
  • This episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories" features Laura Smith, who shares her journey growing up in the Church of God in Christ Mennonite and her eventual departure from the church at the age of 20. Originally from the Walker, Missouri congregation, Laura's family moved to Monterey, Tennessee when she was 12, and she describes the challenges and experiences that came with that transition.

    Laura delves into her early memories of the Holdeman Church, reflecting on the strict rules, community expectations, and the sense of belonging that defined her upbringing. She provides insight into the daily life of a young girl in the Holdeman community, including the limited access to mainstream culture and the emphasis on maintaining a lifestyle that aligned with the church's teachings. Laura speaks candidly about the internal and external pressures she faced, particularly as she grew older and began questioning the beliefs and practices she had been taught.

    As she recounts her teenage years, Laura discusses the pivotal moments that led to her decision to leave the church. She describes the complexities of navigating relationships with family and friends who remained in the church, as well as the emotional toll of stepping away from the only community she had ever known. Laura shares personal anecdotes that highlight the difficulties of breaking free from a high-control environment, including the fear of ostracism and the struggle to find her identity outside the confines of the church's doctrine.

    Throughout the episode, Laura's story is one of resilience and self-discovery. She speaks about the healing process and the new opportunities that opened up once she left the church. Laura also touches on the broader themes of autonomy, freedom of choice, and the journey toward self-acceptance, providing listeners with a heartfelt narrative that underscores the complexities of leaving a high-control religious group.

    This episode offers a deep, personal look into the life of someone who grew up in and eventually left the Holdeman community, providing a relatable and poignant account of the challenges and triumphs faced along the way. Laura's story is a testament to the strength it takes to pursue one's own path, even when it means leaving behind a deeply ingrained way of life.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," Weylin sits down with Chris, a former member of a Central Kansas congregation of the Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Chris offers a candid look into her life, from growing up in a rural farming family to navigating her way out of the Holdeman church and redefining her beliefs.

    Chris recounts her childhood as the youngest of four daughters in a family that thrived on hard work and connection to the land. Her days were filled with farm chores, driving trucks during wheat harvest, and helping her father care for the animals. While she describes her upbringing as largely positive, she also touches on the underlying challenges, such as her family's financial struggles when a bad water well led to the loss of cattle—a hardship that cast a shadow on her early years and taught her resilience.

    From an early age, Chris sensed that she was different. She was introspective and often found herself questioning the practices and teachings of the Holdeman church. This questioning nature set her apart and made her feel disconnected within the large congregation she was a part of. Chris shares her experience of being an introvert in a community that often felt overwhelming and how she found solace in her relationships with non-Holdeman relatives, which broadened her perspective and introduced her to ideas beyond the church’s doctrines.

    Throughout the conversation, Chris delves into her psychological journey, detailing how she turned to various authors and teachers to explore new ways of thinking. She reflects on how her personality and experiences shaped her worldview, and how, over time, she began to see religion as often mirroring the personality of its founders—a realization that prompted her to question the foundations of her faith even more deeply.

    Chris also speaks about the emotional and mental challenges of leaving the church, including the process of unlearning deeply ingrained beliefs and coping with the sense of loss that accompanies such a profound change. She emphasizes the importance of finding one's own path to healing and hope, sharing personal stories of growth and the small but significant steps she has taken toward reclaiming her sense of self outside the church.

    In this heartfelt episode, Chris opens up about her ongoing journey—a journey that is not yet complete but is filled with determination and a desire for authenticity. Her story is a powerful reminder of the complexities involved in stepping away from a high-control religious environment and the courage it takes to pursue a life aligned with one’s true values. Join Weylin and Chris as they explore the nuanced paths of questioning, leaving, and ultimately, finding peace beyond the confines of a close-knit religious community.

