
  • Episode 009 How to get information that guarantees youclose a cold call

    Hello, I’m Will Harris. Welcome to the Power Sales Guru podcast.The title of this episode is How to get information that guaranteesyou close a cold call.

    Anyone with the desire to grow and willingness to prepare mustalso accept the responsibility to take action. It is anestablished fact that the largest and most powerful train in theworld can be held in place by a one-inch block ofwood.

    Placed in front of a huge train, a little 1 inch blockof wood will hold it completely motionless. However, that sametrain, when in full speed motion, can crash through asteel-reinforced concrete wall. That shows the power of……..ACTION!ACTION!

    Taking action when others over look an opportunity isthe biggest differentiator in sales. You know it and I know it.Every day we face a great opportunity but it can go unmissed as wetake no ACTION. ON this podcast we are going to discuss the oneresource that’s THE most critical source of information before youreach out to prospect.

    This source is there every time but is not dressed uplike a present under the Christmas tree…yet it is still a gift. WEare going to discuss what this gift is and how to unwrap it andclaim your success.

    What if you were able to know all your prospect’sbusiness needs?

    What if you knew their personality before you contactedthem?

    What if you could access EVEN what your prospect’s bosswishes?

    All of this is available to you with ease…and 95% ofother sales people don’t even consider this resource.

    The key to GETTING critical information that guaranteesyou close a cold call is…..

    The Receptionist Gatekeeper

    In a previous podcast, we talked about from the mid-levelgatekeeper, right…the person that has the power to say NO but notthe power to say yes. Well now we come full circlewe’re talking about the frontline receptionist gatekeeper. Thesales tactics I discuss on this podcast is ideal for cold callinginto a company.

    Let me set the context…..You may have an idea of who to speakwith at a midsize company (not too big, not to small…like goldielocks…just right). Maybe you researched them prior to your call.AND Now the phone is ringing

    And the first thing you hear is: “Thank you for calling HarrisTechnologies, how can I direct your call?”

    Remember it’s a cold call…so the normal your response would be:“Hi, I would like to speak to the person in charge ofpurchasing?”

    The receptionist will respond: “That will be Jane, please holdand I will transfer you.” She could even transfer you withoutsupplying the decision maker’s name or department.

    And that concludes your interaction with the gatekeeper.

    Let me share a personal story about my mother. My mother wasthat gatekeeper at a mid-size company for 15 years. After school, Iwould ride my bike to my mother’s job. I would stay there doing myhomework for two hours until she got off of work.

    Once she was off work we would throw my bike in the back of herblue Chevette and we would go home. My mother’s workspace wassituated in the middle of the lobby at a traditional desk. I wouldgo around the corner so she could see me doing my homework as shegreeted visitors to the company.

    I could see the large volume of calls my mother took at thefront desk. I also observed people from the back come up and haveconversations with my mother. Gatekeepers in this role do not getpaid based on the volume of calls they receive or the number ofpeople they talk to. Nor are they paid based on the efficiency inwhich they transfer a call.

    During one ride home after work, I asked my mother if her jobwas boring. She replied that she had begun playing mental games tokeep her mind sharp. It also helped her become more efficient atthe skills needed to transfer calls.

    My mother was extremely good at her job. As with most jobs,there were pros and cons. The cons were that my mother was theundeclared emotional garbage dump for anyone having a bad day.Employees would come up and scream at my mother when their day wasnot going correctly.

    Sales people who were frustrated that their appointment was latefor a meeting would make angry demands of my mother. Many times Iwanted to get up and tell them you better stop yelling at mymother. I never did, though, because she told me that would get herfired and we needed her to keep that job. So I continued to sitaround the corner and do my homework the best I could withoutletting anyone distract me.

    My mother was the eyes and ears of that company.

    She saw everything. It was amazing how few professionals treatedmy mother with respect. The sales people were especially rude. Mypretty sure they didn’t think they were being rude.

    Here is an example of how they would speak to my mom.

    “Hi, my name is Ron and I’m looking for the person who dealswith purchasing equipment. Could you get me in touch with themplease?”

    Now you may say, that doesn’t sound that bad. You said they wererude. No it is bad…it just sounds normal. And normal becomesaccepted. Normal becomes natural. But we know that different is thenew great.

    Let me say it again and this time have a new kind of ear:

    “Hi, my name is Ron and I’m looking for the person who dealswith purchasing equipment. Could you get me in touch with themplease?”


