
  • When children are part of the equation of how a divorce is handled, being intentional about doing what is best for them is so important. Divorce is traumatic for everyone involved and it can have a lasting effect on children, especially. That’s a weighty responsibility when it comes to re-learning how to parent in the midst of, and after, a divorce.

    This week’s guest, Sarah Armstrong, shares her powerful story of navigating divorce with her daughter’s well-being at the forefront. It’s incredibly easy for animosity between divorced parents to create a toxic environment for their children, and how children experience divorce remains with them for the rest of their lives. Through thoughtful intentionality, Sarah and her ex charted a course that made space for each of them to process and express their grief while doing their best to minimize trauma for their daughter. That hard work was rewarded a year later when Sarah’s daughter described her parents' divorce as a “good one.”

    When Sarah isn’t traveling the world as a global business executive, she works to break down the stigma that surrounds divorce through her book, The Mom’s Guide to a Good Divorce. I hope you enjoy hearing her story this week on the Divorce Doctor Podcast.

    Learn more about Sarah by visiting her website at momsguidetogooddivorce.com.

  • Sometimes, healing after a divorce can feel impossible. For many women, marriage was presented to us as the fulfillment of all of our hopes, dreams, desires, and personhood. Our guest this week, Martha Bodyfelt, shares that when she got married, she had this picture of herself and her husband as a “power couple” who were going to grow old gracefully together. But, when cracks started to appear and divorce became necessary, she shared that she felt as if her entire identity and sense of self crumbled like a cookie.

    To move forward, she had to get curious and start asking herself questions about what she liked, what she wanted, and what made her feel alive. This sense of curiosity led her to discover a love for pastry cooking and start to dream about a future that could be beautiful and full–even without a husband. Since her own journey of discovery, she has helped countless other women find freedom from the feeling of being stuck in a marriage fantasy and move into a place of self-discovery, connection to self, and purpose after divorce.

    Martha Bodyfelt is a certified divorce recovery coach who teaches divorced women how to break free from the patterns that keep them stuck so they can feel fulfilled, have more fun, and live fearlessly. In the past 5 years, she has professionally coached over 100 women using the LionHeart Method, a no-BS, empowering solution that helps women recover from divorce pain and thrive in a matter of weeks, not years. Martha has also served as a divorce expert contributor to the Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Psychology Today, and Thrive Global, where her advice has impacted over 10 million divorced women.

    Learn more about Martha by visiting her website at https://marthabodyfelt.com/

    And if you want your own Divorce Goddess Recovery Guide AND want to discover the real reason you’re feeling stuck after divorce–head over to https://marthabodyfelt.com/ and sign up. You won’t regret it!

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  • “Amicable” is not a word that many divorcees use to describe their divorce processes. However, Jessica Klingbaum has gone through not just one, but two divorces that both ended amicably on good terms. So, how did she do it? That is the question we explore on this week’s podcast.

    Jessica’s first marriage ended when her husband was caught having an affair, and although that was emotionally devastating for Jessica, it was important to her that they end their divorce on good terms for the sake of their two kids. Through humility and hard work on both sides, along with Jessica’s own positive attitude and strength, she and her ex remain friends. Her second marriage didn’t end quite so dramatically. Instead, she came to the realization a couple of years in that she was feeling depressed, anxious, and just kind of blue all of the time. She had to ask herself if she wanted her kids to experience their last years at home with a mom who was not herself, or a mom who was joyful and full of life–and she and her husband made the hard choice to end the marriage for the sake of their individual happiness.

    Jessica is a former Emmy-nominated TV producer, co-founder of the online digital media community exEXPERTS, and co-host of the podcast Divorce etc... Jessica is also a certified aromatherapist and devoted advocate of essential oils, which she began using after getting divorced in order to relax and find calm amid the chaos. Her story is one you will want to be sure to listen to, as she has lots more wisdom to share with us about journeying divorce well.

    Learn more about Jessica by visiting her website at www.exexperts.comYou can also find her on social media:
    @exexperts (IG)

    AND, if you visit the website or listen in to the podcast, you can get access to FREE content on

    exexperts.com and our Divorce etc...podcast. A new app is coming soon with an opportunity to meet others who GET IT and live events to access the exEXPERTS - both T.H. & Jessica and our vetted divorce professionals.

  • Ellen Bruno has journeyed all across the globe as a documentary filmmaker, bringing awareness to many humanitarian and human rights injustices. But one of the most exhilarating and treacherous journeys she has ever taken was her journey of divorce.

