Listen to prepare mind and soul for Pesach!
Why are Jews counted by the contribution of a half-shekel? What is the deeper meaning of the word "VaYinafash" "and He rested"? Why did the path to repentance include Moshe breaking the Tablets? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
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What are the similarities between Purim, Pesach and Yom Kippur? Why do we read the Megillah twice? Why does the seudah start during the day and not at night? All this and more on this special Ponderings on the Parsha episode for the holiday of Purim!
Why is Moshe's name never mentioned in this Parsha? What is the meaning of the Kohen Gadol's vestments? Why do the Rabbis say that the verses about the daily sacrifice are the most important in the Torah? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What similarities does the structure of the mishkan have with our daily lives? Why does the Torah say "And you shall take an offering" - are they not giving? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
Is there a pattern to the Ten Commandments? How do they interconnect with one another? How was Yitro able to see things that Moshe was not? All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
Is there a pattern to the Ten Commandments? How do they interconnect with one another? How was Yitro able to see things that Moshe was not? All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What is the significance of trees in Judaism? What are we celebrating on this day? All this and more on this special episode of Ponderings on the Parsha!
Why did G-d redeem the Jewish people through the splitting of the sea? What is the place of song and music in Judaism? What is the meaning of Shabbat in the context of dew and wandering in the desert? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha.
Are the last three plagues connected to each other? What is the full meaning of the Jewish calendar and the first commandment to "sanctify the new moon"? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What is the significance of this day? Why does Israel have a different day that they celebrate?
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Why are there ten plagues instead of one big one? Why did Pharoah harden his heart? Are there 4 or 5 phrases of redemption? All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What can we learn Moshe as a leader from the Torah's description of him? What is the importance of names in Judaism? What is the meaning of the burning bush? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What is the meaning of the blessing of Ephraim and Menashe? What can the last segment and conclusion of the stories of Breishit teach us about the Jewish nation and ourselves? All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What are the main themes and lessons from the culmination of the story of Joseph and his brothers? What are the differences between Joseph's and Yehuda's character? All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
How is Yosef's life a lesson and example for us? What is the meaning of his son's names? Also more on Hanukka! All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha.
Why are there 8 candles? What is the main message of the Festival of Lights? All this and more on Ponderings on the Parsha!
What really happened with the selling of Yosef? Why was Yosef able to clearly see the meaning of dreams while others were not. All this and more on this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What is the meaning of the name Yisrael? What was Yaacov so afraid of? What do we make of the ways in which way he tried to appease Esau? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
What is the meaning of the famous dream of the latter? What are the recurring themes in Breishit? All this and more in this week's Ponderings on the Parsha!
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