
  • In this episode, discussion will be guided by insights from Kristi McBee, a former specialist child interviewer with the Western Australian Police. We will explore the crucial steps parents can take to protect their children from the threat of sexual abuse. How can parents educate themselves and their children to recognize and respond to these dangers?

    Will maintaining open communication with your children be the key to preventing abuse? You will discover how fostering a non-judgmental environment can encourage children to share their concerns and experiences. What role will trusting your instincts play in identifying potential threats? We will delve into the importance of listening to gut feelings and early warning signs.

    How can empowering your children with autonomy and understanding of consent help in safeguarding them? We will outline strategies for gradually giving children more control over their lives while teaching them the significance of setting boundaries. Will promoting safe risk-taking activities build your child's confidence and awareness? This episode aims to equip parents with practical tips to differentiate between safe and unsafe situations.

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  • In this episode, we are reviewing the book- Yes, Your Teen is Crazy! by Michael Bradley. The book offers insights into the unpredictable world of teenagers and provides practical advice for parents on navigating these challenging years. We will be understanding key points like :- Understanding the Adolescent Brain, Balancing Support and Independence, Peer Groups and Peer Pressure, Practical Parenting Tips, etc.

    Along with that, I will be answering questions like How does understanding the development of the adolescent brain help parents navigate teen behaviour? What are some effective ways to balance giving teens independence while still providing necessary guidance? In what ways can parents support their teen in choosing positive peer groups? Why is it important for parents to stay calm and listen actively during conflicts? How can encouraging identity exploration benefit a teenager's development? What are some challenges you face in presenting a united front with your co-parent? Without any further ado, let’s start.

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  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • This episode is the second part of the EDGE series with Sharna Dawson. Today, we’ll delve into why a positive attitude is often more valued by employers than technical skills. How can teens demonstrate this attitude during job interviews, and why is thorough research on potential employers so crucial?

    We will also discuss the significance of developing transferable skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are applicable across various industries. What practical steps can parents take to help their children build these skills at home, and why are real-world experiences like part-time jobs and internships so beneficial?

    Facing rejection is a part of the job search process, and building resilience is essential for teens. How can parents support their children in handling rejection and maintaining a positive outlook? What role does a supportive environment play in a teenager's journey to becoming employable, and how can regular parent-teen conversations about careers foster better preparedness?

    Finally, We will share valuable resources for parents and teens, including online courses, career counselling, and networking opportunities. How can these resources aid in enhancing a teenager's employability, and what specific actions can parents and teens take to leverage them effectively? Tune in to gain insights and practical advice on preparing your teen for a successful career path.

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • Today’s episode of our podcast is the first part of the EDGE series with Sharna Dawson. As a parent it is really important to understand job opportunities for their kids. How will innovative educational approaches redefine traditional pathways to better align with the dynamic needs of the job market?

    Could these modern programs inspire students to explore diverse career options and ensure they are well-prepared for the workforce? What impact will interactive and hands-on learning experiences have on students’ practical skills and real-world readiness? Will students benefit from activities that simulate real-world situations, such as mock interviews and resume building sessions?

    How might industry professionals sharing their experiences offer valuable insights into various career paths? Could a focus on developing essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving be crucial in professional settings? How will educational programs re-educate parents about the numerous career opportunities available today? What role will online learning platforms play in offering lessons on job preparation, including crafting resumes and mastering interviews?

    Could continuous updates to these platforms keep students ahead of industry trends? These are all the questions that come to mind, let’s start understanding them.

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  • This episode is the second part of teaching kids about money with my guest, Alpha Schulte. Are you looking for ways to teach your kids about money in an engaging and positive manner? Have you heard of the Jam Jar method, which uses jars to divide money into spending, saving, and giving categories? How does this visual and tactile approach help children understand budgeting and set financial goals?

    Have you ever thought about turning everyday experiences into valuable money lessons for your children? What can they learn from running a market stall, calculating prices, and giving change? Can holidays provide opportunities for kids to manage their own budgets and make discerning choices?

    In a world moving towards cashless transactions, how do we ensure kids still grasp the concept of money? What creative tools can we use to adapt to this digital age? How do digital wallets and banking apps come into play, and why is it important to teach online financial safety?

    Are our own money beliefs influencing how we teach our children about finances? How can reflecting on these beliefs help foster a healthier financial mindset in our kids? Why is it essential to balance financial education with finding joy in simplicity? Join us as we explore the answers to all these questions and how it can make financial education more enjoyable for kids.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

    Guest Details-

    Website - https://www.money-madesimple.com.au/alphaschulte
    Instagram - @alphamoneymadesimple
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MMSMoneyMadeSimple

  • In this episode of "Parent Like a Psychologist," my guest, Alpha Schulte, shares her journey from corporate tax accounting to financial planning and helping individuals navigate their personal and business finances. This episode is the part of a series with Alpha Schulte and in this we discuss the parallels between managing a family and running a business, highlighting the importance of understanding money management from an early age.