    But here’s what really is being said:

    “Hi, it’s me. I need to speak to someone important. I know it’snot you. So, can you move out of my way and let me get to themplease?”

    The problem with this approach is that it totally overlooks thetreasure you have in front of you.

    There’s story about King George of England. He was travelingthrough a distant village in Holland. He stopped and asked to buytwo eggs. The charge was for two hundred florins.

    “Eggs must be scare around this place,” said the King.

    The innkeeper smiled and said, “Pardon me, sire. Eggs are plentyenough; it is kings that are scare.”

    And the king smiled and paid.

    When you reach a receptionist type gatekeeper then you may havea scare king or queen in your presence. They could have answers toquestions you wish you knew. Things that can save you time andincrease your chance of success. Don’t pass by a king or queen andsay nothing.

    And yes….I said if you reach a receptionist. It is natural forus to hear people say “How to reach the decision maker”…. “When youreach the decision maker…” Because that is a cherished event,right? But so is reaching the gatekeeper.

    My Mother knew who was in trouble and about to get fired. Sheknew also who was romantically involved with whom in the company.And when they were fighting and letting their work slide. You won’there this on someone’s voicemail: Thank you for your call but I amfighting with my love interest in Accounting. For this reason Iwill not return your important call…so please keep trying and don’ttake my unreturned call personally. I really need what you aresaying but my heart is breaking right now.” Noooo you won’t hearthat on a voicemail. But you can from a gatekeeper.

    And of course my mom knew what competition was sneaking in theback door to coerce decision makers away from establishedvendors.

    It is all about the approach with the gatekeeper. They have theinformation you need and have the ability to put you in touch withthe people you want to talk to. The gatekeeper answers phone callsall day and deals with any number of interruptions. If you comeacross as just another nuisance, it is doubtful you will reach theperson you want to speak with.

    There are three levels of questions to ask the gatekeeper. Levelone questions should be the easiest.

    Level two questions should become more complex in nature. Levelthree should be the most difficult, but the most important.

    If you are wondering what type of questions to ask theGatekeeper then don’t worry. I have created a Free Power Tool tohelp you create your own level 1, 2, and 3 questions. Or you canget my book Power Prospecting and have the questions I created foreach level. Both are available at www.Powersales.guru

    Out of the four communication styles we discussed, thereceptionist gatekeeper is most likely to be a Supporter.

    You do not want to have a Thinker style answering the phone.That would be a nightmare for any company. Could you imaginethat….Hello why are you calling? Are you sure you should be callinghere? Maybe we aren’t the best company to call? What was yourprocess on verifying that we deserve your business? I think youshould consider all your options before committing to call us? Areyou sure?

    Now…companies want the most welcoming person be the firstinteraction with the outside world. It is most likely that you willhave an isolated Supporter who is just willing and ready to bondwith you.

    When coming up with the questions you would ask the gatekeeper,consider what you wish you knew before you got on the phone withthe decision maker?


    This is the closest thing I can give you that is similar tohaving a script in Power Prospecting. I will list out a possibledialogue between you and a gatekeeper.

    Remember, different is the new great.

    You want a process that will give you more than you have gottenin the past, which will get you more of what you expect in thefuture.

    So I’m going to walk through a script where you just called intoa prospect and you are cold calling in. The phone rings and thereceptionist gatekeeper picks up and says “Thank you for calling.How may I direct your call?”

    What you do next is not normal. What you do next is intended tobreak the pattern and stand out as different. Everything in thisscript is suttle but there for a reason.

    The next thing you say is:

    What is your name?

    ____, I need your help. (Pause)

    Who is in charge of ____? (Ask initial question)

    Then you will ask a

    Level 1 Questions:

    Level 2 Questions:

    Level 3 Questions:

    So that I don’t bother you in the future, what is theirextension?

    Before you transfer me, what is ____? (Ask follow-upquestions)

    Now let’s put it together to take a look at the flow:

    “Thanks for calling Harris technology, how can I direct yourcall?” ““Excuse me, what is your name?” (Sweetest sound in the Englishlanguage is someone’s name)“My name is Suzanne.”“Suzanne I need your help.” (Pause until she agrees tohelp)“Ok, I’ll try”Initial Question…

    Everything I mentioned has a reason for being there. I willexplain why…because if you know the why’s then the how’s are easy.If you know why I am using this technique then you can adjust whenyou speak to your gatekeepers.

