
  • The role of Catholic schools in unleashing the Gospel must not be underestimated. Archbishop Vigneron writes that, “Our catholic schools must be training grounds for future saints.” It’s these training grounds where countless young people are invited to encounter Jesus, grapple with the tough questions, and grow into a wholehearted Christian worldview, where the dignity of the human person is consistently upheld. Listen to disciples in the Archdiocese who have been impacted by Catholic schools and have lent their gifts to the mission of Catholic education; and be inspired by Archbishop Vigneron’s vision of allowing Catholic schools to be the heart of the evangelistic efforts of the Church.

    (00:00) We introduce today’s topic of unleashing the Gospel through Catholic schools by referring to Archbishop Vigneron’s strategic vision for Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit, Unleashing our Catholic Schools and highlighting how Catholic schools play an integral role in unleashing the Gospel.

    (01:28) We revisit our conversation with Fr. David Pellican, chaplain at Divine Child High School. We hear his dream of creating an environment where young people can authentically encounter Jesus through their experience at school. Next, we hear from Marlon De La Torre, Director of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship for the Archdiocese, who had a powerful encounter with Jesus during his time at Catholic school. He describes how, through Catholic school, he began to discover that God was real and had a plan for his life.

    (08:27) Guest, Eileen Newell, who serves on the Catholic Schools Council for the Archdiocese of Detroit, shares about how her Catholic school was a space where she could ask hard questions and find answers in her Catholic faith. She goes on to share how her experience was not just intellectual or religious, but was full of a rich community and oriented her towards her commitment to promoting Catholic schools even today.

    (13:37) We highlight that, at Catholic schools, each student is seen as a whole human person, a saint in the making. In a discussion with Beth Spizarny and Fr. Steve Pullis Associate Superintendent of Detroit Catholic Schools, Laura Knaus shares how, as an adult, she grew to deeply appreciate this aspect of Catholic schools: where she adopted a Catholic worldview, which holds each person as a reflection of God himself.

    (17:49) We highlight Archbishop Vigneron’s desire that cost would not be a hindrance for any family seeking Catholic education for their children. Fr. Patrick Gonyeau and Eileen Newell reiterate this desire and they invite parents facing that challenge to seek solutions with other families, principals, and pastors, reiterating that a Catholic education is worth the investment, and a faith-filled education is worth our Church helping parents access for their children.

    (19:58) We reflect on the exciting mission of Catholic education and the 84 schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit that are doing this important work of evangelization. For more information on Detroit Catholic Schools, visit detroitcatholicschools.org.

  • Loss, as painful as it can be, is something we all will face in this life. And being thrust into a season of grieving can be disorienting and overwhelming. Yet, our faith in Jesus and his resurrection always gives us a reason to remain hopeful. In this episode, hear from three courageous women who have suffered tremendous loss yet, through it all, remained faithful and allowed grace to inform their grief.

    (0:00) We introduce this episode’s topic of grief, and contextualize it in the hope promised by Jesus and taught by the Church in her prayers and funeral Mass. We introduce Alex Lynch, who lost her husband and shares how she processed this grief with her church community.

    (1:36) Alex shares that her husband, Brian, was diagnosed with cancer about two years prior, and that, while he was in treatment, they suffered a miscarriage, and later, they believed they were unable to conceive, which eventually led them to discern becoming foster parents. As his cancer progressed, they were unable to continue fostering, but eventually became pregnant again, and welcomed their youngest two months before Brian passed. She shares how, after he passed, her parish community was a tremendous support that helped her get through that time of grief. She comments on how she makes a point to reach out to and support other moms who, so often, are suffering through trials silently and how grateful she is for those who still reach out to her.

    (6:20) We introduce guest, Sheila Breen, who lost her husband, Kevin, to a rare degenerative disease. Fr. Patrick asks about her process of grief and she shares how it has been a season of tremendous grace. She shares about praying a prayer of surrender when her husband was first diagnosed, and that, while it’s been a time of great challenge, there has been a true outpouring of grace.

    (11:51) Sheila shares that carrying a cross seems to simplify things and that all the unnecessary concerns seem to fall away. Although this season was incredibly difficult for her, she and Kevin trusted completely in God and depended on his grace in the sacraments. She shares that there is a peace she has felt since his passing that she knows comes only from the Lord. She goes on to describe how she and Kevin even grew to offer up suffering and, in doing so, draw closer to God.

    (16:59) We introduce Teresa Tomeo, who shares about her experience of losing and grieving the loss of her mother at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. She shares how she could see God’s hand over it, even though it was a tremendous loss. She notes the details of her death including the date and her peaceful passing as a grace from the Lord. While it was painful and they weren’t able to celebrate a funeral Mass as hoped due to the pandemic, she speaks about the support and guidance she received from her pastor. She shares about how God showed up through it all, even at her mother’s burial, and how she continued to trust in him.

    (20:42) We encourage those facing loss to reach out to and lean on their faith communities. We invite those listeners who aren’t currently facing loss to consider serving those who are grieving in their parishes. Thanks for listening!

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  • Join Open Door Policy as we revisit the inspiring stories of guests who have responded to the call to share their gifts in service of their parish communities. Our spiritual homes at our parishes are supposed to be founded upon prayer and a culture of encounter with Jesus. Listen as your peers share how God is unleashing the Gospel through them by leading and serving in their parish communities.

    (00:18) This mini-sode’s theme is introduced: unleashing the Gospel by leading and serving our parish communities. Joshua Ross shares about his role as worship leader and music director at St. Anastasia in Troy, and the power of worship. Our next guest, Curtis Simpson Jr., who serves as the Director of Evangelical Charity at Corpus Christi Parish, was drawn into serving his parish because of his love for the people in need.

    (05:17) Beth Allison, who currently serves as the Engagement Coordinator at St. Aloysius Parish, shares her story of moving from interior design to youth ministry. Her heart was slowly changed by encounters and encouragement from mentors in her life. She shares about the peace and joy she felt in transitioning into what the role God was calling her to. Josh Ross shares further insights into how he followed God’s call through the many years between starting piano at 3 years old, and now as an adult leading his parish in worship.