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  • In this episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, host Amanda sits down with David Justus, a former member of the Church of God in Christ Mennonite, to share his life journey that led him from the confines of the Holdeman community to the expansive wilderness of Alaska. David talks about his early years growing up in the Bonners Ferry congregation, where strict rules and expectations shaped every aspect of his life. He reflects on the sense of community and belonging he initially felt, and the gradual shift as he began questioning the church’s teachings and the high control environment that governed his world.

    David opens up about the inner turmoil of trying to conform to the church’s strict doctrines while grappling with his own evolving beliefs. He shares personal stories that illustrate the conflict between maintaining his faith and the desire for personal freedom. As David’s doubts grew, so did his courage to explore life beyond the Holdeman church, despite knowing it would mean a painful separation from his family and friends.

    A significant part of David’s story is his move to Alaska, a bold step that marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life. He describes the challenges of starting over in an unfamiliar place, far from the only community he had ever known. In Alaska, David found both the physical and emotional distance needed to reflect on his past and rebuild his life. The vast landscapes of Alaska became a backdrop for his journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of a life aligned with his true beliefs.

    Throughout the episode, David shares the emotional highs and lows of leaving the Holdeman church, the difficulties of adjusting to life outside, and the resilience it took to carve out a new path for himself. Amanda guides the conversation with care, creating a space for David to share his story with honesty and depth.

    This episode offers listeners an insightful look into the complexities of leaving a high-control religious group and the unexpected places that journey can lead. David Justus’s story is one of courage, transformation, and the pursuit of freedom, set against the dramatic backdrop of Alaska’s wilderness. Join us as we explore his path from the Holdeman church to a life of independence and self-discovery.

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  • In this episode, Caleb Jesser and Dennis Goossen take listeners through the transformative decades of the 1940s to the 1960s for the Holdeman Church, officially known as the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. This episode is part of the series "Our Heritage: Holdeman Mennonite History," which explores the critical changes and developments that shaped the church during societal upheaval.

    The discussion opens with a reflection on the immediate post-war era. Caleb and Dennis provide context about how World War II's end brought significant changes globally and within the Holdeman community. They discuss how conscientious objectors returning from alternative service units brought back new perspectives, sometimes leading to tensions and debates within the church. These returning members had been exposed to broader societal norms and ideas, which sparked internal discussions about the community's engagement with the outside world and interpretations of core doctrines, including the church’s emphasis on non-conformity to worldly practices.

    Moving into the 1950s, the conversation shifts to how the Holdeman Church responded to the rise of modernity and secularism. The hosts discuss the church leaders' concerns over the growing influence of radio, television, and other forms of media, which were viewed as potential threats to spiritual purity. These new technologies were believed to be gateways to worldly influences that could erode the community's values. As a result, church leadership enforced stricter guidelines and promoted a more insular approach to protect their members from perceived moral decay.

    As they explore the internal dynamics of the 1960s, Caleb and Dennis highlight the social and cultural shifts that impacted the Holdeman Church. This decade saw the church grappling with external pressures to modernize, which contrasted sharply with the desire to maintain traditional values. These discussions included debates on issues such as dress codes, musical influences, and levels of community involvement. These debates often created friction within the church, as some members pushed for a more adaptive approach while others sought to hold firmly to established traditions.

    A significant part of the episode covers the factions that split from the church during this time of change. Caleb and Dennis discuss various groups that broke away due to disagreements over doctrinal interpretations, lifestyle practices, or the church’s stance on modern influences. These splits often came after prolonged periods of internal conflict and were marked by deep divisions within congregations, reflecting the broader struggle between maintaining doctrinal purity and adapting to a rapidly changing world.

    The episode also touches on the evolution of the church's governance and decision-making processes during this period. With the increasing complexities of managing a growing congregation, the church's leadership structure adapted to better address the diverse challenges faced by the community. This led to a more formalized approach to governance that continues to shape the church today.

    In closing, Caleb and Dennis reflect on how the post-war period up to the late 1960s was a pivotal era of change for the Holdeman Church, setting the stage for its future. The church's responses to both external and internal pressures laid the groundwork for its modern identity and practices.

