
  • You would have to have been hiding under a rock if you have not heard of ChatGBT. 

    You know, the marketer killer AI software, forecasted to change the world of online marketing and put many of our fellow marketers out of work.

    I don’t have a lot of time to say a lot about the capabilities of ChatGBT.

    So I thought I would attempt to demonstrate the abilities of this software.

    I asked ChatGBT to perform a specific task.

    Create an 800-word story about Mary, a sixty-three-year-old Baby-Boomer, struggling to figure out how to retire without sufficient income, until she discovers online marketing.

    This is what it produced.

    Listen in to hear all the good stuff...


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  • For months people everywhere have been predicting another depression in the United States.
    It has been broadcast on News networks.
    It has been written about online.
    Your friends and family may be talking about it too.
    If you still work a day job, you may be wondering if they are scared of the future too.
    Will it happen?
    Will we be forced to endure another recession?
    I don't know.
    I do know this...
    If we keep looking for disasters, more than likely we'll stumble into one, sooner than later.
    I'm curious, why do we keep letting other people decide what our future is going to look like?
    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.
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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • Last week, as you know, I talked about how business can imitate life, along with all the ups and downs that go along with it.

    Because of my recent divorce, I had allowed myself to miss posting a few podcast episodes. Showing that life definitely can affect business.

    So I thought, if it can happen to me, how many others [you guys], are letting life direct your business as well?

    I mean we're all trying to help as many people as we possibly can, right?

    We are building businesses to have an impact on this world we occupy.

    And when I say “world”, I’m referring to your area of influence that others look to you for advice and help.

    This world of influence is ours to build up or destroy.


    We get to choose…




    It feels like we no longer have a choice.

    Everything we do has a cause-and-effect relationship with our business.

    How are you doing?


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  • Life is funny sometimes. 


    We all must suffer through it. 

    For many of us, you and me included... 

    We have to deal with things that show up out of the blue, so to speak. 

    I have recently gone through a divorce, and it has been a transition I was not looking forward to. 

    Instead, it just showed up and took control of my life. 

    I apologize for not being consistent with this podcast as I would like. 

    I suppose I will have to deal with it though. 

    Divorce is one of those times in life that we like to call “factors for change”. 

    Loss of a job. 

    Loss of a marriage.


    A loss of life. 

    These are times in our lives when we have to stop and evaluate our feelings and accept the change that is taking place. 


    It happens whether we want it to or not. 

    Sometimes business imitates life too. 

    Listen is so you don't miss any of the good stuff...


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  • Happy Monday my friends.

    This is the second podcast episode of 2023.

    I hope everyone listening is well and getting along well as we strive to make 2023, one of the best years yet!

    For those of you that can, that is great!

    For those of you that cannot for one reason or another, I hope you can still find something good to look forward to.

    We should all try to find things that we can do to make this a killer year.

    We’ve all had a rough couple of years, the new year seems like it will be better, of course, better than home confinement, but covid is still out there, and it still is transforming itself.


    We’re here.

    Still working hard.

    Doing things.

    Making things happen.

    I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been a dreamer for a long time.

    Seems like forever.

    Maybe you are one too?

    Listen in for all the good stuff.


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • Welcome my friends…

    We made it out of 2022, and into 2023.


    Let's talk about what needs to happen in 2023, to overcome the negative of the last few years.

    While we may not like it, we do need to embrace the idea that the world is still changing all around us.

    We keep HOPING that all the negative changes that were brought to us would somehow re-correct themselves.

    How has your experience been?

    Still waiting for the...

    Good ole days?


    Are you ready to take charge of your business...

    Once and for all?




    The way I see it.

    We can either learn from our past...

    Or suffer because of it.

    I say we should learn from it.

    The people you serve in your business are looking to you to be the best you can be.

    They listen to you.

    They read your content.

    They click on your links.

    They care about your causes too.

    And they want you to do well in 2023.

    So be the business person that follows through.

    Be the business that shows your customers and followers that you can do better.

    Not because times were tough before, and they're going to be better moving forward.

    No, nothing like that.

    They WILL continue to be tough.

    [Listen in to hear all the good stuff...]


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • This week, for me and I believe the whole of America, has been cold.

    We have had an Arctic Storm come through from the West coast and head towards the East (Florida) where I live.

    Today is December 25, 2022.

    Merry Christmas to those that celebrate the holiday.

    To everyone else, happy Sunday.

    Of course, by the time you hear this, it will be Monday morning.

    For most of you, this is another day off, being that Christmas fell on a Sunday.

    Though, some may have to work to support hospitals, fire stations, the police force, and other critical functions.

    And don't let us forget our store clerks and managers that keep us fed, day in and day out.


    One and all to this week's podcast.

    Last week we talked about stories...