    The first thing I asked was:

    What is your name?

    The sweetest sounding name in the English language to anyone…isthere name. Also, if you happen to have a tough gatekeeper thenwhen the call ends, call back in a week and say: Is this Sue? Youwill be surprised at the difference in the gatekeeper’s mood whenyou already know their name. first impression is lasting.

    Also, my mother was sitting up front isolated from everyone. Itis possible your gatekeeper is too and you represent a lifeline tothe world in between checking Facebook or texting. But you neverknow until you engage.

    Next I said

    Suzzane, I need your help. (Pause)

    I paused and didn’t just say: I need your help. Can you tell mewho is in charge of ….. I pause because I want her to respond. Iwant to break up what she is used to doing. Have you ever been to astate fair and rode a horse. That horse rides the same path everyday and all day. It is used to that path and will rarely veer offit.

    The gatekeeper is used to a set process of moving people and youdon’t want to be caught up in the same negative way they treatother sales people. Different is the new great…keep that in mindand follow the process. Every training class I give this is onesection that every one always comes back and tells me workswonders. It helps you stand out and be different. And trust methese wonderful people will love to engage back with you.

    They are Supporters and the key word that makes a Supporterspring to action is HELP. Suzzane, I need your help. Let that wordhelp resonate in their ears. Let it ring through and sound thealarms that this person is different and they are great.

    Then after she responds I will continue with my firstquestion.

    Who is in charge of ____? (Ask initialquestion)

    Remember, you can make up your own first question and in my bookI list out a page worth. And based on the interaction you then aska

    Level 1 Questions:

    Level 2 Questions:

    Level 3 Questions:

    The Free Power Tool guides you to guides you to develop astronger initial bond with the decision maker. Foster arelationship with the gatekeeper, as much as possible. And identifythe questions you want to ask.

    We went over the two types of gatekeepers. WE covered themidlevel manager (account influencer) in a previous episode and inthis one we covered the receptionist (company greeter). We lookedat how to set yourself apart from others who call the receptionistgatekeeper. Taking the time to get to know the situation and thegatekeeper, as well as being prepared to ask questions of them,will help get you to a YES. It will help you find informationbefore a cold call guaranteed to get you a sale.

    My mother’s story had a happy ending. A few years later, thepresident gave her a chance to manage a startup department. Thatyear my mother’s department was the only one that turned a profit.The following year she was promoted to Vice President. When thecompany owner sold the firm the following year, my mother’sdivision was the only one not part of the buyout. Everyone who hadmistreated her over the years was lined up outside her officebegging for a job, in fear of losing their job once new managementtook over.

    I’m not saying every gatekeeper will be as knowledgeable aboutthe business or the company as my mother. I’m saying you never knowuntil you ask. Imagine that every time you reach the gatekeeper,you just reached a king or queen.

    Thank you for listening to this episode of the Power Sales Gurupodcast. I am your host Will Harris wishing you Happy Selling andremember different is the new great.

  • Episode 008 What to say in your Opening Statement

    Hello, I’m Will Harris. Welcome to the Power Sales Guru podcast.The title of this episode is What to Say in Your OpeningStatement.

    I love the story of the high school basketball coach who wasattempting to motivate his players to persevere through a difficultseason. Halfway through the season he stood before his team andsaid, “Did Michael Jordan ever quit?” The team responded, “No!”“What about the Wright brothers? Did they ever give up?” “No!” theteam responded. “Did Steve Jobs ever quit?” “Again the team yelled,“No!” “Did Elmer McAllister ever quit?”

    There was a long silence. Finally one player was bold enough toask, “Coach…who’s Elmer McAllister? We never heard of him.” Thecoach snapped back , “Of course you never heard of him….hequit!”

    I love that story. In this podcast we are going to discuss thefour parts of a great opening statement. And ensuring you neverquit before you connect with a new customer.

    Allow me to paint a picture for you. You made a call tospeak with a potential client. You have built rapport with thegatekeeper, who was happy to supply helpfulinformation.

    When you are transferred to the DecisionMaker,

    He answers the call and says: “Hello. This isTom.”

    The clock begins….

    You have ten seconds to generate interest before youlose them forever. The moment is here and the pressure is on. Whatyou say next makes or breaks the call.