    This episode provides a rich, detailed look at a crucial period in Holdeman Mennonite history, offering valuable insights into the community's struggles, adaptations, and steadfastness in faith.

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  • In this heartfelt episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, Amanda sits down with Jordie, formerly known as Julie, to explore her journey into and out of the Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Jordie shares candid reflections on her childhood, growing up first in Linden, Alberta, and later in Pincher Creek. She speaks warmly of her early years, recalling a childhood filled with love, family, and a sense of community. However, Jordie also opens up about the duality of her experience, where alongside the warmth and happiness, there was an undercurrent of fear deeply rooted in the church's culture.

    Jordie describes herself as a sensitive child who keenly felt the pervasive atmosphere of fear within the church environment. Despite the good memories, the fear she carried was something she internalized and never shared with others. Instead, she found solace in journaling and art, which became her private outlets for processing the complex emotions she experienced.

    As the conversation unfolds, Jordie delves into the nuances of her identity and the significant steps she took in reclaiming her life after leaving the church. She discusses her decision to change her name from Julie to Jordie, symbolizing a new chapter in her life and a break from the past. Through her story, Jordie offers listeners a profound insight into the challenges of growing up in a high-control religious environment and the journey of finding one's true self outside of it.

    This episode is a touching and relatable narrative for anyone who has grappled with the fear and expectations imposed by a strict religious upbringing. Jordie's story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and the power of creative expression in the face of adversity.

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  • In this episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, Weylin sits down with Doreen from the Crooked Creek congregation of Church of God in Christ Mennonite. She tells of her childhood in the church, her path out of the organization, and her faith journey after leaving.

    Her story features candid discussion of childhood sexual abuse, emotional manipulation, and other traumatic events.

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  • In this episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, host Amanda sits down with Carolyn, who shares her deeply personal journey of growing up and living within the Holdeman Mennonite community. Carolyn’s story is one of resilience, especially as she navigates the complexities of being a woman and a single mother in a patriarchal and high-control religious system.

    Carolyn begins by reflecting on her early years in Crooked Creek, where the church's teachings and sense of community provided her with a foundation. However, as she matured, she became increasingly aware of the strict roles imposed on women within the church. The expectations were clear: women were to be obedient, submissive and focused on homemaking and child-rearing. Carolyn describes the immense pressure to conform to these roles, which left little room for personal growth or autonomy.

    As a single mother, Carolyn faced additional scrutiny and judgment from the church staff and the broader community. She recounts how her status as a single mother was often viewed with suspicion, as though it signified a failure to adhere to the church’s standards of marriage and family life. The lack of support for single mothers within the church only exacerbated the challenges she faced, leaving her to navigate motherhood largely on her own while still trying to meet the church’s demanding expectations.

    Carolyn also speaks candidly about her interactions with church and school staff, who often reinforced patriarchal norms that kept women like her in subservient positions. She shares instances where she felt marginalized and disempowered by the male-dominated leadership, who were more interested in maintaining control than offering compassion or understanding.

    The episode takes a significant turn as Carolyn questions the roles and expectations placed upon her. She reflects on the moment she recognized that her worth was not defined by the church’s patriarchal standards but by her strength and values. This realization became a catalyst for her decision to leave the church and pursue a life where she could be true to herself and her children, free from the oppressive structures that had once held her back.

    Carolyn’s journey is not just one of breaking free from a controlling religious environment but also a story of reclaiming her identity as a woman and a mother. Despite the emotional and societal challenges, she emerges with a profound sense of self-worth and a determination to provide a better life for herself and her children, outside the confines of the church’s rigid doctrines.

