
  • Masks did nothing to slow the spread of the virus, social distancing did nothing to slow the spread of the virus, and lockdowns did nothing but increase mental illness, create poverty, stupefy our children, and destroy the economy. Yet it was demanded of us to ‘trust the science’. Now as these things become common knowledge to the average person, one name rises above all the noise and confusion, Anthony Fauci. Like the Nazi war criminals before him, Anthony Fauci needs to take a trip to Nuremberg. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, from every quarter comes the news that millions have already died as a direct result of receiving the COVID vaccine, with millions more a very real and distinct possibility. That we were lied to about the origins of the pandemic on a scale that defies description and imagination is now verified, in what just may be the greatest genocide of this or any other century. At the center of it all is Anthony Fauci, a man who for over 40 years has sold America nothing but snake oil remedies and Big Pharma death shots that have had devastating consequences for its victims. On this episode, we show you Anthony Fauci, his friends, his connections, and the depopulation agenda he works to carry out for Bill Gates and the billionaire eugenicists who seek to enslave us all. If you think this is overstating things, you won’t after you listen to this program.

  • Here in the closing days of Barack Obama’s third term, the seeds he has planted in our nation since 2008 have grown up into a massive tree that dwarfs the landscape with a disproportionate focus on what is now called the…(taking a deep breath) the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement. According to the site Queer Events, that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Agender and Pansexual. But the one letter that does not show up on the list but is most definitely there is ‘C’ for children, because that seems to the main target of all their activities, the grooming and recruiting of children. Just ask Elmo. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Pride Movement started out in 1970 seeking tolerance for their lifestyle, and they soon got it. Next, they sought for acceptance and after a hard-fought battle they achieved that as well. For the third phase, dominance, they needed a president who could force their agenda through, and in 2008, Barack Obama was elected as Newsweek famously reported as the ‘first gay president’. It is from this point on that sexual orientation becomes the law of the land, with severe repercussions for anyone and everyone who stand against it. Remember the Christian baker? Careers and reputations were ruined as the behemoth, or more accurately, Levithan, that is the 2SLGBTQIAAP++ Movement roared into existence. On this episode, we show you just how dominant this movement has become, a movement that has its roots firmly planted in the Bible as the Days of Lot. Also, updates on the Trump situation, what Macron is doing in Ukraine, how the Jews are faring in Rafah, and all the end times updates you need!

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  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the difficulties and challenges of giving the gospel to the Jews, and you’ll hear in their own words just what you’re up against. The typical Jewish outlook on the Bible, in either Testament, is for the most part one of creeping disbelief, with an unliteral interpretation of what they read. They disallow the entire New Testament, but surprisingly (or not) don’t accept all of what’s in the Old Testament either. The ironic part of it all is the fact that in the Old Testament, the scriptures were given to the Jews exclusively, and in the New Testament the gospel went “to the Jew first”. The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. In Part #3 of this series, we show you what “the problem” is, and of course, your King James Bible has the answer.

  • A Manhattan jury found Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his hush money criminal trial, an unprecedented and historic verdict that makes him the first former president in US history to be convicted of a felony. Judge Juan Merchan set a sentencing hearing for July 11. Trump’s sentence is up to the judge, and it could include prison time or probation. But what will this mean for the upcoming presidential election? Chaos, lots and lots of organized chaos. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, former president Donald Trump just became the first US president to be put on criminal trial, the first US president to be found guilty, and he just may be the first convicted felon to be elected president of the United States. Our Constitution says nothing about it, so this scenario could easily happen. But man, oh man, what a massive pile of obstacles, barriers and pitfalls lie in the middle of his path to return to the White House. Joe Biden and the Democrats worked overtime to make Trump’s conviction a reality, but will it bring them more than they bargained for? This is the number #1 story in America right now, quite possibly globally as well, and on this episode we break it down from all sides to give you the information you need to know. Will this be the event that triggers the third American civil war? Also, this weekend kicks off what may be the most contentious Pride Month in quite some time. Tune in Friday at Noon EST to find out!

