
  • Today, Dr. Stephanie Holmes speaks with Pastor Craig Johnson of Lakewood Church about creating inclusion for kids, teens, and adults with needs and differences. Their core value is "We never ever turn away a child no matter the need!" Find out about your church or organization that can be trained and host a Champions. Club. Dr. Stephanie reads an excerpt from her daughter's chapter in their new book about her church experience; you can get that book at https://amzn.to/46W7LgN

    About our Guest: Pastor Craig Johnson
    Craig is currently the Associate Pastor at Lakewood Church with Joel Osteen and Co-founder of the Champions Foundation and Champions Club Developmental Centers for Special Needs, with over 110 centers in 23 countries across the world. Craig is currently serving on the US Congressionally Mandated “Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee” in Washington, DC. This committee was formulated by the Presidential signing of the Autism Cares Act. This committee gives advice and recommendations to Congress and the President regarding Federal activities related to autism spectrum disorder. He is the author of the book “Lead Vertically” Inspire People to Volunteer and Build Great Teams That Last, “Champion” How One Boy's Miraculous Journey Through Autism Is Changing the World, and “Unrehearsed Destiny” It’s Intermission, Your Second Act Is Coming.” Craig & His wife Samantha co-wrote the children’s book “You Are Extraordinary.” His greatest honor is husband to his wife of 33 years, Samantha, and father to Cory, Courtney, and Connor.

  • This week is Juneteenth!
    It feels most appropriate to discuss autism and special needs from the perspective of people of color. We welcome back Dr. Mary for this discussion.
    Today, our guest is a pediatrician and mom who will give us great insight into this perspective through lived and professional experience.

    About Dr. Mary Jones:
    I am a physician and PCCI-trained life and leadership coach.
    I believe there is greatness in each of us, and I’m passionate about equipping and empowering women to reach their fullest potential.
    Throughout my life and career, I have had the privilege of working to empower and equip women and girls to be their best selves.
    Each day, I have the privilege of spending time coaching amazing women who are reaching goals and fulfilling a compelling vision for their lives.
    My vision is to see women living out their purpose and effecting change in their own spheres of influence.

    Dr. Mary has contributed to a chapter in our newest book on this very topic! Follow the countdown of Uniquely US at www.christianneurodiversemarriage.com

    Contact her at:
    [email protected]

    Article Dr. Mary mentioned:

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • You asked for it!

    We are answering listener requests. In 2022, the original JTG crew did a show on processing a later-in-life diagnosis. Several listeners asked that other men and women be on to process their later-in-life diagnoses.

    Don't worry—the original JTG crew will be back!
    This Special Edition looks at Greg, Brian, and Kevin's later-in-life Autism Identification.
    Check out Brian's book
    Intentional Marriage
    Kevin's wife, Shawna Meek's book: Determined for More

  • Today's guest has been on the podcast before when we discussed predictive error coding and the autistic brain; Dr. Peter Vermeulen

    Peter is the founder, director, CEO, lecturer, consultant, website developer, and secretary. Occasionally, Peter even cleans the office of Autism in Context, the senior Autism lecturer and consultant for Autisme Centraal, and the Chief Editor of “Sterk in Autisme!”, a bimonthly magazine of Autisme Centraal. Autisme Centraal is responsible for autism awareness campaigns and ‘autism friendliness' support activities throughout Europe. He is a Member of the Editorial Board of ‘Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek, Kinderpsychiatrie en Klinische Psychologie” (Journal of Special Education, Child Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology of the University of Leuven, Belgium) (currently Chief Editor of that Journal), a reviewer for Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders; Journal of Intellectual Disability – Diagnosis and Treatment.

    When Peter is not presenting, writing, driving or flying around for his job, he can usually be found on one of his 4 bicycles, trying to imitate Tour de France winners, hereby being oblivious to his age and physical state. When tired from cycling, he can be found at home with his wife and their dog (which actually is more a Gremlin than a dog). Or he is playing with his grandchild. Because the Gremlin loves the beach, Peter often spends his weekends at the seaside, savoring seafood and enjoying a good beer as a descendant of a brewing family.


    Our other podcast with Dr. Peter on predictive error coding is found here: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/predictive-coding-dr-vermeulen--50520574

    When we have guests on the ASR podcast, they are recognized for their expertise in autism as advocates, self-advocates, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and not necessarily in full agreement with all beliefs of the chosen guest(s).