    This episode offers a deeply moving exploration of the intersection between gender, religion, and personal freedom. Carolyn’s story sheds light on the unique struggles faced by women and single mothers in high-control religious groups and underscores the courage it takes to defy patriarchal norms and forge a path of independence. Her testimony is a powerful reminder of the importance of self-empowerment and the strength that comes from breaking free of oppressive systems.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," Teran Rinehart shares the story of her life, focusing on her challenging experiences growing up in the Carson City, Michigan congregation of Church of God in Christ Mennonite and its school. Teran begins by recounting the remarkable story of her grandmother, who was born into a wealthy family in Santiago, Chile, but left it all behind to become a mail-order bride in Michigan. Yolanda's journey into the Mennonite community had a lasting impact on her family, including Teran.
    As Teran reflects on her upbringing, she opens up about the hardships she faced in the Holdeman church school. Teran describes how she was not well-liked and often felt miserable, struggling to make friends. The school environment was particularly difficult for her as a queer, autistic child, and she endured frequent bullying. Despite her intelligence, Teran found herself in a classroom where she was the oldest and often felt smarter than both her classmates and her teachers. She candidly discusses the inadequacies of the Mennonite teachers, many of whom only had an eighth-grade education and were more focused on finding a husband than on teaching.
    Teran's experiences were further compounded by the lack of support from the school staff, who failed to address the bullying she faced. She shares a particularly painful memory of a teacher dismissing her after she reported being physically abused at home, illustrating the broader issue of Mennonite teachers not complying with their legal obligations as mandatory reporters. The constant bullying and lack of support left Teran feeling like the laughingstock of the school, and these experiences had a lasting impact on her.
    Despite these challenges, Teran found solace in teaching Bible school, which became one of her biggest passions. She reflects on her attempts to be a "good Mennonite," actively participating in Sunday school and trying her best to fit in, even as she struggled with the rigid expectations of the church.
    This episode offers an honest and poignant look at the difficulties of growing up in the Holdeman Mennonite church, particularly within its educational system. Teran’s story sheds light on the emotional toll of being a child in an environment where conformity was prized over individuality, and where support was often lacking. Her experiences provide a valuable perspective on the challenges faced by those who didn’t fit the mold in a strict religious community, making this episode a powerful and eye-opening listen.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," we had the pleasure of sitting down with Wes Friesen from the Barron, Wisconsin congregation of Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Wes takes us on a journey through his life, sharing intimate and heartfelt stories about his upbringing, experiences within the church, and his eventual path out of the Holdeman community.
    Wes begins by recounting his childhood in Barron, Wisconsin, a place where he spent the majority of his formative years. He reflects on the strong sense of community and belonging that characterized his early life, describing the close-knit nature of the Holdeman Mennonite congregation and the deep-rooted traditions that shaped his worldview. Despite the warmth and support of the community, Wes also touches on the restrictive aspects of growing up in a high-control environment, where conformity and adherence to church doctrines were paramount.
    As Wes delves deeper into his story, he shares poignant anecdotes about pivotal moments in his life. He speaks candidly about the internal struggles he faced as he began to question the teachings and practices of the church. These moments of doubt and introspection eventually led him to seek a life beyond the confines of the Holdeman community.
    One of the most compelling parts of Wes's narrative is his account of the personal and emotional challenges he encountered during his transition out of the church. He talks about the feelings of isolation and the loss of familial connections that often accompany such a significant life change. Despite these hardships, Wes's resilience and determination shine through as he describes how he rebuilt his life, forging new relationships and finding a sense of purpose outside the Holdeman Mennonite faith.
    Throughout the episode, Wes's storytelling is infused with a mix of humor, reflection, and raw honesty. He shares lighter moments that highlight the quirks and idiosyncrasies of life within the church, providing listeners with a nuanced perspective on the Holdeman experience. At the same time, his more serious reflections offer a profound insight into the personal cost of leaving a high-control religious group.
    Wes's story is not just one of leaving, but also of growth and self-discovery. He talks about the newfound freedoms and opportunities he has embraced since leaving the church, and how these have allowed him to explore his own identity and beliefs. His journey is a testament to the strength and courage it takes to break away from a life that no longer aligns with one's values and to seek out a path that is true to oneself.
    In this episode, listeners are invited to witness Wes's transformation from a young boy in Barron, Wisconsin, to a man who has navigated the complexities of faith, community, and personal identity. His story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for authenticity and freedom.
    Join us as we listen to Wes Friesen's inspiring journey on "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories." His tale is a compelling addition to our series, offering hope and encouragement to anyone who has ever questioned their path and sought to forge a new direction in life.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," we sit down with Sandra Loewen, who hails from the Rosenort, Manitoba congregation of Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Sandra opens up about her unique life journey, beginning with her adoption into a Holdeman Mennonite family at just two weeks old. Raised within the church, Sandra’s early life was deeply rooted in the values and practices of the Holdeman community. She shares the love and nurturing she received from her adoptive parents, highlighting her father's caring nature and her mother's intelligence and strength.Sandra discusses the complex feelings she experienced growing up in the Holdeman church. Despite her deep connection to her family and faith, she sometimes struggled with the strictures of the religious environment. These moments of anger and confusion were tempered by her belief in divine providence—a protective, guiding force she felt directed her life. Sandra eloquently describes how this sense of spiritual guidance helped her reconcile her past struggles with her present understanding of purpose and destiny.Sandra also shares poignant stories from her time in the church, including being disallowed from speaking to girls for years after someone accused her of homosexuality. This accusation led to severe social ostracism, which deeply affected her mental and emotional well-being. Despite the harsh judgment and alienation, Sandra found strength within herself, drawing on her inner resilience to navigate these difficult times.Throughout the episode, Sandra reflects on her life beyond the Holdeman church. She and her husband, also raised in the Holdeman faith, built a life together, raising two daughters and enjoying the blessings of two grandchildren. Sandra’s narrative is a testament to the resilience and growth that comes from navigating the challenges of a high-control religious community while seeking personal identity and meaning.Join us as Sandra Loewen shares her heartfelt story of faith, family, and personal discovery. Her reflections provide a nuanced perspective on the intricate interplay between spirituality and identity, offering listeners valuable insights into life within and beyond the Holdeman Mennonite community. This episode is a compelling exploration of love, resilience, and the search for meaning in a complex world.Follow us on Facebook:https://rb.gy/cj55tdSubscribe on Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/show/1KwYkbtbIswUN3z6JSrqz5?si=0913b1c334724490Subscribe on YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@OurPeoplePodcast?sub_confirmation=1Subscribe on Apple Podcasts:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/our-people-holdeman-mennonite-stories/id1740613045