    And the fact that...


    We looked at it through the lens of Avatar 2: The Way of the Water.

    Next week I'll be seeing two new movies.

    Number 1: “The Whale”, a movie about an obese man, nearly 600 pounds, played by Brendan Frazer. This movie has mixed reviews.


    Number 2: “Whitney Houston” - I wanna dance with somebody.

    I may talk about the stories that were told and the impact they had, or did not have.

    But for today...

    I want to talk for a moment about understanding our customers or our subscribers if you still are not monetizing your content, product, or service.

    I am presently reading Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why”.

    I'm just getting started with it.



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  • As I am recording this podcast for release on Monday, it dawned on me that the Avatar 2 movie that was released Friday can be used to make a point.

    I did go to see it with a special friend.

    Though I do know that the movie is different from the original, it still has similar elements that take us back to the original.

    From the previews...

    They remind us of the problems the inhabitants of Pandora had with the greedy commercial earthlings and the military that tried to harvest precious unobtanium minerals and displace the Na’vi.

    In movies, just like your own writing, whether on website pages and/or email series, we need to keep a consistent theme that our readers can follow.

    Avatar 2 reminds us, according to the mind of James Cameron, that the invaders (the earthlings) are bad.

    I want to avoid saying anything that would spoil your experience watching the movie, except to tell you that this movie, for me, was even better than the first one.


    That is saying a lot because the first Avatar movie changed our understanding of how movies could be made.

    It was revolutionary.

    Nothing has changed...

    James Cameron did it again.

    Avatar 2 - the way of the water - continues his saga.

    Let me tie this into our writing.

    Listen in for ALL the good stuff ...


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  • I was thinking just a little while ago, about what I would share with you. We all want to have something inspirational to reveal to others.

    But I, like most other entrepreneurs, sometimes struggle to come up with things to share.

    This happens for a lot of different reasons.

    Maybe you have had that problem as well.

    It happens.


    It will happen from time to time.

    To benefit your audience, you MUST do a few right things.


    We can ALL do a lot of wrong things…

    But it only takes a few right things.

    Listen and learn...

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  • When I think of great marketers...

    Those that capture our attention...

    Grabs us and keeps us riveted to their content...

    So that we cannot help but be pulled along on their journey.

    It is their words that do all the heavy lifting.

    Words that flow...

    Words that ring truth...

    Words that heal...

    Words that transform customers from who they are and the problems they have...

    Transforming them into the people that they want to be, and having their problems resolved.

    This does not happen in a vacuum.

    It takes skill to deliver the results your customers want and need.

    As a marketer, it is up to you to provide an acceptable solution to problems your prospects are having.

    You MUST find their need and fulfill it.


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • Dreams...

    We all have them.

    But sometimes we let them go unfulfilled.

    Do you know what I mean?


    I believe that dreams are important.

    They push us.

    They give us a purpose.


    If you are still just showing up for work and wishing you could be anywhere else, your dreams will push you to work harder.

    Struggle harder…

    …to fulfill your dream.

    At least…

    That is how it should be.


    And yet…

    Far too often we let things get between our dreams, and the real world we currently live in.

    Listen in to hear all the good stuff...


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • As you begin your journey to understand marketing and how it can be used in your mission to help others, remember - besides learning new things, you must also learn how to help others.

    We live in a world, that is divided, and confused.

    We all stand on one side of this great divide.

    What we do...

    And how we do it...

    Will either...




    ...those we wish to serve.

    To survive in this environment...

    You must attract those that presently, or will soon become advocates for your way of thinking.

    While at the same time...

    You must repel all others.

    Listen in for all the good stuff...


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  • Hey guys,

    Today we're going to be talking about “writing”.

    This is a skill you cannot ignore.

    If you do you will regret it.


    If you take the TIME to learn to do it right, you will be rewarded generously for the efforts you make.

    Whether you have a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, or any other medium by which you are serving others, writing your message will be required.


    What writing style should you use?

    All of them!

    In this episode, I’ll explain:

    ⁃ the difference between voice and writing style.

    ⁃ what are the 4 common types of writing styles?

    ⁃ what each one is for.

    ⁃ how to choose a primary style for your writing.

    ⁃ when and how to use them in your writing process.

    So, let's get started.


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • Hey there friends …

    This is James.

    I am interrupting my podcast series to give you a break and to ask you an all-important question.

    I originally published this in June of 2021.

    As you all know…

    The world has changed since then.

    I have changed since then.


    I am updating it for your listening pleasure.

    This is probably the most difficult question that people will ever answer.


    Why do we do anything?

    Why do we get up in the morning?

    Why do we instead of wearing our pajamas and slippers, we instead put on a nice shirt, slacks, and loafers?

    Or a great-looking dress and high heels?