    Ellen herself had divorced parents and she shares that it was a very difficult and emotionally fraught experience for her growing up. So when she and her husband were heading towards divorce, Ellen was determined that this divorce process and aftermath would be a better experience for her own children. However, things didn't go as she hoped. As Ellen shares her story, she explains the power of recognizing that sometimes, all you can do is your best and let go of the rest–and that doing so can lead to so much freedom to move forward in healthy, energized ways.

    You don’t want to miss this week’s podcast. Not only does Ellen share with us her own story and experiences, but she also shares a little about the documentary film she directed and produced as a result of her divorce experience called “Split.” It’s a film that every parent and kid of a divorced family should watch, as it centers on interviewing and exploring the feelings and experiences of 12 children of divorced parents. And, she has another film coming out–“Split 2”–which is set to be just as insightful and powerful as the first.

    Learn more about Ellen by visiting her website at http://www.splitfilm.org/

  • T.H. Irwin is always moving forward. Throughout her lifetime, she’s had to reinvent herself several times both personally and professionally, and through this process, she has learned how to evolve and grow through every challenge. She has a background in marketing, strategy, experiential events, and community development, and is also the co-founder of Ex Experts with her current partner. She’s been single, married, divorced mom, and now in a partnership again, and she shares her story with us this week on the podcast.

    T.H. has such a moving story. She shares with us this week that her husband’s mistress saved her life because she was able to finally get the push she needed to leave the marriage. And while the divorce was necessary and turned out for the best, it was a long, heartrending, expensive process that T.H. doesn’t shy away from sharing with us. And after things were finalized, T.H. went through an even longer process of healing from the hurt and the trauma of her marriage, and she shares with us what that healing journey was like, and how she’s found a sense of self-confidence she’s never had before.

    You won’t want to miss this week’s conversation with T.H. It is eye-opening, inspiring, encouraging, and is sure to remind you that no matter what you may be going through, you have what it takes to keep moving forward.

    Learn more about T.H. Irwin by visiting her website at www.exexperts.com. Or, visit them on Facebook, Instagram, or catch their Podcast on most major streaming platforms.

    If you visit their website, be sure to check out the FREE content on it, and keep your eyes out for a new app coming soon that’ll provide an opportunity to meet others who GET IT!

  • What would the world be like if everyone loved themselves?

    This is the question that Susyn Reeve first asked herself when she was 14 years old, and it is a question that continues to guide her work and life today. Throughout the years, Susyn has come to understand that a loving relationship with yourself builds the foundation of every other relationship in your life. Her work is rooted in helping others deeply apply this concept to their lives.

    In 1997, Susyn was internally battling deep self-loathing, the belief that there was something wrong with her and that there was no escape from the recurrent misery, isolation, and shame she had felt during much of her life. She knew something needed to change in her own heart so she could live a life open to love and happiness in the future. So, she began this deep healing work to move from a mindset of “I’m Not Enough” to “I Love Me.” That journey was transformative for her, and now she works to help others do the same.

    Susyn offers individual and group workshops focused on combining deep heart healing and creative expression to move people from places of shame to places of bold self-acceptance. She’s even offering a free resource to listeners of this week’s podcast because she wants everyone to begin the powerful journey of self-love in their own lives!

    Learn more about Susyn by visiting her website at https://susynreeve.com/

  • What is the hardest part about divorce?

    For Alexandra Eva-May, it was dealing with feelings of shame and self-worth. After the divorce, it became learning how to live alone and foster a sense of independence. Knowing that her story could benefit others going through a complicated and traumatic divorce, she wrote Her Awakening: One Woman’s Journey to Healing After Divorce, available on Amazon. Alexandra didn’t stop there, however. You can find her on her podcast Heal and Thrive After Heartbreak, and you can also find her on Instagram.

    Alexandra believes that despite the trauma divorce can bring, it will eventually become something greater if you just have hope. She went from feeling worthless to realizing that she can survive hard things and that the view from the other side is beautiful.

    She is determined to help others in their path to healing from divorce, despite what the inner voice says about being “too young,” “too invested,” or “too broken.”

    Alexandra Eva-May is a writer, blogger, motivational speaker, mental health advocate, and divorcée who is on a mission to help others on their healing journey after divorce. You can often find her on her blog or Instagram, sharing how she healed from her own split. She is in constant pursuit of peace, light, and happiness and works to motivate others to seek the same.