  • In this episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, we are joined by Stuart Litwiller, who shares his profound journey from being deeply involved in Church of God in Christ Mennonite to building a new life in Kenya. Stuart starts by recounting his early years in Carson City, Michigan, and his move to Murray, Kentucky, where he took on significant leadership roles within the church.
    Stuart's story takes a pivotal turn as he describes his baptism at age 13, which left him feeling unchanged and disconnected from the spiritual transformation he had expected. By age 16, Stuart was ready to leave the church altogether, feeling a strong desire to break away from the faith that no longer resonated with him. He candidly shares the moment when a fellow youth member's genuine concern led him to reconsider his decision and ultimately resulted in his excommunication.
    Stuart's path back to the church was fraught with uncertainty, yet he persisted in his search for spiritual fulfillment. His interactions with a man who would later become a minister, Tim Buck, were instrumental in his journey back to the church, where he was eventually reaccepted. Despite this, Stuart's spiritual journey continued to evolve, leading him to significant life changes.
    Stuart recounts a cycle of excommunications and reacceptances, reflecting a continuous struggle with his faith. He shares how, at age 18, he enjoyed attending classes but found it difficult to return home, leading to another excommunication. This pattern repeated, with Stuart being reaccepted and then excommunicated again at age 22, shortly after his marriage.
    Despite managing to stay in the church until age 49, Stuart reveals that he never truly felt assured of his salvation or experienced the grace he sought. His final departure from the church was catalyzed by a disagreement with his wife over refinancing their debt, which escalated and involved church deacons. During a revival, Stuart was confronted by church leaders who suggested he was born again but never truly converted, leading to his excommunication.
    Feeling disillusioned, Stuart attempted to rejoin the church but ultimately decided to pursue a different path. He relocated to Katali, Kenya, seeking a fresh start. Stuart delves into the challenges and rewards of adapting to a new culture and building a new community. His resilience and determination shine through as he reflects on his journey from excommunication to establishing a fulfilling life in Kenya.
    Listeners will be inspired by Stuart's story of leaving behind a restrictive religious environment, overcoming personal and spiritual struggles, and finding a new sense of purpose and community in Kenya. This episode offers a heartfelt exploration of faith, resilience, and the transformative power of new beginnings.
    Join us for an insightful and moving conversation with Stuart Litwiller as he shares his remarkable journey of faith, loss, and renewal.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," we sit down with Barb Wedel, who takes us on a journey through her life growing up in the Fairview congregation of Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Barb, a self-proclaimed wild child, shares how she always felt like a bit of a rebel in a community that prized conformity.

