
  • In this short solo episode I share an update on my wife's cancer journey, announce a hiatus in releasing new interviews, and encourage you to rediscover the bright sacred Light that lives in you no matter what. You are of infinite worth, and how you care for yourself is a reflection of Divine Love.


    Karen Hager is an intuitive guide and psychic channel known for her compassionate, no-nonsense approach to the spiritual journey. She conducts more than 1200 private intuitive sessions each year with people from around the world looking for Spirit-led guidance. Karen is a passionate advocate for intuitive development, and her classes and events focus on empowering students to connect with their own natural intuitive awareness, deepen their spiritual practice, and open themselves to abundance. She is the creator and host of the long-running podcast “Out of the Fog with Karen Hager.” Find out more about Karen and her work at ⁠karenhager.com⁠.

  • Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady,⁠ returns to the show to talk about how to use tarot to help us move through the most difficult passages of life. Illness, loss, and grief affect us all. Theresa says that tarot can be a balm for the soul when life is hard.


    Theresa Reed (aka “The Tarot Lady”) is a Tarot expert, astrologer, teacher and author who has been reading Tarot for more than thirty years. She is the author of ⁠Twist Your Fate: Manifest Success with Astrology and Tarot⁠ and about a dozen other books, including her latest, ⁠The Cards You're Dealt: How to Deal When Life Gets Real⁠. When she’s not gazing at the stars or flipping Tarot cards, you can find her in the kitchen amongst her two-hundred-plus cookbook collection, cooking up extravagant meals for her fussy Virgo husband. Find out more at thetarotlady.com.

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  • Whether you’ve just started exploring things of a spiritual nature or have been walking this path for some time, you may have found yourself feeling a bit shy about sharing your interests in these “wacky” things. There are a lot of reasons people decide to stay in the psychic closet. For me, opening up about who I am and how I connect with Spirit was one of the most glorious gifts I’ve ever given myself … but it was definitely not an easy thing to do.

    Samantha Fey returns to the podcast today to talk about her own coming-out. She’ll share some tools that will help you deepen your intuition and teach you to trust it more.


    Samantha Fey is the author of The Awake Dreamer: A Guide to Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel and Mastering the Dreamscape, which explores the concept of soul travel through dreaming. She co-hosts two popular podcasts Psychic Teachers and Enlightened Empaths, which teach listeners how to embrace and celebrate their spiritual journey. She has advanced degrees in Education and is a Reiki Master who writes and teaches all over the world about dreaming, spirituality, crystals, and intuition. Catch her in November at the Edgar Cayce Annual Psychic Development Conference. Find out more about Samantha and her work at samanthafey.com.

  • What is the secret to good rest? Many of us push ourselves past the breaking point on a regular basis. The list of responsibilities can seem endless. When someone tells us to “slow down” or “relax” … what does that really mean? Is it even practical? Ximena Vengoechea is here to share practices and insights to help us tap into the restorative power of rest.


    Ximena Vengoechea is a user researcher, writer, and illustrator whose work has been featured in Inc., The Washington Post, Newsweek, Forbes, and Huffington Post, among others. Ximena is a contributor at Fast Company, and writes Letters from Ximena, a newsletter about staying curious, getting creative, and living well. She is also the creator of the popular project The Life Audit. Ximena is a keynote speaker on topics such as empathetic and inclusive listening, navigating difficult conversations, and preventing burnout. Her new book is Rest Easy: Discover Calm and Abundance through the Radical Power of Rest. Find out more at ximenavengoechea.com.

  • How do the things that hurt us leave a mark? Our unhealed wounds may become acute or chronic triggers. A person, object, smell, sound, dream, illness, etc., can set us off and we might not understand why. Buried memories and emotions surface in ways that may sabotage us.

    Dr. Jacqueline Heller says knowing our emotions and the shifts in the here and now is crucial since our feelings are rooted in past events that may have no obvious context today, yet control our attitudes and behaviors in ways we don’t understand. Getting in touch with shifts in our body can help us label our emotions and interpret and understand our feelings.


    Jacqueline Heller, MD, a psychoanalyst, is board certified in psychiatry and neurology. Her professional experience as a practicing clinician has allowed her extensive insight into the vast range of human experiences. Her new book, Yesterday Never Sleeps, delves into her personal experience with family trauma and helping others work through their own. Learn more at jacquelineheller.com.

  • You are more than your circumstances, or your worry, or that hypercritical voice in your head. I know that already, you may be saying. But are you living the truth of that? Corey Lyon Folsom is here to talk about increasing inner clarity for better communication in relationships … and of course that includes your relationship with yourself … for greater empowerment in life and love.