    (13:19) What can parish ministry look like? Our guest Beth shares about her work in administration, doing social media, volunteer coordination, and coordinating neighborhood outreach to people facing homelessness. Her gifts are put to use in a variety of ways.

    (17:58) Elizabeth Spencer, who serves as the Parish Catechetical Leader at St. Anastasia in Troy, gives us a glimpse into her journey to serving her parish, from studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary to a suggestion from her mother-in-law. Her time is spent focused on making her parish a family.

    Thanks for listening to Open Door Policy! Find more episodes at https://www.unleashthegospel.org/podcasts/.

  • The process of discernment is oriented towards the life that God created you for—a life of holiness, and authentic happiness! In this episode, hear from joyful missionary disciples whose lives have been marked and changed forever through a process of discernment, and allow their witnesses to inspire you and the way you live according to God’s mission for your life.

    (00:00) Discernment helps us grow in faith, hope, and love. Learn how the process of discernment in itself can help one grow in holiness.

    (01:31) We hear from Open Door Policy guest, Marek Dziekonski and his process of discernment, during which he prayed the difficult prayer, “not my will, but your will be done.” He goes on to describe going on a long-term mission, the challenge of discerning that opportunity, and the way a wise person’s words helped him identify the Holy Spirit working in his life and discern.

    (06:50) With Marek’s reflections in mind, we return to the thoughts of previous guest, Deacon Chris Beltowski who shares how encountering Jesus is critical to authentic discernment.

    (08:23) Deacon Chris describes the feeling of wanting to be better early on in his marriage, and striving after virtue and holiness. He shares an experience of encountering Jesus through Theology of the Body and being transformed by that experience. It was then that his heart began to stir and seek to discern where God was calling him to serve, eventually leading him to the diaconate.

    (10:53) We note the way Deacon Chris met with a deacon to ask questions before taking any formal steps towards the diaconate, as a healthy, necessary part of discernment and highlight how detachment can be a good thing. We recall how Fr. Jake VanAssche offers a helpful perspective of “trying on a vocation.”

    (11:47) Fr. Jake remembers an experience of serving as an altar server at the young age of 7 or 8 and recounts how this began to plant seeds for his discernment of the priesthood. He goes on to describe how these seeds didn’t quite grow, but how God worked on his heart, over time.

    (23:01) We challenge the common fear of being unhappy or unfulfilled in discernment by revisiting Michelle Piccolo’s testimony of discernment, who shares her experience of seeking God’s peace as a way to discern her mission and vocation as a consecrated virgin. She highlights the importance of seeking out information about what she was discerning.

    (32:25) We revisit Bishop Hanchon’s reflections, during which he shares how a medical complication aided him during his discernment of the priesthood, along with the importance of spending time before the Blessed Sacrament throughout the process of discernment. Through this process he began to understand how his vocation was a response to God’s desire for his life.

    (35:59 - 37:27) We conclude by noting that the journey of discernment isn’t always easy, but is ultimately a pursuit of the true happiness God has created us for.

  • In this Open Door Policy mini-sode, we revisit some of the conversations with two of our guests who recognize and celebrate the importance of their grandparents on their paths to becoming joyful missionary disciples. Take a listen!

    (00:00 - 02:10) We introduce this episode’s topic, by highlighting the importance of grandparents in the life of Jesus and in the lives of the faithful. We introduce Kate Bryan, who shares her desire to be a joyful witness to the Gospel, by sharing her grandfather’s challenge to her: to be a strong witness.

    (02:11 - 04:48) We reflect on how our connectedness with our grandparents helps us understand that we represent our families of origin and our family of faith and note how our grandparents’ experiences of life across generations contain a unique wisdom. Former guest, Eileen Newell shares how her relationship with her Irish grandmother strengthened her faith.

    (04:49 - 05:56) Calling back to the examples of Sts. Anne and Joachim, we invite all grandparents listening to remember their importance, authority, and unique role in sharing the faith. We also invite listeners to reach out to their grandparents and celebrate the connectedness of family.

  • In this bonus episode, hear from some of our guests from our most recent Open Door Policy season, as they share about their experiences of Confession, how they handle the nerves that can accompany seeking the sacrament, and their desire to share the goodness of it with others. In this episode, you’ll hear great anecdotes from our guests and our co-hosts, Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau, as they discuss the role of Confession in their lives!

    (00:16) We introduce this mini-sode’s topic of Confession, by identifying the variety of responses we may have when it comes to the sacrament.

    (02:03 ) Fr. Jake VanAssche shares about turning to the Lord in prayer during a suspension from school during high school, as he sought to find a place to respond. He shares how this one prayer began to change many things, but that he experienced a distinct call to go to Confession.

    (07:14) Next, we hear from Anna Picasso, a FOCUS missionary who experienced a conversion moment during her time in college, and a guest from our most recent season of Open Door Policy. Anna shares about returning to Confession as a pivotal moment in her life.

    (11:53) Prompted by a question asked by Fr. Patrick, Anna offers some advice to those who may be fearful of going to Confession. Anna responds by sharing her experience of accompanying a young woman from a Bible study she led to Confession.

    (14:16) Emily responds to Anna’s witness by affirming Anna’s ability to journey with a person who’s nervous about going to Confession and goes on to share that even in spite of the nerves, God never, ever holds his grace back from us. Emily shares that when she is feeling anxious to the point of not wanting to go, she begs for the grace to return to Confession, and to return to the mercy promised there.

    (15:43) Reflecting on the goodness of the gift of Confession, we turn to Eileen Newell, who desires that this gift would be known and experienced by all.

    (17:30) Fr. Patrick responds to this passion for Confession felt by Eileen by sharing that he believes Confession brings out the best in a priest. He shares that it’s a “tenderizer” of the heart of the priest and prays that priests and lay people, alike, may be transformed by the sacrament.

    (19:01 -19:59) We conclude by highlighting the fact that being a joyful missionary disciple always begins with an encounter with Jesus, but is a life marked by encounter after encounter with him, and inviting listeners to visit confessionsfinder.org to locate a convenient time and place for Confession.