    Barb talks about her family's deep ties to the church, with both her parents raised within its strict confines. She recounts a touching story about her maternal grandfather, who, fearing for his soul, joined the church at the age of 90. This act underscores the intense pressure and indoctrination prevalent in their beliefs.

    Throughout the episode, Barb reflects on her spirited nature and the challenges it brought her in a high-control religious environment. She candidly discusses the moments that made her question her faith and ultimately led her to leave the church. A significant part of her story is discovering that being a wild child was not just okay but something to be celebrated.

    Barb shares how she saw herself in her daughter, who inherited her free spirit and zest for life. This realization helped Barb embrace her own nature, recognizing that her daughter's wonderful qualities were a reflection of her own.

    Tune in to hear Barb Wedel's honest and heartfelt tale of growing up, rebelling, and finding freedom outside the Holdeman Mennonite Church. Her journey is a testament to the strength it takes to forge your own path and the joy that comes with living authentically.

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  • In this compelling episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," we sit down with Stanley Unruh to explore his unique journey into and out of the Holdeman Mennonite Church. Stanley, originally from the Greensburg Kansas congregation of Church of God In Christ Mennonite shares his deeply personal story of growing up within the high-control religious community, the pivotal moments that led him to question his beliefs, and the challenges he faced while transitioning to life outside the church.

    Listeners will be captivated by Stanley's honest and heartfelt reflections on the emotional and psychological impact of leaving a close-knit community. He discusses the struggle to find his identity and the liberation he felt upon embracing his true self. A poignant highlight of the episode is Stanley's reference to the lyric, "Be what you must. It's part of the plan," which encapsulates his journey towards authenticity and personal freedom.

    Stanley also offers a balanced perspective, acknowledging the positive aspects of his Holdeman upbringing, including the strong sense of community and values instilled in him. His story is one of resilience and courage, providing a relatable and inspiring narrative for anyone who has questioned their own path in life.

    Join us for an episode that delves deep into the complexities of faith, identity, and belonging, as Stanley Unruh's story unfolds with candor and insight. Whether you're familiar with the Holdeman Mennonite Church or simply interested in personal stories of transformation, this episode is sure to resonate and inspire.

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  • In this episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," host Waylon sits down with Larissa, a former member of Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Larissa begins by sharing her background, growing up in the Ithaca, Michigan congregation, which she considered her home despite living in a few other congregations throughout her life. She delves into her family history, mentioning that her parents owned and operated the Mennonite nursing home, Maple View, in Michigan. This setting significantly influenced her early life experiences.

    Larissa discusses her upbringing within the Holdeman community, providing insights into her childhood and the cultural and religious environment she was immersed in. She reflects on the values and traditions that shaped her identity and the pivotal moments that led her to question and eventually leave the church.

    Throughout the conversation, Larissa candidly shares her journey of self-discovery, the challenges she faced, and the personal growth she experienced after leaving the Holdeman Mennonite faith. Her story is a compelling narrative of resilience and the search for authenticity outside the confines of her religious upbringing.