    We also discuss questions like:- How did the professional journey unfold, transitioning from corporate tax accounting to financial planning? What role does intuition play in managing finances, and how can individuals harness it to make better financial decisions? Can you elaborate on the concept of "money stories" and how they influence our attitudes and behaviours towards money?

    How can individuals address any negative energy or blocks surrounding money, and what practical steps can they take to cultivate a more positive relationship with finances? In what ways can families open up conversations about money, and how can parents effectively teach their children about financial literacy? How can couples with differing money management styles align their financial goals and strategies? Can you share any insights or anecdotes about clients who have successfully transformed their financial mindset and behaviours?

    What strategies do you recommend for individuals who want to develop a clearer understanding of their financial goals and priorities? How do you view the role of budgeting in financial management, and what approaches do you suggest for creating and sticking to a budget? What key takeaways can individuals adopt to improve their financial well-being and build a more positive relationship with money? Let’s discuss these questions in detail.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • Today we have another book review, this time we have The Gardener and the Carpenter by Alison Gopnik. This book offers valuable insights into the philosophy of parenting, encouraging us to nurture rather than mold our children. While it may not provide a step-by-step guide, it challenges us to rethink our approach to parenting and appreciate the unique individuals our children already are.

    We will be answering many questions like: How can I apply the gardener metaphor in my parenting style to foster my child's natural development? What are some practical ways I can create a nurturing environment that supports my child’s unique needs? How can I balance guiding my children while allowing them the freedom to learn and grow on their own?

    What insights from Gopnik's research can help me navigate the challenges of adolescence with my children? How can I use play effectively to enhance my child's learning and development? What strategies can I adopt to mitigate the negative impacts of technology on my child's health and well-being? Let’s continue this conversation in today’s episode.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.learn.leannetran.com.au

  • Today, I have here with me Amanda Vella, a motherhood and marriage coach. And in this episode, we are discussing the relationships of parents and their children. Discover the power of simplicity and presence in nurturing deep relationships with your children. Learn how slowing down and prioritising quality time can create lasting memories and strengthen your bond with your kids.

    Explore the crucial role of effective communication in fostering healthy parent-child relationships. From creating a safe and open environment at home to actively listening and validating feelings, find out how communication can enhance understanding and connection with your children.

    Delve into strategies for navigating boundaries around technology and social media with empathy. Learn how setting limits while maintaining trust and respect can guide your children in today's digital age. Plus, uncover the importance of prioritising parental well-being for creating a nurturing family environment. Find out how self-care and balance can positively impact your relationship with your kids.

    Are you wondering how to foster strong bonds with your children in today's fast-paced world? Tune in as we explore practical strategies for building meaningful connections with kids amidst our busy lifestyles.

    Follow me on:

    1. Instagram: @leannetranpsychology
    2. Facebook: @Leanne Tran
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    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

    Amanda’s socials:

    1. Instagram: @amandavella
    2. Website: www.amandavella.com

  • In today’s episode, I am diving into Russell Barkley's "12 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD," let's get ready for some serious insight! With Barkley as our guide, we're about to embark on a journey aimed at helping us, everyday parents like me, navigate the rollercoaster ride of raising a kiddo with ADHD. So, why is Barkley so big on us getting professional evaluation and support right off the bat? What's the deal there?

    Barkley's not your average parenting guru – he's all about ditching the control-freak vibe and swapping it for a more laid-back, supportive approach. But how's that gonna make a difference in our kids' lives? And speaking of making a difference, Barkley says we gotta figure out what's important to focus on. But let's be real, with a million things on our plates, how do we even begin to prioritize?

    Mindfulness is Barkley's buzzword, and he's all about parents getting zen to help our kids out. But how exactly does mindfulness help us chill while also helping our little ones navigate their big feelings? And don't even get me started on communication – Barkley's got some tricks up his sleeve for simplifying instructions and giving more high-fives. But will these strategies really make a difference in our daily parent-kid chats?

    Let's get ready to soak in some serious insights that could totally change the game for us and our ADHD kiddos. How might Barkley's principles shake things up and make life a little easier and more awesome for us all? Find out in this episode.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In today’s episode, I've delved deep into the world of ADHD support, exploring various aspects that affect families, educators, and individuals alike. From insightful conversations with experts to the launch of new support initiatives, there's much to discover.

    Have you ever wondered how ADHD coaching can benefit families with ADHD-diagnosed children? Are you curious about the launch of my new support program for ADHD teenagers? Interested in practical strategies for supporting ADHD teenagers in school and beyond? Would you like insights from experienced tutors on teaching children with learning difficulties, including reading challenges?

