Before the podcast pauses for a little while I’ve recorded an audio version of the Introduction to my book, The 1% Wellness Experiment – Micro-gains to change your life in 10 minutes a day.
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A bit of a different episode this time, I want to share a message with you as today is International Women’s Day.
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Stressors can come as us from all directions at any time of the day and when we don’t fully move through the stress and come out the other side, we get stuck in the stress and all that goes with it – anxiety, frustration, fear, annoyance, upset… In this episode I share a simple and powerful technique to shift out of stress and soothe your nervous system.
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When you’ve got a lot going on it feels like you’re juggling, and as time goes on keeping all the balls in the air gets more and more difficult. The fear of dropping a ball adds to the stress because everything feels important and to let something fall would be a disaster, right? But, would it? In this episode I share a different way to look at those balls and ease the stress.
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This is the 12th year I’ve chosen a guiding word and this time it involved me being called out on my own BS! In this episode I share my inner wise woman calling my bluff (along with how I recognise the voices of my inner critic and inner child) and what it means for me going forward.
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In January you can’t move for posts and articles about the importance and need to set resolutions and goals, to embark on big life changes and to reinvent yourself to be the best version ever. At this pressurised time of year there are a few important things to remember that I want you to know…
• Buy my book The 1% Wellness Experiment from all good bookshops including Amazon, WHSmith, Blackwell’s, Foyles and Bookshop.org here
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Life has been pretty hectic that past several months with moments that have been stressful and a tad overwhelming. So in this episode I’m sharing five things that have been helping me to feel calm and grounded and keep the overwhelm at a manageable level.
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The conundrum is that you think you need a decent chunk of time to be able to do something that’s going to be of real benefit to your wellbeing, that will help you to feel calm or less stressed, or better able to cope or just plain happier. But you can never find space for that chunk of time so it doesn’t happen. In this episode I share how taking just a few minutes a day to do something supportive for yourself is not only doable but is worth your time too.
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In your quest to have a wonderful Christmas and make sure everyone’s happy and having a good time you can feel like you’re not allowed to do what you want or need to do, or to feel the not so Christmassy feelings you might have. In this episode I share how you can find the permission you need to do things differently, make changes, or to simply factor in your own feelings and needs, and by doing so have a less stressful, calmer and more joyful festive season.
• The Calmer Christmas online course will help you to navigate the festivities with less stress and more joy, get instant access here
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This is another behind the scenes episode on the process of writing my book, The 1% Wellness Experiment. This time I’m sharing why I wanted to write this book, how the philosophy has helped me and how I think it can support you too.
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We all have things in our lives that take up our precious time and feel like a waste of our time, even though it’s essential we do them. Knowing we have to do them isn’t enough to stop feelings of irritation, resentment, anger even. In this episode I share how you can reclaim this time so you can turn the frustration into fun.
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The world tells us in many ways that we’re not enough just as we are so it’s no wonder we can find it hard to believe that we actually are. In this episode I share a personal tool I use daily to help teach myself to accept that I am, in fact, enough which you can use too.
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There is an enormous amount of suffering in the world right now. There are many of us who are feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the awfulness and feeling utterly helpless in the face of it. That’s combined with feeling thankful and guilt-ridden for our safety and comfort and aware of the incredibly privileged position we’re in by luck of birth. In this episode I share ideas on how you can deal with the anxiety, upset and fear you may be feeling.
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Writing a book to be traditionally published challenged me in ways that I didn’t fully expect, a big one being my perfectionism (which is not just about wanting perfection). In this episode I share the different, often sneaky ways that perfectionism shows up, I share how writing brought up those fears and how I dealt with them while in the thick of the process.
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There’s good reason why you find it hard to say no, why you automatically put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own, why you feel it’s lazy to take a break and rest, why you feel like you should always be doing something, why you hate the thought of getting something wrong or disappointing somebody, why you feel like you’re not quite enough and too much at the same time, and it’s not your fault. There are other forces at play here…
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Knowing there are less than three months of the year left can give a sense of urgency, a pressure to get things done or a feeling of failure for not doing all that you planned to. Instead of being panicked or frozen by the clock ticking there are other ways to approach the remainder of the year and how you want to feel, as well as what you want to do. I also share an update on my word for this year is going…
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The podcast has been on an extended break but I’m back with new episodes! And I’m catching you up with everything that’s been happening since the last episode aired, there’s a lot to tell you about…
You can pre-order my book The 1% Wellness Experiment here Read and subcribe to my Substack posts here Get your free guides and audios to help you live with more calm and joy each day in the free resource library here Find my range of online courses to help you bring down your stress and overwhelm, and feel more calm, ease and joy every day here If you enjoy the podcast I’d love you to leave a review on iTunes so that others can find it too -
There’s a lot to be dealing with during this festive period – freezing cold weather, strike action, the rising cost of living, as well as getting ready for Christmas with presents to buy and wrap, food to shop for, gatherings to go to, work to squeeze in before the break plus everyday life to wrangle too! So it’s not surprising it all gets a bit much. But how we can ease the pressure at this time of year when you feel the weight of tradition, of expectation from yourself as well as from other people?
In this episode I share:
How comparison makes zero difference to you A different approach to thinking about all the balls your juggling right now How to identify the source of the pressure And ways to release and lift the pressure you’re feelingResources:
Join the Calmer Christmas self-paced online course here Get your free guides and audios to help you live with more calm and joy each day in the free resource library here If you enjoy the podcast I’d love you to leave a review on iTunes so that others can find it too If you value what I share in the podcast, and elsewhere, you can buy me a virtual cuppa here -
We’ve just had Black Friday and Cyber Monday and all the noise, pressure and overwhelm that can come with it. It got me thinking about how we can avoid getting sucked in or bowing to scarcity tactics when we’re thinking about making a purchase, whenever and whatever it is.
In this episode I share:
An invaluable question to ask yourself before you invest What drives our decisions to buy How to deal with the pressure and avoid buyer’s regretResources:
Join the Calmer Christmas self-paced online course, and get your bonus early bird gift, here Get your free guides and audios to help you live with more calm and joy each day in the free resource library here If you enjoy the podcast I’d love you to leave a review on iTunes so that others can find it too If you value what I share in the podcast, and elsewhere, you can buy me a virtual cuppa here -
A smart meter measure energy usage in your home – what uses up lots of energy and costs you the most. So what if you had a smart meter for your life?
In this episode I share:
What a personal smart meter could tell us about where, what and who drains our energy Until such a gadget is invented what you can do instead How useful this information is going forwardResources:
Join the Calmer Christmas self-paced online course, and get your bonus early bird gift, here Get your free guides and audios to help you live with more calm and joy each day in the free resource library here If you enjoy the podcast I’d love you to leave a review on iTunes so that others can find it too If you value what I share in the podcast, and elsewhere, you can buy me a virtual cuppa here - Daha fazla göster