    What do you do when the pressure is on?

    What do you say to gain progress?

    The desires of our heart often require unquenchablespirit, sweat, energy beyond what we think is possible, and anundying commitment. These prerequisites to success culminate in oneoverriding quality – Perseverance.

    I’m a big fan of the great psychologist William James.Dr. James said “Fatigue gets worse up to a certain point, whengradually or suddenly, it passes away and we are fresher thanbefore!”

    At that point we have tapped a new level of energy…Theremay be layer after layer of this experience, a third even fourth‘wind.’ We find amounts of ease and power we never dreamedourselves to own, sources of strength habitually not taxed, becausehabitually we never push through the obstruction right in front ofus.

    Dr. Seuss’s first children’s book was rejected by 23publishers. The twenty-fourth publisher sold six million copies andDr. Seuss realized his perseverance resulted in challenging andeducating millions of children.

    After having been rejected by both Hewlett-Packard andAtari, Apple microcomputers had first-year sales of $2.5million.

    And Formula 409…got its name because 4 hundred and 8times they submitted their compound and were rejected. But the 4hundred and 9th time …………….was accepted.

    So how do you know when enough is enough?

    When we achieve what we set out to do, that is when itis enough?

    Are you willing to do enough?

    To cold call, or to prospect within an account you need 4 partsin your opening statement. For a great opening statement 4 thingsare enough.

    The four major parts to a powerful opening statementare:

    GreetingAttention StatementInterest StatementOpening Question

    The opening statement creates a bridge from “I don’tknow you” to “I need to know you.”

    Different is the new great. The goal is to stand outamongst the sea of sales people fighting for your prospect’sinterest.

    Now let’s take a look at the first thing to say in your openingstatement:

    The Greeting

    Some sales people whisper the name of their company as if theywere passing notes to another student in class. Or they say it soquickly that it lacks the luster and power the name deserves. Thegreeting is where you acknowledge who you are and which companyemploys you. This should be said slowly and with pride.

    “Hello. My name is Will Harris. I’m with WillpowerConsultation.”

    The Greeting quickly says: Hi, Me, & Us. A great openingstatement quickly shifts focus from the salesperson onto theprospect. Avoid the trap of focusing on you during the call.Introduce yourself and your company, and then quickly move theconversation onto the prospect.

    I have been asked whether to use first name only in yourgreeting….or should we use first and last name for ultimateprofessionalism. Whatever makes you feel comfortable…that’s whatyou should do.

    If you have some super cool name like Alexander Fraiser III.Then you may use it in order to stand out and be different. But ifyour style is more laid back then you may say, “I’m Alex.”

    You can phrase the greeting whichever way fits your style. Justremember, the greeting is simply “Hi, Me, & Us.” Done!

    That was the first part to say in your opening statement.

    The second thing to say in your opening statement is yourattention statement.

    The Attention Statement

    A salesperson traveled out of state for a big meeting with aprospect. He was dining at a restaurant chain he was familiar withback home. The usual steak ordered well-done was served in rarecondition. Irritated, he furiously motioned for the waiter.

    When the waiter came to his table, the salesperson blurtedfastly, “I said WELL-DONE!”

    “Well, thank you, “responded the waiter, “your compliment isappreciated.”

    Have you ever received a phone call and it took a minute tounderstand what was being said to you…either you struggled torecognize the voice or figure out why this person was calling you.Maybe it was the accent or even the speed in which someone spoke.Many opening statements are great but they have the content in thewrong order…and prospects miss out on what you actually say becausethey were still trying to process what you were saying and what’sthe call all about.

    Like the waiter, they totally miss out on your point. But whenprospecting, they have the control to end the call quickly withoutever finding out what you really want.

    The attention statement allows time for your prospect to processyour speech pattern and recognize the reason for your call.

    But, the main goal is to grab the prospect’s attention. Beforeyou called them they were not sitting around waiting for you tocall. Prospecting is an interruption in someone’s day. So you haveto say something that will make them stop, drop their pen or stoptyping long enough to hear you. 10 seconds, right.

    The key to a great attention statement is that you must mentionsomething familiar to them. Something that they recognize enough tomake them pause. You may say, but Will if this is a cold call, if Inever spoke to them before then how can I mention somethingfamiliar?