  • In the inaugural edition of Open Door Policy “mini-sodes,” listen to some of our favorite moments from past shows, where guests share why they love the Eucharist and how it has changed their lives. Hear how Sr. Maria Veritas encounters Jesus as her spouse daily, in the Blessed Sacrament, how Melissa Florian’s desires that fueled addiction were transformed into a hunger for the Eucharist, and how Fr. David Pellican’s love for the Eucharist is propelling his dream of cultivating a love for the Eucharist among young people.

    (00:16) Reflecting on why the Eucharist is powerful for Catholics, we reflect on the fact that so many guests on Open Door Policy have shared about their deep love for Jesus’ presence in the Blessed Sacrament and introduce Sr. Maria Veritas, a Dominican Sister of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

    (01:17) Sr. Maria Veritas shares how she treasures the opportunity to encounter Jesus as her spouse in Adoration. She shares how, even in periods of dryness, she still depends on this time spent daily with Jesus in adoration.

    (02:39) We revisit the episode featuring Melissa Florian, who had spoken about a transformative encounter with Jesus on Father’s Day, which was closely followed by an intense desire to go to Mass.

    (03:03) Melissa shares what it was like to respond to her encounter with Christ, by going to Mass, where she was overcome with a desire to receive the Eucharist. She discusses how, while she had sought fulfillment through her addiction previously, she finally found her desires satisfied through Jesus. Co-host Emily then speaks from her own experience about how the Eucharist led her to Confession and, even when going to Confession was difficult, she desired the Eucharist more than she feared going to Confession.

    (07:10) Fr. Patrick invites Melissa to pray with listeners to increase their desire for the Eucharist and she passionately intercedes on behalf of all listeners.

    (08:00) We introduce Fr. David Pellican whose life and work has been marked by a love for the Eucharist. Fr. David shares about his encounters with Christ throughout his whole life, looking all the way back to his First Communion, and the intense sense of Jesus’ love he experienced.

    (09:41) Fr. David goes on to share what spiritual growth looks like for him these days, emphasizing Mass, adoration, and spiritual reading. He especially highlights the value of visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament chapel many times each day (a habit which developed from a penance he was given), and what a source of life that is for him.

    (11:38) Fr. David shares about his dreams, from his vantage point as the Associate Pastor of Divine Child Parish. He discusses how important it is for him that the students at Divine Child encounter Jesus authentically. He also shares how the high schoolers, in particular, have responded to the opportunity to spend more time with Jesus in adoration.

    (15:06 ) Reflecting on the power of these Eucharistic testimonies listeners are encouraged to seek out opportunities to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Thanks for listening to Open Door Policy!

  • “It’s like sitting in God’s living room.” This episode of Open Door Policy is a season finale! Join hosts Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau as they share their highlights from the previous season. Together they marvel at how God is alive and active in the life of each guest who has joined them. From storytelling to music, from mental health struggles to a new vocation to the permanent diaconate, each guest has exhibited how unique God’s plan is for each life. Your hosts share their dreams to see the Church alive with a new Pentecost and a Church filled with gratitude. Join Open Door Policy as we wonder at God’s power to change lives, and unleash the Gospel in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Take a listen!

    (00:19) Welcome to Open Door Policy! Your hosts Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau share their excitement over this episode to reflect on the previous season and how God has inspired them through the testimonies of the podcast guests.

    (01:18) Emily shares that something she has enjoyed about hosting the show is that she is inspired by the many ways the Spirit is working in missionary disciples in Southeast Michigan. “It has truly changed my faith.” Fr. Patrick loves when he “goes off the rails.” These podcast testimonies are inspiring to him. Fr. Patrick encourages us to “look out for comparison. God made you to be you.” St. Catherine of Siena says, “Be who God made you to be and you will set the world on fire.” As we experience our identity in Christ, our desire should be to be fully us, and not someone else. Fr. Patrick loves the “dream question” that each episode closes with. God has made us for greatness, and these big desires for the future are good.

    (4:50) Spotlight on guests: Dcn. Fred stood out to Emily. She loved his passion, and that he fulfilled the call to be fully himself. The episode with Jordan and Napoli Beachnau was very inspiring to Emily and she kept their stories of their journey as a couple with her. Curtis Simpson, Jr. was a memorable episode for Emily because of his energy, joy, and passion. The podcast has taught Emily that God works in our lives in so many ways. “Look at all these different ways God can be working in people’s lives."

    (7:20) “Testimonies put the works of God on display.” Fr. Patrick loves testimonies because they give people the witness of the power of God. Emily makes the point that Unleash the Gospel places value on the power of witness. “Personal testimony has an indispensable role in evangelization. Testimony has a unique power to touch hearts, since it is almost impossible to ignore the witness of someone who has encountered Jesus personally and whose life has been transformed by him.”

    (9:48) Fr. Patrick mentions Ricardo Hernandez’s testimony about having mental health struggles. “His testimony involved Jesus helping him come into a place of health, freedom, and peace.” Fr. Patrick mentions how bad thoughts can lead to bad actions, and bad actions can lead to a life separated from God. “The right mind is the mind of Christ for a disciple.” We are all tasked as disciples to steward our minds. Fr. Patrick mentioned Michelle Piccolo’s testimony and sums it up in four words: in love with Jesus. Finally, Chris Leach’s testimony touched Fr. Patrick. His testimony can be summed up in these words: “nothing is impossible for God.”

    (14:05) Emily comments that the episode with Chris was interesting for her because she knew Chris before the episode- through working in the Archdiocese together. “You don’t have to go searching for the stories of how God is working in people’s lives. The people in the pews next to us all have their own stories of their encounters with Jesus and how they live that out now.”

    (17:27) Who else touched your heart? Other highlights include: Josh Ross playing music on an episode, Fr. Jake VanAssche brought Spanish content to the podcast, and also, one of the great storytellers of the Archdiocese, Bishop Hanchon

  • Hosts Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau welcome Deacon Fred Billotto, who has been propelled into service of the Gospel by a great love for the laity and docility to the Holy Spirit. Listen in as Dcn. Fred shares about his discernment to become a permanent deacon, the impact of investing in his parish community, the role of scripture in his life, and finally his dreams for the future. Our God-given missions are not simply places we pour out our time and energy, but rather, they are the places God pours his life and grace into our hearts. Take a listen!