    Learn more about Alexandra Eva-May by visiting her website at https://www.thesplendidpath.com/

  • after her divorce in 2017, it felt like Stella Papadopoulos’ world had fallen apart. At age 60, after 25 years of marriage, she felt stuck. She knows many, many women find themselves in this exact same situation and started working to help them. Stella used her savvy business skills and can-do attitude to build her business from the ground up and has recently self-published “I’m Getting Divorced Where Do I Start?” on Amazon [https://www.amazon.com/Im-Getting-Divorced-Where-Start-ebook/dp/B088X66JVZ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1591720921&sr=8-1] . Along with this, she uses all of her experiences to help women facing divorce reclaim their life. She is now launching a program called “Starting Your Second Act,” which will include a video course (Breakup to Breakthrough), 1:1 consulting, and more.

    Her philosophy is: You know what you want, need, and deserve. Now it’s all about figuring out your willingness to go after it. You don’t know where it will lead, but you know you need to start somewhere. You are at the right place!

    Stella is focused on shattering the myth that it is too late to start over and demonstrates that you can create a new life after 40, or 50, or in her case, 60!

    She seeks to walk alongside you as you rediscover the inspired, enthusiastic woman you wanted to be before you became the emotional glue of the household and took responsibility for everyone’s challenges. Your second act can be better than your first. It’s time to remember the dreams you abandoned along the path to adulting.

    You can learn more about Stella by visiting her website at Inspirationsbystella.com or by checking out her YouTube channel.

  • After experiencing the divorce of her parents at the age of 3, Bella decided she wanted to become a voice for the people out there who also have been through a divorce. She has become an advocate for many. Although she believes every story is different, she is using her words on her website to help those who have also experienced a divorce. She believes that she did not have the skills to properly cope with the effects of divorce, so her life now is dedicated to showing others how to cope, speak about their story, and to find comfort that many out there are going through similar situations. Her posts on her BLOG [https://www.akidwithtwohomes.com/] share the experiences she has dealt with. Many are the struggles of conflict, handling holidays with two homes, and navigating how society deals with divorced children. In her well-written words, she often validates the feelings of children of divorced parents and shares her experience with forgiveness. Bella’s words, whether written or spoken, have brought hope, encouragement, and truth to those who are also known as “kid with two homes.”

    Want to hear more from Bella? Check out her blog! It is free and accessible: https://www.akidwithtwohomes.com/

  • Everyone resonates with a story like Tiphany Kane’s. Tiphany grew up in a patriarchal family dictated by religion. Though she left the church at 20, the relationship foundations she learned stayed with her. Tiphany went above and beyond to make her marriage work, and abuse wasn’t enough to make her leave.

    After a life-changing event, Tiphany realized that her marriage was toxic and needed to end. As she faced the financially devastating journey of divorce, Tiphany realized how important it is to also keep her family intact. It hasn’t been easy, but Tiphany has done her best to keep her children and their father on good terms.

    Today, Tiphany looks back and is glad she had the foresight to see that abuse is complicated, and more often than not, it’s hard to make “the decision” to leave. Through the twists and turns, she’s developed an empowering message on handling abuse and making the most out of co-parenting.

    Learn more about Tiphany by visiting her website at https://tiphanykane.com/

    Interested in self-love? She also offers a free guide that shows simple ways to practice self-love.


  • When asked to describe her divorce in one word, this week’s podcast guest, Michelle Sarao, said “necessary.” Michelle felt she had no room to breathe, reflect, or grow up in her marriage, but it wasn’t until a few years after her divorce that she was able to see this.

    Outside of her marriage, Michelle was able to see herself in a new light and pursue healing in deeply impactful ways. Her message to listeners is: if you’re in the thick of it, have faith and trust in yourself and those who have gone before you; you are not alone and you will get through it.

    Michelle Sarao is the founder of Divorce Rx and is a professional organizer who focuses on the unique needs of divorcing and divorced families. She combines her professional background as an educator and organizer with her personal background as a child of divorce and a divorced mother of three to help families organize their homes and lives when transitioning from one home to two. Michelle passionately believes that when children are in an environment that is organized and calm, it translates into a feeling of predictability and safety at a time when they need it most. Her passion for her work stems from the desire to help parents show up for themselves and their children during divorce in a way that makes them proud.

    Learn more about Michelle by visiting her website at www.divorce-rx.com or following her on Instagram @divorce_rx and Facebook @MichelleSarao/Divorcerx

    As a special gift to our listeners, Michelle is offering 50% off a Power Hour (a one-time virtual organizing session valued at $75) or 25% off any organizing packages (three or six sessions - these are virtual or in-person).

  • Gabby Gast found herself in a marriage that wore her down. Her ex made her believe that no one would love her like he would because of her cystic fibrosis. Over the years, Gabby outlived her life expectancy and they expanded their family by adopting two beautiful children. Gabby continued to build a career for herself; this allowed her to focus on the beautiful parts of life and less about her marriage.