    Why do we go to work?

    Why do we care about the things we care about?

    We DO care about things!

    Let’s make that clear.

    It's getting to the root of “why”, which is important to understand.

    So, why?

    Why is the work we have decided to do with the precious time we have important?

    Listen in for all the good stuff...


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • Welcome back, my friends.

    I am reminded that being an online marketer is something that must serve two purposes.

    The first is to serve others.

    This is vital.

    Anyone that doesn't care about helping others should not be in the business of selling products or training anyone online.

    It will show how they market themselves and their product.

    The second is to serve ourselves.

    This is because no matter whether we are the one serving, or the one receiving service, we all benefit from dependable and functional instruction.

    As the one serving others, I have been reminded over and over again that we too benefit from the instruction given.

    Reminders are crucial in mastering any skill.

    As we speak or teach, not only do others learn...

    But we are reminded as well.

    And many times as we prepare for the message or training we are preparing to give, we too are learning, or re-learning.

    When I was in the Navy, over 4 decades ago, I remember being asked to train crew members on how to clean periscopes.

    Yes, periscopes.

    The problem for me was that I was an Electronics Technician, not an Opticalman.

    So I had to learn how to clean periscopes first, so I could train those that had previously learned to do it.


    You can see that...

    [Listen in to get ALL the good stuff]


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  • Welcome back, my friends.

    Let me ask you a question.

    What goes well with advertising and is not too difficult to conquer?

    Logically, as soon as someone clicks on an ad, they will be funneled somewhere.

    What is the next logical step?

    Unless the ad was a FB Leads Ad, there must be a way to capture interest.

    Clicking on “Learn More”, clearly means, “tell me more”, right?

    So, there needs to be a way to keep the conversation flowing.

    This is where my thinking [and many others as well] differs drastically from many other online marketers.

    For those other marketers, the next step is to get someone to give their name and email address, so they can add it to a list.

    For them, anyone on their list is fair game, and they will send them marketing emails forever until they buy something, unsubscribe, or die.

    I don't believe that is how people want to be treated.

    How about you?

    Is that how you like being rewarded for sharing your contact details?

    There is a better way...

    It is inside this podcast.

    Listen and learn...


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  • Welcome my friends.

    I did not know if I would be able to get this podcast episode out into the world.

    In Florida, we just experienced one of the biggest Hurricanes “Ian”, and it left us without power, internet access, and all the other cool things we “All” take for granted.

    But power was restored faster than anticipated, and here we are.

    So let's get started.

    One of the quickest ways to drive traffic to any webpage, any landing page, any blog post, or any other means of marketing you, your brand, or your business, is via paid ads.

    These can come from FB, Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube.

    You can also use Google ads to drive traffic as well.

    Of course, if you don't want to pay for ads, you can use word of mouth, SEO, and/or other forms of organic reach.

    However, there are no guarantees that organic efforts will ever drive traffic, or compel anyone to read, watch, or purchase anything.

    Get on in there and listen...


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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  • Let’s be very clear about this…

    We all need to feel successful.

    That would include...




    Any person looking to transform themselves from who they are (presently) to become what they want to be.

    As business owners, creative professionals, and marketers (especially marketers)…

    We all need to create awareness, generate leads, make sales, fulfill our obligations to our clients and/or customers, and make a profit that keeps us in business.

    That’s what we need.

    But, what we want — more than anything — is this sense of control.

    We want...


    Let me say this instead.

    We need to know that what we do in our business, and the results we achieve (and our income) are stable, predictable, and scalable.

    We need to know that through our efforts that next month, and those that follow, will be better than the present one.

    And for me, and I believe for you too...

    That the things we do that contribute to our community - that there’s going to be an opportunity to increase that value we contribute to the world, expand our horizons, our relationships, and our income.

    [Now get in there and listen to the rest. You know you want to!]


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  • “United we stand, divided we fall.”

    The phrase "United we stand, divided we fall" has been traced back to the Greek storyteller Aesop, who lived during the 6th century B.C.

    Most people know him for the fables that have been handed down through time in his name.

    One such fable is The Four Oxen and the Lion.

    The last line of the fable The Four Oxen and the Lion is the phrase "united we stand, divided we fall."

    It reads…

    "A lion used to prowl about a field in which four oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near they turned their tails to warn another so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in the separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four.

    United we stand, divided we fall."

    [Listen in for the good stuff]


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  • Writing emails…

    Most everyone can do that.

    They show up in our inbox with relentless frequency.

    Some are good…


    Some are not.

    Those that we enjoy, demonstrate qualities that compel us to keep reading.

    And before we know it we are clicking on a link or two.

    Why is that?

    That is the subject of today’s Podcast.


    If you think you know of some improvements that could be made, let me know. Click on the link below.


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