This is the first in a series of vlogs that I plan to do sharing my experiences of using Qabalah and the Tree of Life, and passing on the teachings and information that can be found through The Order of the White Lion website.
This is the audio taken from the blog at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJMknYl7wc8 so if you want to see the images I talk about please watch the video as well.
Our aim is to raise more awareness of this ancient wisdom and explain how useful it can be on a daily basis. Although ancient these teachings are 'timeless' and really relevant to modern life. Whatever is going on in your life, you can relate it to the Tree of Life and get insights on how to overcome challenges and move closer to achieving your goals. There are many different approaches to the Tree of Life and Qabalah.
The Order of the White Lion focuses on keeping the teachings simple to follow. This way it remains easily accessible to everyone. Take a look at The Order of the White Lion website for information on: https://www.orderofthewhitelion.com/ These have been designed for beginners and useful for helping you to understand more about this ancient wisdom.
The whole purpose of Qabalah is to live the life that is Right for You. Stay tuned for more ...... Connect with us: [email protected]
When studying the practical Qabalah we often begin with Malkuth the sephirah known as The Kingdom. Malkuth represents the physical plane; the world we live in. The influence of Malkuth inspires us to explore the way we play the Game of Life and handle the energy of the material world. We would meditate in the temple of Malkuth for guidance, and information, when dealing with day to day issues; to find peace and keep ourselves grounded.
The Malkuth workbook is available in pdf, Kindle and paperback format from Amazon http://bit.ly/Malkuth_Qabalah and The Order of the White Lion website: http://bit.ly/2nE5SRy
#Qabalah #spirituality -
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Archetypal Images: Over aeons of time these images were continuously built by man, and ensouled by spiritual forces, until eventually they became accepted, by all the religions of the world, as archetypes of great power, described by different names, but with the same faces.
In Western tradition the archetypes are known as: The Archangels – Raphael, Mikael, Gabriel, and Uriel
More information on the Archangels can be found at the Order of the White Lion website.
Remember if you would like a question answered in a future Podcast tweet us your question using the hashtag #askOWL
An introduction to The Order of the White Lion (O.W.L) that explains who we are and what we are about; our aims, and how to get started with exploring the practical Qabalah and Tree of Life.
Remember if you would like a question answered in a future Podcast tweet us your question using the hashtag #askOWL