    (00:19) Emily and Fr. Patrick discuss good things happening in their lives. Emily mentions the LA Religious Educators Congress in Anaheim, CA. They discuss the gift of sharing the Gospel with a smile. Fr. Patrick has loved participating in parish missions recently. He reflects on the beauty of having a full church at night, “This isn’t Sunday morning. People are coming because they want more. They’re hungry and thirsty for the Lord.”

    (05:25) Emily introduces this episode’s guest Dcn. Fred Billotto, who is a deacon of the Archdiocese of Detroit, serving at Our Lady of Victory in Northville. He also serves the Archdiocese of Detroit through writing weekly Gospel reflections. Dcn. Fred grew up Catholic, and was taught by religious in early education. “I had faith, but I didn’t always live it out.” He did not have an “ah ha” moment with the Lord but throughout his life felt called to committed discipleship. He felt discernment helped him navigate marrying early, and choosing a job that could support his large family.

    (11:40) Dcn. Fred shares about his inspirations in the faith. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Francis de Sales have helped to make him aware of the possibility of having a relationship with God. Our guest reflects on the slow but steady, gradual growth that the Lord has invited him to throughout his life. Dcn. Fred tells us about how spiritual growth has occurred in his family life. “When you’re married and have kids, you have to give yourself away. It’s like a virtue factory.” Emily makes this point that vocations are also where God calls you to receive his love. “It’s not just give, give, give.”

    (20:18) “Married life is a vocation!” Emily invites Dcn. Fred to share about how his discernment has looked in his movement toward marriage and the permanent diaconate. Discernment with marriage was focused on timing and the practicals of a job. Discernment for the diaconate was about commitment and he and his wife discerning together.

    (24:40) How he serves: Dcn. Fed and his wife invest in engaged couples in his parish by hosting “wine and pizza” — when Dcn. Fred and his wife invited couples preparing for marriage to their home, and this transformed the meetings into times to share faith and grow. Emily affirms the importance of relationship and witness in sharing the Gospel and how Dcn. Fred and his wife are doing this through hosting these “wine and pizza” nights.

    (29:30) Virtue Factory: Emily points out that Dr. Fred’s experience shows that not only is his marriage a source of holiness for him, but also his vocation to serve as a permanent deacon is an inflow of grace for the deacon. These experiences allow grace to flow through him, and then back to him. He is blessed through giving. God’s mission fills us.

    (31:31) Love of the Word: Dcn. Fred teaches on the Gospels at Madonna University. Dcn. Fred discusses how the Holy Spirit moves him to preach instead of teach in the classroom. Emily shares her personal experience of writing assignments in her high school scripture class that opened her heart to encountering God.

    (38:00) What is your dream? Dcn. Fred speaks of a dream to lead an apostolate that brings the world’s attention to the power of living a lay life. He wants to ennoble other couples and families to live their vocations fully and fruitfully. He feels this reality is so often overlooked and undervalued....

  • This episode of Open Door Policy is overflowing with consecrated love for Jesus in the Eucharist. Two members of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Sr. Mary Martha and Sr. Maria Veritas share insight into how they have encountered the Lord, grown to serve the Lord as brides of Christ, and witness to God’s love through their service — including writing for Detroit Catholic. This episode includes “treasures from prayer,” and asks the question, “What saint has captured your heart recently?” and “What is holiness?” We pray this podcast will instill in your heart hope for the future, faith in God’s goodness, and a deeper love for Jesus in the Eucharist.

    (00:02) Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau welcomes you to this episode of Open Door Policy. Fr. Patrick shares his experience of seeing women religious in large groups, particularly in airports, and how he has been moved by the witness of their presence. Emily welcomes Sr. Mary Martha and Sr. Maria Veritas, who are members of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist. Sr. Mary Martha is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and entered the convent immediately after college. Sr. Maria Veritas is a tennis lover, and a lover of Truth.

    (05:00) Sr. Maria Veritas shares about encountering the Sisters in her community 10 years before she eventually entered. After college, Sister went on a discernment retreat. She mentions that she was struck by the Sisters being “women of the Church, they had a strong sense of joy in their identity.”

    (09:03) Sr. Mary Martha shares how the Lord drew her to enter consecrated life. Reading with Scripture drew Sister into a relationship with God. She felt drawn to encounter Jesus first, and her vocational discernment flowed from that. She had an experience of “home” when she visited her future community.

    (12:40) Sharing a treasure: Fr. Patrick invites the Sisters to share a treasure from their encounters with Jesus. Sr. Maria Veritas points to the Eucharist as the central encounter with Jesus. “I know I couldn’t hold up very long without the Eucharist.” Sr. Mary Martha shares more about her religious name- and how during a time of grief, her religious name was confirmed as part of who she is.

    (18:24) Both Sisters contribute to a bi-weekly column for Detroit Catholic. Sr. Mary Martha shares about writing for Detroit Catholic. She prays to the Holy Spirit, and is often inspired by her students in the classroom. Sr. Maria Veritas began writing 8 years ago. She saw her talents developed through religious life. “We rejoice in each other’s gifts.” She sees her writing for Detroit Catholic as passing on the fruit of her contemplation in her religious life.

    (25:08) Ties to Southeast Michigan: Fr. Patrick asks the Sisters how their lives have been impacted by living in and near the Archdiocese of Detroit. The Sisters share how they have been fed through the Archdiocese of Detroit. The conversation moves into a reflection on the power of the Eucharist, and excitement over the Eucharistic Congress.

    (30:18) What saint has your heart? Sr. Mary Martha shares that she loves the Ugandan martyrs. She admires their courage and their joy as they were martyred. She also notes how they encouraged each other as they were facing death. Sr. Maria Veritas is studying systematic theology, which is diving deeper into doctrine. She has been drawn to St. Thomas Aquinas recently because of his meekness, his joy, and his love for God.

    (36:50) Looking to the future: Emily encourages the Sisters to share about what they are excited about right now. Sr. Maria Veritas shares that the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist celebrate 25 years since the founding of their community. Sr. Mary Martha shares that her heart is oriented toward heaven. Her vow of obedience allows her to surrender her future and accept what the Lord has for her.