    It wasn’t until a holiday trip that Gabby was able to see all the aspects of her marriage and the abusive tendencies her ex displayed. With her children in mind, Gabby knew it was in everyone's best interests to end the marriage.

    Now Gabby works as a co-parenting and blended family coach, where she dedicates her energy to ensuring that family can still be connected even after divorce.

    Gabby’s story is inspiring and incredibly raw.

    Learn more about Gabby at her website https://www.gabbygast.com/

  • If you’re a step-parent, you know how complicated that relationship can feel. For starters, society tells us stepparents are evil and someone to be despised. Changing our roles as bonus parents begins with the language we use and the consideration we employ as we speak to and about our children. It’s a layered dynamic, but that doesn’t have to mean it’s bad.

    This week’s podcast guest, Christina McGhee, reminds us to play the long game, and not to get caught up in the short haul. Merging histories requires mindfulness and withholding our judgements and assumptions. Whether you feel like you’re a pro, or messing up everyday, just remember - where you are right now isn’t where you will always be, and you can always recalibrate.

    Christina McGhee is a speaker and divorce parenting expert who believes divorce doesn't have

    to equal devastation for families. While splitting up is undeniably hard, with the right kind of information and support, she thinks parents can be children's absolute best resource as life changes.

    As a coach with 20+ years of experience, Christina is dedicated to providing parents with the tools and practical support they need to get it right for their kids. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Parenting Apart: How separated and divorced parents can raise happy and secure kids.

    As a child of divorce and as a bonus mom (aka step-mom), Christina has had plenty of opportunity to practice what she preaches. Together she and her husband have four “adultish” children (2 bonus, 2 bio). During her tenure as a hands-on parent, she acquired extensive on-the-job training as a chauffeur, negotiator, short-order cook, scheduler extraordinaire and finder of all things lost.

    Learn more about Christina by visiting her website at https://www.divorceandchildren.com or following her on social media:

    IG : @christina_mcghee

    FB: @divorceandchildren

    Li: @christinamcghee

  • If you’ve ever been betrayed, you understand the utter shock and devastation of being blindsided. Betrayal is terribly painful, and though no one wants to study betrayal, this week’s podcast guest did exactly that.

    Debi Silber experienced two betrayals back to back. It began with a really painful family betrayal, and a couple years later it happened again. This time it was her husband. After looking at the two experiences Debi couldn’t help but wonder, what is the common denominator?

    This question set Debi on a journey to understand what holds us back, what helps us heal, and what happens to us physically, mentally, and emotionally when the people closest to us lie, cheat and deceive? Debi found 3 groundbreaking discoveries that changed her health, her family, her business, and her life, and she’s sharing her wisdom with us today.

    Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, the author of Trust Again, and is a 2-time #1 International bestselling author of The Unshakable Woman and From Hardened to Healed: The Effortless Path to Release Resistance, Get Unstuck and Create a Life You Love. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal made 3 groundbreaking discoveries that change how long it takes to heal. In addition to being on FOX, CBS, The Dr. Oz Show, TEDx (twice) and more, she’s an award-winning speaker and coach dedicated to helping people move past their betrayals as well as any other blocks preventing them from the health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they want most.

    Learn more about Debi by visiting her website at https://thepbtinstitute.com/ and be sure to take her ‘Healed or Hardened’ Quiz here. You can also follow Debi on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

  • Attaching our identity to the labels and expectations handed to us, like “good wife” and “loving mom,” can cause us to lose our sense of self.

    It wasn’t until this week’s podcast guest, Brittany Churchill, went through her divorce that she realized just what she had been giving up in her marriage. As Brittany puts it, she was placed on this earth to be Brittany. If she couldn’t actively live into who she was unmistakably made to be, she was denying the very reason she was given life. Though it was hard for her to envision what her future would look like outside of her marriage, she knew it would be harder for her to stay.

    Brittany Churchill is an author, speaker, entrepreneur and single mom of two kids with a big heart to help women awaken to their worth and tap into their personal power. While getting divorced, moving states, and going back to work full-time, she wrote her first book called Tap In Not Out: How overwhelmed moms can reclaim peace, cultivate a better life and thrive. She has developed her own TAP IN Method based on her book and divorce healing which she guides women through their inner blueprint to ignite a more fulfilling life.

    Learn more about Brittany Churchill by visiting her website at https://www.thebrittanychurchill.com/ and learn more about the TAP IN Method here https://bit.ly/TAPINMethodIntroVideo.

  • Harmony was living the “dream.” She and her husband met as yoga teachers and were traveling the world exploring their practice together. Once they finally settled down, Harmony began to hear the first whispers that something wasn’t right.