    So, I have a Free Power Tools for you called Grabbing Attention.You can find it www.PowerSales.guru under Power Tools. You can usethat Power Tool to know what to say in your Opening Statements. AndI am going to lay it out for you right now.

    The various types of attention statements:

    Name RecognitionIndustry …you can mention something specific around theirvertical marketCompanyJob Title

    These four areas make you stand out when you say your OpeningStatement. So grab that Free Power Tool called GrabbingAttention.

    The next part of the opening statement is the most importantpart….The

    Interest Statement

    Different is the new great because people do not just go throughthe motions when they are different. The ability to approach PowerProspecting from a fresh outlook and staying away from conventionalways of prospecting is paramount.

    Different does not mean crazy. Different arises when people lookat old problems in a new way.

    The interest statement is the most important part of the openingstatement. While all parts are important, this one is theend-all-be-all of your opening statement. The WIIFM message youdeveloped gets condensed into one simple statement that says itall. Remember, your prospect will always wonder what’s in it forthem. While they may not say it while you are talking, they aredefinitely thinking it. If you cannot help them come up with areason they should be talking to you, your call will come to anend.

    You know ….Several bankers were debating the question: who wasthe greatest inventor? One cast his vote for Stephenson whoinvented the railroad; another for the Wright brothers forinventing the plane. One man even voted for Leonard Kleinrock, forcontributing to the invention of the Internet!

    Finally, one banker turned to a man in the lobby listening, butnot contributing to the debate. The banker asked the man what hethought.

    “Well,” the man replied with a big smile. “Whoever createdINTEREST was the greatest.”

    The man’s reply has double meaning. Interest attributed to aloan or interest in buying a product. The sales person in me likesthe idea of creating interest in buying a product. No matter whatproduct you sell, people buy because of their interests.

    Many business-to-business sales people launch into talking abouttheir products without focusing on the prospect’s interests. Sincedifferent is the new great, speak about the overall businessproblems the customer is interested in solving.

    I had a coaching call with a client who sells barcode scanningequipment. She complained that when she prospects, she quicklyhears that the potential customer does not have a need for herproduct. After listening to her opening statement, I informed herthat the reason for her failure was that she was being too specificin how she was going to help the prospect.

    She had a hard time grasping this concept. She did not want toresort to tricks or gimmicks to sell her equipment. I asked her ifshe had ever heard of a company named Smith Corolla. She knew thatthe company sold typewriters.

    Smith Corolla was the largest manufacturer of typewriters in theworld. In their hay day, a young executive had suggested they takea look at data processing. His suggestion was quickly shut down bythe other executives who felt they were in the business of sellingtypewriters and only typewriters.

    Now, many years later, we are hard pressed to find a SmithCorolla anywhere. They missed the fact that they were not in thebusiness of selling typewriters. They were in the business ofprocessing and transferring information. I explained to the salesrep that she was suffering from the same disillusion.

    She did not sell barcode scanners. She was in the business ofdeveloping businesses. The goal is to find solutions for yourcustomers and not customers for your solutions. By adjusting heropening statements to reflect her prospect’s overall businessneeds, she would be able to increase her prospectingeffectiveness.

    Creatively paring a customer’s need to your product is thewining philosophy around a great interest statement. So in thispart of your opening statement you want to start with a businessdevelopment need…and not a product feature.

    There is a difference in saying I specialize in helping mycustomers find customers. And saying I sell barcode scanningequipment to help you have real time information.

    What is the root business cause that you champion….because thatis where you will find what to say during your Opening Statement?Another Power Tool you can get on my site is “Power Prospecting”.It can guide you through writing your opening statement.

    Now we will look at the last part of what to say during youropening statement….the question.

    Opening Question

    At this point in your opening statement it is time for you toget them involved in the conversation. This is where you ask aquestion that serves as a bridge out of the opening statement andinto a deeper conversation. A question must be properly selectedfor maximum engagement. Remember, you have been talking for thelast 8 seconds and now you merely want to get them talking.

    Consider it the launch pad for closing your sale. This is a hugething that is the crashing point for many sales. There are tipsaround crafting the perfect questions that we will cover inupcoming episodes. But, if you proactively select a great openingquestion then it will be enough to increase your success.

    The four parts we discussed today around the Opening Statementis what I have worked on every day for the past 15 years. What yousay in your Opening Statement can be used personally orprofessionally. It can be used over the phone or in email. By emailit only takes some tweeking on the last part…the question canbecome a suggested next step.