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the difficulties and challenges of giving the gospel to the Jews, and you’ll hear in their own words just what you’re up against. The typical Jewish outlook on the Bible, in either Testament, is for the most part one of creeping disbelief, with an unliteral interpretation of what they read. They disallow the entire New Testament, but surprisingly (or not) don’t accept all of what’s in the Old Testament either. The ironic part of it all is the fact that in the Old Testament, the scriptures were given to the Jews exclusively, and in the New Testament the gospel went “to the Jew first”. The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. In Part #2 of this series, we show you what “the problem” is, and of course, your King James Bible has the answer.

  • In the early morning of January 2, Russian forces launched a massive missile attack on the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Kharkiv that killed at least five civilians, injured more than 100, and damaged infrastructure. The incident was notable not just for the harm it caused but also because it showed that Russia was not alone in its fight. The Russian attack that day was carried out with weapons fitted with technology from China, missiles from North Korea, and drones from Iran. Over the past two years, all three countries have become critical enablers of Moscow’s war machine in Ukraine. They have become the New World Order Axis of evil. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, our world is busy realigning itself at a phenomenal rate of speed, there is a seismic shift in the global order that is resulting in a New World Order with Russia, China, Iran and now North Korea as the major players. Last week we watched as China conducted massive military exercises that encircled the island of Taiwan, as China boasted of the coming invasion. That’s how amazingly open it all is now. You’ll remember the very first story we did on January 1, 2020, about the unprecedent military alliance between Russia, China and Iran that had formed, and now four years later, has grown to also include North Korea. Having spend the last 4 years building their axis, it would seem they are getting ready to make a concerted move forward. On this the prophets agree, there is indeed a New World Order coming, and these nations are among the major players that have been prophesied. You are watching it come to pass. Also on today’s program, the scam of EV charging stations and all the latest end times news you need to know!

  • Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known and outspoken anti-Christian Jewish advocate, and like many rabbis, he has very little idea of what the Bible talks about in the Christian Bible or in the Hebrew Bible. You can tell after two minutes of listening to him that most of what he knows comes from rote memorization of whoever his teachers have been, leaving him with nearly no understanding at all of scripture. That’s a problem if you’re every going to reach someone like that with the gospel. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the difficulties and challenges of giving the gospel to the Jews, and you’ll hear in their own words just what you’re up against. The typical Jewish outlook on the Bible, in either Testament, is for the most part one of creeping disbelief, with an unliteral interpretation of what they read. They disallow the entire New Testament, but surprisingly (or not) don’t accept all of what’s in the Old Testament either. The ironic part of it all is the fact that in the Old Testament, the scriptures were given to the Jews exclusively, and in the New Testament the gospel went “to the Jew first”. The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. In Part #1 of this series, we show you what “the problem” is, and of course, your King James Bible has the answer.

  • Taiwan has mobilized its aerial, naval, and land-based military assets as China’s joint drills around the island enters its second day. These assets include an “emergency deployment” of a Tuo Chiang-class corvette dubbed in-country as the “carrier killer” and a Chin Chiang-class large patrol craft. As if that were not enough, the United States is warning of a military alliance between Russia and North Korea that just may result in unprecedented military actions right around the time of the US presidential election. “We have no doubt that North Korea will be provocative this year. It’s just a matter of how escalatory it is,” a U.S. intelligence official said.On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, 2024 has been chock full of end times intrigues and as we are rapidly approaching the half-way mark, no let up seems to be in sight on any front. One very interesting development we’ll also talk about today is how the so many doctors and medical professionals are now openly talking about vaccine injuries from the COVID-19 injection. In the Bronx yesterday, Donald Trump held a rally that drew thousands of people, and the Democrats are alarmed because his audience has become markedly more multiracial. The people who control Joe Biden are in panic mode right now, seeing that Barack Obama’s fourth term just might be in real danger. In the Middle East, Israel making gains in Rafah, but in Europe, many nations are formally giving recognition to Palestinian statehood. Everywhere you look, things are erupting, and we bring it all to you today on this Prophecy News Podcast!