    Corey Lyon Folsom has been a professional tracker, wilderness guide for newly sober people and a vision quest leader. After a spiritual soul-awakening, Corey participated in the Human Awareness Institute (HAI), Source School of Tantra Yoga, Sedona School of Temple Arts, Love Coach Academy and Tony Robbins programs.

    As a Certified Tantra Educator and a love & relationship coach since 2012, he assists people from all over the world to increase the soulfulness, clarity and ease with which they experience life. Corey is the father of two adult sons and he lives in California. He’s the author of Soul Statements: A Love Coach’s Guide to Successful Communication. Find out more about Corey and his work at corerelationship.com.

  • What stops you from pursuing your creative passions? Maybe you flash back to a bad middle-school art project experience, or you were raised to value practicality and somehow got the idea that opening to your creative gifts isn’t practical. Kate Volman is with me today, and she says creativity is the key to living a happier, more fulfilling life.


    Kate Volman is CEO of Floyd Coaching. With more than twenty years of experience in developing and leading life-changing programs for entrepreneurs and leaders, she has a passion for helping people grow. In addition to serving on the leadership team for multiple organizations throughout her career, she also used her entrepreneurial skills to start and run a boutique marketing firm.

    Kate’s enthusiasm and passion for helping people explore their creativity both personally and professionally make her a sought-after speaker, trainer, and executive coach. Kate is the author of Do What You Love: A Guide to Living Your Creative Life Without Leaving Your Job. She is the host of two podcasts: Create for No Reason and Lead With Culture. Kate is a multi-passionate leader, fitness enthusiast, podcaster, content creator, book lover, and author. Find out more about Kate and her work at katevolman.com.

  • Poet Jerome Gagnon's work has been described as sitting at the intersection of inner and outer landscapes, and as a call to action to restore the harm we do to nature and to ourselves. We’ll be talking about his new collection, Refuge for Cranes.


    Born in Oakland, CA, Jerome Gagnon received a Masters in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and lives and works in Northern California. A former teacher and tutor, he’s the author of the collections Spell of the Ordinary, Rumors of Wisdom, and most recently, Refuge for Cranes from Wildhouse Publishing. Winner of the Louis Award and the Robert Frost Foundation Poetry Award, his writing has appeared in Poet Lore, Spiritus, The Healing Muse, California Quarterly, Modern Haiku, and many other journals. A long-time student of non-dual traditions, he’s passionate about the preservation of Sandhill Cranes and other bird species. Find out more at jeromegagnonblog.wordpress.com.

  • Can you connect with your loved ones who have passed over? Sophia Demas says that when we die we simply shed our bodies, yet remain as conscious as you and I are right now. It is through consciousness that communication with departed loved occurs. This has garnered the attention of scientists and after-death communication (ADC) is a new field of study. Sophia’s here to share some true stories of signs, messages, and timing with the departed that have inspired her work and changed her life.


    In her first book, The Divine Language of Coincidence, Sophia Demas chronicles the miracles she has experienced since the age of 19. After discovering the key to turning a coincidence into a potential miracle, she was propelled to share with the world how miracles are accessible to anyone. By paying attention to divine nudging and taking action, Sophia has enjoyed three diverse careers, had her marriage saved from the brink of divorce, and many other extraordinary events that have led her to her true purpose and has brought her sublime happiness. Her experiences related to death and after-death communications are incorporated in her second book, Consciousness Beyond Death, to be released in September 2023. Find out more at sophiademas.com.

  • I’m fascinated by the idea that there is a deeper connection between all of us than we can see. Our illusion that we are solitary can lead to a lot of pain … and it can also lead us to romanticize that pain and maybe wallow in it in a way that can be unhealthy.

    On today’s show, you’ll meet Judy Wilkins-Smith. She says that we are shaped by patterns handed down by our ancestors—invisible multi-generational patterns of thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, and choices that limit our responses to events and influence every decision of our lives, unconsciously running the show … but that this doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do to heal or change. Instead, she says, this truth can open a treasure chest of possibilities and growth.


    Judy Wilkins-Smith is an organizational, individual, and family patterns expert. A systemic executive coach, trainer, facilitator, thought partner, and leadership conference and motivational speaker, she has 18 years of expertise in assisting high-performance individuals, Fortune 500 executives, and legacy families to end limiting cycles and reframe challenges into lasting breakthroughs and peak performance.

    As the founder of System Dynamics for Individuals and Organizations, Judy collaborates with individuals and corporate decision-makers to implement innovative, ‘whole system’ design elements, ensuring balance, appetite for excellence, passion, and sustained success.