  • We have been taking many road trips these past four years in the quest to visit all 50 states! We listen to podcasts, and podcasting and learning from podcasts has become a shared activity of connection!

    We start our discussion with the real definition of righteousness: returning to Eden and being naked and unashamed. What is an Ezer Kenegdo? Your neurodiverse relationship can be healthy when you first get in the right relationship with God and each other, rule together and not apart, and advance the Kingdom together! Two are better than one!
    Do you want your home to be your Eden or where the Chaos Monster lives?

    We mentioned:
    Eden Podcast (Bruce CE Fleming)
    The Bible Project
    The Israel Bible Podcast

  • Today, Dr. Stephanie and Dr. Kevin discuss a few topics. The blogs Dr. Stephanie mentions come from Dr. Kevin's blogs on his site.
    We talk about:
    Autobiographical memory
    Identity and Autism
    Videogaming- the good, the bad and the therapeutic

    About Dr. Kevin Hull:
    Dr. Kevin Hull owns and operates Hull and Associates, P.A., a private practice in Lakeland, Florida. Dr. Hull is a licensed counselor who has worked with children and adolescents and their families on the Autism spectrum since 2001. He conducts weekly individual and group therapy sessions with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. Dr. Hull has been a professor for 18 years and is currently an Associate Faculty with Liberty University. Dr. Hull has published Play Therapy and Asperger’s Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal through the Art of Play (2011, Jason Aronson); Bridge Building: Creating Connection and Relationship between Parents and Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2012, Liberty Press); Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum (2014, Jason Aronson); and Where There is Despair, Hope (2015, Liberty Mountain Publishing), a novel about play therapy. He has also published several chapters for textbooks and journal articles. Dr. Hull specializes in using electronic devices in group and individual play therapy. His dissertation examined video/computer games as a play therapy tool with children with emotional difficulties. Dr. Hull enjoys open water swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, golfing, long walks, biking, and spending time with his wife, Wendy, and their four children.


    When we have guests on the ASR podcast, they are recognized for their expertise in autism as advocates, self-advocates, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and are not necessarily in full agreement of all beliefs of the chosen guest(s).

  • Join Rev. Holmes and Dr. Holmes as they interview Bruce C.E. Fleming. This is our 3rd interview with Bruce an today we will discuss 1 Timothy and "let the women learn in silence." How does this reflect back to the creation of women and the role of women in the church world.

    Rev. Bruce C. E. Fleming holds three graduate and post-graduate degrees in theology: an M.Div. and Th.M. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a D.E.A. from the University of Strasbourg, France. Ordained by the Evangelical Free Church of America, he has been a pastor, professor of Practical Theology, and academic dean on the graduate-school level in French-speaking Africa. He has co-founded several churches and parachurch organizations. Bruce and his wife, Dr. Joy Elasky Fleming, have been married for more than 25 years and are the parents of Christy and Mark. They live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    Rev. Bruce C. E. Fleming has written books on the topics discussed in this podcast.

    God did not curse Eve or limit women in any way. Sadly, modern translations of Genesis 3:16 make it look like God did both. God didn't curse Adam either, but God did speak to him in a way exactly parallel to the other rebel in the Garden of Eden, the serpent-tempter. And two curses were imposed by God because of them. People have made up many myths and stories about what supposedly happened in Eden. They make it seem like God cursed the woman and that she somehow deserved it. She didn’t. They make it seem like God instituted the man’s bad behavior toward his wife. God didn’t. The Bible tells us what really happened.
    This book is all about what God really said, especially in Genesis 3:16. When these chapters in Genesis are rightly understood, and we gain a true view of what God really said to the woman in Genesis 3:16, many New Testament passages can be reinvestigated. They, too, can be cleared away of the bias we find popping up in translations of and commentary on several key passages in the New Testament that look back to Genesis 2 and 3. This book is based on the episodes of Season One of The Eden Podcast

  • Dan and the guys (Clay, Greg, Jeremy, & Mark) discuss their views of neurodiversity. What is it? Is this movement a good thing or not? How do you define it?
    Is the term useful?