  • From the moment you were conceived, you have existed as a soul, inside a body, with a spirit from God that gives you life and breath. Adam was the first to be created in 3 parts, and for a short time, he was in the image of God. So much so they could walk together in the cool of the evening and enjoy fellowship. That image was taken away from him after The Fall, and from that point on he began to beget children in his own fallen image. You and I were born in the image of Adam, and then born again back into the image of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. But there is more to being born again than you might think, and your King James Bible is not shy in telling you about it. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are made in 3 parts, saved or lost, we are all an individual soul, contained in our own body, each with a spirit that gives us life. After Adam and Eve, there have been no exceptions to this rule in the last 6,000 years of human history. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the spiritual operation that takes place when we become born again, and we look at what happens to the body, soul and spirit of those who don't. Saved or lost, everyone lives forever in some form, and the incredible part is that you get to decide what form that will be. Saved souls will be transformed and given a body like unto His glorious body, and the unsaved will degenerate into a hideous, but eternal, other body you need to know about. If you have a King James Bible, you have the wildest Book ever written!

  • Ebrahim Raisi, 63, was the hard-liner protege of Iran’s supreme leader who helped oversee the mass executions of thousands in 1988. He was also known as the “butcher of Tehran”. He also led the country when it enriched uranium near weapons-grade levels and launched a major drone-and-missile attack on Israel. Now he is dead reportedly in a shocking helicopter crash yesterday, and Israel says they have nothing to do with it. Will this be the spark that ignites full-blown-regional war in the Middle East? That’s exactly what people are saying this morning. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Middle East continues to be a powder keg in search of a spark, something which just may have been provided in this still unexplained helicopter crash. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914 is considered the main catalyst for World War I. It began a chain of events that, when finished, saw 14 million people dead on the battlefield. Was the death of Raisi an accident or assassination? The Middle East at this moments is a highly-volatile region, with crazy things happening. The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the International Criminal Court intends to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on charges of crimes against humanity for Israel’s conduct in the Gaza war, its Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan announced Monday, on the 227th day of the Gaza war. “Today, my Office seeks to charge two of those most responsible, Netanyahu and Gallant, both as co-perpetrators and as superiors pursuant to Articles 25 and 28 of the Rome Statute,” Khan stated. Can things get any crazier? They can, they will, and we bring it all to you on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast!

  • When I am looking for subject matter for a new Podcast, many times I will go with what the main or top story in the news happens to be if it has some relation on Bible prophecy. This morning, while looking for material, I at first was a tad flummoxed when, despite all the headlines, I was finding no singular compelling story to talk about. It was then the Lord showed me it was staring me in the face the whole time. Deception, the first sign of the end times, and it is coming at us from every angle on every front. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we find ourselves in a time where everyone seems to be lying to us all the time, it is truly a 'marvellous thing' as your King James Bible says. We were lied to about the COVID virus, about the lockdown, about the mRNA vaccine, about the death count, and are now being lied to about the state of our nation, about the lies being force-fed to our kids in school, it is all lies all the time with no end in sight. A spirit of anger and hostility pervades our land, and upon further inspection through the Bible, we see that it is the spirit of Antichrist that is now present amongst us. Jesus says the Devil is the 'father of lies' in John 8:44, and since Antichrist is about to come on the scene, we are awash in lies, deception and deceit. On this episode, you will hear in their own words just how bad things really are, and just how close we are to Flight #777 taking off.  **PLEASE NOTE** As it is Camp Meeting Weekend, the Podcast will begin today starting at 11:45 AM EST. 

  • One of the keys to understanding the book of Revelation is to realize that much of what the apostle John wrote is a ‘match meet’ to much of what the apostle Paul wrote, they click in together like the proverbial lock and key. This is apparent in Paul writing to 7 churches at the beginning of the church age, and John writing to 7 churches at the end of it. Two of those churches, Ephesus and Laodicea, are mentioned by both men in a stunning overlap. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we go looking for clues regarding the timing of the Church Age, and in the process of our search we find an often overlooked connection between the writings of the apostle to the Church Age, Paul, and the writings of the apostle who represents the church, John. In the book of Revelation, everything comes full circle as things ‘wrap up’ in the last days. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we go looking for ‘nuggets’, and find them!

