
  • WATCH This EPISODE👉 https://youtu.be/GgmvmW52XTU

    These affirmations will help seed the ideas deeper into your mind taking them from conscious thoughts to sub conscious beliefs.

    You can listen to these affirmations as a positive morning routine although I would also suggest for the deepest experience that you say them out loud.
    To gain the most from these affirmations I recommended you listen to them every day for 30 days so they become part of who you are - then watch your life change.

    I have time locked these affirmations with love and Divine Guidance to connect with soul – to allow the most positive change in your life and to allow you to move to your highest timeline and the reality that you desire. Watch how your day unfolds…

  • WATCH This EPISODE👉 https://youtu.be/s5yeHIT1RLM

    She had a Shared- Death Experience.

    Life beyond the physical body, who we are and where we came from was revealed to Heather Mays. Since childhood Heather has been communicating with her Spirit Guides and shares their knowledge and wisdom.

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    #SharedDeathExperience #SpiritGuides #Psychic #PassionHarvest

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    Marianne McGuire never fully forgot where she came from before she came into the physical; she has pre-birth memory. She also had a profound spiritual experience at age six when she was shown certain fundamental universal truths: some of the truth behind this reality - about how life works. She was aware that there existed something so far beyond this physical reality, so inexplicably beautiful - even beyond our idea of heaven - and that it is all around us and within us.

    She knew that this physical reality where we live our everyday lives is a "dream" and only the tiniest part of what is true...


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    #Pre-Birth #Reality #Intuition #PassionHarvest

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    Are you ready to deepen your spiritual connection?

    Renowned psychologist Dr. Scott Guerin offers insight and practical advice to teach you how to connect with Angels and reveal the true nature of these celestial beings.


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    #Archangels #Angles #GuardianAngel #PassionHarvest

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    Dr. Christopher Macklin is a highly respected as a UFO expert, a medical intuitive, remote viewer, a Spiritual Teacher and Energetic healer for his work in assisting people in achieving optimal spiritual/mental/emotional/ physical health.

    Christopher specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. He assists people in removing negative ET presences from their lives, clearing homes and land, and closing multidimensional portals. He also works tirelessly with “illuminati fall out children” who have been mind-controlled and physically tortured by ET influenced governmental agencies and institutions. In addition, he works very closely with the Pleiadians and Arcturians to help heal and rebalance humanity.


    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #Humanity #Aliens #ET’s

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    She spent 5 Days in Heaven when she Died.

    Megan Brown had a Near Death Experience (NDE) and travelled to the Afterlife where she met God and spent 5 days in Heaven.

    Megan returned from NDE with the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance.


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  • WATCH This EPISODE👉 https://youtu.be/nMclsyvnRSc

    She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers both incarnate and discarnate of many traditions.

    Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. She holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in cosmology and quantum physics.


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    #humanity #consciousness #afterlife

  • WATCH This Interview: https://youtu.be/igaIYP-RJWU

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    Mariko has the extraordinary experience of staying conscious between her lifetimes–enriching her understanding of the human experience while guiding souls who have incarnated from the higher realms to collectively raise the consciousness of the planet.


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    #PastLives #Reincarnation #Afterlife

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    Nicky Alan connects with the Angelic and Celestial realms, her Spirit Guides, and beings who have crossed over.

    Today she shares her gifts and insights to help audiences go deeper into their own genius, find healing, and raise their vibration during this time of ascension.


    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #PsychicMedium #Afterlife #Angels

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    The Truth The, Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth.

    During a Suicide attempt she had a Near Death Experience (NDE). She returned with profound gifts! Future Predications, Spirit Guides, Lost Souls...

    She listens to the dead, dictating their stories of their life and death experiences.


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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    She had two Near Death Experiences during the Rhodesian War in 1977 when she was eight years old. When Robin Landsong was called back to life by the Medicine Song of a rural Zimbabwean woman, it opened her own Medicine Songs, and she has given Singing Medicine to over 16,000 people.