    She is the author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns. Find out more at judywilkins-smith.com, or connect with her on Facebook and Instagram @judywilkinssmith.

  • Have you forgotten that you are magic? Even though I know in the depths of my being that I am a child of the Divine and that Divine Light flows through me, sometimes I just feel like that schlumpy mom who ends up doing everyone’s laundry. Athena Monet, the Seaside Shaman, is here to help us find faith and magic in ourselves, even when life leads us astray.


    Athena Monet is a writer and contemporary shaman. Her Soul Medicine work uses traditional shamanic techniques, such as soul retrieval and shamanic journey; and a fusion of past life regression work, intuitive reading and Spirit therapy. She helps women navigate and free themselves from severe anxiety, depression and other mental, emotional, and physical manifestations of grief and trauma.

    Athena enjoys dancing, writing, seaside living and empowering others to work with their own loving helpers of the Spirit World on their unique journeys toward healing. She’s the author of Leave With Love. Follow her on instagram @TheSeasideShaman and find classes, tools and resources on her website at www.seasideshaman.com.

  • What’s your decision-making style? Do you go with your gut and freefall into new things without worrying about it too much? Or do you think and re-think everything, trying to control every detail?

    Most of us fall somewhere between these two extremes. Sarah Noble’s here to talk about how intuition can be used to inspire more balanced decision-making, leading to more powerful choices.


    Sarah Noble is a mystic, spiritual guide and transformational coach. She considers herself a portal between the seen and unseen worlds, and is devoted to creating spaces that allow people to feel fully alive and connected to their intuition. She’s the host of The Modern Day Intuitive podcast. Find out more about Sarah and her work at sarahnoble.com.

  • Are you in a daily battle with anxiety or depression? My guest today is Dr. Dan Tomasulo. He says that although anxiety disrupts the lives of millions of people, there is hope. He’ll share some tools to access the emotional skills that can help you shift your well-being into a more positive direction. Dr. Tomasulo calls this the Positivity Effect.


    Dr. Dan Tomasulo is the Academic Director and core faculty at the Spirituality Mind Body Institute (SMBI), Teachers College, Columbia University; and is on the teaching staff at the University of Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph.D. in psychology, an MFA in writing, and a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology, special section on Positive Psychology, and has been honored by Teachers College, Columbia University, with their 2021 Teaching Award.

    Sharecare honors Dr. Tomasulo as a top-ten online influencer on the issue of depression. His new book, The Positivity Effect, was recently the #1 new release on Amazon for anxiety.

    Learn more at dantomasulo.com and find resources by texting HOPE to 55444.

  • What happens when our sense of who we are gets turned upside down? It can be sparked by an unexpected lay-off or health crisis; a breakup or the arrival of a milestone, like a significant birthday or an empty nest.

    My guest today is Linda Rossetti. She says we often misunderstand what’s happening at these times, and that makes us miss out on the advantages these moments bring.


    Linda Rossetti is a business leader, Harvard MBA, former Fortune 500 executive, and pioneering researcher on individuals’ experience at the crossroads of their lives. She is the founder of The Transition Institute, LLC, a firm that partners with corporations, nonprofits and individuals on a new way to successfully move through major changes. Her work has been featured on NPR, NECN, CBS/WBZ, Money Magazine, SMARTBrief, the BBJ, and other outlets. Her new book is Dancing with Disruption: A New Approach to Navigating Life's Biggest Changes. Learn more at lindarossetti.com.

  • We are always changing. Sometimes that’s a delightful truth, and sometimes it feels like change is happening *to* us, and not *for* us.

    My guest today is Susan Sutherland. She has deep insight into how we can move through change, and even consciously create it. It’s easy to fall out of touch with our inner voice, and Susan helps us start to listen again and find the heart of our next chapter.


    After 30 years in the corporate world and being a c-suite executive, Susan Sutherland established her coaching, mentoring and consulting practice. She helps leaders embrace their growth edges, and humans in transition seeking their "next chapter,” so they can create and respond to change, and manage transitions in ways that align with who they truly yearn to be. Susan and her spouse found their ‘next chapter’ in 2018 and now split their time between San Francisco and a ranch in rural South Africa, where they run a lodge/ guest house and retreat center. Find out more about Susan and her work at cleareyedcoaching.com.

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about how the negative things we experience can come to shape the way we see ourselves, other people, and the path before us. When I get scared, I have a tendency to try to distract myself or using coping habits that aren’t so great … like … donuts, for example.

    My guest is Dr. Donna Marks. She says that we can find the voice of love … even when we’re in pain or fear … and that there is a path to a healing moment that lets us use pain as a doorway to happiness, meaning and purpose.  