    (39:00) What is holiness? Sr. Maria Veritas shares that

  • Open Door Policy brings you the inspiring testimony of a young Catholic missionary serving in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Anna Picasso serves as a Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) missionary at Wayne State University, and surrounding campuses. Anna shares her story of growing up Catholic, but falling away from the faith in high school. Intentional friendships during a semester-long trip to Rome in college led to a life-changing encounter with Jesus through returning to the Sacrament of Confession after 10 years. She now lives out intentional friendship through her ministry to college students. This episode addresses fears of returning to confession, and the power of Jesus’ example of friendship. Take a listen!

    (0:02) Your co-hosts Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau open this episode by inviting you to join this episode of Open Door Policy. Fr. Patrick shares how Lent is a time of special grace; Lent is life-giving. Emily shares that Lent is not so much about self-improvement, but about improving our relationship with God.

    (3:47) Emily Mentock indroces this episode’s guest, Anna Picasso. Anna currently serves as a Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) missionary at Wayne State University, and surrounding campuses. Here are three fun facts about Anna: Anna has stayed in Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati’s summer home. Anna’s favorite place in Detroit, besides her home parish Our Lady of the Rosary, is the Detroit Institutes of Arts (DIA). Anna is a blackbelt in TaeKwonDo.

    (6:30) Anna grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as a Catholic. In high school, Anna fell away from her faith. Her faith became a practice of obligation to her parents. In college, Anna was left very broken and confused after some failed relationships. A trip to Rome opened her eyes to the beauty of Catholicism. Good friends were instrumental in Anna deciding to return to the Sacrament of Confession; this decision changed Anna’s faith… and her future.

    (13:07) Emily comments that Anna’s story is a clear display of God pursuing Anna. So many details in Anna’s story lead her to encountering God’s grace in that life changing Confession- even which college she could afford to attend. Anna now tries to live that authentic friendship that changed her life.

    (16:50) Authentic friendship: Jesus says, “I have called you friends.” FOCUS works to help students encounter Jesus through virtuous friendship with missionaries modeling the example Christ gave. Anna shares that virtuous friendship means “you’re fully given” and makes the point, “you have to earn the right to be heard.” This is born from time spent together. Investment in the people in our lives allows us to share Christ with them.

    (26:10) A favorite Bible verse of Anna’s is: 1 Thessalonians 2:8: “With such affection for you, we were determined to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, so dearly beloved had you become to us.”

    (30:20) Confession is the topic of discussion. Anna shares about her experience of going to confession after ten years. “A pivotal moment in my life.” Anna shares that Confession is important because it reconciles us with the Father. The Holy Spirit put it on her heart and convinced her, “I have to go.” She experienced a resistance to speaking things she had never spoken before. Anna experienced God encountering her gently, even in her emotional response to “coming home,” finally returning to the Father’s embrace. Emily shares that when she is afraid to go to confession, that is when she asks God for the grace to want the Sacrament of Confession, “Lord help me.”

    (38:55) Looking forward: Anna has dreams about the power of beauty. She wants to help people encounter God through beauty, especially in her local area of downtown Detroit. Fr. Patrick closes out the discussion about friendship by reminding us that God is a “lover of souls.” Each disciple has the mission of being

  • In this episode of Open Door Policy, Dr. Marlon De La Torre, the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Director of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship, shares his story – one that, at times, might sound like the words from a great audiobook. Listen as he describes his journey from a culturally Catholic youth, to an adventurous and faithful disciple, following wherever God leads him, all the way from California to Ohio, and, most recently, to right here in Detroit.

    (0:18) Emily and Fr. Patrick opens by talking about their plans for Lent. Emily reflects on Archbishop Vigneron’s Guideposts for Lent her desire to live the Lent that God is calling her to have, and Fr. Patrick shares his intention to pray a holy hour to determine a plan for his Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

    (2:22) Emily introduces guest, Dr. Marlon De La Torre, an avid reader, family man, and experienced boxer, who joined the Archdiocese of Detroit as the Director of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship last fall.

    (3:55) Fr. Patrick asks Dr. De La Torre to share his story. Born in a border town, Calexico, CA, he grew up in a culturally Catholic Hispanic family, not regularly attending Mass, where most reverence was directed to Our Lady of Guadalupe, over the Lord. He describes life growing up in a border town on a farm as his first exposition to God, as he recognized the abundance found in nature as something that could only be attributed to God.

    (7:26) When he was in fifth grade, Dr. De La Torre’s mother decided that he should receive his First Holy Communion and, shortly after, his grandmother determined that he should go to Catholic School. He describes his first day of Catholic school as beginning with a religion class, where, having never opened a Bible in his life, he was instructed to open his Bible to John 6:37. Out of fear of being disciplined for not turning to the right page, he prayed in a panic, to find the right passage before his teacher arrived at his desk. When he did, in fact, arrive at the right passage, Dr. De La Torre recognized that God was in fact alive and had a plan for his life, because He responded even to this brief, but urgent prayer.

    (11:43) Dr. De La Torre discusses how, during this time, he began to dive into literature in a way that cultivated his great love for reading, which persists to this day; and, being in Catholic school, he began to see the Catholic context around many of the classic texts read, which spurred him on in his faith.

    (16:13) Dr. De La Torre describes his next step as deciding to pursue a degree with the Franciscan University of Steubenville, carrying the intention to do something with God. He shares about his journey from California to Ohio, noting how when the Lord asks us to do something, we have to leave something behind. Thinking Dr. De La Torre chose God over family, his father didn’t speak to him for many years following his departure. He considers this bitter challenge very much part of the journey that God had carved out for his journey as a joyful, missionary disciple.

    (22:06) Prompted by Fr. Patrick, Dr. De La Torre shares a brief anecdote involving Fr. Michael Scanlan, former president of Franciscan University of Steubenville. During a brief exchange, shortly after arriving on campus, when Dr. De La Torre was questioning his decision to leave his family and attend the university, Fr. Scanlan reminded him that God brought him there, would never leave him, and prayed over him. He identifies this moment, the third of various “surges” – the first on his first day of Catholic school, the second on the Kairos retreat, and the third at Franciscan University.