    Though she felt unfulfilled in her marriage, separating from her husband would mean jeopardizing their business and her belonging in the yoga community. But eventually that didn’t matter anymore. When she finally admitted she would rather die than live one more day this way, she knew it was time to choose herself.

    This week’s podcast guest, Harmony Slater, shows us how courageous it is to step out and choose a life of alignment.

    Harmony is one of only a few Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teachers in North America. She is a Certified Wellness and Life Coach, and Host of the Finding Harmony Podcast. She has shared her experiences around practicing yoga through pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond in the books: 'Yoga Sadhana for Mothers' and 'Strength and Grace: A collection of Essays by Women of Ashtanga Yoga.' She has a wealth of knowledge to offer listeners based on her personal experiences of facing the many difficult challenges life has brought her way.

    Connect with Harmony for a free 30-minute coaching session by visiting her website at harmonyslater.com and follow her on instagram @harmonyslateryoga.

  • After her second divorce, Renee Bauer found herself compartmentalizing her life. On the outside, she was a professional and successful attorney, but on the inside, the shame and self-doubt were becoming too much to handle.

    When Renee finally started talking, she realized that telling her story helped to destigmatize the shame she felt, along with the shame others felt too.

    This week’s podcast guest, Renee Bauer, is a divorce attorney, author, and host of the Happy Even After Podcast. She is committed to educating and empowering women to use their divorce as an opportunity to create a life they love. Having gone through 2 divorces herself and having lived in the shame of it all, it's her mission to remove the stigma of divorce so no one has to suffer in silence. Renee is convinced that when we follow our intuition, it will all work out exactly the way it's supposed to, and we too can be happy, even after the divorce.

    Learn more about Renee Bauer by visiting her website at www.msreneebauer.com and check out her free mini video course called ‘First Steps to Freedom.’


  • Are you living in your comfort zone? What would happen if you stepped beyond it? It takes courage to be vulnerable, and vulnerability is necessary for transformation. That’s why I’m so excited to have Jennifer Ciplet as my guest this week to talk about how her divorce journey has shown her what it means to truly be herself and allowed her to lead a life of authenticity. That can be your story, too.

    Jenn is interested in the personal and societal transformations that are possible when we step out of our comfort zones, approach life with courage and curiosity, and lead with our best selves forward. She is a Certified Divorce Coach and the co-founder of Avail Divorce. After 14 years of marriage with 3 children, Jenn and her husband divorced 3 years ago.

    Learn more about Jenn and Avail Divorce by visiting her website at https://availdivorce.com.

    Jenn and her team at Avail are getting ready to release a new Co-Parenting App that helps modern families stay organized and on the same page with tools like in-app communication, shared expense tracking, photos, videos, and more! Sign up using the link below today and you’ll be notified when the app becomes available. https://availdivorce.com/co-parenting-app

  • Ilyssa Panitz decided to create and become the first Divorce Journalist by combining her personal experience with divorce with her professional background.

    Ilyssa was not only frustrated by the process but noticed no one else in per profession was covering “divorce” on a daily basis the way they do: politics, business, medical, entertainment, sports & weather. So Ilyssa decided to start a column that would cover every and any angle of “divorce” to help people survive and thrive from what can be a difficult time: emotionally, mentally & financially.

    Since its inception in September 2020, Ilyssa’s work has expanded to a nationally syndicated radio show called, “The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz” that can be heard every Saturday on CRN Digital Talk Radio, Spotify, iTunes, and Google Podcasts.

  • How do you know if you are experiencing financial abuse? Are you kept out of the loop on your finances, given a small amount of money to pay for groceries, and made to feel guilty for asking for more? These are signs you may be experiencing financial abuse in your marriage. If any of this resonates, there are resources for you, and this week’s podcast guest, Stacey Francis is here to share them and empower you.

    Stacy is a nationally-recognized financial expert and the President and CEO of Francis Financial, a boutique, fee-only wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm. Francis Financial specializes in serving women, with a focus in working with those who have gone through divorce or lost a spouse. She is also the founder of Savvy Ladies™, a nonprofit that has provided free personal finance education and resources to over 15,000 women. When Stacy is not being interviewed on CNBC, the WSJ and Kiplinger, or being recognized as a top wealth advisor by Forbes, Investment News and the Financial Planning Association, she is hosting Financially Ever After, a podcast focusing on women, money and divorce.

    Learn more about Stacey by visiting her website at www.francisfinancial.com/contact/ for a complimentary consultation. She can answer any questions you may have and make sure you are on the path to living a financially secure life.