    Curious about the intersection of ADHD and learning difficulties and how it affects children? Wondering about the prevalence of ADHD and learning disorders and its impact on advocacy? Are you eager to join me in advocating for greater support and awareness for ADHD? Ready to stay updated on the latest ADHD insights and resources? Looking forward to empowering our community to make a positive impact in the lives of those affected by ADHD?

    Follow me on:

    1. Instagram: @leannetranpsychology
    2. Facebook: @Leanne Tran
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    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In today’s episode, I'll delve deeper into the complexities of ADHD in girls, shedding light on the subtle yet significant differences in presentation compared to boys. I'll explore how ADHD manifests in girls through internalised behaviours like inattention and disorganisation, often leading to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis. Understanding these nuances is crucial for parents and educators to provide the right support and intervention.

    Additionally, I'll discuss the challenges girls with ADHD may encounter in academic and social settings. From executive functioning difficulties to social interactions, I'll examine how ADHD impacts various aspects of their lives.

    Moreover, I'll explore the coexistence of other conditions like anxiety and depression, which often accompany ADHD in girls. Understanding the interconnected nature of these conditions is essential for comprehensive treatment and support. I'll provide insights into how parents can navigate these complexities and advocate for holistic care for their daughters.

    Finally, I'll share practical strategies and resources for supporting girls with ADHD, empowering parents with tools to help their daughters thrive. From educational accommodations to fostering social connections, I'll discuss actionable steps that parents can take to support their daughters' well-being and success. Join me on this episode as I continue to explore the multifaceted world of ADHD in girls and provide valuable insights for parents and caregivers.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]

    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In today’s episode, as I embark on a journey to explore ADHD management with Sharon Collon, I'm intrigued by the pivotal role of coaches in assisting families like mine.

    These professionals offer invaluable support, equipped with the expertise to navigate the challenges unique to ADHD. Through collaborative efforts with psychologists, they provide tailored strategies to address our specific needs.

    I'll delve deeper into how these coaches empower us with practical life skills. With their specialised training in ADHD, they become trusted allies, guiding us through the complexities of daily life.

    Together, we'll navigate the maze of ADHD-related issues, from time management to emotional regulation, fostering a sense of confidence and independence.

    Together with Sharon, let’s explore this podcast episode.

    Follow Sharon on:

    1. Facebook: @thefunctionalfamily
    2. Instagram: @thefunctionalfamily

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    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  •  In this exciting episode of the "Parent Like a Psychologist" podcast, I have the pleasure of welcoming Kristy Haworth, who is a Dyslexia Therapist and Family Coach who is the owner of All Kids Can Education, an evidence-based private practice offering one to one written language therapy to kids with dyslexia, ADHD and autism. as our special guest. Together, we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of literacy mastery.

    Throughout our conversation, Kristy and I delve into the transformative power of literacy for children. We discuss the importance of evidence-based approaches, such as the Science of Reading, in guiding our teaching methods. With a focus on phonics instruction and phonological awareness, we uncover key strategies to help children develop strong reading skills.

    As Kristy shares her insights and expertise, I am inspired by the wealth of resources available to support parents and educators in this journey. From structured literacy programs to valuable organisations dedicated to literacy advocacy, there are countless tools and initiatives to empower us in nurturing our children's reading abilities.

    For getting more insights, let’s dive into the episode.

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au


    Instagram: @allkidscan
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allkidscaneducation/
    Website: https://www.allkidscan.com.au/

  • In today's episode, as I embark on the journey of comprehending my child's learning needs, I find myself pondering a myriad of questions, questions that I know a lot of parents have like:- 

    How will I recognize the subtle cues indicating potential challenges my child might face in their academic journey? What signs should I be vigilant for, without preempting or jumping to conclusions? How will I navigate the delicate balance between observing their emotional responses and objectively assessing their academic performance? 

    Furthermore, as I contemplate seeking support from educators and accessing valuable resources in the future, what strategies can I employ to ensure a collaborative and proactive approach? These questions linger in my mind, guiding my quest to better understand and support my child's educational growth. So, for hearing the answers to these questions, let’s dive into today's episode.

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In today’s episode, we will be discussing with the owner, director, and head tutor, driven by a passion for education of Breakaway Education, Alysha. Opening Breakaway in 2016 stemmed from a realisation of lacking educational support both locally and online. Alysha believes in education's transformative power and its ability to empower children throughout their lives. Does this encapsulate her essence?

    How did Alysha's realisation about the lack of educational support in her area and online lead to the establishment of Breakaway Education? Can you elaborate on Alysha's philosophy regarding the transformative power of education and its long-term impact on children's lives? What are some common challenges faced by parents when seeking educational support for their children, according to Alysha? Could you provide more insight into Alysha's approach to addressing learning challenges such as ADHD, dyslexia, and anxiety in children?