    (26:22) Emily asks how these past experiences and “surges” direct his efforts as the Archdiocese’s Director of Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship. Dr. De La Torre describes his role now as to represent Jesus and His love clearly. He claims his role as one of many instruments in the

  • This episode of Open Door Policy is a generous taste of modern Irish Catholicism. Eileen Newell joins hosts Emily Mentock and Fr. Patrick Gonyeau in this discussion of Eileen's walk with the Lord. Her upbringing, the witness of her parents’ faith, and a trip to El Salvador helped her answer the big questions of life that she encountered in college. These days, serving on the Catholic Schools Council and her involvement with Family of Parishes prove to be experiences of God at work through her. Eileen’s love of St. Patrick shows as she closes the episode with a powerful Irish prayer. Take a listen!

    00:22 Emily welcomes you to this episode of Open Door Policy. Fr. Patrick asks Emily to elaborate on her favorite aspects of St. Paul. Emily shares that she appreciates that St. Paul was “always grateful” for the gift of his faith. Also, St. Paul is a model for unleashing the Gospel with fervor. Emily then asks Fr. Patrick who his favorite saint is: Mother Mary. He also shares an insight about St. Joseph. Dreams have played an important role for Ft. Patrick, especially with his vocation, and dreams were important for St. Joseph, too.

    05:06 The episode guest, Eileen Newell, is welcomed onto the show. Three fun facts about Eileen: she 96 first cousins, has traveled to 40 countries by her 40th birthday, and been to Mass in 16 different languages. She also likes to go cross-country skiing. Eileen gives the audience a taste of her upbringing: her father was a generous physician in their community and her mother was gifted with hospitality. Her father charged her, “Say your prayers and go to Mass.” Her childhood home was very welcoming and warm, a place to bring friends.

    15:17 Fr. Patrick asks Eileen about her experience of God in her childhood. She shares that she was surrounded by incredible examples of faith; open family discussions played a big role in opening her eyes to the beauty of her Catholic faith. In college, Eileen started asking the deeper questions about God and her understanding of the world.

    19:08 Emily invites Eileen to share about what resources helped her in her faith journey. Asking her pastor questions was a valuable help for Eileen. Her highschool religion teacher helped her dive into the beauty of the Catholic faith, even having her read the Eucharistic prayers from Mass. A trip to El Salvador in college was very impactful for Eileen and opened her eyes to suffering. And through suffering, she came to a greater understanding of who God is.

    23:00 Eileen shares about what her life looks like now and how the Lord is at work through her currently. “Waking up in Avent” is a posture of heart that Eileen takes each day. This allows her to be constantly waiting for the Lord and expecting Him to be present in her life. Eileen serves on the Catholic Schools Counsel and loves being part of her Catholic community. Eileen believes in the importance of Catholic Schools as places of evangelization for children and families. The investment is significant, but worth the sacrifices to make it happen.

    30:45 How is the Holy Spirit moving in the Archdiocese of Detroit right now? Eileen shares her insights to how God is at work in her community. She sees Family of Parishes as an innovative way to bring our community together and connect people through faith. Family of Parishes is like an extended family that takes cooperation to unleash the Gospel.

    32:45 Fr. Patrick asks Eileen what her dreams are from the Lord: corporal works of mercy and confession! Eileen sees the corporal works of mercy, especially burying the dead, as a key way that people can support each other through trials. Attending funerals, helping with luncheons, and supporting people through grief are ways she desires to see her community show up for each other. Confession is Eileen’s other dream: “God’s mercy is so deep.” She prays that the sacrament of Confession be utilized as a means of growth and healing....

  • Elizabeth Spencer joins Fr. Patrick and Emily in the virtual studio, where she shares how her experience of encountering Jesus in a personal way as a college student led to her career dedicated to ministry in youth and family faith formation.

    (0:35) Fr. Patrick opens by asking Emily about her highlights from her recent trip to Rome, where she represented the Communications team from the Archdiocese of Detroit. She shares the powerful experiences of praying at tomb of St. Aloysius for her Detroit community parish of St. Aloysius, praying at the tomb of St. Paul, one of her favorite saints, and finally the group audience with Pope Francis she was able to participate in. Emily discusses how inspiring the city of Rome is as an emblem of the Catholic faith, and how through her trip she felt renewed in the mission of unleashing the Gospel here in our communities.

    (5:25) Emily leads listeners in prayer through the intercession of St. Paul and St. Aloysius.

    (7:00) Emily introduces guest Elizabeth Spencer, who is an active mom, cross-stitcher, and runner. Currently expecting her third child, Elizabeth shares how experiencing pregnancy during the Advent season has drawn her closer to Mary as she has reflected on the graces she gives us as our spiritual mother.

    (9:35) Emily asks Elizabeth to share about her journey to becoming a joyful missionary disciple. Elizabeth discusses how her personal relationship with Jesus grew through the relationships she built with a non-denominational youth group she was involved in during high school, where she was encouraged to form a personal relationship with Jesus and see the ways in which Jesus was real and present in her life.

    (18:00) During her time in college, as Elizabeth explored Christianity, she was led back to develop a stronger identity in her Catholic faith through people who helped her deepen her understanding of the truth of the Catholic faith, including her father who gave her the book, The Seven Secrets of the Eucharist. Becoming involved in campus ministry at Michigan State, she met her husband who also helped her grow in her faith journey. During this time, one of her most profound lessons was seeing how God meets us and loves us each exactly where we are.

    (24:10) Fr. Patrick reflects on the Archbishop’s words from Unleash the Gospel about building unity with our brothers and sisters from other Christian denominations, and Elizabeth shares about how she connects with and learns from churches in her community through her parish work.

    (26:50) Fr. Patrick invites Elizabeth to discuss how she became involved in pursuing ministry as her career. Elizabeth discusses how she became a youth minister at St. Anastasia. She is now the parish catechetical leader, where she focuses on faith formation and religious education. Over the past five years, she has worked to ensure that faith development is available at every level to meet all families where they are at, so that families are able to delve into active faith formation from their own homes. She most enjoys giving families opportunities to pray together.

    (32:50) Elizabeth discusses her tips for family faith formation with young children, including talking about the saints with your children, reading the Gospel as the family, and doing activities so children can engage with the Gospel reflection. She encourages families to use 52 Sundays as a guide for helping parents and children connect with the Mass each week.