    But in order to have a next step…you have to take the first stepand then comes the next.

    Charles Goodyear was obsessed with the idea of making rubberunaffected by extreme temperatures. Years of unsuccessfulexperimentation caused bitter disappointment, imprisonment fordebt, family difficulties, and ridicule from friends. He perseveredand Goodyear discovered that adding sulfur to rubber achieved hispurpose. I have four of them on my car right now.

    But he’s not the only one with a great story ofperseverance.

    In his first three years in the automobile industry, Henry Fordwent bankrupt twice.

    Inventor Chester Carlson cold called for years before he couldfind backers for his Xerox photcoyping process.

    Don’t give up before you win. Develop an opening statement thatincludes the four parts and you will have enough….for success.

    I hope I kept your attention during this episode. I do thisevery day in my own prospecting and working with others. So I loveit. This podcast’s Free Power Tool is available now on my sitewww.PowerSales.guru grabthe one called Grabbing Attention. Thank you for listening to thePower Sales Guru podcast. I am your host Will Harris wishing youHappy Selling and remember different is the new great.

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  • How to close a sale in first 10 seconds of a Cold Call - Winning Sales Message

    For this podcast, we are going to look at the most important part of your opening statement…the interest statement.

    You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. When you are prospecting to a client there are no second takes. If you stammer the initial call, you cannot hang up and call right back to try again.

    Regardless of the business or organization, everyone has the same problems all over the world. In order for you to achieve differentiation with your prospecting efforts, you need to mention one or more of these six needs in your WIIFM Statement. Take a look at an example for each:

    Operations WIIFM – You operate better with me

    Operations represent the biggest challenge for any business. This area has a dual focus on cost control and inventory management. Even for service companies, inventory is present in the form of human labor. Your WIIFM should focus on how you can have a direct impact on overseeing key areas of their inventory, or the way in which they conduct their business.

    For your clients, differentiation of companies in your industry becomes tougher every day. Look for operational superiority in your offer if you cannot easily show product superiority. In the absence of product differentiation, focus your WIIFM on process differentiation. Most businesses interact with companies based on what works for the company and not their customer. Highlight this difference and you will stand out.

    Operations: These ideas will gain you more control over your expenses.

    Marketing WIIFM – You have more customers with me

    Marketing focuses on generating revenue. Every company is in the business of making money. A strong WIIFM focuses on how your company can help them make more money. In some cases, you may be positioned to use Power Prospecting to contact organizations and not businesses. This includes non-profit organizations, like a city council or other government agencies. Not for Profit organizations have a reason for existing and that reason is the source for developing a strong WIIFM. Show how you can help them find new customers or reach their objectives quicker.

    Marketing: I specialize in helping my customers find customers.

    Financial WIIFM – You make money with me.

    Financial needs involve a business’ ability to collect billed revenue. Getting business is good, but collecting money on business is great! All decision makers have a concern around ensuring that billing and collecting is a smooth process. It may require a creative WIIFM to connect your offering to this regard. However, that connection will immediately resonate with the decision maker during your prospecting call.

    Productivity – You gain more resources with me

    Productivity is the area where businesses look to accomplish more by using fewer resources. Using fewer resources could refer to things like money or time. Every business leader seeks ways to prevent over spending. Nothing frustrates a vested business professional more than spending too much time on administrative activities and not enough time on revenue generation.

    Productivity: I will show you ways to spend more time on revenue-generating activities and less time on administrative activities.

    Information – You stay ahead with me

    Information empowers any business to make the right decisions to keep themselves in business. Company owners and leaders want to ensure that they are up to speed on the latest trends within their industry or market. No one wants to be behind the times. In addition, no one wants to be too far ahead which could result in not having any customers. For business leaders, having complete and correct information about the business environment makes for a compelling WIIFM.

    Information: My company prides itself on supplying you with the most valuable resource in the market right now…information on the industry’s best practices.

    Planning – You make the right decisions with me

    Planning for the future, based on the past, is the cornerstone of business longevity. The fast pace of business finds management’s role changing each day. As business situations become more complex, most managers lack time to manage. Instead, they spend the majority of their time putting out fires. So much time is spent putting out fires that they lack time to build a better fire department. It is importation to mention your ability to help with strategic thinking and planning. This will showcase you as a Trusted Advisor.