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    #NDE #NearDeathExperience #Afterlife #PassionHarvest

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    Rebecca Dawson is an international speaker, consultant and author who has been channeling since a spontaneous event at the age of 18.

    With almost 30 years of delivering wisdom and teachings from multiple aspects of Source including Masters Serapis Bey, St Germain & Kuthumi, she delivers current, leading-edge information about humanity's paradigm shift to multidimensional experience, the mechanics of reality, and the human blueprint.


    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #Channeling #Humaity #Reality #PassionHarvest

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    She is a respected expert on the topic of reincarnation.
    Joanne DiMaggio reveals her research on past life exploration, soul purpose and soul writing.


    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #PastLives #Reincarnation #SoulPurpose #PassionHarvest

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa

    He Died which resulted in an instant kundalini awakening that shifted the course of his entire life.

    It took Holden Lee nearly 10 years after his Near-Death Experience (NDE) to fight his way back from rock bottom, reconstructing body and mind in the process through trance meditation and psychedelic use as well as hard work in the physical world--diet, exercise, and education.

    Holden is a healer and teacher. His mission to bring people back from the darkness and into the light.


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    #NDE #NearDeathExperience #Afterlife

  • WATCH This Episode: https://youtu.be/ML1hZNRofCA


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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    Ever wondered about the mysteries of what lies beyond death?

    Simon Bown has encountered remarkable experiences that sheds light on past lives, in-between lives, reincarnation, parallel lives and life on others planets.


    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #PastLife #Reincarnation #ET’s #PassionHarvest

  • WATCH This Episode: https://youtu.be/QgnCz4WvgRA

    He was clinically dead for 7 minutes.

    John J. Davis died while having surgery and was immediately transported to another realm where souls return after their life on earth. He met with guides and departed loved ones and was told why souls come to earth.

    John was given an incredibly detailed tour of Heaven, he experienced a realm where he was shown a life review, saw his past lives, toured the Akashic Records, watched Earth’s real history and shown galaxies and our infinite universe.

    Subscribe to Passion Harvest: https://www.youtube.com/c/PassionHarvest/

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    #NearDeathExperience #NDE #Heaven #Afterlife #PassionHarvest

  • WATCH This Episode: https://youtu.be/GcHvA6LzVx4

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    She met her Guardian Angel and was saved by her Future Self.

    Antoinette "Tiyi" Schippers was born in the Chicago area during the mid-20th century as the third child in a family of ten. Tiyi grew up in a Victorian home and experienced paranormal activity that unlocked the unseen world. She was shown the Multiverse and the Dimensions of Conscious Reality.


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    #Archangels #Angles #Manifest

  • WATCH This Episode: https://youtu.be/ZhuyFyXB1t4

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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    What is the truth?

    Her father died and Amber Kasic’s life changed forever. Her father, Frank provided her with clear evidence, signs, and physical events with no other possible explanation. Frank opened Amber up to connect and communicate with loved ones the other side.


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    #Medium #Afterlife #DeathExperience #PassionHarvest

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    She communicates with our Loved Ones in the Afterlife.

    June Field Known as “Worlds Best Psychic” after participating and winning “International Battle of the Psychics” which was aired and viewed by 34 million people. She has amazed audiences with her specific contacts and evidence that our loved ones are still with us.


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    #Psychic #Medium #Afterlife #PassionHarvest

  • WATCH This Episode: https://youtu.be/DMGX3VjwYL8


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    Mystical Mastery: Private Coaching with Luisa


    He helps souls transition to the Afterlife!

    Father Nathan Castle offers people who died suddenly to adjust to life after death. These victims of fires, automobile accidents, shootings, stabbings and drownings come to him in his dreams seeking help for resolving their Interrupted Death Experience. Fr. Nathan has come to believe that providing such help is something the Holy Spirit has given him to do.

    He is the author of several books, his latest is “Please Let Me Explain”?


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    #Afterlife #SuddenDeath #LostSoul #PassionHarvest