    (34:40) Emily mentions that she has been reading Food for the Soul as a helpful resource in her journey of also actively connecting with Mass each week. She asks Elizabeth what dream the Holy Spirit is putting on her life at this time. Elizabeth shares that her hope is for her children to love and know Jesus as she witnesses her faith to them.

    (41:45) Elizabeth, Emily, and Fr. Patrick close in prayer together.

  • Emily and Fr. Patrick welcome Alex Lynch to the podcast, and she reflects on her journey as a joyful missionary disciple as she has cultivated faith and community in her family and ministry involvement in her parish.

    (1:05) Emily reflects on her two-year anniversary working with the Archdiocese of Detroit. Fr. Patrick asks her what her favorite memory is of serving the city of Detroit and Emily relays her connection to the community through her work on the Open Door Policy podcast.

    (5:00) Fr. Patrick and Emily welcome guest Alex Lynch to the podcast, mom, parish leader, and owner of the local Scramblers restaurant franchise. She discusses her upbringing in the Catholic faith, as well as her involvement leading the mom’s group ministry at St. Paul which also includes a book club. Alex talks about the most recent book the group read, Divine Mercy for Moms.

    (10:30) Fr. Patrick asks Alex to share about how she sees the power of God’s love manifested in her role as a mother. Alex shares about her journey in motherhood and fostering, as well as the ways in which her personal encounter with God in her family has helped her through seasons of great suffering.

    (16:45) Emily asks Alex to share ways in which we can all do more to support mothers in our communities who may be struggling. Alex discusses the simple daily ways that anyone can step up with small acts to show support through prayer, help with children, and reaching out with thoughtful encouragement.

    (19:00) Fr. Patrick reminds us that the Advent season is a time for transformation and that little acts of love the Holy Spirit calls us to can make a huge and impactful difference in someone’s life. Alex discusses how she has seen such little acts of love in her mom’s group, especially in creating community and support throughout the pandemic.

    (26:30) Alex shares some ways in which she is practicing faith formation with her children through their spiritual education and keeping God at the center of their family routine. Emily talks about the inspiration children bring by expressing joy and wonder in their faith.

    (34:40) Alex discusses how right now her dream for her life is to focus on intentionality and living in the present moment both with her family and community and maintaining a focus on what is most important, keeping God at the center of our lives.

    (37:50) Fr. Patrick leads closing prayer with Emily and Alex.

  • Emily and Fr. Patrick welcome Bishop Donald Hanchon, who shares the story of his journey through the priesthood and how his many years serving minority communities in Detroit have formed him as a joyful missionary disciple with a heart for God’s people.

    (0:55) Fr. Patrick and Emily discuss what they are excited about and grateful for in the liturgical Christmas season.

    (3:30) Fr. Patrick and Emily discuss their key moments of formation in their personal faith lives as Catholics.

    (4:45) Emily introduces guest Bishop Hanchon, who discusses his talent with the ukulele and shares about his early vocational call to the priesthood.

    (11:15) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon about a key moment of growth in his faith and he shares how his early experiences serving with the Black community in Detroit shaped him as a priest and his passion for ministering in urban communities.

    (17:00) Bishop Hanchon shares about the gifts of community connections he has found within the many cultures represented within the Archdiocese of Detroit.

    (20:00) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon what has been his experience of being a joyful missionary disciple, and he reflects on the importance of having a joyful witness to faith and how he has kept his dream of living out his vocation as a missionary at the center of his work as a priest and Bishop.

    (25:50) Fr. Patrick invites Bishop Hanchon to talk about his advice for listening to the voice of the Lord. Bishop Hanchon discusses how a relationship with God is based on communication with God and being open to it through direct listening to God, as well as to those around us who God may be using to speak to us.

    (28:30) Emily asks Bishop Hanchon what his dream is for the Church in Detroit. Bishop Hanchon voices that the Church must continue to actively work against racism and his hopes that profound faith will be instilled within the young people in our communities through encounters with Jesus. He shares about the importance of family members in his life who have had a positive impact on his faith and encouraged him to be a disciple.

    (33:30) Bishop Hanchon leads Fr. Patrick and Emily in closing prayer.

  • Emily and Fr. Patrick welcome guest Josh Ross, worship leader and music director at St. Anastasia parish. Josh shares his story of how God has worked in his life through his pursuit of a vocation in music and the power of music as worship to transform the communal Church.

    (0:45) Fr. Patrick and Emily discuss what they are grateful for during this Thanksgiving season, highlighting growing in love for God, connecting with others, Unleash the Gospel, and the work of the Holy Spirit here in Detroit.

    (5:55) Emily introduces guest Josh, and Fr. Patrick asks Josh if he can sing the Hallelujah, which Josh opens with on piano.

    (8:00) Josh shares his faith journey and how he came to discern his vocation for music at a young age, leading us through the many opportunities God gave him to grow in both skill and passion for pursuing music as a form of worship and connecting others to God.

    (19:20) Josh discusses the distinction between being a musician and being a worship leader, which for him goes beyond the music itself and is about leading people to worship Jesus through the medium of music.

    (23:30) Emily asks Josh about what his dream is for the next five years, and Josh connects the ways in which he sees the Holy Spirit working in the Church and how he envisions opportunities for all Catholics to actively engage in expanding that work.

    (31:30) Fr. Patrick asks Josh to share his opinion on the experiences of people during worship through music, and Josh reflects on his own moments of connection to God through personal worship, as well as the profound connection experienced through communal worship when he is leading his music ministry.

    (35:30) Fr. Patrick reflects on the idea of “the one who sings prays twice” and Josh speaks to this concept by exploring the vulnerability and intentionality of worshiping through song.

    (40:05) Josh leads closing prayer with Emily and Fr. Patrick.

  • Father Patrick and Emily speak to guest Father David Pellican about his journey as a joyful missionary disciple, from his childhood growing up with seven sisters in rural Michigan raising pigs, to his call to the priesthood, to his current work of bringing students at Divine Child Schools into encounters with Christ.

    (0:25) Fr. Patrick and Emily open by discussing local community outreach. Fr. Patrick shares about his ministry of sharing the gospel and prayer with those in the local neighborhoods and stores, and Emily shares that she will be participating in St. Al’s Light the Night event downtown, where she will be helping welcome Detroiters to the parish.