    Dr. Donna Marks has been a licensed psychotherapist and addictions counselor in Palm Beach, Florida, for more than thirty years. Dr. Marks developed a chemical dependency training program at Palm Beach Community College, which has grown into a four-year degree and received the Florida Governor’s Council Award. She is also a certified gestalt therapist, psychoanalyst, hypnotist, sex therapist, and teaches A Course in Miracles; along with sharing her methods with hundreds of thousands of listeners on podcasts and radio shows. Her new book is The Healing Moment: Seven Paths to Turn Messes into Miracles of Love. Learn more about Dr. Marks at www.DrDonnaMarks.com.

  • Today’s show includes mention of suicide and other issues that may be triggering. If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out for help. You can call or text 988 to be connected to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in the US. In Canada, call 833-456-4566 any time.

    In the face of indescribable loss, how can we find a way … day by day … to keep going? Denny Meek is my guest today. She wants to share openly about the challenges she’s gone through so that the shame, secrecy, and silence society puts around grieving (especially bereavement from suicide) and can instead find inspiration in what the human spirit is capable of. “If impossible experiences can be endured, they can bring untold personal growth,” she says.


    Denny Meek is an author, speaker, and a fighter. Her book, Still Standing: A Mother’s Raw Journey from the Shadows of Loss to the Dawning of Hope, is a memoir that raises awareness domestic violence, infant loss, anorexia nervosa, teen suicide, and grief. The book is being used at three Australian universities to inform undergrad and post-grad students in health sciences, social work, psychology, education, and nursing.

    Of her four children, three are deceased. One was lost to a rare heart disease as an infant, and two others committed suicide as teenagers. Denny was in two main relationships that subjected her to domestic abuse. She has had to confront many losses, pains, and challenging situations, but through it all, she has endured, survived, and learned to live again.

    Find out more about Denny and her work at dennymeek.com.




  • Got negative thoughts? Dealing with depression or anxiety? I think a lot of us struggle with maintaining optimal mental health in these difficult times when it can feel like a new stressor lurks around every corner. Dr. Greg Hammer says that with daily practice, the brain can be rewired to combat negative thoughts. He’s developed a three-minute method for that, and he’s here to share it today.


    Greg Hammer, MD is a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, mindfulness expert, and the author of GAIN without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals. Find out more about Greg and his work at greghammermd.com.

  • Feeling a little scattered lately? It’s funny that we are so tied in some ways to our physical bodies, and yet spend so much time not being fully present in the body. Some teachers specialize in ways of helping you experience connection outside of the body, but I’ve always thought a healthy balance was the best way forward. We are both body and spirit, after all. And in turbulent times like these, being able to stay in balance is a big advantage.

    On today’s show, we’ll learn about how to incorporate grounding into our daily lives to enhance health and well-being. My guest is Sharon Whiteley. She says grounding is easy to do, costs you nothing, and carries fantastic health benefits.


    Sharon Whiteley is a serial entrepreneur, author, innovative consumer product manufacturer, and speaker with a talent for recognizing emerging wellness trends. She is the founder and CEO of TRU47, an enterprise that harnesses the power of silver in the development of products that enhance people’s health and wellness naturally, through grounding, anti-microbial creations, and EMF protective wellness wear. Preceding these ventures, Sharon was founder and CEO of pluggz, where she pioneered the first grounding footwear; and the co-founder and CEO of Harmony783, with expanded grounding outdoor styles. A member of The Committee of 200, a preeminent organization championing women’s leadership, Sharon’s work has brought recognition, including the Entrepreneur of the Year award and a lifetime achievement award, Creative Thought Matters, from her alma mater, Skidmore College. She’s the coauthor of Get Grounded, Get Well with Stephen Sinatra, MD and Step Sinatra. Find out more at tru47.com.

  • Ever meet a narcissist? If you—or anyone you know—has ever been trapped in a narcissistic abusive relationship, trying to make sense of what’s going on and moving toward healing and release can seem impossible. Dr. Tracy Kemble knows a narcissist’s goal is to prevent the victim from leaving by instilling fear, blame, guilt and confusion. But if you can name it and see what’s going on, she says, you can get free.


    Dr. Tracy Kemble is a thought leader, entrepreneur, author, women’s empowerment expert, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse.  For the past 26 years she has committed a portion of her life to help women heal from narcissistic trauma.

    She is the Founder of the WIN Foundation, a non-profit that offers programs of recovery for those faced with narcissistic trauma. Her highly acclaimed "Reclaiming Me" Program (From Narcissistic Abuse to Self-Love) has been healing and empowering lives since 1996. Her new book is Narctionary, the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Dictionary. Find out more at drtracy.tv.