  • The very first Eurovision contest was held on May 24, 1956, and only seven countries participated: the Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, and Italy, according to the Eurovision website. In 2023, 162 million people viewed it from around the world. This year, Eurovision 2024 became a harbinger of the coming Antichrist. Things become even more intense when you realize that both world wars originated in Europe, as will the the third one which is right around the corner. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we here in America may not be overly concerned with the Eurovision contest a continent away, but it is perhaps the most-watched and most-influential cultural event in all of Europe. This year, Eurovision was one by a non-binary performer named Nemo, but the real ‘star’ of the show was a self-proclaimed ‘they/them witch’ named Bambi Thug. In the semi-final, Bambie Thug performed inside a candlelit pentagram. Throughout their performance they remove a dress covered with black feathers to revealing a swimsuit adorned with the transgender flag – a reference to their non-binary identity. Bambi Thug visually represents the dramatic global shift in recent years of the rise in Satanism in the arts, entertainment, culture and politics. Why, it’s almost as if this world is preparing itself to receive Antichrist, which in fact, it absolutely is. On this episode, we show you some shocking developments about the world we live in as it relates to the end times and the soon-coming Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, it’s an election year, so the dial on the ‘crazy meter’ is locked on at 10+. There is a lot of talk about Christian Nationalism going around, and while it’s connected to Donald Trump it’s not coming from Trump, it’s coming mostly from the Evangelicals and the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation. A few years ago, we recommended you watch a Netflix documentary entitled ‘The Family’, all about Douglas Coe and the rise of the ‘Christian Right’ in the early 1980’s in Washington, DC. If you haven’t watched it, you need to. Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see exactly what the ‘mandate’ to Christians living in the Church Age might be, and exactly what our relationship to our government and global society should be as define by scripture. SPOILER ALERT: by attending this Bible study you will never again think for a second that America ever will be, or can ever be, great again. But what you will come away with is a new appreciation for the unique role of the Bible believer in these rapidly-escalating end times we find ourselves in. This is Part #2 in a series.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, while the whole world is debating about man-made-climate change as the ‘worst threat to our existence’, it seems very few people are paying any attention to the Maker of our climate, He who even the winds and the waves obey. ‘Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth’s surface,’ the statement went on, stating how the storm could ‘potentially disrupt communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations.’ It also could ‘wipe out the internet’ for some, scientists further warned – as NOAA upped the Geomagnetic Storm Watch from Moderate to Severe for Friday through Sunday late Thursday. Oh, the things you don’t know when you don’t have a King James Bible. Today we bring you this breaking solar storm that may, or may not, wreak havoc on Planet Earth, along with everything else you need to know about what’s happening here in the closing moments of the Church Age!

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, it’s an election year, so the dial on the ‘crazy meter’ is locked on at 10+. There is a lot of talk about Christian Nationalism going around, and while it’s connected to Donald Trump it’s not coming from Trump, it’s coming mostly from the Evangelicals and the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation. A few years ago, we recommended you watch a Netflix documentary entitled ‘The Family’, all about Douglas Coe and the rise of the ‘Christian Right’ in the early 1980’s in Washington, DC. If you haven’t watched it, you need to. Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see exactly what the ‘mandate’ to Christians living in the Church Age might be, and exactly what our relationship to our government and global society should be as define by scripture. SPOILER ALERT: by attending this Bible study you will never again think for a second that America ever will be, or can ever be, great again. But what you will come away with is a new appreciation for the unique role of the Bible believer in these rapidly-escalating end times we find ourselves in.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, many things are happening this week, all of which have major impact on the world order. Israel is going ahead with its planned invasion of Rafah after Hamas has killed 4 IDF solders in an attack on Kerem Shalom on Sunday. Amazingly, after all the bombing by Israel, Hamas seems to be alive and well, and able to attack and do damage at will. Eight decades after the end of the Holocaust, Israel again faces a “ruthless and brutal” enemy who seeks its destruction, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared at the official state Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem on Sunday evening. The leader of Communist China, Xi Jinping, has sent a signal to the international community that he considers French Leader Emmanuel Macron to be the  powerbroker in Europe by coming to the continent and visiting only Macron. That's a huge step forward for our 'man of sin' candidate Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron. In America, the incessant chanting of 'Genocide Joe!' has led to reports that the Biden administration has stopped shipments of ammunition to Israel. Russia’s nuclear forces exercising isn’t exactly unheard of, but this is the first time such a thing has been announced in advance, making clear the apparent intent to intimidate. Today our cup is filled to overflowing with all the end times news you need to know about on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast!

