What is God really like? What is His government really like? These questions lie at the heart of the battle between good and evil. In this episode of Pictures of the End, take a glimpse at John's description of the heavenly throne room and discover a God that is safe to trust and serve.
The book of Jude warns about a great deception that will lead many people captive in the last days, and it has to do with mind control. Discover what that deception is, and more importantly, how to avoid becomign a victim of Satan's mind control warfare.
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The Bible is big on truth. Today's culture is not. Why does the Bible say that we should learn to love the truth? What does that even mean? In this episode of Pictures of the End, we look at the importance of truth and why the Bible says it is so important.
The letters of John contain the Bible's only mention of the antichrist by name. However, numerous other Bible passages also speak about this entity that falls away from biblical Christianity. In this episode of Pictures of the End, discover what the Bible says about the mysterious antichrist figure.
The book of 2 Peter predicts that many people in the last days will reject the Bible's explanations of origins and accept a view that life evolved slowly over vast periods of time. What spiritual implications does the evolutionary worldview bring with it? Is it possible to accept evolution as an explanation for human origins, and at the same time accept the biblical view of salvation?
Peter writes in 1 Peter 2: 21, "For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps." In this episode of Pictures of the End, host Tim Rumsey explores the parallels between the last week of Christ's life and the prophetic history of the Christian church between Christ's ascension and the second coming. Discover what it means to walk with Jesus today.
The short book of James is one of the earliest letters written in the New Testament. The books focuses on true versus false religion in its most basic aspects. The author focuses neither on false doctrine, deceptive philosophies, nor the complexities of integrating Gentiles into the church. Rather, he focuses on the "nuts and bolts" of Christian living--things like patience, faith, obedience to God's Word, hypocrisy, and victory over sin. Discover the connections between this fascinating letter and the central visions of the book of Revelation in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
What has Jesus been doing for the last 2,000 years? Why hasn't He returned yet? Is He on vacation? The book of Hebrews provides many amazing answers to these questions. Join host Tim Rumsey in this episode of "Pictures of the End" and discover what the Bible actually reveals about Jesus Christ's work in heaven. You won't be the same!
In ancient Rome, servants and slaves greatly outnumbered free people, yet they possessed absolutely no rights. Runaway slaves could be tortured and killed. Yet the apostle Paul encouraged Onesimus, a runaway slave now converted to Christianity, to return to Philemon, his Christian master. What does this heartwarming letter written 2,000 years ago mean to us today? How does it connect with Revelation's prophecies about the seal of God being placed on His servants? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
In the book of Titus, the apostle Paul encourages Titus and the early Christians in Crete to live upright lives for God in the midst of their idolatrous and morally bankrupt culture. How does Pauls' counsel apply to Christians living today, in what the Bible calls "the time of the end"? What is the power source that enables Christians to live as God desires, even in the midst of a world that is in rebellion to God and His law?
In his second letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul predicts a massive apostasy in the Christian church before Jesus Christ returns. Paul also reveals the problem that leads to this apostasy--denying the power of the gospel. This leads to a very important question: What is the power of the gospel, and how can we experience it in our life?
In the book of 1 Timothy the apostle Paul warns about people leaving the faith because their consciences have been "seared as with a hot iron." This doesn't sound good, but what does it really mean? How does our conscience work, and what can leave it unresponsive and seared? Discover the answers in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
In 2 Thessalonians, the Bible warns about an ominous power that arises from within Christianity. It eventually exercises power and authority over the Christian church, or "temple." The author of this book, the apostle Paul, also used this word "temple" to refer to the human body. Is it possible that this kingly power that emerges from within Christianity will eventually seek to exercise power over people's "body temples," using what Revelation calls "sorcery" or "pharmakeia" to accomplish its goals?
In the Bible book of 1 Thessalonians the apostle Paul gives a description of Jesus Christ's second coming. Why is it important to understand what the Bible actually says about this event? What are some common misconceptions in regards to Christ's return? Most importantly, how can we be prepared for this climactic event that will be for many like a thief in the night? Find the answers in this episode of Pictures of the End!
What do COP27, Mt. Sinai, and climate commandments have to do with each other? Find out how Revelation's prophecies are unfolding in today's world, and what it means for you.
The book of Colossians speaks of several divine mysteries that must be accomplished in the church before Jesus Christ returns. Discover the connection between these divine mysteries and the heart of Revelation's end-time prophecies in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
What is sanctification? Is it done only by God? Is it accomplished by human power? When is it accomplished? Was it all done at the cross? Can it only be experienced at Christ's second coming? Host Tim Rumsey tackles these questions in this episode of "Pictures of the End."
Is it possible to have peace, joy, and hope when everything is going wrong in your life, or when you are being persecuted for trying to do what is right? The book of Philippians gives a resounding "Yes" in answer to this question, and also reveals what the "fruits of righteousness" will look like in our life through faith in Jesus. In this episode of "Pictures of the End," host Tim Rumsey reveals the connections between these promises in Philippians, and Revelation's end-time prophecies about a group of people called the 144,000.
The Bible reveals an unseen spiritual war that rages over planet earth. It also explains how to put on the spiritual armor that will ensure victory in this conflict. Find out more in this episode of “Pictures of the End.”
What do angels with a false gospel have to do with the book of Galatians, and with us today? Find out in this episode of "Pictures of the End." You may be surprised what the Bible has to say about spiritual deception in the world just before Jesus Christ returns.
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