    Dr. Holmes adds she prefers the Harvard Medical School definition of neurodiversity, which describes those with neurological differences such as autism, ADHD, learning differences and delays, and other developmental differences.

  • Charity and Jeremy Rochford have contributed to the upcoming book: Uniquely Us. Watch the countdown as: https://www.christianneurodiversemarriage.com/uniquelyus

    Dan and Stephanie have a family book out right now that was mentioned! Great insight into parenting, what we did right and hindsight learning. Erica speaks to what it is like having a dad on the spectrum at :

    Find out more about Team Rochford:
    Jeremy and Charity, Team Rochford, as they are affectionately known, are an ND/NT couple who have been happily married for over 20 years. They have two Neurodivergent children, both of whom are on the Autism spectrum, and most likely, they inherited those genes from Jeremy, who himself received an Autism/ADHD diagnosis later in life.

    Both are Trauma-Informed (TI) Certified Life Coaches (CLC) who specialize in helping Neurodivergent and Neurodiverse Families understand communication, culture, and their unique family dynamic. Together, as a Neurodiverse couple and family, they've founded NeuroFam (www.OurNeuroFam.com) to support other ND/NT families through the intricacies of navigating life in a world that (far too often) doesn’t understand their struggles.

    Jeremy, with his BA in Communication (California University of Pennsylvania), and Charity, with her BA in Psychology (California University of Pennsylvania), live in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, PA, with their two awesomely neurodivergent children, an overused coffee maker, and multiple emotional support stuffed animals.

    Reach out to them at: https://www.ourneurofam.com/

  • We (I Stephanie) asked listeners on social media, "What would you like to ask us or what would you like to know about Neurodiverse Marriages?"

    Several questions came in, and we got to about 2/3 of them!

    Questions such as:
    What are realistic expectations for a successful ND marriage?
    What does maintenance look like?
    Is having a diagnosis helpful? Why or Why Not?
    Dan, do you struggle to start deep conversations with your wife and girls?
    What tools have you found helpful?A few more!

  • While we are pro-marriage and pro-covenant. Sometimes abuse, unrepentant addiction, and adultery break the vows and can lead to divorce. Divorce from a Christian AS man can get very adversarial and messy. If you have wrestled through and find that you have peace and release to divorce, you may want a CDFA, like Rhonda, on your side of Women's Financial Wellness Center.

    A CDFA®, which stands for Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, is a financial expert who specializes in helping women navigate the complex world of divorce. I combine my knowledge of finance with my understanding of the legal aspects of divorce to provide valuable guidance and support during this challenging time.

    Now, you might be wondering,

    "Why would I need a CDFA® when I'm going through a divorce?"

    I will help you understand your current financial situation. We’ll work to create a realistic and comprehensive financial plan to help us develop a strategy that ensures you're financially secure both now and in the years to come. I understand how to work with attorneys and other divorce professionals. This teamwork helps to create a solid foundation for negotiating a fair settlement.

    So, having me on your side during a divorce can be a total game-changer.

    About Rhonda from her website:
    It became clear to Rhonda that women going through divorce needed someone who was:

    Strategic and knowledgeable to help them prepare their financials before, during, and after the divorce so that they could live the quality of life they deserved.

    Empowering them with financial knowledge and giving them clarity to make the right decisions.

    Providing compassion and a steady voice when the circumstances were emotional and overwhelming.

    So, Rhonda became an advocate for women who were going through a divorce.

    ‌For her clients, this often means being able to provide a great home for their family, continue to send the kids to private school, invest in causes that are important to her, buy a rental property for income, start a business, take a vacation, and live their best lives.

    With 17,000 hours, 565 clients, and $20 million back in the hands of women going through divorce later, Rhonda is committed to filling the gap between traditional financial advisors and divorce support groups for women.

    Rhonda Noordyk, CDFA
    [email protected]

  • Today, Dan and Stephanie talked with Kevin and Shawna Meek. Their story of divorce and remarriage to each other through infidelity and discovering their neurodiversity. Stephanie and Shawna spoke back in February about her betrayal trauma with the infidelity. Today, they share their determination for marriage and offer hope for those who have had similar challenges in a neurodiverse marriage.