  • The mugshots you see at the top of this article were obtained by Fox 4 News In Dallas, and they are a representative sampling of the people who have been 'helping' the college students across America to protest in support of Hamas terrorism and a free state of Palestine. I don't think it would be racist to say that nearly all of them are of Middle Eastern descent, as well as being well past the age which most people attend college at, that being 18 to 21. Could it be possible that that 'champion of Democracy' George Soros paid their bus fare to attend the festivities? I think so. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are living in a time of tremendous deception, which you'll remember Jesus says is the first sign of the end times, and here on Day 1,509 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, it is thick as pea soup and swirling all around us. Hero of the Left Vladimir Lenin is supposed to have said that in order to bring in the Communist Revolution, you need a lot of 'useful idiots' to bear the cost and the brunt of the battle. Oh the irony of watching children being educated in a college costing as high as $90,000 per year, yet not having enough brains to know to empty their boots when it's raining. Idiots indeed. But George Soros, who orchestrates it all with his millions in endowments and grants to Liberal attack groups is smart, he is very smart, as smart as a fox you might say. On this episode, get ready for the Summer of Blood 2.0 as the buses prepare to roll to your town with the rioters. Also, we bring you the latest on the Donald Trump Trial in New York, Emmanuel Macron's willingness to send troops to fight Russia, and what the New World Order has been up to lately...don't miss it!

  • Last Sunday, Hollywood actor Russell Brand told the world he 'got baptized and became a Christian', last year hundreds of people were baptized in the wake of the 'Jesus Revolution' movie, Kanye West had his children baptized in Israel, and the list goes on and on. What you rarely, if ever, hear, is a biblical testimony of salvation that should absolutely precede the 'glorious!, awesome!, I feel so clean!' moment of water baptism. More importantly, what does your King James Bible have to say about baptism? Let's find out. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, every time a famous person gets baptized, the knee-jerk reaction is always to believe they've also gotten saved, and that is a theologically dangerous place to be. John the Baptist baptized people, but it was with the understanding that it was preparing them to meet the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. Peter preached water baptism that was connected to salvation, true, but he was preaching to Jews awaiting the Kingdom of Heaven at the Second Advent. The apostle Paul does not preach baptism at all, in his gospel salvation is by grace through faith alone. What must I do to be saved? Believe the gospel, full stop. Tonight we show you the dispensational nature of water baptism, and exactly where it belongs in the life of a born again Christian living in the Church Age.

  • Tornadoes killed four people in Oklahoma and left thousands without power Sunday after a destructive outbreak of severe weather flattened buildings in the heart of one rural town and injured at least 100 people across the state. More than 20,000 people were still without electricity hours after tornadoes began late Saturday night. The destruction was extensive in Sulphur, a town of about 5,000 people, where a tornado crumpled many downtown buildings, tossed cars and buses and sheared the roofs off houses across a 15-block radius. “You just can’t believe the destruction,” Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt said during a visit to the hard-hit town. “It seems like every business downtown has been destroyed.” The condition of Oklahoma is very much the condition of our entire nation, a true end times state of emergency. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Midwest took a severe hit this weekend with tornadoes, hail storms and thunderstorms. Many NTEB’ers were in the direct path of the storms, and it was a terrifying time. 2024 is an election year, and another storm is brewing right now which threatens to inflict great damage on our nation just as it did last time it happened in 2020. Colleges and universities are shutting down for the summer, and many graduation ceremonies have already been cancelled. This storm is pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel, and it is a tremendous excuse for the anarchist factions that plague America to once again storm our streets, burning down buildings and killing innocent people. America is a nation on the brink, and it will only take just another, little end times push to send it over the edge. In other news, Joe Biden is convinced he has Donald Trump on the ropes and packing for prison, will his plan succeed? All this and more on today’s episode!