    How does Alysha recommend parents navigate the abundance of information and misinformation online when seeking educational assistance for their children? Can you describe the role of tutors in addressing skills gaps and providing holistic support, as outlined by Alysha? We will be hearing the answers to all of these questions in today's episode. Let’s dive in.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected] Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au Alysha’s website: www.breakawayeducation.com.au

  • In today’s episode, we will discuss sleep more deeply. What insights can I gain from experts about aligning their sleep schedule with nature's rhythm? As a parent, how can I create a routine that provides stability without sacrificing flexibility on weekends? How can comfortable bedding and a soothing atmosphere contribute to better sleep quality?

    Amidst managing anxiety and stress, I will explain how bedtime conversations and relaxation techniques can be instrumental in tackling sleep disruptions. Looking ahead, I wonder about the red flags signaling when it's time to seek professional help. As a parent, how can I lead by example, shaping their sleep habits positively?

    In these show notes, I've only scratched the surface of the valuable insights awaiting in this episode. Let’s learn.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • Welcome to today’s episode, have you ever wondered about the buzz surrounding melatonin, especially after seeing the extensive section dedicated to it in a US supermarket? Let's explore its role in our sleep cycles and why it's a crucial topic in parenting discussions. How does melatonin aid in sleep initiation, and what are the potential side effects to be mindful of? Discover the varying regulations governing melatonin use across countries, from over-the-counter availability in the US to prescription requirements in Australia.

    I will dive into the regulatory landscape and consider the importance of seeking professional guidance, especially given the reported side effects. How does melatonin fit into the broader picture of sleep hygiene, and why is it crucial to incorporate it into a comprehensive strategy?

    I will explore tips for establishing good sleep hygiene practices, from consistent sleep schedules to limiting screen exposure before bedtime. Wondering about the impact of melatonin on teenagers' sleep habits? So, let’s uncover the insights and consider the personalised nature of developing a family sleep routine.

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In this podcast episode, I'll explore the importance of stepping back from parenting responsibilities. Have you ever considered the benefits of taking breaks amidst the chaos of daily life? Reflecting on my recent visit to my sister, I've begun to ponder the necessity of carving out moments for self-care and reflection.

    Why is it crucial to prioritize self-care, even amidst the demands of parenthood? Through introspection, I've come to understand that these breaks not only allow us to recharge but also facilitate self-regulation.

    How can we incorporate such breaks into our hectic schedules without feeling guilty? Join me as we delve into practical strategies for finding moments of peace amidst the chaos of parenting.

    Follow me on:

    1. Instagram: @leannetranpsychology
    2. Facebook: @Leanne Tran
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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • Today's podcast episode delves into a book titled "Raising Human Beings" by Ross Green, focusing on forging a collaborative partnership with one's child. Green, renowned for his work in child development, offers practical insights into fostering healthy parent-child relationships. But do you wonder if these strategies will truly resonate with your family dynamics?

    The book advocates for a balanced, authoritative approach over authoritarian or permissive styles, emphasizing joint problem-solving and empathetic communication.

    Have you ever struggled to strike a balance between setting boundaries and allowing autonomy for your child? Green provides concrete examples and scripts for navigating various scenarios, advocating for active listening and addressing issues calmly outside moments of distress.

    How often do you find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of challenges you face as a parent? Overall, it's a highly recommended read, offering actionable strategies for nurturing stronger connections within families. Will you consider giving it a try? To find answers to these questions, let’s take a look at the episode.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au

  • In today’s episode, are you ready to dive into the insightful world of "Hold on to Your Kids" by Gordon Newfield and Gabour Maté? As someone who enjoys reading two to three books a month, often opting for audiobooks during daily commutes, I stumbled upon this gem exploring the intricate dynamics of parenting, attachment, and the challenges parents might face when their children turn to peers for guidance instead of seeking it from them.

    Have you considered the crucial role of maintaining a healthy attachment with your kids, positioning yourself as the primary influencer in their lives? How does the metaphorical expression "you can't feed somebody who is not at your table" resonate with you regarding the essentiality of a robust parent-child relationship in providing effective guidance?

    Do you find yourself intrigued by the potential pitfalls discussed in the book when children seek emotional support, maturity, and guidance from their peers? Are you open to the idea that it's not about peers being negative influences but rather acknowledging their inherent limitations?

    If you sense a shift in influence and connection with your child, have you thought about creating a "village of attachment figures" or incorporating daily gestures to reinforce your role as the anchor in their life? Do you resonate with the acknowledgment of fluctuating dynamics in parent-child relationships and the hope provided by proactive steps to strengthen the bond? Without any further ado, let’s dive into this episode.

    Follow me on:

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    Email me: [email protected]
    Visit my website: www.leannetran.com.au