    Kevin & Shawna Bios
    As a husband and wife determined for more in their relationship, Kevin and Shawna candidly share their journey toward healing and hope after their own divorce, remarriage to one another, infidelity, betrayal trauma, emotional deprivation, and a mid-life autism diagnosis.
    Shawna is a professional certified coach and author. Her professional focus is supporting women experiencing betrayal trauma with infidelity, problematic sexual behavior, and porn use. In recent years, she has focused on the additional lens for couples in a neurodiverse marriage with autism and Asperger profiles.

    She is the founder and owner of Living Stones Coaching, Mentoring, and Consulting, based in Arizona. She is the author of the book Determined for More, based on their own 25-year marriage journey.
    Kevin, also with Living Stones, comes alongside men as a mentor and accountability support for their struggles with problematic sexual behavior, those diagnosed or considering evaluation of autism (ASD1), and those seeking recovery, desiring to focus on growth and improving their relationships. They support clients internationally and have an approach that is very personalized, relatable, and validating to each unique situation. They have a passion for supporting others on their healing journey, providing guidance and tools needed to navigate through difficult and often devastating circumstances.

    Look for Shawna's book coming out in April of 2024: Determined for More.

    This is a story about the raw truths and realities of finding strength in a complex, neurodiverse marriage following divorce, remarriage, betrayal trauma, and emotional deprivation.

    Living Stones Website at www.livingstonescoaching.com

  • Just the Guys has its first guest, author Brian Hight. Brian and the guys talk about his book and being intentional!

    Brian Hight has a career dedicated to servicing marine and laboratory electronics, where he honed his understanding of technically intricate systems. Outside of work, his passions include hiking, electronics, and clay and stone carving, forming a blend of technical precision and creative exploration. He lives in New Zealand with his wife, Sheila, and has one daughter.
    You can find his book An Intentional Marriage at:
    Print book coming soon!

    About the Book:
    Brian Hight takes us on a deeply personal journey, revealing how unintentionality nearly shattered his marriage. While his Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD-1) and introverted nature played a role, it was ultimately his choice to stop investing in his relationship that led to the crisis. With raw honesty, Brian shares his struggles and triumphs, offering insights into the tools that helped him regain mental, emotional, and relational strength.

    This book isn't just a memoir; it's a guide for anyone seeking to forge a path of intentionality in their own relationships. The author's experiences serve as a beacon of hope, illustrating that this journey is not a single event but a lifelong commitment to finding the best in yourself, your world, and especially in your significant relationships.
    The second half of this book is a toolbox of tips, tools, and techniques that discuss ideas and activities that the author has used as part of his journey toward intentionality. Some are practical, and others are conceptual, but all of them have helped him focus on how he can be more present to himself, his surroundings, and especially to his wife and marriage.

  • If you have been following our podcasts for a bit, you know we are fans of Dr. Jim Wilder, and we talk about joy, hesed, group identity, and healthy correction often. Today, we have with us Chris Coursey, who has authored and co-authored several books on Joy using Wilder's principles and theoretical foundations.

    Today we discuss?
    What is Joy?
    Can I have Joy while things are bad?
    What is a Joy -Gap?
    How are quieting and joy related?
    What is the difference between solitude/isolation and quieting my brain?

    About our Guest:
    For over 25 years, Chris has been developing and practicing brain-based solutions to make relationships work. He started out his career specializing in severe trauma and abuse and also pastored a small congregation in Michigan for a number of years. Chris is a published author with ten books in print, including “The Joy Switch: How Your Brain’s Secret Circuit Affects Your Relationships - And How You Can Activate It.” He co-authored his most recent book, “The 4 Habits of Joy-Filled People” with Dr. Marcus Warner.

    Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, Jen, and their two sons, Matthew and Andrew. In addition to studying, writing, jogging, and exercising, he enjoys the outdoors and is one of the rare people who actually likes the snow.

    Find out more- how to practice and learn skills we mentioned today at:

  • If you have been following the podcast, you have heard Dan and Stephanie talk about joy, hesed, group identity, and healthy transformation. Today, we talk with Michel Hendriks, the co-author of The Other Half of Church.

    About our Guest:
    MICHEL HENDRICKS (MDiv, Denver Seminary; BS, University of Colorado) has been a teacher and trainer for more than twenty-five years. He is the former pastor of spiritual formation at Flatirons Community Church in Lafayette, CO. He has also served and trained people in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda. He is the author of Basic Training for Walking With Jesus and Intentional Apprenticeship. He and his wife, Claudia, have three adult children.

