Welcome back for our final supplemental re|engage lesson together. The goal of this lesson is to remind us all that if we don’t put into practice the things we’ve learned, we will drift back to the marriages we had before re|engage began. It’s natural to want to take a break and rest after a season of hard work. But don’t stop! Use this lesson as encouragement to diligently invest in your relationship, in your pursuit of God, and in all the ways we’ve explored together over the past 14 weeks.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here.
To live the way Colossians 3 outlines, you have to stay connected to God, His Word, and His community. If you’re finding yourself in a bit of a rut in your spiritual life, try something different. Our church offers so many ways to learn, grow and be sharpened in your relationships. Just like you and your marriage, we’re not perfect. But we’re a good church that desires to pursue Jesus daily, so give something a shot and allow God to work in whatever circumstance or season you are in. We’re here for you! So don’t hesitate to reach out. For more information about us, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org
Today we’re completing the “trilogy” of intimacies explored in the re|engage curriculum. And this one’s so important, because the marriage relationship is different than any other human relationship. The two have become one. And as a result, each spouse plays a unique role in the spiritual growth of the other. This lesson will provide practical ideas for how to have the spiritual intimacy that every marriage should enjoy.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
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Here we are in the sexual intimacy lesson. Some of you might be excited about this topic, and for others this conversation will bring up some shame, fear or painful ideas. We know there’s a broad range of perspectives on this topic, and the reality is we ALL have some form of baggage when it comes to sex. Let’s take back the ground the Enemy has taken and re-define physical intimacy as GOOD — the way God intended.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
We’re starting a set of three “intimacy” weeks, and today we’re talking about … EVERYTHING! This lesson is aimed to get you to think about sharing all of those things on your heart and mind as you move more and more toward oneness; being fully seen, known and loved for who God made you to be — quirks, ticks and all! Our brokenness has really messed that up though. So let’s listen as Ryan points out some key ways to pursue intimacy the way God designed.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
As we come into the last 5 lessons, we’re reminded that things we plan, expect and count on are sometimes just in our heads and can lead to pent up frustrations when those ideas don’t pan out the way we expect them to. How do we live in a way where we don’t get stuck in a cycle of resenting those people we care so much about? Let’s hear another great lesson about dealing with those common disappointments.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
We're so glad you’re hanging in there and staying committed to the challenge of re|engage and the challenge of marriage. That’s what you call real ... commitment ... which is what we’re talking about today! The promise you made on your wedding day was a mere reflection of the big promise God made to you at the beginning of time when He designed everything – including the covenant of marriage.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
We’re back this week talking about making things right again after wrongs have been acknowledged and confessed, knowing that we’re then called to forgive. This can be incredibly hard, because it’s not normal in our culture. We’re more likely to cancel someone who’s offended us. But that’s not what God did to you or to me. Your re|engage workbook contains an excellent outline for reconciliation and peace-making, so this supplemental lesson is going to focus on what gets revealed during this season of conflict. We hope you find it useful!
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
We’re almost half-way through this journey, and we’re learning and processing so much! This week is all about putting what we learned about last week into action. We learned that forgiveness is core to a Christ-following lifestyle. So if that’s true, then can I always expect to be forgiven by a Christian? And what is the best way to share the wrongs I’ve done with someone else? How can I be sure it will go well? Ryan’s going to talk about many of these things in this lesson.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
This week we’re talking about the best response to being wronged – and it’s actually not what your dad told you to do on the playground! That’s a joke, but it’s actually a good example of the way our culture shapes us to defend rather than forgive. And when it comes to that defense, many of us tend to either stuff down and cover up our anger, or we vent it all out—telling everyone how we were offended—hoping that will vindicate us and make us feel better. Jesus actually gives us a counter-cultural imperative that’s better than either of these typical choices that we tend to make. Let’s listen as Ryan unpacks forgiveness!
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
Welcome to your fifth week of re|engage! We like to encourage couples to "talk about everything." However, that’s hard to do well when your motives are skewed. The goal of our communication should be mutual understanding. Not to be right, to win the argument, or get our point across. Ryan’s going to talk through ways we can begin to correct negative communication patterns that show up in our marriage, and also help us see where those habits come from.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
This week’s episode is on humility, which is the opposite of pride – and a really difficult thing to pursue in ANY relationship. Too often our focus in marriage is more on what we can get for ourselves rather than how we can serve our spouse. Ryan’s lesson really focusses in on the opportunities we have to be “little pictures of Jesus” to each other in marriage. That sounds sweet, but it’s really hard to do! So let’s listen and learn.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
Too many couples have a warped view of God’s love and think that they have to somehow earn His favor. It’s exhausting and impossible to then apply that works-based thinking to our marriages. “I’ll respect him when he finally [whatever],” or “I’m going to x-y-z so he’ll love me.” That’s not actually how God functions, so why are we constantly doing this in our relationships? We really need to understand God’s grace in order to extend it to our spouse. Let’s listen to Ryan’s supplemental teaching on how we should start thinking about extending God’s grace to others!
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
Brokenness is a difficult reality to admit in your life and marriage. It's hugely impactful when you can recognize that both you and your spouse play a part in the problems of your marriage. So if you’ve come to re|engage believing your spouse is the problem, let this week be a reminder that even you fall short of God’s standard, and that your marriage is broken because it is made up of two broken people. Let’s hear more from this teaching by Ryan McCarthy, one of the associate pastors at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas.
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
Welcome to Christ Chapel’s supplemental teaching podcast for re|engage. This podcast was designed to be an addition to the core curriculum that you’ll get from your re|engage workbooks. So, each week as you spend time reading, reflecting and doing the action items in your books, we want you to also take time to listen to this podcast to hear a little more about God’s design behind the concepts.
In this first session, we’re talking about LOVE! Whether you’re listening to this and feeling peacefully in love, or you’re finding that word really difficult, we think you’ll get a lot out of this teaching. We’re joined by Matt Lantz, the West Campus Pastor at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Willow Park, Texas. And he’s going to teach us about what love really is. Enjoy!
The PDF note-taking outline for this lesson can be found here. For more information about our ministry, check out: www.ccbcfamily.org/reengage
Welcome to Christ Chapel’s supplemental teaching podcast for re|engage. We love this marriage enrichment program because it joins you and your spouse with a community that will walk with you in your marriage – no matter if it feels like you’re currently at a 2/10 or 10/10 – you’re in the right spot because you’re ready to get help in loving each other better.
This podcast was designed to be a supplement to the core curriculum that you’ll get from your re|engage workbooks. So, each week as you spend time reading, reflecting and doing the action items in your workbooks, we want you to also take time to listen to this podcast to hear a little more about the theology behind the concepts. We’ve found that sometimes listening to the teachings here before doing the action items can make for a more peaceful conversation. However, some people may prefer the inverse—listening to this podcast after the workbook content. Whichever way you do it, we think it will enrich your group discussions as well as keep these topics and teachings in the forefront of your mind throughout the week. Listen while you get ready in the morning, on your commute, or during your workout!
We believe the Bible is the best marriage book around. Because we believe that God created everything—including marriage—and has a purpose beyond what makes sense to us, we’re going to teach a lot from the Bible. It’s God’s truth given to us for how to live – even when it seems different than what’s popular in today’s culture.
If you’ve somehow stumbled upon this podcast and aren’t enrolled in a re|engage group, you should look one up! If you’re in the metro Fort Worth, Texas area, check out ccbcfamily.org/reengage. If you’re looking for another location in North America, check out Watermark’s website at marriagehelp.org.