message out. Think giant bull horn.
Key to remember is to listen and hear in equal measure to sharing what you know. The New Moon on Thursday, June 6th emphasizes the power of language. So carefully write your intentions and goals as the Universe is listening up.
Messenger Mercury and Valuable Venus both shift into compassionate Cancer the Crab on June 17th, right before the Sun enters Cancer to mark the summer solstice on June 20th. Notice the energetic shift, from a communicative, mind orientation to home and family centered focus. The next day, the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st highlights what is working for us versus what is most definitely not. The Capricorn Full Moon occurs just as Taskmaster Saturn slows down to turn retrograde on June 29th. Both events nudge us to be resourceful, set limits, be real and realistic.
Take small steps to achieve your goals. You are worthy of what you set out to accomplish!
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
Unshakeable peace and boundless bliss are your birthright, says Rebecca Quave in her conversation with Mystical Messages host Hilary. To work with Rebecca is to experience a deep, organic shift in your Being, rather than adopting a single mindset, positive thinking or good-vibes band aid.
“You are the center of a ripple,” states Quave. “Your ripple extends beyond what you’ve even been aware of, because your leadership changes and uplifts people who then create plenty of their own ripples. Your impact will last beyond your lifetime. At the center of it all is your state of Being.
Your state of Being is the crown jewel of your life. As soon as you start treating it that way, everything changes. To bring more power and harmony to your ripple, you don’t need to twist yourself into a pretzel with more strategies, tactics or plans about how to create harmony.” Tune into this episode to learn about how remarkable Rebecca offers pivotal redirection to attain long-sought quality of life shifts.
Connect with Rebecca Quave
Facebook: Rebecca Quave
Instagram: therebeccaq
To reach Hilary Harley:
Facebook: hilary harley.
hilary harley astrology
holistic healing
Instagram: hilary.harley
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