Emmet is pure joy!
He was assigned female at birth and grew up Mormon and Latino in a white community in Wisconsin. He had to to hide his gender and sexual identiy. He served a Mormon mission and then finally choose to live his truth out loud. BEAUTIFUL! His energy is magnetic.
Sal and Lena welcome their friend Elisha Lee, from Faith Unraveled to the podcast!
Elisha is a powerhouse! On this episode she shares her experience of being publicly shamed and ostrisized as a result of purity culture and toxic gossiping in muliltipule LDS communities.
Hear Elisha's journey back to freedom, healing and empowerment!
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Sal and Lena catch you up on life!
We talk about everything from moving to a new city, launching our "Mormon No More" course, a celebrity fan girl moment, Sal's filming of the youtube show Middleground and more!
We love you!
Email us with your podcast requests for this season!
Becky Goodwin is on the hero's journey.
Just last year she left her 30+ marriage, left the LDS church, and came out as a lesbian at the age of 57.
Becky is now on the healing journey of self discovery and reclaiming her sovernity. She attended the most recent Peace Out Retreat and shares her experience of diving in and letting go. She is a GEM of a human being.
Her story is impactful and her energy is radiant. We love her so much and so will you!
Stephanie was a Mormon mom not finding any relief using the tyipcal tools provided to treat depression and anxiety. After much research she decided to give mushrooms a shot.
The experience allowed her to see what had been right in front of her the whole time.
Enjoy this conversation with Sal, Lena and Steph as they unpack this juicy topic.
Everyone's favorite ex-husband is here!
Paul is Lena's ex, dad to their 4 boys, and the #1 honorary member of the Rainbow Squad.
In this episode you'll hear Paul vulnerably explain how he was able to show up with such love and be so present amidst the news of Lena coming out and his marriage ending.
Paul also talks about his divorce mediation business, New Way Mediation. He shares how he works with families to create more harmony and less divisiveness throughout the divorce process.
You'll love Paul even more after listening to this eposide! Enjoy.
Instagram @newwaymediation
TRIGGER WARNING: Childhood sexual abuse discussed
Our guest on this episdoe is a true testament that we can not only survive, but we can THRIVE after extreme trauma. You do not want to miss this story.
She was recently awarded 2.3 billion dollars in damages in a civil lawsuit against her stepfather, her mother and the Mormon church. She was abused by her stepfather (her mother was an accomplice) from the age of 5 until 14, when someone fianlly listened to her. And it was NOT someone from the church.
Nan's husband of 44 years, Rod Osborne is here to share his story!
Rod shares how he joined the church at 17, spent 48 years as an active member, and why he has now chosen to walk away.
So many tender and powerful moments in this episode!
Ashley is an inuitive medium and energy practitioner.
She came upon her gifts very organically after her brother passed away from sucicide. She shares her beautiful story with Sal and Lena.
She ALSO shares what she has learned through the hundreds of readings she's done about life, past lives, and the after life. It's truly fascinating!
Can't wait for yall to hear this one. It's
Dr. Quincee is an experienced Ex-Evangelical trauma therapist.
She tells her story of growing up in a very high demand religious community, unknowingly marrying a closeted gay man, and then finding herself ostrisized from her community post divorce. Hear how she has healed and helps others on their journey to healing after religion.
Mitch grew up as Michelle. Raised Mormon in Utah, the odds were stacked against him.
Mitch's outlook on people whose beliefs exclude his very exsistence is truly unbelieveable! There is no end to his love and compassion for his fellow humans.
Sal and Lena have a beautiful conversation about Mitch's journey and what insight he has for other trans people and their communities. You will absolutely love him!
Shelise has story to tell! You'll hear about how she went from devout Mormon to participating in a 3 week Ayahuasca ceremony deep in the Peru wilderness. Her experience was incredible.
Lena, energy healer and medium, gets some downloads for Shelise during our episode. You'll love being a fly on the wall during this convo!
Shelise Ann Sola is a former devout Mormon. She hosts a podcast called "Cults to Consciousness" where she dives deep into never before told stories of healing and empowerment after leaving high demand religions and organizations.
Jay Skibbens is a VERY wise co-parenting expert and coach.
This discussion will not only help move towards peace with your co-parent, it will help you find peace within YOURSELF.
We're sure you'll come away with your own "Aha" moments of clarity and inspiration to help your life and relationships.
Terri Hales hosts an awesome podcast called Emancipate Your Mind. She's a fellow ExMo, mother of 2 lucky kids, and an expert on religious trauma. She's wicked smart and puts out content that is SO helpful.
We snagged her for a discussion about the release of the new, updated "For The Strength of Youth" guide for Mormon teens.
Terri throws down some wisdom that parents will NOT want to miss out on! Enjoy.
Mindy Gledhill is an ExMormon legend.
Mindy was one of 9 kids, with a mission president dad, raised in the heart of Provo, Utah.
Mindy shares what it was like going from being a Deseret Book record label artist, singing EFY songs, to eventually leaving the church and writing a whole album about her faith transition.
She's outspoken, fun, and so lovely. You're going to love her.
@thetomsters is a funny dude. And so much more!
Tommy Johnson created a video about what it might be like to arrive at the pearly gates on judgement day as a Mormon. It went totally viral, as it should.
When he created the video, he was fully active in the LDS church. A year later, he's on his way out of the church.
Find out what happened and how our show, Mormon No More, was a part of his transition.
Nan is back! Everyone's favorite mom.
Nan shares for the first time ever, her faith transition out of the LDS church.
Nan was born in Utah, to a family with Mormon pioneer heritage. She shares the deep roots of her belief, her life of devotion to God, and her recent evolution and surrender to her truth. Her vulnerability is beautiful and her story is inspiring.
Hear Sal + Lena gush about their wedding experience.
It was MAGICAL so you won't want to miss this one.
AND you get to hear the wives read their vows!
Jillian Orr came out to her friends and family a few months before walking at Brigham Young University graduation. She knew she wanted to made stand and be a voice for the marganalized LGBTQ students. So she sewed a PRIDE flag into her gown and flashed it on stage for the world to see!
Hear Jill tell everything that led to this moment, and how transformative this experience has been for her.
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