    Planning: You will be able to become more proactive than reactive through our strategic planning process.

    Let me give you an example to explain my point of planning. There are beautiful Japanese fish named Koi. They can be found in little ponds and water gardens at the nicest hotels based on their decorative appearance. If Koi are kept in a fish bowl, it will only grow a few inches in length. When the Koi is placed in a large pond it can grow longer than twelve inches. Amazingly, if the Koi is allowed to live in a lake it will grow up to three feet in length!

    The size of the Koi is always in direct proportion to the size of its environment; the bigger the scope of their living environment, the bigger the potential for growth.

    The same applies for the WIIFM you discuss during Power Prospecting. Most sales calls focus on product, product and product. Rarely do sales people expand their scope to include one of the six business needs. These critical needs are perceived as being too large an environment to discuss concerning their product offering. If you expand the scope of your WIIFM, you will find your success with Power Prospecting will expand in direct proportion.

    These are all examples of WIIFM messages condensed to an interest statement. It is broad enough not to turn anyone off and specific enough not to isolate anyone based on the specific products or services you are selling. Think about it. Be creative with paring your offerings to their need.

    Depending on your product, you may have never considered telling the potential customers you can help them in this area. Great! That means your competition may not have thought that way either.

    During the World’s Fair in St Louis, Missouri, a waffle vendor applied creativity to turn business disaster into business legend.

    The vendor ran out of paper plates. The lack of supplies prevented him from selling hot waffles. Seeing an opportunity, an ice cream seller suggested the waffle vendor switch products. The ice cream vendor suggested to the waffle vendor that he should buy ice cream from him and sell that product instead.

    Out of desperation, the waffle vendor began selling ice cream in small cups. But he did not know what to do with the remaining waffle mix. The waffle vendor’s wife helped him make one thousand waffles and use an iron to flatten them. They rolled the flattened waffle and left a pointy end at the bottom. Next, he began marketing the very first waffle cone. Today, those cones are just as popular as ice cream.

  • Power Sales Guru, Will Harris discusses concepts from his best selling book "Power Prospecting". In this episode he states: "What you do does not define who you are. But what you think does define who you are. And, many times it defines your amount of charisma."

    What is charisma? You may not be able to define it. But you know it when you see it. At the heart of charisma are two things that make or break you.

    This podcast will tell you both things and help you increase your charisma to win more sales!

  • This is the 5th Power Sales Guru Podcast by Will Harris. In this podcast, Will helps you convert the gatekeeper into an advocate. This episode helps you sell easier by selling from within.

    Have you ever spoken to someone who acted like they were the boss…only to find out later that they had no signing power?

    Maybe you reached out to someone who said I’m not the boss but tell me what you want and I will tell them.

    What can you do?

    Do you go around them and risk isolation? Do you do nothing and hope your message reaches the right person?

    Hope is not a strategy. And different is the new great.

    We need a strategy that will make you stand out and come UP in the face of an environment that can be hostile and discouraging.

    This podcast helps you get the strategy that will continue to make your life easier!

  • The Power Sales Guru, Will Harris, teaches you how to Speed Read people to know what they want every time. You will learn how to connect with people in a shorter time frame. The four different types of prospects are discussed and how to adjust your style and stay your authentic self at the same time.

  • Time Management Six Time Management Tips That Save You Time - Part II

    Time Management is the topic of the Power Sales Guru podcast with Will Harris entitled: Time Management Tips That Save You Time. This is a two part podcast episode that identifies techniques to help the busy sales professional manage their time.

  • Six Time Management tips that save you time

    Time Management is the topic of the podcast done by Will Harris entitled: Time Management for Sales Professionals. This is a two part podcast episode that identifies techniques to help the busy sales professional manage their time.

  • The Psychology of Selling – Mastering your mind to sell everyday

    The mindset of selling is the topic of the podcast done by Will Harris entitled: Psychology of Selling. This video is a trailer for the Psychology of Selling podcast.

    You may observe the mindset of some sales people who dial for dollars like the best of them. They never put the phone down without dialing back to back. Or they may say the most outlandish things no matter how crazy it sounds.

    But when you look at yourself you may see something totally different. You may think the only way you can be successful is to double your efforts in these areas. Not necessarily. This is what we are going to discuss today. How to create maintain and drive forward with a winner’s mindset. We are going to discuss the psychology of selling.