  • Today, Dan and Stephanie talk about blindspots, receiving feedback, perspective-taking, and the Johari window. What is the Johari window? Listen to find out!

    If you really want to do a deep dive into Feedback skills- take our course as a self-study or reach out for coaching!

    Group Coaching- Select Receiving Feedback and Relational Skills

  • Today, we talked about TBI, TIA, and when autism is combined with personality pathologies such as narcissism.

    From Jodi's website about her:
    Throughout my journey as a therapist, educator, and coach, I have amassed more than 20 years of experience helping people with a multitude of challenges, including autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma, abuse, and codependency. I completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1997 and received a master’s degree in counseling in 2000. I am trauma-certified and trained in Accelerated Resolution Therapy and hypnosis.

    Although my professional training and experience have provided tremendous knowledge and insight, it was my 19-year neurodiverse marriage, being a mom to my autistic daughter and ADHD son, and my relationships with other neurodiverse loved ones that have truly served as my personal training ground for understanding and embracing neurodiversity.

    In addition, I am a survivor of narcissistic abuse in multiple relationships beginning in childhood. I know the feelings of confusion, heartbreak, resentment, anger, terror, desperation, and hopelessness. I have been love-bombed, devalued, discarded, physically and verbally intimidated, and gaslighted. I have experienced shame, guilt, humiliation, and the desperate desire to be loved by others who were incapable. Through years of my own therapy, I unraveled and healed from my own traumatic abuse. I confronted codependency, a dysfunctional survival mechanism from childhood that I brought into my adult relationship. I have emerged wiser and stronger. I learned to love and value myself, allowing me to safely and securely love and be loved by others through connected communication, healthy boundaries, realistic expectations, care, empathy, compassion, and affection.

    My abusive past caused fear and uncertainty for me in my neurodiverse relationships, which are fundamentally confusing for individuals who are neurological hard-wired differently from one another. Over time, I’ve noticed a common pattern in relationships where both neurotypical and neurodivergent partners have often endured abuse in their past relationships or during childhood. This history hinders partners from establishing safety and building trust that is necessary to cultivate a loving connection.

    Today, I am compelled to support others in finding their way through confusion and hardship, ultimately leading them to clarity, peace, and joy in their lives. I have built an educational and coaching program aimed at assisting you in comprehending yourself and understanding your loved ones better. Moreover, this program equips you with valuable tools to make informed decisions and enhances your communication and connection skills, enabling you to thrive in relationships.

    Find Jodi's courses or more information about Jodi at:

    When we have guests on the ASR podcast, they are recognized for their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and are not necessarily in full agreement with all beliefs of the chosen guest(s).

  • Today, Dr. Stephanie interviews Kristin Walker about her later-in-life autism diagnosis.

    About Kristin:
    Kristin Walker is the founder of the Mental Health News Radio Network and the Autism Podcast Network. With over 75 individual podcasts covering all aspects of mental health, she continues to host her own podcasts. She nurtures others who want to spread awareness, inclusion, and knowledge of their mental health journeys via their podcasts.

    When we have guests on the ASR podcast, they are recognized for their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and are not necessarily in full agreement with all beliefs of the chosen guest(s).

  • Join Dr. Holmes and Dr. Ratliff Schaub as they discuss differentiating autism from other issues as well as the prevalence and genetic issues associated with Autism.
    Dr. Karen discusses common medical issues that may also occur for her patients on the spectrum.

    Dr. Ratliff-Schaub is the Medical Director of Developmental Pediatrics and Program Director of the Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship at Prisma Health Upstate Children's Hospital. She is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of South Carolina Greenville School of Medicine. Prior to coming to Greenville in 2018, Dr. Ratliff-Schaub was faculty at The Ohio State University and The University of Toledo. She graduated from Northeast Ohio Medical University, did her Pediatric Residency at Medical College of Ohio and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric fellowship at University of Maryland. She has extensive experience in Autism and quality improvement and is passionate about improving access to care for children with autism.

    When we have guests on the ASR podcast they are recognized in their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinicians, parents, or other professionals in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest, just as many guests may not agree with our beliefs and faith.