The time has come my friends for us to bid you adieu! After 2 years Casey and Ahri have decided to end the podcast. It's been fun, it's been therapeutic, but now it is time to say goodbye. Thank you for joining us on this journey! We hope you had as much fun as we did! xoxoxoxo
Back at cha with another one! This week Ahri tries to get Casey to move into the apartment above his and shockingly, she's not oppossed to it! Casey also vents about what really grinds her gears and how making food for a toddler everyday is a certain level of hell. Please send help!
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Eksik bölüm mü var?
Hi and hello from your best friends Ahri and Casey! This week, Casey threatens to go to New Jersey and punch Ahri in the face for suggesting she could pass for a grandma (rude). Email the pod if you think Casey should punch Ahri in the face [email protected].
Besides violence, these crazy kids talk about a disturbing news story about cyber bullying, and how to prepare your children for birthday parties when they have never met the other friends of the birthday kid.
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Back in person. this dynamic duo tackles all of lifes important issues this ep - life insurance, and staying healthy as we age. Have we done a good job of it so far? Negative. But there's always time to stretch and perhaps get into jazz. Ahri also talks being ex-communicated by a parent in his childs friend group and Casey suggests pettiness as a way to get back.
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Sorry sorry sorry to leave you hanging after our New Years announcement! You will hear all about why in todays ep. (Spoiler alert - it's because of puke lots and lots of puke) Casey gives all the deets about her transfer, the nightmare of a first trimester she's having and what sex the baby is. And we get deep discussing the LA wild fires tragedy and how hard it is to parent when tragedy after tragedy just seems to keep on coming.
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Yoo hoo! We are back this week and we are all over the place! With both Ahri and Casey's families recovering from illnesses, these two dingbats discuss STD's, when Ahri thought he cheated on his wife before thay had ever gone on a date, and Casey slips in some exciting news towards the end of the pod. What happens in the middle of the pod? No one knows. If you listen can you tell us?
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As Casey recovers from norovirus, guest host comedian Liz Glazer is back to chop it up with Ahri! These two parental wonders get into being a great house guest, being someone's "step 9", and being able to apologize. And of course it wouldn't be the holiday season without covering hand, foot and mouth disease - the gift that keeps on giving!
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This week Casey and Ahri discuss how hard it would be to home school. Like what do you even do???? We both could never. These dodo's also get into Ahri changing his babies schedule, a fun game at 5 Below and Casey's parenting pet peeve - saying "you're ok" to your kid when they fall. There's opinions in this ep!!
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Live and in person Casey and Ahri are back and they definitely say some questionable things! There is the normal dilly dallying in the beginning of the episode, this time it's about WICKED. Go see it right now. Then we have some sad stuff, but end with some happy stuff. Casey also rants about Urban Outfiters and scares Ahri a bit. So in short - it's a classic ep of NNT.
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Happy Thanksgiving week from your two best friends that never call! This week as the holidays approach we talk about a Christmas themed restaurant in NYC that's a rip off, childrens "theater" performances, microplastics, and how terrifying it is if your kid has to go into an MRI machine. Eat a ton of Turkey and tell a friend about NNT!
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Hello from sunny New York City! Ahri and Casey are reunited and catch up on a smattering of topics. We touch on adult naps, smoking cigs (so cool), what Casey is doing while her husband and child are away and a discovery that Ahri makes while on the road. It is definitely what you think it is!
********RATE AND REVIEW********
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After taking last week off, Ahri is back with guest comedian Deric Cahill! Deric kept the co-host seat warm while Casey was away by telling Ahri about being a "liberal" in texas, having a huge wake up call after an arrest and growing up with drug addicts for parents. He also talks about being a parent of 3 kids! That's so many kids! Have a listen and tell a friend.
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Follow Deric!
Ahri is back this week and he recounts his once in a lifetime parents night out! Did it make him cry? It wouldn't be Ahri if tears weren't shed. We also talk about how flight delays without kids are actually quite nice, wearing mens shapewear, and how Casey got Botox for the first time. Check it out! AND PLEASE REVIEW!
!!!!!!!AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!!!!!
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As Ahri recovers from a wedding and a Taylor Swift concert, Casey takes the reigns with guest comedian Megan Gailey! These loose moms discuss birthing big babies, calling Santa to cancel Christmas and how we feel about the new rule that we aren't allowed to tell children we are proud of them anymore. Spoiler! We both hate it. Listen and for the love of God rate and review!
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This week the dynamic duo of Casey and Ahri decide to lean into positivity and asking for favors! We gotta shoot our shots and reach for the stars or at least read some books that have inspirational quotes that can worm their way into our brains and make us belive we can do it. Heck this is a good old fashioned pep talk of an episode.
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While Casey is out with covid, Ahri interviews his father! We hear from the grandparents side about becoming a grandparent and what parenting styles were like back in the day. He also tells us about being the child of immigrants, dealing with bullies and shares some sad Holocaust stories and one really fun one!
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This weeks episode we are joined by Nicole Gorman AKA @thehungryclementine to talk all thigs diet culture! Nicole is a registered dietician who specializes in intuitive eating and explains the differences between intuitive eating and dieting. Casey and Ahri also decide to do her three week course but will they follow through???? Find out in 3 weeks!!! We answer an email from a listener all about food curiousity with kids as well.
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Well folks after a 15 minute interlude about how Ahri sits down to pee, he shares an insane story about his babies new daycare! Casey also has thoughts on the daycare centers in her area after watching some of the care givers out and about. Should they be on their phones? Was it just a bad moment? Should they be putting kids in time out or letting parents know if they do time out at the day care???? There are so many questions!!! We answer none of them. But come see us Friday in Chester New York.
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It wouldn't be NNT if our two leads didn't start the episode with a soft argument! Casey thinks Ahri ghosted her on a playdate, Ahri says Casey never follwed through either. Who's the big winner? Ding ding! No one! But the real guts of the episode comes when discussing overly sensitive children - how do you parent them? What's the best approach for diffusing big emotions? We also answer an email about politics! It's a good one folks.
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Our pod picks up this week with Casey and Ahri both in good moods after stellar weekends. We dish on a toddler birthday party that went off without a hitch, and a trip to the Finger Lakes with friends. Then Casey really darkens the mood with a story about one woman's idea of appropriate punishment for a child. We then discuss what is appropriate punishment for kids?
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