    Join us for an engaging and heartfelt episode as Larissa opens up about her past, her struggles, and the path she has forged beyond the Holdeman Mennonite community. Her story is a testament to the strength and courage it takes to redefine one's beliefs and find a new sense of belonging.

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  • In this special bonus episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," host Caleb sits down with historian Dennis Goossen for a comprehensive discussion on the history of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, also known as the Holdeman Church, during the early 1900s. This episode delves into critical historical moments and their lasting impact on the Holdeman community.

    Dennis Goossen provides an expert's perspective on the leadership transitions following the death of John Holdeman, the founder of the church. The conversation explores the challenges and complexities of leadership succession during a period marked by internal conflicts and external pressures. Goossen discusses the key figures who stepped into leadership roles and the influence they had on the church's direction.

    The episode also covers significant events such as the impact of the World Wars on the Holdeman community. Listeners will learn how the church navigated the tumultuous times of global conflict and how these events shaped the beliefs, practices, and cohesion of the community. The discussion offers a detailed look at the social and cultural dynamics within the Holdeman Church, providing valuable insights into the church's evolution during the early 20th century.

    Through Goossen's scholarly lens, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the pivotal moments that have defined the Holdeman Church's history. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in Mennonite history, church leadership dynamics, and the resilience of religious communities in the face of adversity.

    Tune in for a fascinating journey through the early 1900s history of the Holdeman Church, exploring the events and personalities that have significantly shaped its path.

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  • In this compelling episode of "Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories," we sit down with Starla, an inspiring individual who opens up about her life growing up in and eventually leaving the Holdeman church, officially known as the Church of God in Christ Mennonite. Starla was born in the close-knit community of Linden, Alberta, where she was the eighth of nine children in her family. The episode begins with Starla sharing her early memories of life in a large family, where she often felt like a forgotten child, a sentiment that has profoundly shaped her perspective.

    Starla candidly discusses the unique challenges she faced while growing up in a high-control religious environment. She describes the rigid structures and expectations that defined her upbringing, offering listeners a glimpse into the everyday realities of life within the Holdeman church. Her narrative provides valuable insights into the social and emotional dynamics of living in a community where conformity and obedience are paramount.

    A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to Starla's transformative journey after leaving the church. She talks about the difficulties and triumphs she encountered as she navigated life outside of the only community she had ever known. Starla’s story is one of resilience and self-discovery, highlighting her determination to build a new life on her own terms.

    Starla’s work as a sexual abuse victim advocate is another focal point of the conversation. She shares how her personal experiences have fueled her passion for advocacy and her commitment to educating professionals about the intricacies of high-control religious organizations. Her advocacy work is crucial in helping survivors of abuse find their voice and in raising awareness about the often hidden challenges faced by individuals who leave such groups.

    Throughout the episode, Starla’s strength and dedication shine through. She reflects on the importance of support networks and the role they played in her journey towards healing and empowerment. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit’s capacity for growth and transformation.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the complexities of high-control religious groups, the challenges of breaking free, and the inspiring stories of those who have found their voice and purpose beyond such communities. Join us as we listen to Starla’s extraordinary journey, filled with poignant moments, hard-earned wisdom, and a hopeful outlook.

    If Starla's story resonates with you or you have your own story to share, consider joining us as a guest to further this vital conversation. Reach out to us at ⁠[email protected]⁠ with your thoughts or suggestions for future interviews.

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  • In this episode of Our People: Holdeman Mennonite Stories, hosts Waylon and Amanda engage in an intimate conversation with Jules Thiessen, offering a profound look into her life and experiences. Originally known as Jules Penner, Jules shares her journey from growing up in the Steinbach congregation, to forging a new identity outside the Holdeman Mennonite community.

    At the age of 25, Jules candidly recounts her departure from the church, a decision marked by personal and communal challenges. She provides an unflinching account of the struggles and triumphs encountered, including the difficult realities of leaving a tightly-knit faith community. Jules' story is one of resilience, courage, and the pursuit of authenticity amidst adversity.