    (3:50) Emily introduces guest Fr. David Pellican, and Fr. Patrick invites Fr. David to share about his own podcast, Men of the Hearts, which is a podcast about priestly vocations.

    (6:20) Emily asks Fr. David about what his life was like prior to joining the priesthood. Fr. David speaks about growing up in a large family with seven sisters, and discusses how his parents dedicated themselves to teaching their children about the Catholic faith and the great impact this had on shaping his first encounters with Jesus in his youth.

    (14:20) Fr. Patrick asks Fr. David to speak on the topic of the domestic church. Fr. David reflects on how all families, with their unique dynamics and struggles, can look to the Holy Family for inspiration. Emily notes that, being the second oldest of eight children, Fr. David had a leadership role in his family. Fr. David discusses how he sees that through the role of being a leader and guide to his younger sisters, the Lord was preparing him for his role as a priest working with the young student population of Divine Child.

    (19:50) Emily asks Fr. David what he does to grow his faith life, and Fr. David discusses his practice of finding quiet moments to stop into the chapel for reflection, as well as reading books about church figures that inspire his faith journey.

    (24:10) Fr. Patrick asks Fr. David about his dreams for his work at Divine Child, and Fr. David discusses some of the exciting initiatives happening at the schools, including setting aside weekly time with the high schoolers to do different workshops focused on encountering Jesus, as well as giving them time for adoration.

    (32:50) Fr. Patrick notes the various struggles that can arise for high school students, especially in terms of identity and relationships. Emily agrees, noting that even for adults, the pandemic has caused feelings of struggle and yearning for relationships with others. Fr. David agrees, saying that he saw the need for a young adult group at Divine Child during the pandemic, and speaks to the wonderful fruits that have come from that.

    (36:15) Emily asks Fr. David to share about something giving him life in his spiritual life at the moment, and Fr. David shares about the peace he finds in his regular visits to the Solanus Casey Center.

    (39:20) Fr. David offers closing prayer with Fr. Patrick and Emily.

    Men of the Hearts Podcast

    Solanus Casey Center

    The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle

  • Sheila Breen joins Emily and Fr. Patrick to share her story of growth throughout her faith journey. She reflects on how her husband Deacon Breen’s illness set them on the path to opening themselves fully to God’s grace and taking up their cross as an offering in service to others as prayer warriors.

    (0:50) Emily and Fr. Patrick share stories of gratitude to God in their praise reports.

    (3:05) Emily introduces guest Sheila Breen, wife of the late Deacon Breen, and they discuss her daughters who work within the church and the fun she has spending time with her grandson, Xavier.

    (6:50) Sheila takes listeners through the formation of her faith journey, highlighting a pivotal encounter with Jesus she experienced attending a women’s conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH.

    (11:40) Emily asks Sheila how she and her husband discerned his call to become a deacon together, and Sheila relates how they experienced God’s peace in this time of discernment and reflects on her role as a deacon’s wife.

    (15:35) Fr. Patrick recalls the amazing man Deacon Breen was and invites Sheila to share their experience with his illness and her journey since his passing, which Sheila notes has been a time when she has witnessed God’s tremendous grace.

    (26:20) Sheila shares how she and her husband began the practice of offering up their suffering throughout his illness for the prayer intentions of others and the impact this made in their lives as it kept their focus on the Lord and being prayer warriors for those in need.

    (29:50) Discussing her role as a hospice nurse, Sheila reflects on the important part end of life healthcare workers play for both patients and families, including recently during COVID, and the opportunities they have to offer peace, comfort, and prayer to those who are close to meeting the Lord.

    (34:05) Sheila and the hosts discuss finding God’s sacredness in everyday life, and Emily asks Sheila what her dream is as she moves into a new stage of her life, to which Sheila replies that she aims to dedicate herself to being a prayer warrior.

    (39:50) Fr. Patrick relates Sheila’s testimony to scripture, and Sheila, Emily, and Fr. Patrick close with prayer.

  • Mike Stechschulte has served as the Editor-in-Chief for Detroit Catholic for almost ten years. He shares with Fr. Patrick and Emily how he developed a love for storytelling, and how his current role gives him a unique birds-eye view on all the different ways that God is working here in Southeast Michigan.

    "We just have such a robust dynamic archdiocese, and I think that there really is something in the church for everyone. We have robust pro-life ministries, we have ministries of service and charity. There's so many different ways that people can get in touch with their faith and the beautiful social teachings that we have. And I think that getting to see that not everyone's faith journey is the same that people encounter God in different ways."

    (0:42) Fr. Patrick shares exciting news of his growing congregation at Corpus Christi Parish in Detroit. Emily shares that she is embracing the fall season, and introduces the Episode 76 guest, Michael Stechschulte, who is the Editor-in-Chief of Detroit Catholic.

    (4:13) Mike tells the story of his intellectual pursuit of faith in high school, and how certain people in his life provided a witness of faith that led him to encounter Jesus.

    (13:50) Mike explains how he got into journalism and storytelling, and shares how he got hired for the Michigan Catholic newspaper ten years ago.

    (18:40) Fr. Patrick asks Mike about how people have responding to his writing about our Catholic faith over the years. Mike shares one particular conversation with a stranger who emailed him about one of his columns.

    (20:10) Emily invites Mike to share how storytelling has a unique power to share how the Holy Spirit is working in the Archdiocese of Detroit. Mike explains how his work at Detroit Catholic gives him a birds-eye view of all the different ways people live out their Catholic faith in southeast Michigan.

    (24:00) Mike shares how it takes a lot of trust in the Holy Spirit that God will work through his storytelling work. Fr. Patrick connects it to scripture and reminds how important it is to reach out even to people who are not yet engaged with our parishes.

    (28:28) Mike talks about one of his favorite books, 'The Everlasting Man' by GK Chesterton, and how it inspires his work today.

    (32:00) Fr. Patrick asks Mike his dream for his work and his life. Mike answers by saying he wants to share all the gifts that he has received — both with the people of southeast Michigan through Detroit Catholic and with his new (first!) nephew. Mike and the hosts close in prayer.