    In a poignant and powerful segment, Jules discusses the abuse she endured, shedding light on the darker aspects of her past and the profound impact it had on her journey. This episode delves into the complexities of identity, faith, trauma, and healing, offering listeners a raw and honest portrayal of Jules' path to self-discovery and empowerment.

    Listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the Holdeman Mennonite culture, the emotional and psychological toll of transitioning away from a deeply rooted faith, and the strength required to rebuild one's life. Jules' narrative is not just about leaving a community but about reclaiming her voice and finding a new sense of self and belonging.

    Join us for an episode filled with reflection, resilience, and the transformative power of storytelling as Jules Thiessen shares her journey with vulnerability and bravery.

    Content Warning: This episode contains discussions of abuse. Please take care while listening.

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  • In this episode of "Our People Podcast," we dive deep into the fascinating life and legacy of John Holdeman, the founder of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Our host is joined by Dennis Goossen, a CPA by profession and a passionate historian with extensive knowledge of Holdeman's life and the broader historical context of his time.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Introduction to the Episode:

    Introduction of the guest, Dennis Goossen, his background, and his passion for history.

    Setting the Historical Context:

    Discussion on the early 1800s, providing a backdrop to John Holdeman's life. Exploration of the social, economic, and religious climate of the time.

    Early Life of John Holdeman:

    Insights into Holdeman's upbringing and the factors that influenced his religious journey. The impact of his family's faith and the communities he was part of.

    Founding of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite:

    The motivations behind Holdeman's decision to establish a new denomination. Key beliefs and doctrines that set the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite apart from other Anabaptist groups.

    Challenges and Controversies:

    Examination of the challenges Holdeman faced, including opposition from other religious groups. Controversies surrounding his teachings and how he addressed them.

    Legacy and Impact:

    The lasting influence of John Holdeman on the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Reflections on his contributions to Anabaptist theology and practice.

    Personal Reflections:

    Dennis Goossen shares his personal insights and reflections on studying Holdeman's life. Anecdotes and lesser-known stories about Holdeman's personal life and character.


    Summarizing the key takeaways from the episode. Encouragement for listeners to explore more about John Holdeman and his legacy.

    Listen to this episode to gain a deeper understanding of John Holdeman's life, his religious convictions, and the enduring legacy of the church he founded. ​

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  • In this episode of "Our People Podcast," Sylvia Baize narrates her life's journey from Brazil to Arizona, sharing her experiences with faith, family, and adoption.

    As a Holdeman Mennonite, Sylvia faced significant challenges and judgment from her religious community, particularly regarding her decision to adopt children, including a son with special needs. Her story highlights the struggle against rigid community expectations and the transformative impact of finding a more supportive community in Arizona. Sylvia discusses her spiritual growth, the journey to adopt her children against community pressures, and her eventual move to a congregation that embraced and supported her family's choices. This episode offers a profound look at resilience, the power of supportive communities, and the courage to live one's truth through faith.

    Sylvia's book, It Was Meant to Be: https://a.co/d/4qXlQze

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  • In this episode of the Our People Podcast, Dennis Goossen tells how his life's story entered and then exited the Holdeman church, Church of God in Christ Mennonite. He begins by describing his conversion experience and joining the church. Then he tells about a faith crisis and subsequent reconsecration in his late teens. From there, he married and started a family within the church. Finally, he describes his involvement in an effort to reform the more legalistic aspects of the church which resulted in a letter called "A Plea For Revival". He was subsequently excommunicated, expelled, after church authorities demanded that he recant and retract the letter. Finally, he describes building a life after the Holdeman church and his latest project, forming a Christian school.

    A Plea For Revival Letter: https://bit.ly/4bQulcG

    If Dennis' story resonates with you or you have your own story to share, consider joining us as a guest to further this vital conversation. Reach out to us at ⁠[email protected]⁠ with your thoughts or suggestions for future interviews.
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